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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans

Please tell me this is true


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Looks like there might be a bit more to this than first meets the eye.

Donald's invest hard cash which goes straight to the bank. Bank takes said cash and in return write off agreed level of funding greater than value of cash given to them. This is the same principle as both Arabs & Killie used.

AAM & Stewart Milne convert debt to share holding and hey ho the club are debt free and no longer have the burden of seven figure debt servicing hanging round their neck


Armagedon eh ?

Fucking loving it :thumbsup:

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Looks like there might be a bit more to this than first meets the eye.

Donald's invest hard cash which goes straight to the bank. Bank takes said cash and in return write off agreed level of funding greater than value of cash given to them. This is the same principle as both Arabs & Killie used.

AAM & Stewart Milne convert debt to share holding and hey ho the club are debt free and no longer have the burden of seven figure debt servicing hanging round their neck


Armagedon eh ?

Fucking loving it :thumbsup:


I know! :D


Well done to all involved at the club :)



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Fantastic news. Hopefully the funds used for servicing the debt can now be given to the manager to strengthen the team in January.



Can't see it. They specifically state that the intention is to continue to live within our means and although we'll have greater means to live within we also have other things that require funding such as training facilities (I hope). It's great that in theory we'll be able put money towards training facilities instead of servicing debts but I don't think the playing budget will increase. Even just a little to allow for a left back and a proper goalkeeper.

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Not only investment but investment from a source that isn't looking to line their pockets.  Fantastic news for the club



Whilst, obviously, I hope to fuck that this is the case I'm skeptical about it too. Rich people aren't rich because they like handing money here, there and everywhere.

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Can't see it. They specifically state that the intention is to continue to live within our means and although we'll have greater means to live within we also have other things that require funding such as training facilities (I hope). It's great that in theory we'll be able put money towards training facilities instead of servicing debts but I don't think the playing budget will increase. Even just a little to allow for a left back and a proper goalkeeper.


Whats that outlandish notion?

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Wonder if this give more weight to the legal battle with those pricks in the city council who 'revoked' the granted planning permission for the sports village at Cove which was to include both the new training facilities and Cove Rangers new stadium?


Unless of course that decision has since been overturned?

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