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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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The current bloo_book is "Black Lamb and Grey Falcon - Travels though Yugoslavia" by Rebecca West.


I've become quite interested in things associated with the Balkan conflict having read a couple of books about football hooliganism in Croatia & Serbia.  This book was written more than 60 years ago but on reading the first 50 pages it is very relevant to the tensions there.  Ordered it from Play and I hadn't appreciated until I received it that it is 1100 pages long.  I'll let you know in 2010 how I got on with it!!!


Alright chief - not sure if you'll have read this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behind-Curtain-Travels-European-Football/dp/0752879456




It's a really good read. Offers a good insight into the history of the region, through the lens of football. Can be hard at times to keep track of all the different clubs and names, but have really enjoyed it so far.


Alright chief - not sure if you'll have read this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behind-Curtain-Travels-European-Football/dp/0752879456




It's a really good read. Offers a good insight into the history of the region, through the lens of football. Can be hard at times to keep track of all the different clubs and names, but have really enjoyed it so far.


My son got that one out of the school library last year. Was a pretty good read :thumbsup:


I started reading this the other night as well. Only about 150 pages into it so far, but finding it a little bit slow so far. Hopefully the pace picks up as I get further into it


Right finsihed this one a few days ago but forgot to post about it.

Read all four of McBride's books and got to say enjoyed them all until this one. I have to say this book was disappointing, predictable and probably about a couple of hundred pages too long. Found it to be padded out and sussed out who the killer was a fair bit before the end [ don't want to say exactly when for fear of spoiling it for others ]. McBride needs to get it back on track with his next one in my opinion or his popularity will start to fade.


Read all four of McBride's books and got to say enjoyed them all until this one.


McBride needs to get it back on track with his next one in my opinion or his popularity will start to fade.


Totally agree!  :thumbsup:


Currently reading Resistance:Memoirs of occupied France by Agnes Humbert. She was middle-aged when paris was occupied, and it details her work for the resistance distibuting info & propaganda, before being arrested, imprisoned, put on trial and despatched to a labour camp in Germany. Very readable and personable writing so far, if a bit distressing in some places, as it really describes the situation quite vividly despite fairly short entries at some points.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished a couple of football books.



Decent read - particularly interesting reading about Arsenal's evolution from the 1970s to the football on show this decade.


Also, Bob Wilson noted that "fans have a much bigger influence on players than they think. In some cases they can make you - but they can also break you." Something that is quite appropriate with regards to our own fans just now.


width=240 height=240http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/511PlI7gS3L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU02_.jpg[/img]


Again, a decent read. The tagline reads something like - "How football keeps dictators in power, and fuels revolutions."


Just started a book about the Perfect Storm (ie, the film) and also have Slumdog Millionaire waiting. Mother read it, and was subsequently disappointed by the film, so reckon it should be quite good.




I've just started Skin Lane by Neil Bartlett. It has a bit of interest in that I know that area of London very well but it's also a very interesting writing style.


The book is set in 1967 but the author is telling it from contemporary times. This gives him the ability to drop little hints of what is to happen in hindsight.


All very cleverly written and poorly explained by me but so far so good.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nae bugger reading these bright nights then  ;)

just finished "Shopped" by Joanna Blythman, which is about the power of the British supermarkets.


Next up is "Attention, Deficit, Disorder" by Brad Listi



Nae bugger reading these bright nights then  ;)


Currently working through Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama.  I'm not sure if that was the one that had too many long words for you but I'm finding it quite engrossing.  It's going to take me a couple of weeks to finish though!


Currently working through Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama.  I'm not sure if that was the one that had too many long words for you but I'm finding it quite engrossing.  It's going to take me a couple of weeks to finish though!


Not long words, just a load of shite ;)


Just finished reading Q and A (Slumdog Millionaire). Thought it was quite good but felt more like a collection of short stories than a novel. However a good easy quick read.

  • 2 weeks later...

450 pages into "Cathedral Of The Sea" by Ildefonso Falcones, an epic tale of love, war, greed and revenge in medieval Barcelona. Just another 300 pages or so to go, and thoroughly enjoying it. Highly recommended :thumbsup:

  • 2 weeks later...

450 pages into "Cathedral Of The Sea" by Ildefonso Falcones, an epic tale of love, war, greed and revenge in medieval Barcelona. Just another 300 pages or so to go, and thoroughly enjoying it. Highly recommended :thumbsup:


Absolutely loved it :thumbsup:

Just fired through "In The Dark" by Mark Billingham, the first of his that wasn't about DI Tom Thorne. Billed as "a stunning novel....and the final twist is brilliantly clever and shocking" but not sure I'd really agree with such high praise


Does nae bugger other than me read nowadays.

C'mon folks, I need recommendations for next book


Well I don't think you would like the books I read Al


I am still plodding through my cholera one

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