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Tuesday Press Conference

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I think it will be the announcement that SM will be wiping out the debt and giving JC a £20M 'warchest' to bolster the squad ahead of our UEFA tie with Bayern Munchen. AFC will become a force in Scotland again giving the OF cause to cower in fear as we rise again..and that Chris Clark will be leaving.  :wave:


As regards to the four players, I would consider them very much a core part of our squad and while I think that some of them are replaceable I don't think Aberdeen would be able to do it and match the quality that would be leaving.

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So i take it nobody knows fit time the press conference is then?


What if it was Clark who was the only one staing? What a bugger that would be :hammer:


Hope its not one of those press conferences where they say the players are leaving but Jimmy is still talking with the club with regards to a new deal. The end. So we are left hanging wether Calderwood is off or not. That would be annoying.


that's exactly what will be said, except zanders due to have more talks.

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Aberdeen boss Jimmy Calderwood has told setantasports.com that a press conference will be held on Tuesday to announce what decision Chris Clark, Barry Nicholson and Michael Hart have come to with regards to their futures at Pittodrie.


The trio have been mulling over their long-term commitment to the SPL club amid reports of interest from a number of clubs in their services.


“It’s just to get clarification,†Calderwood told setantasports.com. “We need to know because you have wanting to know for a number of weeks now.


“So, we may as well get it all done and dusted one way or the other.â€


The Dons boss confirmed to setantasports.com that Tuesday is in fact D-Day for the contract rebels.


He added: “Yeah, it is. And any questions that have to be asked can be and then hopefully we can put it all to bed.â€


Calderwood confirmed that there is interest from down south in his players and conceded that the club would be unable to match any financial offer.

“Well I know the standard of wages and all that is down south and there is interest for all them lads, and quite rightly so,†added Calderwood.


“So, you have always got to fear the worst sometimes.â€


Setantasports.com also understands Hearts are interested in Barry Nicholson, but according to the manager he would be very surprised should that link develop any further.


He added: “I have just heard the same as you, I’ve not heard from Barry himself. But with no disrespect to Hearts Football Club I would be very surprised if he went to Hearts.â€


As the contract talks have become somewhat protracted Calderwood has called upon the ‘rebels’ to give the fans and the club an answer to end all the speculation, but he is also determined that he will not tolerate being left in a situation where he is desperately searching for players to replace the trio.


Calderwood said: “I don’t think it’s fair to your club and supporters.


“They could wait until the last minute, then all four of them would go and then you’re rushing about trying to get players.â€

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After the club stated that earlier in the season that money from the sale of Russell Anderson and from the European Run would be used to secure new contracts for the management team and the players coming to the end of their existing contracts !!!! .............. Surely, Surely we are not now going to hold a press conference to announce that all are now leaving the club !!!!  The club moans about dwindling attendances at matches, well this is really going to help solve that problem !!!  And when the club did make the statement about the money going towards keeping the management & players this did not include for the financial gain from the Bayern Munich games, so surely there must be a bit of financial leverage to try and improve the offers further. We will look a right laughing stock yet again if we loose half our team and management.  In my eyes Willie Miller is God but if this press conference goes the way it is looking, then I think I will become an athiest !!!!


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After the club stated that earlier in the season that money from the sale of Russell Anderson and from the European Run would be used to secure new contracts for the management team and the players coming to the end of their existing contracts !!!! .............. Surely, Surely we are not now going to hold a press conference to announce that all are now leaving the club !!!!  The club moans about dwindling attendances at matches, well this is really going to help solve that problem !!!  And when the club did make the statement about the money going towards keeping the management & players this did not include for the financial gain from the Bayern Munich games, so surely there must be a bit of financial leverage to try and improve the offers further. We will look a right laughing stock yet again if we loose half our team and management.  In my eyes Willie Miller is God but if this press conference goes the way it is looking, then I think I will become an athiest !!!!



it will be a normal daily conference. this conference was scheduled anyway it's just that the contracts issue will be confirmed one way or the other. 

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After the club stated that earlier in the season that money from the sale of Russell Anderson and from the European Run would be used to secure new contracts for the management team and the players coming to the end of their existing contracts !!!! .............. Surely, Surely we are not now going to hold a press conference to announce that all are now leaving the club !!!!  The club moans about dwindling attendances at matches, well this is really going to help solve that problem !!!  And when the club did make the statement about the money going towards keeping the management & players this did not include for the financial gain from the Bayern Munich games, so surely there must be a bit of financial leverage to try and improve the offers further. We will look a right laughing stock yet again if we loose half our team and management.  In my eyes Willie Miller is God but if this press conference goes the way it is looking, then I think I will become an athiest !!!!



Do you think paying 4 average players at £4-4.5k a week is really what we should do to stop them leaving?

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Do you think paying 4 average players at £4-4.5k a week is really what we should do to stop them leaving?



The problem is that the afore mentioned £4-4.5k a week would probably not even get us players who are as good as the so called 4 average players, and besides in my opinion some of the 4 players are far better than in most other SPL teams,  so in short it would cost us nearly as much to replace the 4 with lesser standard players !! 

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We can't afford it is the simple answer. At the end of the day I'd rather be supporting Aberdeen in 20 years time than Aberdeen United who are in the 2nd division.


And at the end of the day, other clubs in the SPL outwith the OF and Hearts can't afford it either, so we'd still only be at the same level as them (which we are now).

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