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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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Stuart Syvret (@StuartSyvret) tweeted at 11:17 pm on Tue, Feb 23, 2016:

Why would a £23 million child-abuse "public-inquiry" decide it wouldn't spend £5 on legal funding for this witness https://t.co/OPrhxMwkMu ?




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I got sent that just now. One of the best articles I've read.


It took me decades to learn how the world operates and how people are. Maybe it's experience-accumulation and we need to do the time to see the crime. Perhaps there is no fast track to learning.


The problem I see today is the young not having the capacity to learn. I'm not really interested in analysing the levels of intellectual retardation (and it's certainly regressed over the last fifty years), the reasons for this, the lack of humility etc. but from one fellow traveller to another, read that and understand this: -


Almost EVERYTHING the governments of western "democracies" tell us and what gets reported in the presstitute media is a lie, designed to keep the real power brokers in charge and to keep us ignorant.


This doesn't sadden me. I know that karma exists. I just hope I live long enough to see the collapse and I've always had an instinct that something seismic is going to happen in my lifetime.


Almost EVERYTHING the governments of western "democracies" tell us and what gets reported in the presstitute media is a lie, designed to keep the real power brokers in charge and to keep us ignorant.


This doesn't sadden me. I know that karma exists. I just hope I live long enough to see the collapse and I've always had an instinct that something seismic is going to happen in my lifetime.


Good use of capitals. It really is everything. It's like there are two separate realities; one manufactured. There are so many examples too, it's staggering:


Monetary policy: We own Sterling, our national debt is not actually a debt (other than foreign currency debt), it's an arbitrary balance between the treasury and the publicly owned BOE. Why is not the base point for discussion in all economic reporting/debating? Why is not even mentioned in economic textbooks (my wife has an economics degree, I've read the majority of her textbooks, monetary policy - or, where does money come from - played no part)?


Austerity: If you have £1,000 (sterling) in circulation and £500 is public debt (teasury to the BOE) and £500 is private debt, then reduction in public debt (austerity) means a greater private debt. Why is this not discussed?


Bank debt vs personal debt: When a person puts there money in a bank, the bank then owns that cash and is replaced with an IOU from the bank to the person. When a person goes into a bank for a loan, the bank simply writes an IOU from the person to the bank and accounts for that IOU as an asset on their balance sheet. There is no connection between depositor and lender. Why do the vast majority of people assume that their savings are used by banks as funds to loan to other people? Why is economics taught this way at University? Why is not in the media everyday as the basis for any economic discussion?


And that's just on monetary and economic policy; where a whole separate system is presented as truth that bears no resemblance to actual truth, by every single news outlet. It doesn't even get into QE, or the level of non-productive investment or the requirement for banks to even exist in a progressive modern society - something that even banks are recognising.


The connection between food production, advertising and health is literally ignored. The fact that UN reports indicate that we have about 60 harvests left of topsoil. That capitalism/profit isn't compatible with food production or sale - the two directly conflict.


Automation, virtually ignored, other than for the purpose of scaremongering. The notion that a person will soon be able to own a technology that requires no human input to provide its output, meaning that ownership (i.e. whoever can afford it at the time) of a copyright (idea) will soon be able to be enough to provide a person with a lifetime return by doing nothing and providing no employment (I realise we're already there in some cases). The stock answer to automation is: we'll think of new jobs for everyone, we always have done (I could be assistant PR supervisor for Apple Aberdeen's automated transport division), regardless of how fucking stupid and not-required said jobs are. Why is there no discussion on the best way for humans to harness automation for the benefit of all at the lowest possible cost?


And then there are the paedos, the lobbyists, the psychopaths etc. Not even discussed. Health, and the ownership of drugs. Not even discussed. Sport, and the fact that it no longer exists: money = win. Not discussed.


I generally turn on the Radio (Scotland, or whatever), listen to the news and pretty much every story has a huge gap in the discussion - like an agreed set of boundaries. Channel 4 news is pretty good, but still seems to be unwilling to challenge the current system (other than Paul Mason in economics, and Alex Thomson in hun-based news).


But as you say Rocket, karma will see to the cunts in the end. Probably the rest of us too (cunts like me, who partake in the system for instance) mind you.

  • 4 weeks later...

Donald Trump is the only hope for peace and progress in the world.


I never thought I would ever think that, let alone say it.


Sometimes a mad problem needs a mad solution. He's a fucking madman for sure but he's not part of the problem and hopefully has the strength of character and will be surrounded by intelligent enough people to stop the war and get rid of the bastards who have corrupted the planet and bring them to account.


It's a long shot and a pipe dream but the sheeple need to wake up to the truth.


Donald Trump is the only hope for peace and progress in the world.


I never thought I would ever think that, let alone say it.


Sometimes a mad problem needs a mad solution. He's a fucking madman for sure but he's not part of the problem and hopefully has the strength of character and will be surrounded by intelligent enough people to stop the war and get rid of the bastards who have corrupted the planet and bring them to account.


It's a long shot and a pipe dream but the sheeple need to wake up to the truth.


He'll get shot within a couple of months if he gets in. It'll be Hillary though. Hopefully Sanders will walk away and refuse to support her; that'd do her a lot of damage. Whilst I don't think many voters will move from Hillary to Trump, quite a few Sander's voters might just not vote rather than vote for her.

  • 2 weeks later...

The Panama Papers is welcome not just in as much that it exposes truth but because it proves that investigative journalism hasn't totally been stamped out. Much as Rupert and Jerry and Auntie and the big six would like to control what we get fed, and they do, the monopolist media hasn't quite got their fingers in all parts of the dyke. Very surprised to see the BBC in the credits of a video pertaining to TPP. That'll be a couple of their employees sacked today then.


The Panama Papers is welcome not just in as much that it exposes truth but because it proves that investigative journalism hasn't totally been stamped out. Much as Rupert and Jerry and Auntie and the big six would like to control what we get fed, and they do, the monopolist media hasn't quite got their fingers in all parts of the dyke. Very surprised to see the BBC in the credits of a video pertaining to TPP. That'll be a couple of their employees sacked today then.


The fallout should be exciting  :thumbsup:


The Panama Papers is welcome not just in as much that it exposes truth but because it proves that investigative journalism hasn't totally been stamped out. Much as Rupert and Jerry and Auntie and the big six would like to control what we get fed, and they do, the monopolist media hasn't quite got their fingers in all parts of the dyke. Very surprised to see the BBC in the credits of a video pertaining to TPP. That'll be a couple of their employees sacked today then.


The BBC should not be mentioned in the same way as Murdoch IMHO.  Investigative journalism at the BBC (and the Guardian) is heads and shoulders above anything Murdoch's output does.  Plus, the Government are trying to destroy the BBC, but obviously are not doing the same to Murdoch's empire.


It's no the standard at the BBC that's in doubt, it's what they actually cover these days. When they actually investigate something it's generally pretty good but they basically take their subject matter from the Murdoch/Rothermere press or the government as a starting point. Any investigation they undertake these days is largely ignored by their daily news coverage and opinion pieces, instead of being the centre point that all their news feeds from - i.e. their investigative pieces are completely undermined by the shite quality of the rest of their programs to the extent that they're as cynical and useless as a Murdoch press piece.


A simple example would be the coverage of the huns going bust. The Mark Daly report was a fantastic piece of journalism that was simply thrown to the bottom of the pile as their sports journalists and others took an entirely different - political - line that mirrorred that of the non-free press. It was the biggest waste of effort in Scottish sports journalism history.


Similarly, the BBC did a documentary on currency and economics before the referendum that was entirely ignored in their debates and later coverage. It was entirely impartial, well-researched and should have been the back-bone of their discussions with all correspondents and hosts briefed in order that the conversations with politicians wasn't allowed to stray from the factual narrative. Instead we got - from both sides - re-reported tabloid scare stories and nonsense political chat that should have been stricken from interview.


That's without getting into the neo-liberal acceptance, the refusal to discuss where money comes from, global warming, resource pilfering, large scale tax avoidance, automation and unemployment, lobbying etc etc etc. All things where the BBC takes the red-top line, and it's correspondents remain wholly ignorant of the facts rendering them useless to asking questions that don't already accept the current neo-liberal paradigm. Things that I guarantee they've covered in documentaries and investigative pieces before.


I'd go further and say that the BBC is worse, and more harmful, than the Murdoch press as no-one is under the illusion that the Sun is representative of reality.


Yanis Varoufakis on Channel 4 News just now once again speaks the truth.


We never see Rupert and Auntie offering an alternative view. They constantly induce fear in their sheep-like audience, presenting neocon government lies at every turn, abandoning any attempt at balanced debate.


Great post Rico. However, much as we agree on the fundamentally despicable nature of the organisation, I don't buy that their "reporters" don't know what the scoop is and haven't the intelligence to ask the right questions. They're like everyone else, with bills to pay and families to look after. They're not like Assange or Snowden and whistleblowing i.e. telling truth is career suicide. They know the game and they're being paid to play it.


It's just when the critical mass gets big enough - and it's growing - that revolution will occur. It may be peaceful and resulting in political change including indicting the current and past lot with serious crimes or it shall be bloody and French and Russian like. The Arab Spring was a futile attempt to overthrow corruption because the real problem is global, not local to one or other jurisdictions.


Aye, yer probably right about the BBC reporters in the main, although I'm virtually certain guys like Andrew Neil and Evan Davies don't have the economic nouse to ask the right questions on monetary policy. Saw Varoufakis, he's always on the ball. Just bought his new book, will try and get round to it in the next few weeks.


It was disappointing to see the Labour representative being interviewed and saying that Dave's dad's dodgy tax-avoiding was a personal matter. A total cop out, and I'd expect better from a Corbyn party. It's hugely important that the public knows whether or not Dave knew about his dad's tax affairs when he attended meetings to create new legislation in Europe - it absolutely isn't a personal matter. It's deception on a new level and should be called out. With the right pressure it could, and should, be a resignation-level event for Big Dave. Exactly the sort of "pretending it's not happening" whilst "pretending to be appalled" that Varoufakis pointed out regarding tax evasion, bailouts and lack of migrant plans.


Had to laff at "call me Dave".


He presented himself as lily white with his rented house and no shares.


But who is the biggest benefiary of offshore wind farms in the whole of Europe?


His father-in-law. Unless that woman on the panel lied on Question Time?


The revelation that neither the BBC nor any other cunt decided to investigate.


And why would his own father NEED an offshore trust?


What is he hiding that he needs his assets recorded out of Britain?


George is a bit quiet, no? Oor Dod. The Osbourne faggot. The black sheep in his ancestry.


Just look at the facts, who he is, where he came from.


They might not have laundered through this firm but they evaded much tax, the cunts, millions.


Just phoned up to cancel Sky but it turns out I'm under contract until September so downgraded the package (and removed Sport) because Murdoch is a cunt and I'm sick of him.


The lies coming out of the IMF now.


And no wonder. We give £50m a day, £1bn every 3 weeks to the EU.


Yes, that's £1,000,000,000 every 20 days!


No wonder the ruling classes don't want Brexit.


And the ruled classes are so stupid, the sheeple trust anyone in a suit.


It was ever thus.


Half a century ago, they trusted lawyers, accountants, bankers, doctors and teachers.


By virtue of their vocation, not their humanity.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

All of the shite promoted by Cameron and his counterpart bastards in the EU about free trade and tariff reduction is mere cover for the only purpose of TTIP, which is to establish American economic imperialism over the peoples whose governments sold them out for money.






(sourced by the irrepressible bastion of truth, Mr Paul Craig Roberts)


Yep, it'll be up to the French to bail us out by not signing it though. Out of the EU with a Tory government in charge, we can guarantee that any trade deals we sign will be similarly devastating for the British people.


Yep, it'll be up to the French to bail us out by not signing it though. Out of the EU with a Tory government in charge, we can guarantee that any trade deals we sign will be similarly devastating for the British people.


Precisely. Was reading the Guardian article about it yesterday.  Who'd have thought it, the French saving British sovereignty. It's a shame that the American people haven't taken heart from their European counterparts who have forced TTIP into the gutter with all the mass protests but I guess it's not necessarily in their interests. Fucking Tories, selling the country up the river for a small kick back  >:(

  • 2 weeks later...

They wheeled out Michael fucking Hesseltine to say that Boris has lost it.


Headline fucking news!


Who the fuck would listen to that cunt?


How desperate is Cameron?


How fucking stupid are you cunts who voted No to independence and who will vote No to Brexit?


I would execute every motherfucking one of you.


Fuck democracy. It's never existed onyhoo.


Edit: That Laura Kuntsberg is beyond belief. Dando died for less. She was exposing Yewtree paedo stuff. Laura is holding up a whole system of corruption and lying and distorting truth to do it. Disgusting.


It was a good read but remarkably lacking in understanding the principal role of the function.


Where it speaks about "adversarial" journalism, they forget the objective of "investigative" journalism.


Impartiality should be a given. At least the article acknowledges that the BBC are not.


Which only a fucking idiot can't see. Like the majority of the population. And the whole of Edinburgh.


Capital city of Scotland? It's a fucking embarrassment to our country.


It was a good read but remarkably lacking in understanding the principal role of the function.


Where it speaks about "adversarial" journalism, they forget the objective of "investigative" journalism.


Impartiality should be a given. At least the article acknowledges that the BBC are not.


Which only a fucking idiot can't see. Like the majority of the population. And the whole of Edinburgh.


Capital city of Scotland? It's a fucking embarrassment to our country.


I thought he was using "adversarial" as a description of the journalism currently adopted by the mainstream, as in a criticism. Could be wrang, I'll give it another read the morn when I'm more with it.



  • 3 months later...

Hitlery Clinton has PSP - Progessive Supranuclear Palsy. This is a very aggressive form of Parkinson's. You heard it here first. That's not my opinion. That's the opinion of the most highly qualified individual in NE Scotland in this field.


What are the democrats playing at? They can't possibly conceal this until November let alone January.


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