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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday they reported that Assad had gassed his own people. Even the PM was up in arms and they reported that the UN were to meet to discuss what to do about it.


Did not one journalist ask why? Do they not think anymore?


This was as clear a piece of fake news as we've ever had. Their lies are so brazen that the discerning thinker can see and smell them a mile off. A great man warned us last century: -


Everyone believes in the atrocities of the enemy and disbelieves in those of his own side, without ever bothering to examine the evidence.

George Orwell


A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices

George Orwell


The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.

George Orwell


In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible. Things like the continuance of British rule in India, the Russian purges and deportations, the dropping of atom bombs on Japan, can indeed be defended, but only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face, and which do not square with the professed aims of political parties. Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Millions of peasants are robbed of their farms and sent trudging along the roads with no more than they can carry: this is called transfer of population or rectification of frontiers. People are imprisoned for years without trial, or shot in the back of the neck or sent to die of scurvy in Arctic lumber camps: this is called elimination of unreliable elements.

George Orwell


Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac. In our time political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible. But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting. Political language...is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidarity to pure wind. War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it. Nationalism is power hunger tempered by self-deception. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. (On the manipulation of language for political ends.) We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.

George Orwell


The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies "something not desirable"...In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.

George Orwell


I know it is the fashion to say that most of recorded history is lies anyway. I am willing to believe that history is for the most part inaccurate and biased, but what is peculiar to our own age is the abandonment of the idea that history could be truthfully written.

George Orwell


When one watches some tired hack on the platform mechanically repeating the familiar phrases - bestial atrocities, iron heel, blood-stained tyranny, free peoples of the world, stand shoulder to shoulder - one often has a curious feeling that one is not watching a live human being but some kind of dummy, the appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved

George Orwell


To add to your fake news, I think that Putin carried out the bombings in St. Petersburg.  Polls were turning on him and there's been a good number of demonstrations in the country.  Nothing like a bit of fear and terror to bring a country behind a failing premier.


To add to your fake news, I think that Putin carried out the bombings in St. Petersburg.  Polls were turning on him and there's been a good number of demonstrations in the country.  Nothing like a bit of fear and terror to bring a country behind a failing premier.


I can neither agree or disagree with your opinion, as I have zero evidence. I agree that it's possible but so are many other possible perpetrators. On the balance of possibilities, I would tend not to agree with you.


Trump bombs Syria air base. Heavily. On the pretext that Assad gassed little babies.


Not only does Trump have amazing intelligence to prove that the Russians were lying, he also has great belief that Amerikuh should stand up for human rights. Israel very quick to praise him, they themselves being champions of peace and fairness for all mankind.


His crime isn't that he's not strong, Trump's weakness is that he's so stupid. He is being manipulated by the machine.


He pledged to "bomb the shit out of Isis" and yet he bombs their enemies? Netanyahu must think Israel will be safer with al-Assad's opponents, unless he celebrates any aggression against Arabic people, irrespective of how sympathetic they may be towards them. No confusion here. Will Boris introduce common sense? Even his boss said "if". Now they all know who did what. We can all sleep safer now. Thank god for our protectors and their courage to fight the good fight.




Well, I admit to having paid no attention at all to whats going on in Syria.


There's no point, clearly the whole thing has been started by the Yanks along with their "regime change" tactics across the whole of North Africa.


..... and what a surprise!


The day before heavy bombing/ missile strikes, they trundle out pictures of dying babies.


I'm FAR too long in the tooth to believe a fuckin word the Yanks say and of course the union jack wavers will be 100% behind their old colony, no matter what they say or do.


While i tend to be side of a conspiracy theory, i do believe that gas attacks were carried out. What I dont believe is that is was necessarily Assad that carried them out. I watched a video last night of the alleged gas attack and unless babies have become very good actors, i would say it is real. Little kids screaming, skin hanging off, eyes burned etc. Grown men twitching on the ground, foaming at the mouths, skin peeling off, being hosed down to help the burning etc... i cant for one second believe this wasn't real or that it didnt happen, because in my opinion after seeing the footage, it quite clearly did. Im not a sheep who believes everything in the media and i very rarely believe the news at all, but this wasnt a media outlets video, it was something i came across. Of course the date may not be correct and it could be older footage, but it looked very very real to me.


Well I didn't see it but I didn't ever suggest it never happened.


Who did it, of course, will remain a mystery.




Who stirred the whole thing up in the first place is less of a mystery.


There was a suggestion that the people hosing down the victims were not wearing protection and, if so, that they should also have succumbed to the sarin gas. I haven't the qualifications to verify such a stance, nor have I seen the videos. I don't believe it, as I expect said gas would have dispersed after impact and so the hosers would not indeed have been affected, but that's just a very unqualified assumption. My initial thought it that I'd wait for a UN investigation rather than bombing shite out of somewhere on the say so of American intelligence. Or that cunt Hillary Benn.


While i am completely against the conflict in Syria, I just cant understand the hypocrisy from both US and UK governments on this. What is happening in Syria is both tragic and horrific and it should be condemned by every government in the world, but wheres the same condemnation for the Saudi's continual bombing of Yemen? We seem to stand idly by and allow it to happen because we have arms deals with them. Did the Independent not report that over half of Britons dont even know there is conflict going on in Yemen, and yet almost the entire population knows about the Syrian conflict. Both are awful, but the killing of innocent men, women and children is tragic and awful no matter where it is. I cant see there being any Tomahawks getting launched into Saudi Arabia anytime soon!!


While i am completely against the conflict in Syria, I just cant understand the hypocrisy from both US and UK governments on this. What is happening in Syria is both tragic and horrific and it should be condemned by every government in the world, but wheres the same condemnation for the Saudi's continual bombing of Yemen? We seem to stand idly by and allow it to happen because we have arms deals with them. Did the Independent not report that over half of Britons dont even know there is conflict going on in Yemen, and yet almost the entire population knows about the Syrian conflict. Both are awful, but the killing of innocent men, women and children is tragic and awful no matter where it is. I cant see there being any Tomahawks getting launched into Saudi Arabia anytime soon!!


Very much this, it's absolutely sickening whats happening there. Fucking Saudis. They are the real cunts on this planet.


The BBC are insane, as is Boris Johnson and the Westminster establishment.


Their reporting on the Tillerson summit is madness.


And the yank who said Hitler wasn't as bad as al-Assad is a fucking unbelievable gaffe.


In the last 70 years, the Americans have killed more people with chemical weapons and radioactive fallout than the rest of the world combined, by an incalculably massive factor. And they sold these weapons to the middle east. The fake news, the hypocrisy and the propagandist lies can only be believed by the stupid. Britain and the US patently believe that we are all stupid and unfortunately, many of us are.




In the last 70 years, the Americans have killed more people with chemical weapons and radioactive fallout than the rest of the world combined, by an incalculably massive factor.


If you're referring to the fall out from Hiroshima and Nagasaki then (a) I'm fairly confident both attrocites were reported and (b) by linking chemical weapons and radioactive fallout (two heinous crimes) you are being disingenuous and thereby creating a nonsensical argument on the subject of chemical weapons use.


You've certainly peddled plenty of fake news, hypocrisy and propagandist pish in this thread. But I wouldn't expect anything else from somebody who has voted to allow a bunch of right wing cunts destroy our country.


If you're referring to the fall out from Hiroshima and Nagasaki then (a) I'm fairly confident both attrocites were reported and (b) by linking chemical weapons and radioactive fallout (two heinous crimes) you are being disingenuous and thereby creating a nonsensical argument on the subject of chemical weapons use.


You've certainly peddled plenty of fake news, hypocrisy and propagandist pish in this thread. But I wouldn't expect anything else from somebody who has voted to allow a bunch of right wing cunts destroy our country.


^^^^This. I have a friend who works as a secret agent in the spying industry and he confirmed that the US has never, and will never use chemical weapons. Agent Orange he's called.


If you're referring to the fall out from Hiroshima and Nagasaki then (a) I'm fairly confident both attrocites were reported and (b) by linking chemical weapons and radioactive fallout (two heinous crimes) you are being disingenuous and thereby creating a nonsensical argument on the subject of chemical weapons use.


You've certainly peddled plenty of fake news, hypocrisy and propagandist pish in this thread. But I wouldn't expect anything else from somebody who has voted to allow a bunch of right wing cunts destroy our country.


I'm assuming you forgot about the napalm and white phosphorous used by the US in the Iraq war too?


If you're referring to the fall out from Hiroshima and Nagasaki then (a) I'm fairly confident both attrocites were reported and (b) by linking chemical weapons and radioactive fallout (two heinous crimes) you are being disingenuous and thereby creating a nonsensical argument on the subject of chemical weapons use.


You've certainly peddled plenty of fake news, hypocrisy and propagandist pish in this thread. But I wouldn't expect anything else from somebody who has voted to allow a bunch of right wing cunts destroy our country.


:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: Coming from someone who's desperate for Scotland to cling to Tory Britain!


If you're referring to the fall out from Hiroshima and Nagasaki then (a) I'm fairly confident both attrocites were reported and (b) by linking chemical weapons and radioactive fallout (two heinous crimes) you are being disingenuous and thereby creating a nonsensical argument on the subject of chemical weapons use.


Maths not your strong point then? I specifically wasn't talking about 1945, which is outwith the last 70 years. You do know where the Americans poisoned people using nuclear weapons since the Second World War yes?


You've certainly peddled plenty of fake news, hypocrisy and propagandist pish in this thread. But I wouldn't expect anything else from somebody who has voted to allow a bunch of right wing cunts destroy our country.


Excuse me? Who did I vote for?




So is trump moving pawns around for some form of tactical strike on north korea if that nutter there goes ahead with another nuke test.


If that's orange bastard thinks posing in front of north Korea is going to do anything, we're seriously fucked. All it'll do is antagonise the regime.


Of course, we're assuming that the bloke that runs North Korea is a nutter.


I'm not saying he's not a nutter, I'm just questioning our source of information.


The thing I do know is, there's a hell of a lot of American military in South Korea.


Once the bastards are in they never go away.


How many weeks has this nutter been president now?


Having failed with all of his ridiculous domestic policies, he turns to the tried and tested policy of hitting foreigners.


So, in the last few days we have had


59 Tomahawk missiles fired (for a pretend reason) at Syria (how much does a tomahawk missile cost?)


THE MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS (they're calling it "TMOAB", it makes you sick) at Afganistan.


A "Naval Armada" has entered Korean waters and threats of nuclear war are rife.



Strangely enough, Westminster have carefully weighed up all of these different events and have come to the decision to fully back America in all it's actions.

Sometimes the decision to back America has taken all of 20 seconds to reach.


Once the bodies start piling up (white brave bodies,not greasy foreigners) we will all be expected to "Back our brave boys"


Then they can sneak any shite domestic policies through with a minimum of fuss.







Or have I become too cynical?

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