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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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If I was the guy from Porton Down that admitted that they couldn't say where the nerve agent was made, I wouldn't be going hill walking or for a walk in the woods for a while.






Its never going to be food poisoning (I couldn't be that lucky) but IF IT WAS, what would May do then?


My guess would be that she would just change the subject, accuse Europe of straightening bananas or something and carry on regardless.


They would have to have a Royal wedding or something, that would make sure that the public forgot all about spy stuff.


The proof that the US - fuelled by Trump's intellectual retardation and John Bolton's agenda and facilitated by gross sycophancy and stupidity in the west, May being a leading puppet and even the PM of Denmark for fuck sake (who cares what he's got to say about anything?) being wheeled out in front of our complicit corrupt media - is hell bent on world war was paraded like a beacon in the United Nations this week.


Chemical weapons being deployed by Assad against his own civilians is a lie. It is a further false flag accusation which the CIA have fucked up with, in the ongoing demonisation of Putin and the legitimately-constituted government in Damascus. Assad and his English wife were our friends, with whom we provided diplomatic privileges including a state visit and all its pomp. Something changed. Unless the Middle East bow down to the US hegemony project, they shall be outcast and their people will be assassinated. The disregard for humanity and for truth is shocking. This is all being fuelled by Israel. Their influence in Washington is now total and Bolton is pushing the buttons. The oldest warring peoples on the planet will be the death of us all, through two very simple truths; the abuse of power and utter stupidity and arrogance. This will be a conflict that the west can't win.


I've tried not to pay attention to anything regarding North Africa so I couldn't say exactly what was going on.


I've given up on the world because nobody ever listens to me.


What I do know though is that that fuckin ridiculously named "Arab Spring" had the CIA's fingerprints all over it.

Regime change after regime change after regime change.


Now I've just heard the "you better get ready Russia" tweet from the 8 year old in the Whitehouse.


I'm going to get tweeted to death and I don't even use twitter.


As I recall, the arab spring was started by thon manny setting himself on fire because he couldn't afford the price of wheat, because a giant global (US) monopoly corporation decided that they'd fuck aboot with the global wheat price for a short term lift in share price. The CIA may have stoked with some opportunism, but it was mainly about one manny and his inability to feed his family/sell his produce.


All my life I've found myself supporting the Russian point of view.

Not that I think that the Soviet / Russian state is a wonderful institution, it's just that the appalling propaganda I've always had to listen to from "our" side make me want to puke.


I'm now old enough to take the view that nothing changes.


It was the same crap build up to the Moscow olympics in 1980


Hilarious when the English athletes went despite Maggie's tantrums.


The English are going to get the shite kicked out of them at the world cup this year.

The bastards deserve all they get.


All my life I've found myself supporting the Russian point of view.


I've never supported neither the Russian point of view nor the west's.


My approach to these things is to seek the truth which means recognising and disregarding propaganda and lies.


The saddest part in all this is that it is our fault. We elected these people. The North East of Scotland stunned me with its unbelievable stupidity at the last General Election.


War is the agenda and the US global hegemony project is the aim. Stand up to them at your peril. It's their utter arrogance and ignorance that they think they can win. Their disregard for humanity is already well-proven, all over the globe over many decades.


Putin does not seek war. Why would he? The lies we have been fed to demonise him is nothing new. They are being given to us in a crass attempt to justify war against Russia. War is profitable. Go back 100 years and see how the Rothschilds constructed the new world order after WW1.


America is a disgusting state and Britain it's strongest supporter. May is pure evil and we, the British people are so insouciant and imbecilic we don't want to not believe her.


Well she's done it.


Simply couldn't wait to join in chucking missiles into a capital city.


No doubt they will tell us that no one was actually hurt and that they only hit a building where bad things were being done.


The other side will of course claim that they hit a hospital / primary school etc. etc.


No matter what your point of view, you will have to glean your information from someone who is blatantly lying to you.



Here we go again......



The insanity has just manifested into air strikes.


This is a bad day for the world. Trump, May and Macron have made a gargantuan mistake.


A deterrent against the use of chemical weapons? Doing it to save people's lives? Concerned about the welfare of the Syrian people? Nobody can believe these lies. The hypocrisy is palpable.


For seven years, that country has been ravaged by civil war. It came about because the west wanted regime change and they created and funded ISIS. If you give radical people the hint of power, they're going to do what radical people do, which is to be radical. So the great western plan to slaughter Assad and his supporters - the democratically-elected government - couldn't possibly succeed whilst his opposition fractured into naturally-occurring religious and ethic groups.


Russia stepped in to restore peace. They have no enemy on the ground but they do have a strategic alliance with the legitimate governments in the region, as all non-rogue states should. The quashing of the rebels restores the legitimate government. But this isn't what we wanted so the propaganda machine, always in use, goes into overdrive.


Where was the concern for humanity when the drone strikes created "collateral damage"? When innocent men, women and children were killed by western technology? The decade before in Iraq, "shock and awe" killed hundreds of thousands of ordinary people and for what? Regime change yet again.


The biggest user and developer of chemical weapons is America. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the big ones. Agent Orange and Napalm were just experimenting on "the gooks". Neither Russia nor Syria have history of using chemical weapons against random populations, the staged events in Salisbury being absurd. Litvinenko was poisoned by polonium and this individual act of retribution was considered a precedent upon which the Brits could build the case for war. The biggest false flags are the haste with which the west and May in particular has been judge, jury and executioner. The Syrians would know if Assad used chemical weapons. So would the Russians. Without any evidence that he did last weekend, and without any evidence that the Russian state poisoned the Skripals, we have launched air strikes into Syria and expelled diplomatic relations, and convinced other weak lapdog nation's to follow us.


We are the problem. We voted them in to act in our name. And they're acting at the behest of something else.


Whoever Trump's speech writer either has significant 'tongue & cheek' or ignorance.


To Iran and to Russia, I ask: What kind of a nation wants to be associated with the mass murder of innocent men, women, and children?


The nations of the world can be judged by the friends they keep. No nation can succeed in the long run by promoting rogue states, brutal tyrants and murderous dictators.





Syria, Censorship and "The t/Times"


Every so often something happens to you which propels you into a different world. It’s not usually a better world, and it is accompanied by a sense of shock.


Philosophers have called it a ‘disclosure moment’. We, the public, talk about ‘the penny dropping.’ They come as small pennies, and huge ones. Mine today dropped with a thud that felt ominous.


It’s about Syria and the newspapers.


I have had a lot of trouble understanding what has been happening in Syria, and it’s been made worse by a deep conviction that I am on the end of a stream of fake news, and a large proportion of it coming from my government and the media I read. I hate this feeling. I don’t think I have ever known it as intensely or remorselessly as over Syria.


This is not the moment to look back and ask why so many Western Governments want to overthrow an admittedly unpleasant, heavy handed Syrian regime. But not unlike Iraq, under Assad, as in under Saddam Hussein, there was a careful working balance between Christians and Muslims and others. At this stage of world affairs, that’s no mean achievement. And it was never clear who was going to replace Assad. The crowd of contenders had some very nasty people amongst them indeed. So, paying close attention to the serious matter of intended outcomes, why do it?


The chemical attacks have posed a constant conundrum. With Russian help, Assad was winning and will win. Only one thing would jeapordise his political and personal survival and victory; the use of chemical weapons. So why would he use them. What for? With what end in mind?


When the chemical attacks started, the absolutely critical element was the question of evidence. Was it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt it was Assad and the regime? Because he was the only party who had no interest in using them and turning the world against him.


Each time the evidence has been missing. Each time our Government and the media have qualified the link with ‘supposed’ or ‘assumed’.


I have been reading Peter Hitchens carefully, since he shares the same logical caution and knows where to look for evidence that can be relied on. He can’t find any. Peter Ford, a former ambassador to Syria, has gone on record on the BBC, saying he believes the chemical attack was a hoax.


On Saturday 14 th of April, the Times newspaper launched a vitriolic attack against half a dozen academics who had put together a working group of concerned academics, who like me were increasingly worried about the way in which both governments and media were moving into the realm of propaganda; political assertions without facts.


The Times’ Leader hammered them: “Some of the academics involved disseminated material that is wrong, unscholarly and morally odious…they display an exaggerated willingness to entertain any idea, however improbable, that acquits the regime of Vladimir Putin and its client in Damascus of abominable acts.”


The trouble is that this kind of extremist language, without any qualification, reads much more like the partisan propaganda of say, ‘The Morning Star’, than one of our most reputable papers dedicated to looking at both sides of a story.


The only example they give is that one of the members says that ‘Russia Today’ offers platform for people who don’t get their voices heard elsewhere. The Times says this list includes “neo-nazis, genocide deniers, fantasists and racists.” The only emotive category of reprobates of total depravity left off, is paedophiles.


Then it goes for the jugular: “no reputable university would employ a holocaust deniar in a department of history, or a geocentrist to teach astronomy. The universities who unwittingly provide cover for these agents of disinformation and cheerleaders for despotism have a case to answer.”In other words, through guilt by association with holocaust denial, the Times whips up a lynch mob to attack these academics and get them sacked.


This is neo-Macarthyism- verging on neo-inquisition. This doesn’t just smell fishy, this stinks.


Why should the Times try to silence and get sacked academics who are asking the same questions and sharing the same concerns as one of our most eminent journalists, Hitchens, and most informed ambassadorial commentators, Ford? And why should it exchange the careful language of testing arguments for the shrill hysteria of denunciation?


It’s a good rule of thumb in the psychological, therapeutic and even political sphere, that if you find an exaggerated response, that it out of rational proportion with the matter in hand, then suspect and look for another, as yet hidden, cause.


I have no clarity about what that cause is, but it’s aims are clearly to get rid of Assad at all costs, and clear the ground in the Middle East for a different power broker.


It doesn’t tax my brain too far to come up with a very short ‘short list’. But what scares me, quite literally, is that in service of this other political interest, our press, perhaps our universities (if the pressure works) and certainly our government, seem willing to give themselves to propaganda and bully and cajole into silence voices that demand hard evidence and want to test the arguments.


The historical precedents from whichever side of the political and historical spectrum, Goebbels, Stalin, Macarthy and the Inquisition among them, are not good company. But when once eminent newspapers add their weight to the suppression of speech and truth, the rest of us ought to recognise that we have a serious fight on our hands, and the stakes are very high indeed.


The planning for this has been going on for a while.

I detect the hand of Israel via the US


Good bit of planning to cause a major fuss regarding Corbyn, the Labour Party and anti Jewish behaviour a couple of weeks ago.


Ties his hands nicely regarding any attempt to get nearer to telling the truth.


May said it's not about regime change, so that's OK then, I was worried for a minute it was.


What worries me more than anything else is that fact the President of the USA used a social media platform to discuss the bombing another country and not one American offical thought to put the cunt in a straight jacket afterwards and cart him off to where he belongs.


It is so  frightening what is happening in the world at the moment and with very little protest that I am harking back to the good old days of Bush and Blair and we are still living with the mess they created, but at least there were protest movements and history showed they were wrong (Bush & Blair), but now it is seen as acceptable and no real challenge to it. Surely with a minority government at Westminster this should be challenged and potentially see off May. 


If she had went to parliament she would have got her mandate so the only reason not to was because Trump wouldn't wait a couple of days.

She had to do what she was told.


As for protests, we live in a world where the young think they can make a difference by pressing 'like'


If she had went to parliament she would have got her mandate so the only reason not to was because Trump wouldn't wait a couple of days.

She had to do what she was told.


As for protests, we live in a world where the young think they can make a difference by pressing 'like'


Aye, you're probably not far off the mark.

  • 2 weeks later...

What Can Be Done? — Paul Craig Roberts

April 30, 2018 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

What Can Be Done?


Paul Craig Roberts


April 30, 2018


It is up to Europe whether or not the Earth dies in nuclear Armageddon.


European governments do not realize their potential to save the world from Washington’s aggression, because the western Europeans are accustomed to being Washington’s vassal states since the end of World War 2, and the eastern and central Europeans have accepted Washington’s vassalage since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Vassalage pays well if all the costs are not counted.


By joining NATO, the eastern and central Europeans permitted Washington to move US military presence to Russia’s borders. This military presence on Russia’s borders gave Washington undue confidence that Russia also could be coerced into a vassal state existence. Despite the dire fate of the two finest armies ever assembled—Napoleon’s Grand Army and that of Germany’s Wehrmacht—Washington hasn’t learned that the two rules of warfare are: (1) Don’t march on Russia. (2) Don’t march on Russia.


Because of Europe’s subservience to Washington, Washington is unlikely to learn this lesson before Washington marches on Russia.


Washington in its hubristic idiocy has already begun this march piecemeal with the coup in Ukraine and with its attacks on Syrian military positions. As I wrote earlier today https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2018/04/30/syrian-cisis-escalates/ Washington is escalating the crisis in Syria.


What can stop this before it explodes into war is eastern and central Europe’s decision to disengage as enablers of Washington’s aggression.


There are no benefits to Europe of being in NATO. Europeans are not threatened by Russian aggression, but they are threatened by Washington’s aggression against Russia. If the American neoconservatives and their Israeli allies succeed in provoking a war, all of Europe would be destroyed. Forever.


What is wrong with European politicians that they take this risk with the peoples that they govern?


Europe is still a place of beauty constructed by humans over the ages—architecturally, artistically, and intellectually—and the museum should not be destroyed. Once free of Washington’s vassalage, Europe could even be brought back to creative life.


Europe is already suffering economically from Washington’s illegal sanctions against Russia forced upon Europeans by Washington and from the millions of non-Eurpopean refugees flooding the European countries fleeing from Washington’s illegal wars against Muslim peoples, wars that Americans are forced to fight for the benefit of Israel.


What do Europeans get for the extreme penalties imposed on them as Washington’s vassals? They get nothing but the threat of Armageddon. A small handful of European “leaders” get enormous subsidies from Washington for enabling Washington’s illegal agendas. Just take a look at Tony Blair’s enormous fortune, which is not the normal reward for a British prime minister.


Europeans, including the “leaders,” have much more to gain from being connected to the Russia/China Silk Road project. It is the East that is rising, not the West. The Silk Road would connect Europe to the rising East. Russia has undeveloped territory full of resources—Siberia—that is larger then the United States. On a purchasing power parity basis, China is already the world’s largest economy. Militarily the Russian/Chinese alliance is much more than a match for Washington.


If Europe had any sense, any leadership, it would tell Washington good-bye.


What is the value to Europe of Washington’s hegemony over the world? How do Europeans, as opposed to a handful of politicians receiving bags full of money from Washington, benefit from their vassalage to Washington? Not one benefit can be identified. Washington’s apologists say that Europe is afraid of being dominated by Russia. So why aren’t Europeans afraid of their 73 years of domination by Washington, especially a domination that is leading them into military conflict with Russia?


Unlike Europeans and Russians, Americans have scant experience with wartime casualties. Just one World War 1 battle, the Battle of Verdun, produced more casualties than the battle deaths that US has experienced in all the wars of its existence beginning with the Revolutionary War for independence from Brittain.


The World War 1 Battle of Verdun,which took place prior to the US entry into the war, was the longest and most costly battle in human history. An estimate in 2000 found a total of 714,231 casualties, 377,231 French and 337,000 German, for an average of 70,000 casualties a month; other recent estimates increase the number of casualties to 976,000 during the battle, with 1,250,000 suffered at Verdun during the war.


In contrast, US casualties for World War 1 after US entry were 53,402 battle deaths and 200,000 nonmortal woundings.


Here is the list of US battle deaths from the War of Revolution through the “global war on terror” as of August 2017:


American Revolution: 4,435

War of 1812: 2,260

Wars against native Americans (1817-1898) 1,000

Mexican War 1,733

War of Northern Aggression :

North: 104,414

South: 74,524

Spanish-American War 385

World War 2 291,557

Korean War 33,739

Vietnam War 47,434

Gulf War 148


This comes to 561,629 battle deaths


If we add the battle deaths of the global war on terror as of Aug. 2017—6,930—we have 568,559 US battle deaths in all US wars. See: https://www.infoplease.com/us/american-wars/americas-wars-us-casualties-and-veterans


That compares to 714,231 casualties, from which I am unable at this time to seperate battle deaths from nonmortal wounds and maining from a single World War 1 battle that did not involve US soldiers.


In other words, except for the Confederate States and native Americans, who endured enormous Union war crimes, the US has no experience of war. So Washington enters war with ease. The next time, however, will be Armageddon, and Washington will no longer exist. And neither will the rest of us.


US deaths in World War 1 were low because the US did not enter the war until the last year. Similarly in World War 2. Japan was defeated by the loss of her navy and air force and by the firebombing of Tokoyo and other Japanese cities, which required few US battle deaths. The nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaka were gratuitous and took place when Japan was asking to surrender. Approximately 200,000 Japanese civilians died in the nuclear attacks and no Americans except prisoners of war held in those cities. In Europe, as in World War 1, the US did not enter the war against Germany until the last year when the Wehrmacht had already been broken and defeated by the Soviet Red Army. The Normandy invasion faced scant opposition as all German forces were on the Russian front.


If there is a World War 3 the US and all of the Western world would be immediately destroyed as nothing stands between the West and the extraordinary nuclear capability of Russia except the likelyhood of complete and total destruction. If China enters on Russia’s side, as is expected, the destruction of the entirety of the Western World will be for all time.


Why does Europe enable this scenario? Is there no humanity, no intelligence left anywhere in Europe? Is Europe nothing but a collection of cattle awaiting slaughter from the machinations of the crazed American neocons? Are there no European political leaders with one ounce of common sense, one once of integrity?


If not, doom is upon us as there is no humanity or intelligence in Washington.


Europe must take the lead, expecially the central Europeans. These are peoples who were liberated from the Nazis by the Russians and who have in the 21st century experienced far more aggression from Washington’s pursuit of its hegemony they they have experienced from Moscow.


If Europe breaks away from Washington’s control, there is hope for life. If not, we are as good as dead.


Oh what a surprise



The Jews start blowing up Iranian positions just after Trumps withdrawal from the Iranian treaty.


Of course they claim to have been targeted first.


The must think our heads button up the back

  • 1 month later...

Good article here, not really about Western lies per say, but a very good analysis of the system with respect to the food chain. Worth a read like, it's something that should concern, and raise questions in, everyone.




Great article.


A friend of mine introduced me to Ivor Cummins. Find him on YouTube and in podcasts.


Widowmaker CAC is brilliant.


Here's the bottom line. Cardiovascular disease makes profits. Processed foods are huge contributors to disease.


Mending broken hearts is good for business, the pharmas and the operations draining our taxes.


Going after the root causes would be sensible but it threatens the agenda.


We have been lied to for decades. In the age of the internet however, we only have ourselves to blame.


Or at least that would be the case if google and cunts like them weren't feeding from the same trough.


Great article.


A friend of mine introduced me to Ivor Cummins. Find him on YouTube and in podcasts.


Widowmaker CAC is brilliant.


Here's the bottom line. Cardiovascular disease makes profits. Processed foods are huge contributors to disease.


Mending broken hearts is good for business, the pharmas and the operations draining our taxes.


Going after the root causes would be sensible but it threatens the agenda.


We have been lied to for decades. In the age of the internet however, we only have ourselves to blame.


Or at least that would be the case if google and cunts like them weren't feeding from the same trough.


Not seen Widowmaker, will watch it. Seen some of his other videos like, but never subscribed to his channel. Will check a few more. He's a technical guy, but makes things reasonably simple for us simpletons. Easy to listen to.

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