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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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Nobody in the news or the governments are going to say it how it is.


Because they either don't know or they do know and they don't want to admit to the truth.


French immigrants coordinated this attack. They have been denigrated their whole existence in France.


Blacks and muslims have been treated by the french for the last many decades with the same usual inquiry and suspicion that any new or different clan are regarded by the natives. This often spills over into contempt, not just in how they are regarded on a daily basis, but how they are unfairly treated in terms of social welfare and opportunity.


This is them kicking back.


Enoch Powell was right 47 years ago. Multiculturalism will result in rivers of blood. It's ok to accept hundreds and thousands of different ethnics from one culture to another. Take tens and hundreds of thousands let alone millions of others from one culture to another and the shit is always going to hit the fan.


Nice of Obama to come out so soon to push his own hegemony world view.


Fucking bastards. Lying bastards. France will burn. This is just the start.



Blacks and muslims have been treated by the french for the last many decades with the same usual inquiry and suspicion that any new or different clan are regarded by the natives. This often spills over into contempt, not just in how they are regarded on a daily basis, but how they are unfairly treated in terms of social welfare and opportunity.


Unless they're good at fitba. It is very much an internal problem. Borders closed, in a European country, fuck sake.


Sounding bad for the hostages like.


Unless they're good at fitba. It is very much an internal problem. Borders closed, in a European country, fuck sake.


Sounding bad for the hostages like.


Zizou was brought up in Marseille. He was not born of France. Of course he's going to be loved. Look how amazing the cunt was.


Go to Marseille now, or Toulon just down the road, or Paris, or any major conurbation that spreads across western Europe, including Geneva, amazingly, where I was a couple of months ago and we have a significant problem in the demographics.


Marseille and Toulon have major no-go areas, where white non-muslims just daren't go. Areas of Paris and London and even Bradford and Leicester have out of bounds regions for white natives. I sold my flat in Pollokshields 25 years ago to a white woman who was fronting for a "paki", like I wouldn't have wanted his money any less?


People do NOT integrate but dividing the populace helps certain agendas.


Not rocket science this.




Some words of advice.


Hollande. It's nothing to do with other regions of the world. This is YOUR problem, in France.


Obama. Don't seek so hard to find synergy where none exists.


This is fuck all to do with Boko Haram or Al Q'eada or ISIS or whoever else you sell us are the bogey men.


It is not an act of the 'war on terror". It's more human than that.


Not like you give a fuck about humans and humanity though.


Every threat is an opportunity and every opportunity is threat, eh?


Treat them like shit and put them in concrete jungles. What the fuck do you expect?


Why take in that many if you don't know what to do with them?


Merkel opened her mouth and said 800,000. That's big of you. Guilt-laden perhaps?


Multiculturalism doesn't work. Not on this scale.



Wasn't aware of any of this overnight but woke up to text messages which brought this to my attention which has prompted a rare weekend visit to Donstalk to say this:


An argument for guns? Don't get me wrong. I'm not pro guns by any stretch of the imagination but if the average Joe in France was packing heat those terrorists would not have had free reign to wander about firing at anything that moved. People would have fought back very quickly very possibly greatly reducing the number of people the culprits were able to kill. It's easy to shoot at folk that can't shoot back.


I realise what I'm saying though. I'm not suggesting we issue everyone with a gun. That's not the answer in my opinion. Although I don't know what is admittedly. Other than the equally unrealistic un-indoctrination of all religious types. That would remove 99% of violence from the world.


Fuck sake.


I'm seeing that other western countries are ramping up their security. I'm due to fly over to the US tomorrow. I should be ok though because I'm white and have blue eyes. Although I've been "listed" for random searches at US airports before probably because out of my group I had the most foreign and weird looking surname.


More guns. That's the answer for everything. The only answer is to roll back our foreign policy. Stop interfering in the middle east (leave everything to the UN, so there can still be some involvement), and make it clear that that is what we're doing - don't give people an excuse. Stop spying on our own citizens, and treat everyone like humans. Make society more equal and respect everyone's human rights. Once all that is done, accept that sometimes people do bad things and that spying and guns won't stop that, but make it worse. Perhaps we can use some sophisticated drone technology to get to these incidents quickly and stun the attackers to prevent further casualty.


We're down from 150 at its Sky News peak last night to 120 today. Interesting seeing these things unfold with permanent news coverage. Sky were particularly interesting, as they were just randomly speculating. At one point, the attacks were because it was Friday 13th and that they attacked the concert hall because there was an American band playing. The BBC are, this morning, reporting a spontaneous outbreak of singing of the French national anthem at a French national football game - who'd have thought? Although, so far, no news channel has reported the final score.


Fucksake, what depressing news.  Went to bed knowing something had happened, but that is mental.


Comment from a mate of mine that lives in the US " hope this is enough evidence for the liberals to stop pussy footing around gun laws"....words fail me.


It appears that it was IS who coordinated this, not a disaffected group of random French citizens.


Or was it?


The group known as IS, created by the west and by Blair and Bush in particular are a convenient cause for any person or group of persons who have reason to detest the policies of the west. Many of us do but that doesn't mean we go killing innocent people. Most of us also don't feel ready to die, our lives being so shit that we are going to martyr ourselves for a "cause", one that happens to be available.


At the core of this are disaffected French citizens who feel hopeless and outsiders. Years and decades of bigotry and racism will effect the prejudiced. That it manifested itself in people wanting to die and take out scores of innocent citizens is an act of horror more than an "act of terror" or an act of war. The unjust and illegal wars give them an excuse.


A consequence of horrific western government actions, but an opportunistic act of desperation and sickness.


These were quotes from an article in the Sunday papers today: -




We have spent far too long tiptoeing around the cultures of those who choose to join us, instead of protecting the culture they have chosen to join.


Inadequate passport checks, no holding centres—all to appease a multicultural ideal sold to us by certain elements of our state and its agencies.


Jeremy Corbyn says this is an attack on the vibrant multicultural cities we all know and love.


No, Jeremy, it isn't. It isn't. You stupid man. It's an attack on France, on French sensibilities and the French way of life. Mostly, it's an attack on parents and children.


Don't use this attack to defend multiculturalism. We don't all love multiculturalism. We don't all want equality the way you see it. We don't want to live where we are second-class citizens in our own country.





I can't argue with any of that. 27% of UK Muslims had sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo massacarists. I know that the cartoons were grossly offensive and a stupid exercise of the freedom of expression principle but they didn't deserve to die for them.




Putin Outed ISIS's G20 Financiers — But Not a Single Western Media Outlet Has Reported It

A revealing silence from the “free” western press


We've been very patient. For the last 12 hours we've been constantly refreshing Google News for just one — one — western article about Putin's bombshell comments at the G20 summit in Antalya. You would think that the Russian President stating publicly that ISIS is receiving money from 40 different countries, including G20 members, would be “newsworthy”. Right?


But the western media has defied even our worst expectations: Not a single mainstream western outlet reported on Putin's comments. Typically, at least the Daily Beast has the common courtesy to distort or misrepresent the most recent Putin press conference. But in this instance, there is literally no written western record of Putin saying anything about who finances ISIS during the G20 summit in Turkey. This is insane.


Only cricket chirps from the west.


We tried various keywords. Alas, to no avail:




(By the way, that Reuters article has no mention of what Putin said. But at least it mentions Putin: “Obama met Russian President Vladimir Putin in an informal meeting lasting around 30 minutes at the summit on Sunday, a discussion which Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said had been constructive but not groundbreaking. Obama made no mention of their meeting at his news conference.”)


This is beyond shameful. If the west is so concerned about fighting ISIS, surely it would be eager to discuss who is financing these scumbags?


Welcome to 2015.




Boris on Channel 4 News just now. Just fuck off you lying tit. You evil lying bastard.


At last. An interviewee on Al Jazeera just now nailed it.


Yasser Louati of the Collective against Islamophobia in France. An absolutely brilliant young man


He recognises that the Imams that come over are being "supplied" by foreign countries that know nothing of life in France and he's been campaigning for years that muslims need to take more control of their own affairs. He acknowledges that their own mosques are "not doing their jobs" (for corrupt and all-too-human reasons given, the abuse of power by mayors etc. who refuse mosques being funded by the communities) and cites the actual reasons for the overall difficulties, the inability for social cohesion, the fact that the young muslims do not feel integrated and the discriminatory behaviour towards them, some of which is institutionalised in law.


This will never go away because the ideal of multiculturalism will never work in practise, certainly not without the muslims having more say and greater control in their own affairs, being shat on by the native peoples and native state alike. You treat people like shit, fail to give them jobs and hope and house them in shit, some of the disaffected are going to behave like shit and vent their hopelessness, frustration and anger whenever the opportunity arises. ISIS is the opportunity and they know exactly what they're doing, because being muslim themselves, they know how to pull the strings. They're also heavily influenced by western corrupt governments killing their own people in their own homes, both directly and previously by supporting "friendly" corrupt governments who know exactly how to divide and conquer the many ancient tribal issues that simply won't go away whilst prejudice and a lack of education persists.


This on the BBC News App just now is just one reason why voting independence rather than choosing to be governed by Westminster might have been best for our country.


The French people are increasing "pas de guerre" i.e. no war. Sturgeon has been the first western leader to speak sense. Cameron, like Blair, like the whole political system in England is committed to following the evil that is doomed U.S. foreign policy, another puppet leader (like Hollande and Merkel) pursuing a strategy that has dire and unimaginable consequences for us all.


America is bankrupt. They need a Third World War. There is no coming back from their hopeless financial and societal position. We either see this and follow them blindly into disaster or we do what Sturgeon does, like the French population and we ask questions and challenge the lies that we are being fed. Hollande is a fucking idiot. Cameron is a corrupt liar. Merkel is no better than Hitler, the only difference being that her crime is to be so stupid that she can't see that there is no difference between the inevitable failure of the U.S. World hegemony project and Adolf's exact same agenda. He at least didn't hide his madness. This begs the question as to who really is in charge... of Washington, of Israel, of Europe? Certainly nobody is in charge of the Middle East thanks to "our" inept mismanagement and corruption.


Syria strikes: Nicola Sturgeon willing 'to listen' to argument



Fair play Nicola Sturgeon, its just a shame that all the other leaders are so short sighted.  But they know that the majority of people are stupid and reactionists so this will appease the brain dead (themselves included on that statement).  Whilst I agree with the sentiment of Andrew Neil last night (I know John Oliver did something similar in the US earlier this week), this is possibly an example of a reactionist.




I see first the EPL and now the SPFL are going to play the french national anthem before the games this weekend.  May I ask why?  Respect has been paid by the English national team on Monday, which was the right thing to do and actually meant something. This is something that has nothing to do with football, let alone Scotland or even Aberdeen?!  Pointless. Absolutely pointless.


The Scottish Professional Football League has given clubs the green light to play the French national anthem ahead of this weekend's fixtures as a tribute to the victims of the Paris attacks.

Andrew Neil bugs me often but that was a good intro last night.


I admire the fact that he gives George Galloway an opportunity where too many treat him like the joke figure that he himself works hard to perfect. GG was surprisingly contrite and un-insane last night, save the hat, the reminder symbol of his screws having been loosened.


His giving a voice to an intelligent and creative Muslim good guy was great strategy too. Neil possibly at his best last night. Still an establishment cocksucking prick.

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