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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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I'm sure it works for you, cutting out stuff usually does.


Low carb, low fat, look at the Italians they are fat, look at the Italians they are healthy.


Yes, we've heard it all.


I'm not for a moment accusing you of following any faddy diet ( I'm allowed a mars bar on a Tuesday)I'm pretty sure you wouldn't fall for any of their crap.


I was on 10 pints a night so giving up the beer should be a good start.


Life without beer I'm coming to terms with, life without bread?.......nah.

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I think you're missing the point. I'm not saying life without bread. I'm just pointing out that moderation is good and how easy it is to re-adjust. Everything is a habit after all. A 10 pint a night habit however is fucking ridiculous so that's obviously had to be your priority.


We've not "heard it all before". We've been given shit. They said fat was bad in our diets. They said butter and dairy was bad. They sold us the supposed benefits of margarine. They sold us shit to make money out of us and if we really want to get cynical, for more sinister reasons too.


And the Italian diet is pretty high in carbs - bread, pasta, pizza etc. There's no excuse for fat bastards. They're lazy over-indulgent weak as piss people who's greed reflects other deficiencies in their self discipline and their lives. And they're fucking ugly too.


Carbs are bad. Good to limit them. I'll go 2 or 3 days a week eating none at all and my wife is carb-free 5+ days a week. Even today where I knew I was having fish and chips at our local (freshly bought from Gourdon and only available on the menu 2 or 3 days a week) tonight, I ate zero carbs beforehand. Watermelon and a blueberry actimel in the morning. Two different cheeses (very small portions) and a slice of neopolitan salami for lunch, finished with a small stem ginger in dark chocolate confection the size of your thumbnail and I never felt hungry all day. Half the week, I do feel hungry in the late afternoons and the feeling of hunger is a fantastic feeling. It's purifying to feel your stomach grumble. For half a century, I just ate when I felt like it and whilst we can get off with that sub 30 or 40, there's no excuse for eating junk food or in my case, loving sandwiches for lunch on an almost daily basis. Bread is the worst.


See I heard another school of thought the other day that we as humans were natural foragers, eating when we were hungry. But during those moments you eat a little rather than a lot, more snacking less bulk eating. Not sure I'm convinced by it nd.certainly not something I subscribe to.


I do try to reduce the amount of carbs,  easier said than done though.


The real killer is sugar. The amount of sugar consumed is why we have an obesity epidemic. Bread and carbs are broken down to sugar when eaten. Once you limit your sugar intake, your body adjusts and you can't eat shit. The thought of a Mars bar is horrific. It's just pure sugar garbage. I used to like the occasional Boost. I'll never eat a chocolate bar or chocolate biscuit for the rest of my life. The idea of it just disgusts me.


Interesting comments.Love my bread,and guilty of too much sugar,but eat a lot of good fruit and veg to compensate.Have always thought,(in my case no weight issues) all the rubbish element got burned off due to having a physical job,and outdoor pursuits?



  Speaking of veg,got another veg box this week,with another cabbage.Couldnt be arsed finding another cabbage recipe,so chucked it into a soup along with carrot and butternut squash.One of my better soups i have to say...


I don't do moderation.


Manc min, we've been through this snacking thing before, grazing they called it.

Very big in the States it was , and they are very big in the States.


Size of meals is a problem ( smaller plates work wonders) but constant snacking is disaster.


I always think of a pretty slim French bit o' stuff ( just a moment to contemplate...mmmm)

She breaks almost every Yank diet rule going.


Breakfast - Croissant, jam, coffee

Lunch - Three courses probably including pate' bread, wine and something fine for pudding


I've never worked out what they eat in the evening because I've always had far too much wine at denner time.


That would be traditional, perhaps the modern pace has changed things regarding longer lunch breaks ( I doubt it in France)


She doesn't eat large amounts but you'll never catch her cramming crisps into her face while clutching a 2 litre bottle of diet coke.


Anyway, must go now, Monique is calling me from the bedroom.


Interesting comments.Love my bread,and guilty of too much sugar,but eat a lot of good fruit and veg to compensate.Have always thought all the rubbish element got burned off due to having a physical job,and outdoor pursuits?



  Speaking of veg,got another veg box this week,with another cabbage.Couldnt be arsed finding another cabbage recipe,so chucked it into a soup along with carrot and butternut squash.One of my better soups i have to say...


Here's another way of looking at it. Veg (and fruit) doesn't "compensate" for eating too much sugar and carbs, it's all food. So it's all additional stuff to be eating, good foods don't negate bad foods. If there was such a thing as bad foods. It's ALL about striking a balance. It's ok to eat anything you like. Obese people in supermarkets buying 6 packs of 2 litre coke or Irn Bru etc. and packets of biscuits aren't going to get slim by any amount of fruit and veg they don't eat anyway.


Substitution worked for my wife. Instead of rice with a meal or tatties with a stew, she'll have red cabbage or other veg. She had some nan bread and some rice at the Indian last week. She ate her chips last night. But the amount of carbs she has now is much less than a third of what she used to eat. Nobody's denying us anything. It's easy to change habits, that's all.




Maybe compensate was the wrong word,more allowing myself to eat rubbish(and assuming it would be burned off),as long as there was still access to the proper nutrients etc with the fruit and veg etc.

  The sugar warnings are the ones Ive been ignoring long enough though,more in terms of sluggishness and mood,than weight.Need to look into that one



Maybe compensate was the wrong word,more allowing myself to eat rubbish(and assuming it would be burned off),as long as there was still access to the proper nutrients etc with the fruit and veg etc.

  The sugar warnings are the ones Ive been ignoring long enough though,more in terms of sluggishness and mood,than weight.Need to look into that one


I'd never been fat my whole life despite eating tons of rubbish and drinking loads of beer and coke etc. although after I gave up fags 4 years ago, I was getting heavier and the trousers were getting tighter. I'm not sure I was eating more, just the usual shite but I definitely noticed that the metabolism slows down in your 50's so not burning it off as I once did. I actually enjoy food more than I've ever done now. They say it's quite common for ex-smokers to regain a heightened sense of taste but where 3 courses was standard on a meal out before, I can rarely manage it now unless the portions are smaller.


You younger loons can get off with more than us ageing bastards. It's just not a bad idea to be aware of what's good for us and what's not and that can be different for different folk of course. We're closer to death too so if we want more of life, we start to get more aware of these things.


There's more than 1 way to skin a cat. Fucking hell, that's an awful expression. But it's relevant here. Whilst I'm svelte and sexy as fuck now that wasn't always the case. I have been on a some major diets in the last decade and the first time I dropped weight I did it entirely by portion control. I was eating carbs (bread and potatoes) every day without fail and the weight still fell off. It's all about moderation. I was always fairly active which helped and although I'm not a drinker I am bad for drinking too much fizzy soft drinks so cutting back on that was quite hard. I 100% have a sugar addiction again now. Eat too many sweeties but I don't feel guilty about it to be honest because I am back doing more and more exercise and have probably never been fitter.


There's more than 1 way to skin a cat. Fucking hell, that's an awful expression. But it's relevant here. Whilst I'm svelte and sexy as fuck now that wasn't always the case. I have been on a some major diets in the last decade and the first time I dropped weight I did it entirely by portion control. I was eating carbs (bread and potatoes) every day without fail and the weight still fell off. It's all about moderation. I was always fairly active which helped and although I'm not a drinker I am bad for drinking too much fizzy soft drinks so cutting back on that was quite hard. I 100% have a sugar addiction again now. Eat too many sweeties but I don't feel guilty about it to be honest because I am back doing more and more exercise and have probably never been fitter.


Unfortunately, exercise winna mitigate the effects of the sugar. Indeed, the spazzy fad diets and gym classes have just deliberately added to the confusion. Really you (edit: I dinna mean you specifically; you in general) should be establishing a baseline diet that doesn't change (I don't mean the foods don't change, I mean the amount and regularity), then just eating an additional banana or whatever to fuel you for exercise. The whole "I must go to the gym because I've eaten x,y,z" approach to lifestyle is ruining us as it doesn't tackle the underlying issue, but it seems to be regularly advocated by pseudo-experts that make money from the game. Eating a shite load of sweets isn't good for you, full-stop, the same effects still occur in your body. That you mitigate the weight gain with exercise is nae really here nor there and when that exercise inevitably tails off (as you get older, injury or whatever) then you haven't adapted yer lifestyle to suit. It's a subtle nuance perhaps, but I got injured a year ago and haven't put on any weight because I just ate a banana before playing fitba and then stopped eating that banana when I got injured (I have experienced a serious build up of bananas however).


I still enjoy a sweet and so forth, but I generally find most chocolate bars a bit bland these days, mainly because I've developed a decent palate through years of cooking. They're so heavily filled with sugar its boring. I like a home-bake like, that's mair up my street.


On a societal level, we need to do a lot more. We've developed a system whereby the accepted normal (and it's ridiculous to even think about this) is for a country full of fat people to be tricked into purchasing stuff that they don't need and in some cases is actively killing them. It's really, really fucked up. Nutrition and cooking should be taught in every school from a very young age and to a high level. It's ridiculous that the basic skills needed to survive (and be healthy) are lacking from the vast majority of school leavers and a whole generation of adults can't feed themselves or their kids appropriately. Supermarkets are generally to blame.




Sardines and chorizo salad last night.



Hope it turns out a better photo then the one i posted above


How was it?  I didn't see what was wrong with the photo?


Homemade burgers for me last night with a tomato chutney!


Saturday night is curry night.


Me anna, nae cooking it though, getting one in from The Blue Elephant, had one from there for the first time last week, the Phall blew my socks off , sare guts the minute I ate it, but it was fine, maybe something with a little less heat the night. My ringer was on fire last week. :gonk:

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