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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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... Im certainly not one to venture into the world of paranoia, but i have noticed that there is an ever increasing presence of articles and speculation that we are on the verge of WW3. Fear mongering by the press? of course there is an element of it, it helps sell papers and grabs viewers, but tensions to do seem to be on the rise, with both the US and Russia playing some dangerous games. Now, none of that is anything new, certainly not for some of the older generation anyway, but there does seem to be a swing towards an actual conflictbewteen the two in the near future.


Syria is clearly the basis for a lot the pro-ww3 hype, but there are conflicts all over the middle east, in Ukraine, Africa and Yemen. Boots on the ground talk in Syria isnt helping, especially with Russia backing the Assad regime. The US and Russia seem hellbent on measuring dick sizes at the cost of innocent lives and with Russia backing out of the nuclear disarmament deal, its starting to look a little scary.


Every day we hear how bad mean old Russia is and how they are increasing their military might and shifting a lot of their navy forces into the med. Of course it could all be shite, but it makes you wonder if we are nearing something that we all thought couldnt happen, or at least hoped it wouldnt.


We have been plagued by conflict in Europe for 1000's of years, why should now be any different?


US imperialism has a lot more to do with it than Russia.


We are only fed the west is good, Russia is bad line but with a lot of the posturing the US does its no wonder Putin is also lining up the defences.


Syria is their proxy war, hopefully thats as far as it goes.


I was reading an article today that claims Russia have already sent 10 spies to Scotland to begin a propaganda campaign for independence. They claimed breaking up the UK is high on the Russian agenda.


US imperialism has a lot more to do with it than Russia.


We are only fed the west is good, Russia is bad line but with a lot of the posturing the US does its no wonder Putin is also lining up the defences.


Syria is their proxy war, hopefully thats as far as it goes.


I was reading an article today that claims Russia have already sent 10 spies to Scotland to begin a propaganda campaign for independence. They claimed breaking up the UK is high on the Russian agenda.


The US and Russia were both hellbent on ending the British Empire decades ago and likely Russia still sees the UK as a huge ally to the US. to destabilise the UK makes perfect sense and who knows, there could be an element of truth. The same way they are pro Tump, they know that will have damaging consequences in the US.


I personally dont buy into the media hype here about Russia. It is clear that the majority of it is nonsense and all propaganda. If anything i believe the US are bigger threat to them than they are to us and the US. It still doesnt put me at ease though. There arent many years over the last 250-300 years that the US hasnt been involved in some kind of conflict. An actual war with Russia would not end well for Europe.


The US started bombing Yemen a couple of days ago, not one news program has even hinted about it in the coverage.


The Saudi's have been bombing Yemen for months and the west media has said nothing of it. A Saudi assault that is supported by the US and now has them involved in it. As you say, they have been bombing it for a few days now and yet all the media coverage is of bad old Russia in Syria. Dont get me wrong, it needs to be highlighted but what the fuck are the US doing in the Red Sea anyway!!


Anonymous official on youtube is always good for some WW3 chat like, I do love a bit of excitement.


It's the Chinese we need to worry about too. The yanks have been riling them in the South China Sea for years now, with any attempt at defence by the Chinaman classed as act of war.


Luckily we have someone like Obama in charge, the winner of the nobel peace prize, who has overseen the building more nuclear warheads than any other president in history.


Trump's position on Russia is to do business with them and withdraw from Ukraine. Make of that what you will.


I was always of the thought that the Chinese rely on the west too much economically, but tensions in Korea and the territorial disputes between China and Japan over the islands in the South China sea, makes me think differently these days.


Its sad to think that after both world wars, the world still cant make peace with itself and has to drive itself into conflict. Russia and the US have been muscle flexing for far too long now and i think a war (non proxy) that involves both of them is somewhat inevitable. The sad reality is that Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific will likely be the battle ground upon which it unravels. Syria has the potential to spill over into Turkey and tensions in Ukraine have the potential to spill over into mainland Europe.


I always thought the concept of WW3 existed only in the mind of a conspiracy theorist and never did i ever think it could be possible. The naivety of my youth made me think that it couldn't happen again, because surely the world wouldnt want to repeat its dark history. The style of warfare this time would be much different, but the end result will be the same. Where previous wars would end by stopping the country that started it, the same would not likely happen this time around. For starters, i dont think any one single country will be at fault for starting it and if Russia and the US are involved, which one would use a nuclear WMD first? and more frighteningly, where would it end.



I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.


Albert Einstein




History always repeats itself, that's why, as we get older, we feel we can "see things coming "


The signs have not been good lately, usually if there is financial meltdown, war is the best way for the money men to get back on top. So that's not looking good.


It's been well documented how I feel about " brexit " but whatever your views on the EU it must still be depressing to see how easy it is for a few right wing nutters backed up by a xenophobic press to gain power.


Nazism didn't happen in Germany because the Germans were bad, only because the conditions were right.



Nazism didn't happen in Germany because the Germans were bad, only because the conditions were right.


Absolutely! The conditions almost seem perfect now for continued growth of the far right wing parties/politicians. The US is an absolute hotbed for xenophobia and racism and its no wonder the likes of Trump has seized the opportunity to run for president. Im not sure how right wing he actually is, or if its all an act to get voters on his side, but either way he appeals to them. There is also a lot more support for right wing groups in mainland Europe also, with gains in Germany and France being more noticeable, although still small in the larger scheme of things.


The biggest issues in the world are now nicely coming together to brew up a much larger storm. The US and UK attempts to westernise the Middle East has caused problems for decades now. Our interference in uprisings and supporting rebel groups is causing more damage than good. Russians annexing Crimea and interfering in Eastern Ukraine is causing problems for itself too. The proxy war that exists in Syria is where all those problems have congregated into one and it is where it will all kick off. Any boots on ground moves by the US and the UK will have disastrous consequences.


The American military are itching for a good scrap.

Take it as read that Trump has already held top level unofficial talks with military chiefs about what will happen if he somehow wins in November.


Right up there at the top of his agenda is to unleash the full American military might against ISIS.


Even if Russia wanted to stand in his way, American military is just dso far ahead of Russia hese days there is little they could do to stop him.


The American military are itching for a good scrap.

Take it as read that Trump has already held top level unofficial talks with military chiefs about what will happen if he somehow wins in November.


Right up there at the top of his agenda is to unleash the full American military might against ISIS.


Even if Russia wanted to stand in his way, American military is just dso far ahead of Russia hese days there is little they could do to stop him.


I have had discussions over Trump on various forums now and the consensus is that he would be a clear danger, that said though, im almost convinced that Clinton would be just as bad. Its picking the lesser of the two evils or a choice between Coin or Snow!


The US military are far more technically advanced than that of Russia, but the Russians are well equipped and have a larger personnel as far as combat ready and volunteering civilians goes. Their WMD arsenal makes them a huge player and I personally think if Russia wanted to stand in the US way, they would and could. The US would have wiped out Russia long before now if they thought they had the ability. The Russians have a long history of fighting a good fight and despite the power of the US, military wise it isn't always successful. Dont get me wrong, im not calling the US weak, that would be absurd, but taking on Russia will mark the either the end of Russia or the US and all us little countries in between. If it came to a head to head, my money would actually be on Russia.


On a small tangent, but even the biggest empires have always crumbled in the end.

In historical terms the USA dominance would have been a very short one but are there signs already of it collapsing from within?


how easy it is for a few right wing nutters backed up by a xenophobic press to gain power.


When its the owners of the press that pick the agenda, fund the right wing and push their own agenda onto the great unwashed through the likes of the sun its easy to see why these ideas take root.


Rupert Murdoch is still pulling the strings.

He has Farage and Trump in his pocket.


Not sure if we are heading for WW3 but very possible we could see a return to the Cold War style politics between the US and Russia. Already got the proxy war in Syria that was common in the 60s and 70's. 


Not sure if we are heading for WW3 but very possible we could see a return to the Cold War style politics between the US and Russia. Already got the proxy war in Syria that was common in the 60s and 70's.


I agree, this is more where my thoughts are at the moment.  That's not to say WW3 won't happen for the reasons outlined by others, but I think that would have to be when China get involved.  Whilst the media do peddle this anti Russian agenda, I don't believe for a second it isn't true.  It is however, a diversion tactic away from the horrors that our own governments carry out and unfortunately it works most of the time.  It's amazing that the Yemen conflict hasn't had as much coverage as it should have.  The saudis really are cunts, but its ok, we sell them weapons...


All that being said, it does worry me. 2/3 super powers are itching for a fight, the Chinese, well they're flexing their muscles at the moment but a lot of economies are on the wane.  A good war always sorts that out...



All that being said, it does worry me. 2/3 super powers are itching for a fight, the Chinese, well they're flexing their muscles at the moment but a lot of economies are on the wane.  A good war always sorts that out...


Theres nothing quite like a good war to get the economy flowing again, to enhance your technology and gain territory. And while the governments conjure up their plans and do so in their safe houses, the troops, reserves, volunteers and those of a draft age will sit and wait to hear if they will called up.


While i think there is a long way to go in terms of an actual world war and one being labelled as such, i do think it is more likely now than in the last 30 years. Despite political tensions heading back to Cold War climes, i think there is a much greater chance of an actual conflict involving the Russia and the US directly. They will likely fight through proxys for now, but something tells me it has the potential to get nasty. It could all be propaganda, muscle flexing and they will just use words to fight, but it only takes one wrong move for it to turn into something much greater. We will no doubt see a lot of fear-mongering and posturing over the next few months, it just worries me that the two candidates waiting to take the US hot seat dont look fit to deal with a large scale international crisis.


There will be world war in 2017 if Hitlery Clinton gets the presidency. The people she works for demand it.


The US needs a war. They are already morally bankrupt and are financially catastrophic. Their ONLY hope of salvation is plundering and looting on a global scale and Russia is being lined up. Putin knows this and is getting ready to defend.


If the US population weren't so insular and thick, only a full scale revolution at Washington can halt the inevitable. One of the best commentators on world affairs - Paul Craig Roberts - has been calling it for years. He calls it the US global hegemony project. The USA is the most corrupt organisation of them all and the individuals behind it continue to remain invisible to the vast majority. The UK and the EU are heading towards catastrophe by supporting the US.



On the bright side it'd help push the price of oil up... which would at least tide aberdeen over until we're all nuked.


Aye, our skin will be peeling aff, but at least the hoose prices on those that didnt evaporate, will remain high! Every cloud...  :pac:



Awww fuck man, and I'd just booked my holidays for 2017  >:( Also  think rocket scientist will be struggling to get the good out of that new TV package between now and armagedon.


Lol. Sheeitt Negro, you got me down.


I think the US do need war. They're fucked with no way back without it.


Lol. Sheeitt Negro, you got me down.


I think the US do need war. They're fucked with no way back without it.


Any time they are involved in war, it goes against them. Apart from WW2, I cant think of another time since that they have been commended for their interventions. Of course it will stir up the economy though, which i guess is what you are getting at and the fact they dont give a shit what the world thinks of them.


I see the Murdoch media are in full swing with their WW3 agenda and constant reporting of IS in Mosul. No doubt setting the scene for a US/UK intervention in Syria soon.

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