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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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-MV3 defeated next week (if it is even brought to parliament).

-May to resign.

-Some chaos.

-Longer extension requested by April 12th.

-Take part in Euro elections.

-Eventually not leave the EU.


May's utter ineptitude was highlighted twice yesterday in tragically comic ways;


Sturgeon said May was the first in history to fall on her sword and missed.


Yanis Farouvakis likened the "deal" offered by May as one only the losing country in a war would accept.


That's the end of hatchet face now. The horrible cunt said she would stand aside if they supported her deal, which was never going to happen for a very simple reason - it's a shit deal - and indeed has just failed again but she can't stay on now. She couldn't negotiate jack shit and even in her final address to the house where she should have been in persuading mode and trying to sell her position, she reverted to type, turned on her detractors and once again left everyone wondering the reasons why her husband ever married her. Some observers make the correlation between his status and wealth before and after his union with hatchet face and conclude that his reasons for marriage were less about love.

  • 1 month later...



-MV3 defeated next week (if it is even brought to parliament). TICK

-May to resign. TICK

-Some chaos. TICK

-Longer extension requested by April 12th. TICK

-Take part in Euro elections. TICK

-Eventually not leave the EU.


I voted remain but the country (UK) voted for Brexit and that is what I believe must happen in order to respect the result of the referendum. ( And it gives us a cast iron reason for demanding a new independence referendum....if brexit doesnt happen then we ourselves would have no choice but to repect the result of indyref, at least for a generation)


There are remoaners on both sides demading a peoples vote to break the deadlock. With at least 3 options...no deal brexit, brexit with a deal and remain..... Very shrewd tactic if you can't see through it. Split the brexit vote whist only having one remain option allowing it to win comfortably. They also use the excuse that "we did not know what we were voting for" as an excuse. As I said...I voted remain but there was a clear choice....remain or leave. No middle ground. Those who voted leave did so trusting the politicians to deliver and theyre reneging on that trust.


I remember as a young loon....1975 I think...my parents voting in a referendum in whether to stay in an expanding Common Market...henceforth European Union or whether to leave. There were no details as to what this new entity would be nor how it would achieve it's goals or whether further expansion would take place. it was "in" or "out". Obviously we stayed in.....no one then was bleating about the result a couple of years later demanding people's votes. The politicians delivered what they were instructed to do. Years later remember the Lisbon Treaty. Blair/Brown promised the people a referendum on signing up to it....then completely went back on their word and signed up to it anyway. Indoing so landing up with the pernicious Human Rights Treaty that any old arse with a grievance now uses to sue whenever he is short of a bob or 2. ANd creating a whole industry of new "phobias" into the bargain.


I generally loathe Farage. There aren't milkshake factories large enough to pump out the quantities of product I'd like to drown him in (why no custard pies anymore....comedy classic they were??). However the results last night give him the right to be kingmaker going forward. The people have spoken.



And as an aside......fuck the Tories and Labour. You got exactly what you deserved. Indeed Labour might well be a goner forever in Scotland now







I voted remain but the country (UK) voted for Brexit and that is what I believe must happen in order to respect the result of the referendum. ( And it gives us a cast iron reason for demanding a new independence referendum....if brexit doesnt happen then we ourselves would have no choice but to repect the result of indyref, at least for a generation)


There are remoaners on both sides demading a peoples vote to break the deadlock. With at least 3 options...no deal brexit, brexit with a deal and remain..... Very shrewd tactic if you can't see through it. Split the brexit vote whist only having one remain option allowing it to win comfortably. They also use the excuse that "we did not know what we were voting for" as an excuse. As I said...I voted remain but there was a clear choice....remain or leave. No middle ground. Those who voted leave did so trusting the politicians to deliver and theyre reneging on that trust.


I remember as a young loon....1975 I think...my parents voting in a referendum in whether to stay in an expanding Common Market...henceforth European Union or whether to leave. There were no details as to what this new entity would be nor how it would achieve it's goals or whether further expansion would take place. it was "in" or "out". Obviously we stayed in.....no one then was bleating about the result a couple of years later demanding people's votes. The politicians delivered what they were instructed to do. Years later remember the Lisbon Treaty. Blair/Brown promised the people a referendum on signing up to it....then completely went back on their word and signed up to it anyway. Indoing so landing up with the pernicious Human Rights Treaty that any old arse with a grievance now uses to sue whenever he is short of a bob or 2. ANd creating a whole industry of new "phobias" into the bargain.


I generally loathe Farage. There aren't milkshake factories large enough to pump out the quantities of product I'd like to drown him in (why no custard pies anymore....comedy classic they were??). However the results last night give him the right to be kingmaker going forward. The people have spoken.



And as an aside......fuck the Tories and Labour. You got exactly what you deserved. Indeed Labour might well be a goner forever in Scotland now


I don't buy that. Not for a second. It's our democratic right to change our minds. I don't see how asking people to vote can possibly fly in the face of democracy. Especially when the deck was stacked from the beginning. Reminds me of a certain 2014 referendum which is also a dead cert to go ahead again due to said movement of political goalposts.



"Vote No to protect our place in the EU."  ::):hammer:


Hitler was voted in .


The worst of the Tory fascists repeatedly say that people voted for the first time, they must be listened to.




They only voted for the first time because they are thick.

They are thick because you don’t believe in education for people with no money.

These people will vote to bring back public executions.


If you’re going to bring back killing people for the crowds pleasure then start with that bitch Teresa May


I don't buy that. Not for a second. It's our democratic right to change our minds. I don't see how asking people to vote can possibly fly in the face of democracy. Especially when the deck was stacked from the beginning. Reminds me of a certain 2014 referendum which is also a dead cert to go ahead again due to said movement of political goalposts.



"Vote No to protect our place in the EU."  ::):hammer:

I'd rather we left.....if we don't Brexiteers will forever claim the will of the people was disrespected. As you rightly point out about the Indyref, we were made a promise that could not be guaranteed thus giving us a cast iron reason to re-run Indyref. If Brexit is stopped in whatever manner, then that cast iron reason is lost.


Now (unless there's a no confidence vote that gets through Parliament quicker), what could/should happen is the pro European parties fight the next General Election on a "rejoin Europe" ticket. Brexit supporting parties on a "stay out" one. Saves the vast cost of another UK wide referendum (we of course may be Independent anyway by then)


If you're not a member of a club then you have to be allowed / invited back in.


Why the fuck would they want the English back in?


By that time it's all going to be wasteland.


Anyway, they would never get back in with the deal they have now.


Not that it wouldn't be funny watching them grovel, because it would.


English fascist bastards

I remember as a young loon....1975 I think...my parents voting in a referendum in whether to stay in an expanding Common Market...henceforth European Union or whether to leave. There were no details as to what this new entity would be nor how it would achieve it's goals or whether further expansion would take place. it was "in" or "out". Obviously we stayed in.....no one then was bleating about the result a couple of years later demanding people's votes. The politicians delivered what they were instructed to do. Years later remember the Lisbon Treaty. Blair/Brown promised the people a referendum on signing up to it....then completely went back on their word and signed up to it anyway. Indoing so landing up with the pernicious Human Rights Treaty that any old arse with a grievance now uses to sue whenever he is short of a bob or 2. ANd creating a whole industry of new "phobias" into the bargain.


I don't think you can use the 1975 referendum as comparitive example to the 2016 one.

This was before my time but as I understand it, in the 1970s the UK still had the following industries

- Coal

- Steel

- Shipbuilding

- Car manufacture

and had just discovered that lovely blackstuff that is killing the planet (Pollution & wars).


The internet only existed in science labs & military bases

Air travel was still for the rich.


If you had a business in the UK I suspect the majority of your work/ product sales were in a relatively local area. The idea of say an Aberdeen builder buying building materials from a supplier in Plymouth may have been considered madness. Saying you could buy it from outside the UK would may have seen you sectioned.


Having only been involved in the common market for 3 years I don't imagine there had been a dramatic change in  UK society so had the country voted to leave the impact would have been fairly minimal.


Fast forward 40 years


Air travel is cheap

Smart technology and the internet potentially allows someone in Scotland to run a business in Tanzania without having to leave the country

UK fishermen sell hugh proportion of their catch to the Spanish etc

The only car industry is niche poser sports cars

There are only about 3 shipyards left and they are fighting to stop being mothballed

No coal industry

Oil & gas is on the decline yet the UK not following the Norwegian model relies in imports from the continent to keep the nations heating on

The farmers have been fucked over so much by power hungry supermarkets and politicians stabbing them in the back they ended up selling their land to developers so the UK imports a substantial amount of its food. Any farmers left more often than not rely on the subsidies and workforce they get from the EU

The last remaining steelworks is owned by an Indian company and should they decide its not worth the hassle the UK building industry will be solely reliant in imports from the continet

The NHS relies so much on foreign workers because by some miracle we have managed to keep it a secret that our health service is crumbling and the staff are underpaid and treated like shit.

Our education system also now heavily relies on foreign teachers however word now seems to be spreading abroad that as with the health service you will get treated like shit and want to slit your wrists with the stress.


The skills shortage list for the UK is scary. Everyone seems to be going to Uni but no one seems to have any skills


In short our entire 'union' is intertwined with the EU and to suddenly just pull the plug on that the way they the tories are threatening is terrorism as far as I am concerned.


But because little england got its feelings hurt when it marched up to the the EU gang and said ' give me special treatment or I'm taking my ball and going home' only to find the EU had better balls and a stadium to play in, the posh minted wankers started the whole imperialism agenda and took advantage of millions of people in their constituencies who most of the time they would rather didnt exist painting this picture that everything wrong with the UK was the EU's fault. Nothing to do with successive governments cutting taxes, selling off assets to their cronies or just burning whatever cash they have to keep the fire going.


I'm getting fed up hearing the reteric ' we will take back control of our schools, health service, transport etc etc' but when asked 'what EU laws are actually stopping the UK from improving these things' they either change the subject, accuse the interviewer of being part of the 'elite', or even admit they havent researched any of the claims they just made.


Some say many voted for brexit because they had nothing to lose ie their life is so shit it couldn't get any worse so they may as well vote for a 'change'

I wonder how many of these people jumped on the Conservative bandwagon following the demise of the blairites and then blamed the Lib dems for how shit things suddenly got from them?

If the think life is shit now wait until the toffs in power get their wish and rip up workers rights charters, health & safety policy and replace all benefits with tax credits but only if you have a knighthood or went to a private school


I'll happily put up with brexiteers bitching and moaning should it be cancelled same as I put up with people bitching and moaning we no longer execute our citizens (watch that one come swinging back should a no deal brexit happen).


Funny how EIRE was once supposedly the restrictive cousin to the UK (possibly down to the amount of control the churches had) and yet within the EU they seem to be turing into a freedom loving eutopia (except for the northern bit the brits stole).


I'd rather we left.....if we don't Brexiteers will forever claim the will of the people was disrespected. As you rightly point out about the Indyref, we were made a promise that could not be guaranteed thus giving us a cast iron reason to re-run Indyref. If Brexit is stopped in whatever manner, then that cast iron reason is lost.


Now (unless there's a no confidence vote that gets through Parliament quicker), what could/should happen is the pro European parties fight the next General Election on a "rejoin Europe" ticket. Brexit supporting parties on a "stay out" one. Saves the vast cost of another UK wide referendum (we of course may be Independent anyway by then)



Nae if a new (or "people's") vote has an entirely different outcome. Which I think it would.


I don't think you can use the 1975 referendum as comparitive example to the 2016 one.

This was before my time but as I understand it, in the 1970s the UK still had the following industries

- Coal

- Steel

- Shipbuilding

- Car manufacture

and had just discovered that lovely blackstuff that is killing the planet (Pollution & wars).


The internet only existed in science labs & military bases

Air travel was still for the rich.


If you had a business in the UK I suspect the majority of your work/ product sales were in a relatively local area. The idea of say an Aberdeen builder buying building materials from a supplier in Plymouth may have been considered madness. Saying you could buy it from outside the UK would may have seen you sectioned.


Having only been involved in the common market for 3 years I don't imagine there had been a dramatic change in  UK society so had the country voted to leave the impact would have been fairly minimal.


Fast forward 40 years


Air travel is cheap

Smart technology and the internet potentially allows someone in Scotland to run a business in Tanzania without having to leave the country

UK fishermen sell hugh proportion of their catch to the Spanish etc

The only car industry is niche poser sports cars

There are only about 3 shipyards left and they are fighting to stop being mothballed

No coal industry

Oil & gas is on the decline yet the UK not following the Norwegian model relies in imports from the continent to keep the nations heating on

The farmers have been fucked over so much by power hungry supermarkets and politicians stabbing them in the back they ended up selling their land to developers so the UK imports a substantial amount of its food. Any farmers left more often than not rely on the subsidies and workforce they get from the EU

The last remaining steelworks is owned by an Indian company and should they decide its not worth the hassle the UK building industry will be solely reliant in imports from the continet

The NHS relies so much on foreign workers because by some miracle we have managed to keep it a secret that our health service is crumbling and the staff are underpaid and treated like shit.

Our education system also now heavily relies on foreign teachers however word now seems to be spreading abroad that as with the health service you will get treated like shit and want to slit your wrists with the stress.


The skills shortage list for the UK is scary. Everyone seems to be going to Uni but no one seems to have any skills


In short our entire 'union' is intertwined with the EU and to suddenly just pull the plug on that the way they the tories are threatening is terrorism as far as I am concerned.


But because little england got its feelings hurt when it marched up to the the EU gang and said ' give me special treatment or I'm taking my ball and going home' only to find the EU had better balls and a stadium to play in, the posh minted wankers started the whole imperialism agenda and took advantage of millions of people in their constituencies who most of the time they would rather didnt exist painting this picture that everything wrong with the UK was the EU's fault. Nothing to do with successive governments cutting taxes, selling off assets to their cronies or just burning whatever cash they have to keep the fire going.


I'm getting fed up hearing the reteric ' we will take back control of our schools, health service, transport etc etc' but when asked 'what EU laws are actually stopping the UK from improving these things' they either change the subject, accuse the interviewer of being part of the 'elite', or even admit they havent researched any of the claims they just made.


Some say many voted for brexit because they had nothing to lose ie their life is so shit it couldn't get any worse so they may as well vote for a 'change'

I wonder how many of these people jumped on the Conservative bandwagon following the demise of the blairites and then blamed the Lib dems for how shit things suddenly got from them?

If the think life is shit now wait until the toffs in power get their wish and rip up workers rights charters, health & safety policy and replace all benefits with tax credits but only if you have a knighthood or went to a private school


I'll happily put up with brexiteers bitching and moaning should it be cancelled same as I put up with people bitching and moaning we no longer execute our citizens (watch that one come swinging back should a no deal brexit happen).


Funny how EIRE was once supposedly the restrictive cousin to the UK (possibly down to the amount of control the churches had) and yet within the EU they seem to be turing into a freedom loving eutopia (except for the northern bit the brits stole).


Superb post. Easiest Simmie I've ever dished oot. 


Girl I know who’s a florist was talking about the course she did at college.

Of course I was taking the piss about going to college to learn how to plonk flooers in a vase.


She’s a good quine ( and a bloody good florist) so she took the ribbing in good spirit.


She did however tell me about the class next door, folk walking about with hamsters in cages etc.


The course?

Pet management


The skills shortage list for the UK is scary. Everyone seems to be going to Uni but no one seems to have any skills




Now that’s a question needs answering.


Great post


Skills for what? All our shite is made in China, and most of that shite we don't need. What is it that we are missing (or is needed) in this country for which there is a skill shortage? Doctors perhaps? I certainly have had zero problems in getting tradesmen or mechanicing services; almost always a British person. What are the actual requirements in terms of skilled worker these days? It's certainly massively reduced. For example, if I'm making Ikea(esque) furniture for retail, then I don't need an army of joiners, I just need labourers to move shite from one CNC machine to the next and one skilled CNC contractor/consultant. If my electric car stops working, then I plug it into a computer to tell me it's fucked. Does anyone get their washing machine repaired or do they just buy a new one? If there is a skills vacuum then it's because there isn't a requirement for the skill. Beyond the hyper-specialist type roles that you mention, or the shifting of money from one account to another in the sudo-gambling financial industry, what are we missing? The EU is a globalist, expansionist organisation by design. It operates on the retarded constitutional surplus model. It is within that model that we've been afforded the opportunity to water down our skillset. For me, it doesn't really hold water that by staying in the EU we will rely less on imported skills, which seems to be what you're arguing for (or complaining about the lack of)? In fact, the overwhelming evidence - and the EU's trade, economic and monetary policy requirement and design - suggests that we will become less and less skilled. Surely a benefit, in your terms, to leaving the EU would be that it could force the UK to learn to feed/clothe/produce themselves (I don't think it would, but that's not the point, the point is that the status quo most certainly doesn't)?

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