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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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The media being owned by only 5 or 6 complicit establishment people is one problem but I wonder how ALL their employees manage to toe the party line? Surely there would be ONE journalist of integrity who would want to reveal the truth? The Sky and BBC anchors and hacks turn my stomach.


The problem is that they'd only last a single inconsequential broadcast before being hooked. The easiest way to ensure compliance is to employ people who are average, or at least think that they are average. That way, not only do you get the deference aspect when talking to "Prime Minister/Your Majesty/Mr Speaker/Sir/Your Honour/etc", you also get a person who is reliant on you for their employment. Nobody with the "fuck it, I'm ace, I'll just get a job elsewhere". Those that do have the confidence are dicks like Piers Morgan or some such who benefit directly from the society in which they design.


I also wonder how Zuckerberg got turned? Did federal agents visit him at night and deliver the agenda that he must follow? I'm pretty sure that when he was at Harvard and stealing the idea for Facebook, he didn't have social oppression and disinformation as his priorities. The likes of Cambridge Analytica got caught (by Channel 4) but the likes of them still operate in the background and are used and abused by the likes of Cummings. Seedy and corrupt and all shite.


You've answered your own question I suppose. Zuckerberg will do what will return him money and power. He showed his integrity and colours when he stole Facebook in the first place. When someone came along requesting social oppression in return for money and power, the moral and ethical mechanisms didn't kick in to make him question it because they don't exist in him. Although, in fairness, likes of CA would have passed well below his paygrade, but the ethics of profit before privacy/morals/integrity would have been ingrained in the business model and the employees at the level of authority required would have known what to do when approached with this type of offer. But our system is designed to reward yer Zuckerbergian fuck-sticks. They are the barometer of success rather than excess.


The differences between me and the likes of you - other than you being fat and me not - isn't even measurable, being on different planets.


Not one SNP canvasser hit the area I live in. Not one leaflet through the door either. All of us in the village were astounded by that. The Tories hit us multiple times and so I blame YOU and your lazy fat-arsed mates. Your flawed strategy allowed Bowie to win again. That plus you do half a days shift and think it's time to go to the pub. It's because low quality humans like you representing the SNP that we lost. Did you tell them on the doorsteps that your wife likes to pretend she's so fista cayted?

WAK was the #1 canvassed constituency in Scotland, wherever I was the shift was generally 11-4ish due to daylight, there would have been evening shifts in a summer election. I believe you're in the Stoney & Mearns area? I never went down there, but they hit every village in their area afaik, maybe you just weren't in? I can't explain lack of canvassing card left behind mind you. 


By contrast every reponse on the doors was that they'd seen no-one from any party. Bowie only knocked on doors the two times he had a "big-name" up from London, once in Aboyne and I think the other in Banchory but not sure on that one, the rest of the time he just leafleted. So I'm afraid once again you're talking pish. You really don't know much about this stuff eh? How's that hung parliament worked out?


Edit - Banchory was Rooth, think only Maybot in Aboyne came up to help him, rest of time it was Burnett, Liam Kerr & local tory councillors.


WAK was the #1 canvassed constituency in Scotland, wherever I was the shift was generally 11-4ish due to daylight, there would have been evening shifts in a summer election. I believe you're in the Stoney & Mearns area? I never went down there, but they hit every village in their area afaik, maybe you just weren't in? I can't explain lack of canvassing card left behind mind you. 


By contrast every reponse on the doors was that they'd seen no-one from any party. Bowie only knocked on doors the two times he had a "big-name" up from London, once in Aboyne and I think the other in Banchory but not sure on that one, the rest of the time he just leafleted. So I'm afraid once again you're talking pish. You really don't know much about this stuff eh? How's that hung parliament worked out?


Edit - Banchory was Rooth, think only Maybot in Aboyne came up to help him, rest of time it was Burnett, Liam Kerr & local tory councillors.


Let me get this straight; you're saying that I'm lying about who chapped our doors? I'm not in Mearns or Stoney. When the first Tories came to our door, I posted it up on here! The SNP were conspicuous by their absence and EVERYONE we've spoken to confirms that you fucking didn't come here.


You must be sick and twisted, as well as granite thick. Who else on this planet would use a hung parliament prediction - which was heavily odds on at the time I made it - as some sort of oneupmanship? What sort of retard uses the Tory landslide (a disastrous day for us all) as something to use and attempt to hit another over the head with? If you had been better at your job, the Tories wouldn't have done so well as they did in the NE in 2019 and particularly in 2017. You failed because you're not credible. Go fuck yourself you useless fat cunt. And get over yourself. You spoke shite once. I pointed it out once. Now you seek disputes for EVERY little thing. Grow up.


WAK was the #1 canvassed constituency in Scotland, wherever I was the shift was generally 11-4ish due to daylight, there would have been evening shifts in a summer election.


They didnae come East of portlethen. Cunts.


Let me get this straight; you're saying that I'm lying about who chapped our doors? I'm not in Mearns or Stoney. When the first Tories came to our door, I posted it up on here! The SNP were conspicuous by their absence and EVERYONE we've spoken to confirms that you fucking didn't come here.


You must be sick and twisted, as well as granite thick. Who else on this planet would use a hung parliament prediction - which was heavily odds on at the time I made it - as some sort of oneupmanship? What sort of retard uses the Tory landslide (a disastrous day for us all) as something to use and attempt to hit another over the head with? If you had been better at your job, the Tories wouldn't have done so well as they did in the NE in 2019 and particularly in 2017. You failed because you're not credible. Go fuck yourself you useless fat cunt. And get over yourself. You spoke shite once. I pointed it out once. Now you seek disputes for EVERY little thing. Grow up.

hey arse sitter, a hung parliament was never odds on,  but if you look back I said it was lookin bad, you ridiculed that saying I must be some sort of retard, I was right, despite you backing the "heavily Odds on option". If you'd had the ability to think for yourself instead of just following the bookies maybe you'd have seen what was coming.


Anyway, fair enough, in the most canvassed constituency in Scotland, you saw no snp team, but you did see our tory canvassing even tho he did very little of that. Good to know. Where do you live because this seems like a load of shit to me?


I came down to Portlethen on the last Sunday, we did the tree named streets and then up to schoolhill area late afternoon. The Portlethen mob were out all the time.


East of Portlethen, nae Portlethen itself. Nae fucker turned up. Good on ye though for your effort.

  • Like 1

This was tweeted by someone called "Lisa Avenging Angel Tucker-Clemens": -


I'm trying to get my head around why anyone would turn down what Labour and Corbyn were offering? I want to know why Brexit was more important in your minds than all Labour offered? I want to know what you think Brexit will bring that is so good? What made Brexit override all?


This was tweeted by someone called "Lisa Avenging Angel Tucker-Clemens": -


I'm trying to get my head around why anyone would turn down what Labour and Corbyn were offering? I want to know why Brexit was more important in your minds than all Labour offered? I want to know what you think Brexit will bring that is so good? What made Brexit override all?



She's not the only one that's been wondering that. No one had any idea that our EU membership was such a problem until Farage told us all it was prior to 2016.


I think I've said in this thread already that I had no one from the SNP at my door. All Tories. The only leaflets that I got were posted.


By the way can we all settle doon with the calling each other fat retard cunts etc. Saves moderators having to think about editing posts which no one wnats to do. 

  • Like 1

She's not the only one that's been wondering that. No one had any idea that our EU membership was such a problem until Farage told us all it was prior to 2016.


Euroscepticism has been there since day one but given the ideal was indisputably a great one, it was a marginalised minority view through the 70's and 80's. The sheer cost of EU membership had escalated to a level where it had to be questioned. Indeed the costs and benefits of every arrangement should continuously be looked at. It's folly to not consider the pros and cons and in the modern era, the Rees Mogg's and the Gove's and the Johnson's et al became so numerically vociferous that the ERG became a credible voice.


The mantra "taking back control" when regurgitated by Maybot and her administration so frequently made it impossible for them to not carry through with because the stupid illiterate racist electorate took this to mean immigration above all else, not being able to see the many benefits of the UK having migrants.


As Parliament didn't have a majority and most importantly the deal being offered was such a bad one - "one that only a losing country in a war would accept" (as Yanis said on QT) - it became a stalemate whereupon they couldn't "respect the will of the people". It was this alone that gave Cummings and the Tories the opportunity to seize control by calling a winter GE, 3 years before they had to. Hindsight is a great thing but they knew how stupid we, the electorate are and that we would vote ONLY on Brexit. It's all shite.



I think I've said in this thread already that I had no one from the SNP at my door. All Tories. The only leaflets that I got were posted.


Some folk think it's possible for a political party to chap every door in every constituency. They can't accept that the most targeted constituency (apparently) would not be hit. Simple mathematics gets sacrificed by some sense of civic duty. Some folk believe in Santa Claus too. A well brought up child* instinctively knows that one man can't visit every household in the world in one night. Putting aside the fact that more than three quarters of the world is non Christian, one man couldn't even visit every house in Kincorth, or Great Western Road. The child sees through the logistical nonsense of this fairytale.


* Good parenting includes: -


1. Love them

2. Encourage them to think for themselves

3. Teach them to question everything, particularly "conventional wisdom".


The world we live in includes billions who are unable to think for themselves and who are vulnerable to disinformation, which the presstitute media are happy to give them. The region of Scotland that we live in, the North East (including the very constituency I voted in) is an embarrassment to Scotland. Only us and the Tory borders voted conservative. We are out of kilter with our country. Bowie is a nauseating toadying arselicker of the establishment and the SNP still couldn't displace him. It's all shite.



  • 8 months later...

Feels like a perfect storm coming up. COVID restrictions and Brexit, all pointing towards a total clusterfuck. Wonder how many business and livelihoods will be destroyed by it all. 

And the latest attempt to ignore a legal agreement with the EU, apart from showing the Tories have no shame, just iterates the point that there’s still no solution to Northern Ireland, other than unification with Ireland which feels like is getting closer. 

  • 3 weeks later...

So the Swiss just effectivelly told their equivalent of UKIP/ Tory ERG to GTF and have voted to keep freedom of movement of EU citizens 63-37%

The SVP (Swiss People's Party) are the largest party in the Swiss Government and have been pushing to 'take back control of its borders' for years and were pissed off in 2014 when their narrow referndum victory on bringing in Immigration quotas was rendered effectivelly worthless by the time the Swiss Parliament was done with it.
I'm wondering if their citizens have been looking at the clusterfuck of whats happening in the UK and put some real thought into the consequences of their actions?

  • Like 1
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

This prick really is dragging it out til the 12th when he can use whatever happens as part of his 1 year election 'celebration'.

The desperation stink is rife but Im now resigned to this 'no deal by accident' and as there is nothing I can do about it I shall perhaps revel in a self harming element of shaudenfraude watching the tories try to gaslight the electorate, Labourites trying to play down their role in this clusterfuck, and playing a game of 'spot the person who voted to leave who had absolutely no idea what it would result in' as the supermarket shelves run out of all the things I never buy.

Perhaps the obesity crisis will sort itself out?

Edited by tom_widdows

Fuck sake actually declaring you will send out your own armed forces against multiple country's fishing boats?!

What exactly are the Navy going to do? If they open fire on what is actually an unarmed civilian ship for taking some cod out of the North sea I believe that is actually an act of war. 
Following the Thatcher playbook in starting armed confilict to keep yourself in power except this time it will be due to the actions of a 10man trawler off the coast of Devon instead of the forces of a country under a Military Junta invading an overseas territory. 

Johnson and co trying to emulate an old family guy episode?


  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say in light of tonight's news this shit really is going to start getting real a couple of weeks earlier than thought and whilst the tories can try to blame covid, it is merely an accelerant.

Clearly the pricks in power never learned about the first & second world war submarine attacks on Britain's supply ships which fortunately did not succeed but did make things very difficult for a country who relied on imports from the colonies.  Least the UK still had their own industries back then.
This time no need for submarines, the french, dutch & belgians just have to shut their ports for all UK ships & trucks and BOOM, the legacy of shutting down most of the UK industries since the 1980s, Selling Oil & gas reserves with little or no thought about storing any, and actively encouraging cheaper imports rather than supporting home country producers so they gradually close comes together in a perfect storm. 

  • Like 1

Yep, we're starting to look like the lonely isolated country that presumably some Brexiteers wanted, but its taken the French to concentrate minds, as only the French can.


What an absolute shit show, and its going to be tough times ahead.  An absolute perfect storm as you say Tom.


Aye, it'll be interesting. A good book on the subject is "Feeding Britain: Our food Problems and How to Fix Them" by Tim Lang. Unfortunately, we haven't done any of the fixing part yet, so it could get interesing. If anyone didn't learn from the pandemic that our just in time food network was a really serious issue then perhaps a No Deal Brexit (I actually think they'll do something this week) will concentrate minds. To be honest, the unintended consequence of Brexit might be that we massively increase our food growing at home, and that would be a good thing. The other likelihood is that we run down the shelves so much that the public soften to the influx of US abomination-diet and a deal is quickly pushed through, but we only have to further privatise the NHS (it won't be sold as that of course) in return. As part of the deal, It'll probably be made illegal for Scotland to hold another referendum.

11 hours ago, RicoS321 said:

Aye, it'll be interesting. A good book on the subject is "Feeding Britain: Our food Problems and How to Fix Them" by Tim Lang. Unfortunately, we haven't done any of the fixing part yet, so it could get interesing. If anyone didn't learn from the pandemic that our just in time food network was a really serious issue then perhaps a No Deal Brexit (I actually think they'll do something this week) will concentrate minds. To be honest, the unintended consequence of Brexit might be that we massively increase our food growing at home, and that would be a good thing. The other likelihood is that we run down the shelves so much that the public soften to the influx of US abomination-diet and a deal is quickly pushed through, but we only have to further privatise the NHS (it won't be sold as that of course) in return. As part of the deal, It'll probably be made illegal for Scotland to hold another referendum.

I can totally see some of that happening, especially the bit about the pet food standard of yank food.  I feel for you guys back in the UK.  We all saw it coming and it was inevitable, but Brexit is how they're going to sneak it through.  They failed with the previous trade agreement and only needed to bid their time until the next opportunity. Chlorinated Chicken ? 

  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

So these Tory charlatans (ie. wankers) as good as admitting Brexit was a mistake because NI now has access to both the UK and EU markets which makes it the most exciting trade zone in the world. Unbelievable. 

It’s beyond satire now. 

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