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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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BBC : Global wildlife populations have fallen by 58% since 1970..


The Living Planet assessment, by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and WWF, suggests that if the trend continues that decline could reach two-thirds among vertebrates by 2020.


The figures suggest that animals living in lakes, rivers and wetlands are suffering the biggest losses.

Human activity, including habitat loss, wildlife trade, pollution and climate change contributed to the declines.


Losses are on track to reach 67% by 2020.


Its a pretty shocking statistic, but certainly not surprising. We are absolutely obsessed with consuming all we can and destructing the natural world, that one day there will be very little left except us. Humans missed the boat to be decent beings a long time ago and once we consume and destroy everything, we will then destroy ourselves. As a so called "intelligent" species, we really do our best to fuck it all up. The Earth truly has entered the Anthropocene.


Fucking shocking statistic but doesn't come as any great surprise as mankind continues to do its best to destroy all around it.


On a light note however, I take it spiders aren't included in there as there seems to have een a huge amount of the fuckers about this year. Then again I am close to a site where new houses are going up and I suppose it could be down to them being disturbed by that. Also I saw a wasp yesterday afternoon....I mean it's almost November. The seasons are fucked up these days.


Or fucking pigeons!  :hammer:


Saw that statement on the news yesterday, Stupie. Absolutely tragic but sadly not surprising at all. Folk need to wake up but the problem with so many people moving to urban areas and the demand for everything all the time leads to this unsustainable consumer model. It was only the other week wondering whilst cycling through Cornwall,  how many of these hedgerows they'd cut back and replaced with walls. Simple things like this have contributed to the down fall of our ecology economic system. Utterly depressing.


Only going to get worse (on a global scale) with India and China beginning to embrace the western ideals of capitalism and consumerism. The bbc programme about the Ivory trade made my blood boil, elephants being killed on a catastrophic scale so some Chinaman can have an ivory temple or ornament. Fucksake.


I feel sad now  :( best trawl through the WYOWYN threads to pick me up


They obviously haven't taken the fuckin seagull population into account


Seagull population is down significantly. They have simply moved to the cities in search of food.


Luckily we have the internet and we'll have virtual reality seagulls in future, which won't shite on you.


Or fucking pigeons!  :hammer:


Saw that statement on the news yesterday, Stupie. Absolutely tragic but sadly not surprising at all. Folk need to wake up but the problem with so many people moving to urban areas and the demand for everything all the time leads to this unsustainable consumer model. It was only the other week wondering whilst cycling through Cornwall,  how many of these hedgerows they'd cut back and replaced with walls. Simple things like this have contributed to the down fall of our ecology economic system. Utterly depressing.


Only going to get worse (on a global scale) with India and China beginning to embrace the western ideals of capitalism and consumerism. The bbc programme about the Ivory trade made my blood boil, elephants being killed on a catastrophic scale so some Chinaman can have an ivory temple or ornament. Fucksake.


I feel sad now  :( best trawl through the WYOWYN threads to pick me up


I didnt watch the ivory documentary, however i have seen something similar in the past. Fucking heartbreaking. How a human can accept within himself that killing a defenseless animal for "medicine" or trophies is necessary, i will never know. Elephants in particular are very intelligent and emotional animals and to just hack one down for its tusks makes me sick to the stomach. Some of the images i saw in that documentary from a while ago, will haunt me forever... slaughtered elephants, gorillas, tigers, lions etc... awful.





So true!!


I wonder what our future generations will think of us when they realise how much we took this planet for granted and openly destroyed it to make £billions.


As Gandhi famously stated “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”

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