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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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As an amateur astronomer, I have often look up and asked myself questions about the universe and what part we play in it all. Is earth unique? Is it the only one with intelligent and advanced forms of life? Will we ever know or will we ever be allowed to know?


With the mere mention of alien life, everyone gets themselves into a tiz. It often brings about the debate of religion vs science and little green men with big bulbous eyes, but of course alien life may exist elsewhere in microbe form and may have not advanced any further. Would such a discovery have any impact on your own beliefs or on religion? Would humans be able to handle that sort of information.


As for my own beliefs, I 100% believe we are not alone in the universe. It seems far too vast to have no intelligent life existing anywhere else and I’m almost certain that organisms of some kind likely exist, even within our own Solar System.


There are many out there who debate the existence of alien life, the impact on religious beliefs, whether the moon landings happened, are there rovers on Mars etc. What’s your thoughts?


Worth a watch !!!







I was 10 years old in July 1969


My entire childhood was infuenced by the Apollo missions.


What is beyond doubt is that the Yanks made an effort at it.


I really really want to believe that man walked on the moon.


Looking back as an adult, knowing what I know now about America and their insistence on being best, on their willingness to lie and twist the truth just to look like they were winners.


I'm afraid to say that major doubt has to be cast on the moon landings, if I was really forced to say one way or another then I would say they were faked.



I was 10 years old in July 1969


My entire childhood was infuenced by the Apollo missions.


What is beyond doubt is that the Yanks made an effort at it.


I really really want to believe that man walked on the moon.


Looking back as an adult, knowing what I know now about America and their insistence on being best, on their willingness to lie and twist the truth just to look like they were winners.


I'm afraid to say that major doubt has to be cast on the moon landings, if I was really forced to say one way or another then I would say they were faked.


I wasnt born in the Apollo era, but i do understand why people say it is faked, however I honestly believe they happened without a doubt. There is a lot of talk about radiation belts, no stars in background, technology at the time, shadows, flag movement etc, but as with all such huge accomplishments in life, humans will find a way to say that it's fake. If someone wants to believe something, they will no doubt find a way... look at god. Not visible, but believed in by billions.


Have a look at the picture archives



If the space race was a genuine thing, the Russians would clearly have dismissed it as fake, yet they commended it. Im not saying everything we are told is true, but its too elaborate even by todays standards for it to be a fake. If it was indeed done in a Hollywood basement, technology of now would be able to prove it as fake. NVIDIA tried to prove the images fake and couldn't, even using today's photographic technologies.


I added a video onto my original post... one of my favorites.


A subject that has always fascinated me.  I am in no doubt that there have to be other life forms out there, whether they are more advanced than us, who knows?  My mind genuinely get's blown as to how large space is, but I guess you could say the same about the net /dark net. It's boundless and to think, DT is only a minuscule part of it ;)


I remember meeting both Helen Sharman and Sir Patrick Moore (separately) when they visited our school, excellent speakers and naturally very passionate about their subjects.  I was surprised I never once wanted to be an astronaut as a kid but I guess I didn't see it as being as cool as a fighter pilot...Kennedy space centre amazed me though, having their own climate system in at the top of the rocket hangar because it was so tall. Amazing stuff.


Regarding the moon landings? I'm skeptical but i'd like to believe it was true.  It was a monumental achievement and as you say, would be highly unlikely that the Russians would have accepted defeat in the space race if it was indeed proved fake.


We canna be the only ones out there in a lace as vast as the universe. Physicists are finally coming round to the idea that the laws of physics that govern us in our wee corner of the universe may not apply elsewhere.

Read recently that quantum theory has shown there are at least 6 dimensions with another 3 or 4 beyond that where the physical laws that we understand just do not seem to fit.

The US I'm sure know a helluva lot more about "aliens" than they are letting on. What goes on in Area 51 fascinates me, I've read articles where its said that they have a crashed alien craft there and they are trying ( and possibly succeeding) in reverse engineering it.

I can only just remember the last moon landing, we were told that within 10 years a mission to Mars was going to happen. This got put on the back burner for various reasons, mainly economical, but its back on the cards. Just 120 years ago there were no such things as aeroplanes. I reckon that my great grandchildren will probably witness inter galactic travel in their lifetime. Captain Kirk could be made a reality.


I believe 100%that there's other life on the go into the distance whether it's 5 million or 5 billion miles away there's life for sure I just

Hope they aren't treating their planet in the same way we are mass extinction is being talked about of our wildlife mass pollution on a biblical scale.

People killing by the thousands every day for what!!!


Religious wars for what a god that NEVER existed..

Huge amounts of people get up in the morning thinking how they can earn a fast buc corruption is now the way for people chasing that million dollar contract.


Never satisfied with what they have the bigger the car the more the STATUS symbol.

Any amount of money is not enough that is why this planet is indeed dying..


Oil companies chase the the oil find without any care of the people and the inhabitants.

Mexico for one.



I think there is more lifeforms out there, it's just arrogance to assume we are all by ourselves.


I don't think they got to the moon back in 69, I don't think they were advanced enough technologically to do it and still don't think we have.


I think there is more lifeforms out there, it's just arrogance to assume we are all by ourselves.


I don't think they got to the moon back in 69, I don't think they were advanced enough technologically to do it and still don't think we have.


As Manc_Don says, visiting Cape Canaveral will at the very least help prove to you we had and have the technology to visit bodies outside our planet. I have been to both Cape Canaveral in Florida and Johnson Space Center in Houston and the things you see and learn will 100% make you realise that they have they have the ability and technology to do it. Either that or NASA is the most expensive lie ever told.


In my own opinion, if we had the scientific technology to create a 15kt nuclear bomb in 1945, explode the 50MT Tsar bomb only 16 years later, build the SR-71 Blackbird that could travel 2500mph at 85,000 feet in the early 60's, then IMO we had the ability to put a rocket into space and send a craft to the moon. Its easy to think the 60's were a long time ago, but the advancements in technology from the end of WW2 to the 70's was phenomenal.


We are all of different opinions and thats what makes this such a great debate.


The SR-71 is one of the most awesome things invented by man. I've been fortune to see a couple of them in my time, would have absolutely loved to have the opportunity to have flown in one. Was one of the planes that made me want to be a pilot.


Meant to add, I am not a pilot :(


If man got to the moon in 1969, how much fuel did they need to get back and how did they get it there?


Simple question. It's simple mathematics. You can only believe it happened once you know the answer.


I don't know the answer and until I hear it, I'm with R.E.M. and the Red Hot Chillis.


If man got to the moon in 1969, how much fuel did they need to get back and how did they get it there?


Simple question. It's simple mathematics. You can only believe it happened once you know the answer.


I don't know the answer and until I hear it, I'm with R.E.M. and the Red Hot Chillis.


You need very very little fuel in space . It's a vacuum, you can use the gravity to pull you in and sling shot you around a body. Even just a slight burst of power will allow a craft to travel a long distance as there is no friction in space.


You need very very little fuel in space . It's a vacuum, you can use the gravity to pull you in and sling shot you around a body. Even just a slight burst of power will allow a craft to travel a long distance as there is no friction in space.


So what's the answer? How much did they need and how did they get it there?


You're giving reasons for wanting to believe. You haven't given an answer.


Only as much as to escape our atmosphere, as said before once in space there's 0 gravity so with conservation of energy the spacecraft is essentially using no fuel from around 100 miles up. There is a very small supply of fuel in the landing module used to fire up a reverse thrust to slow the craft down on final descent to the lunar surface, and also to provide literally a few seconds thrust to escape the lunar atmosphere on returning to earth. (Remember the lunar atmosphere and gravity is about one sixth of that on earth, coupled with the fact the mass of the  landing module is tiny compared to that of the launch rocket at take off from Cape Canaveral, where some of the fuel initially used is in effect used to carry the fuel required to escape our atmosphere).


What a lot of folk don't realise regarding space travel is that even in the 70s the technology was available to build a space vehicle which could be accelerated to speeds very close to the speed of light...when i say near its about 3/4 speed of light. This type of speed id required to travel any great distance in the universe. ( as a comparison the rockets used to go to the moon were doing speeds of around a ten millionth of the speed of light).

2 huge obstacles have prevented us from doing so. The first being cost. Whilst the technology is theoretically available actual production costs would be astronomically high.

However the second and actually most important reason is that its actually supplying the astronauts with enough oxygen, food and water for missions that would last about 5 years to reach even our nearest star at 3/4 speed of light ( and obviously a further 5 years to get back. This is why NASA concentrated on the space shuttle and the international space station rather than continuing lunar missions or mars expeditions.



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