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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen

Aberdeen v The Victims


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That's hardly a fair comparison - no team has a 10x advantage in spending power over another in the EPL.  Champion's league money has destroyed the game in our country since 1995, having a go at our own players or questioning their mentality just because we can't afford to match them in a players arms race is positively Sevconian.


Chelsea, & Man City do and they both finished behind Leicester City last season.


Queen of the South back in 2008 took out the Dons and scared the shit out of Sevco in the final

Ross County took out Celtic & Hibs to win the League cap last season

Inverness Caley back in the 2014 scottish cup semi final

St Mirren back in 2013 league cup semi final


Mentality and team spirit beat or at least competed with money on those occasions


If you keep throwing the money response every time someone loses to the Tic what do you say when the Tic get turned over?



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Chelsea, & Man City do and they both finished behind Leicester City last season.


Queen of the South back in 2008 took out the Dons and scared the shit out of Sevco in the final

Ross County took out Celtic & Hibs to win the League cap last season

Inverness Caley back in the 2014 scottish cup semi final

St Mirren back in 2013 league cup semi final


Mentality and team spirit beat or at least competed with money on those occasions


If you keep throwing the money response every time someone loses to the Tic what do you say when the Tic get turned over?


I'd say those are a good indicator of the nature of probability - there's a reason they are 5/1 and not 5/0.  We're all happy when Goliath gets beaten, but don't kick the shite out of David every time he loses.


That said, i did think we were considerably poorer than usual today, and no, i don't know what Wes Burns is for.  Can he toast bread?

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Well after a shit start which meant missing out on going down to Hampden, things only got worse. I never realised until 5 minutes until kick off that the game wasn't on the BBC, when did that stop?

Anyway, on to the radio and we sound as poor as we ever have been over the years. I have to admit when I heard the line up I thought we may have lost it before a ball was kicked and it proved to be right.


God was giving the players a real going over at half time, he was raging. Must be hard for a guy who would have ran through brick walls to win games watching the turgid display from so called professionals today, but I think a lot has to do with how our manager set us up to play. He was more worried about Celtic and their game than he did ours and proved once again that he is no tactical genius.


I can take defeat, but the manner of the defeat was difficult to swallow.


Fair play to all the loons and lassies who made the trek down to Hampden today to witness that. They deserved so much better.  The players should be ashamed of themselves.

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I'd say we were poorer than usual. Only Maddison and Shinnie looked like their normal selves - sending Shinnie back to left back, while where Shinnie belongs, hurt us because Shinnie, as usual, was getting stuck in and pushing forward. I despise Scott Brown but he showed again what we lack, a real enforcer in the middle of the park who leads by example and pulls/forces everyone to get involved too.


Red TV commentary summed it up - our 3 guys subbed out are normally 3 of our most effective and important players. Hayes was really poor and we needed him. Rooney non existent but due to no service. O'Connor gave away a bad goal but that was a poor sub because it meant our most effective mid on the day ended up in the back 4.


Again, beating a dead horse, the players employed the tactics set by the manager and as Tom/Widdows highlighted, all underdogs win with heart, desire, and having a go.The blind and realism comment are irrelevant, we shat it.

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I think you're being harsh on Logan LA, he was the only one who got pass marks from me today. Deserved more than that ineptitude shown by his manager and teammates.  enjoyed the pub before the game but fuck me. That game was turgid. We really didn't give a good account of ourselves, we did Rodgers job for him.

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I actually feel sorry for the players. They would have had their tails up this past fortnight, winning 2 tough away fixtures, and winning them comfortably, to playing a cup final and having their manager shit himself yet again  :mad:


They were not giddy enough, they did not look " Up for it " instead, they looked nervous to do whatever job the manager told them to do, rather than go and express themselves, play their own game. Our back 4 vs Partick & ICT looked solid, barely conceded any clear cut chances.


He needs to grow a set of balls for these bigger fixtures, let the opposition worry about us, Celtic looked rattled and clueless in the final 15-20 minutes of the recent league game at Pittodrie because we made positive subs and took it to them, they were all over the place, for us to sacrifice a striker and put in a defender, plays right into their hands, McInnes is absolutely to blame for that today and it fucking infuriates me.

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I think you're being harsh on Logan LA, he was the only one who got pass marks from me today. Deserved more than that ineptitude shown by his manager and teammates.  enjoyed the pub before the game but fuck me. That game was turgid. We really didn't give a good account of ourselves, we did Rodgers job for him.


Absolutely this, 10 of those 11 players were dreadful.


Mcinnes fucked up by not playing McGinn but the team he did put out let him down massively. Can't believe anyone could think Maddison had a good game either, when he avoided being taken down he gave the ball away.

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I'm a big fan of Shay but he's an attacking full back. When we play well he's involved in an attacking sense and creates chances and even scores goals. I didn't see that today.


Maddison got involved and tried to attack/go forward. While he wasn't very effective he showed bigger balls than most of his teammates.

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Fuck Celtic.


Today was frustrating as both the first half goals you could see happening, particularly Forrest's. He was given far too much space for his goal and it felt like the defence had just opened up for him. Maddison and Hayes played little bits of nice intricate football but couldn't deal with the physicality and the crosses into the box were dire. Logan was great, rest of the team just looked off their best. As for the penalty, I was in the North stand so hard to tell, but it looked like he lunged in when it wasn't needed.


Hampden needs better infrastructure.


Fuck Celtic.

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We rolled over like a bunch of schoolboys with limited confidence. Pass marks for none today after such a weak effort. Lewis over-rated. Maddison totally over-rated. Rooney invisible. Jonny had a shocker. Jack never a captain in a million years.



Mcinnes sent us out to lose as far as I am concerned otherwise why would he send us out with the same tactics as the last two games which obviously worked a treat. 



Didn't expect to win but expected to see some pride shown.

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We rolled over like a bunch of schoolboys with limited confidence. Pass marks for none today after such a weak effort. Lewis over-rated. Maddison totally over-rated. Rooney invisible. Jonny had a shocker. Jack never a captain in a million years.



Mcinnes sent us out to lose as far as I am concerned otherwise why would he send us out with the same tactics as the last two games which obviously worked a treat. 



Didn't expect to win but expected to see some pride shown.


Lewis is not over-rated, he is a good keeper and we are lucky to have him.  Maddison didn't have a good game today but I firmly believe that is because he was pushed out of his natural position by DM deciding to bring in taylor, putting considine to left back and throwing Shinnie in midfield. 


It shows how awful a game it was by all the differing accounts of players with pass marks.


I've no doubt we lost so poorly today because DM decided to change a back 4 that has worked so well and looked so natural in the last few matches.

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Lewis over-rated. Maddison totally over-rated.


Mcinnes sent us out to lose as far as I am concerned otherwise why would he send us out with the same tactics as the last two games which obviously worked a treat. 


Now today was poor from us and we are all hurting tonight, but Lewis is the best keeper we have had in a very long time and Maddison is only a young loon looking to gain experience with us, so should be kept out of the equation, far more experienced players didn't stand up to be counted today.


Agree with your comments about McInnes though and we saw today why he will never be a great manager, a good manager and has been good for us, but he will never go on to bigger or better things once he leaves us.

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Maddison is only a young loon looking to gain experience with us, so should be kept out of the equation, far more experienced players didn't stand up to be counted today.


Agree that others didn't step up either but to say his performance today should be kept out of it is nonsense, none of the players should be immune from criticism if their performances deserve it.


Agree with your comments about McInnes though and we saw today why he will never be a great manager, a good manager and has been good for us, but he will never go on to bigger or better things once he leaves us.


Agree with this, he won't get a bigger job than Aberdeen and I think he knows that, doesn't mean he can't help us progress though.

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Just home. Have seen it all before. Disappointed, dejected and seriously pissed and pissed off. Team selection wrong in my opinion and as usual far too much respect given to the Victims. Some of the reaction however is fucking unbelievable so going to fuck off now and back tomorrow in the cold light of day. In true Kevin Keegan style however I would just love it if we could somehow turn them over in Scottish Cup final come May and ram their treble right up their pussy.


Now and forever COYR


Stand Free friends

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Agree that others didn't step up either but to say his performance today should be kept out of it is nonsense, none of the players should be immune from criticism if their performances deserve it.


Agree with this, he won't get a bigger job than Aberdeen and I think he knows that, doesn't mean he can't help us progress though.


I don't think Maddison should get stick because of his age, just turned 20 and lack of inexperience, he should have been feeding off the experienced players today, but was badly let down. From what I heard on the radio the laddie was trying to create, but our tactics made it hard for him to perform .



I am sober and no alcohol in me, but I think we peaked under McInnes last season and have to seriously think about where we go as I don't think we will progress anymore under him. This is an opinion I had long before the cup final. WHo replaces him, I have no idea, but we really have to start thinking about the future without him. He has done a great job for us since he was appointed and we are a different club in so many ways from the one he took over, but I don't want to see us regress under him and for him to leave under a cloud at some point, he deserves better than that.



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If Maddison is allowed to pull on the big boy pants then he is fair game for getting called out for not filling them. Sure he has good technical skill but he is extremely selfish and way too easily brushed off the ball which invariably left us having to attempt to defend a bigot attack. He will undoubtedly go onto bigger and better things  .... not here though.



Hayes was one of our worst performers today and I kind of felt a bit sorry for him. Every pass was miscontrolled and his passing wasn't much better. You could see his head go down and with it any chance of us threatening a comfortable Celtic defence.



Looking forward I fear we will not win next Saturday. They outplayed us last time out and we were rather fortunate to get the win and I think Iprix will remain a mental hurdle that our manager does not have the keys to unlock.

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