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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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Not something that ive personally, but I can certainly see some positives surrounding it. We as a society eat far too much meat and with the developing nations such as China and India eating more meat, it's becoming increasingly apparent that something has to give. I know there are various levels of veganism, has anyone on here tried it? I recall Rico saying he very rarely has meat but has anyone gone the whole hog? Sometimes I think it may suffer from the image of hippies and quite often I find vegans yelling that x,y,Z is wrong and we should stop murdering animals etc. The old adage of how do you know someone is vegan? They tell you, is more often true than not.


Does anyone use any of the meat substitutes on a regular basis? I like my tofu but don't really like it in anything other than Japanese food.


I guess I'd miss eggs too much, let alone meat but willing to give anything. Any recipes more than welcome  :thumbsup:


Not something that ive personally, but I can certainly see some positives surrounding it. We as a society eat far too much meat and with the developing nations such as China and India eating more meat, it's becoming increasingly apparent that something has to give. I know there are various levels of veganism, has anyone on here tried it? I recall Rico saying he very rarely has meat but has anyone gone the whole hog? Sometimes I think it may suffer from the image of hippies and quite often I find vegans yelling that x,y,Z is wrong and we should stop murdering animals etc. The old adage of how do you know someone is vegan? They tell you, is more often true than not.


Does anyone use any of the meat substitutes on a regular basis? I like my tofu but don't really like it in anything other than Japanese food.


I guess I'd miss eggs too much, let alone meat but willing to give anything. Any recipes more than welcome  :thumbsup:


I eat a Vegan diet, but I don't class myself as a Vegan because I don't like to preach to anyone about how they live their lives and vegans can be very preachy and pretentious.


I was a veggies for 22 years before I gave up dairy 3 years ago and haven't really missed it although my biggest miss is a macaroni pie from the Torry chipper. There are so many alternatives nowadays it is reasonably easy, but a lot of what is on offer is over priced and some shops take the P with their pricing. I don't usually use meat substitutes, but I am partial to a Linda McCartney Sausage and do like tofu, but mainly my diet consists of veggies, beans, pulses, etc. The vegan cheese which is available now are also quite good and some of them even melt! 


It's not for everyone, but I would advise anyone thinking of this to try cutting meat out of their diet firstly and once they are comfortable with this try omitting, dairly, eggs, honey, etc bit by bit until it becomes normal.


The best thing I did when I became vegan was invest in a book called "How it all Vegan" it has provided us with so many good recipies which have become loved by meat eaters as well as veggies.


SOmething will change with regards to using animals for food, but I think that is a good few years down the line, the biggest shock you will get is how many animal by-products you find in things you wouldn't dream of thinking had such shite in it, expecially alcohol.


My wife and daughter are vegan .

And been so for a number of years I've been veggie for over 30 years now.

But with my wife's cooking I'm 97% vegan i do have an occasional real cheese pizza.

Yesterday we had vegan pizza made by the wife.. my wife also makes her vegan cheese for the macoroni.

And very good it is to that's one of the main reasons i don't miss cheese.


Some good books the wife has ..


The Garden of Vegan .


How It All Vegan


Easy Vegan Cooking very good books and a great diet some of the best UFC fighters have become vegan .


All i can say never missed meat as there's so much more out there you can eat and much better for you.


Nae for me, but  each to their own.


I mean that from both sides, I don't need to be preached to.


I see a fair number of Vegan Cafes opening up in Budapest.

I pass one most days I'm there, can't say I fancy the giant lump of broon they seem to make burgers and things from.


Mrs Donsdaft says the ice cream is really good, I'll give it a try soon.


can't say I fancy the giant lump of broon they seem to make burgers and things from.


I think this is where most folk go wrong. The need to produce the same dishes in "vegan-style" to normalise the diet is where it disnae work in my opinion. There are hunners of good veg and pulse based reciped - aye, really good ina - that there really is little point in trying to fashion a sassidge or burger.


I'm veggie or vegan maist nights, with red meat once a month maybe, chicken every couple of weeks or so, fash once a week. I could happily have no meat at all. Was at a bbq today like with some real nice food on the go, and ate a shite load of meat. Didn't really need to, and glad I don't do it often. Eating for the sake of eating basically.


There is a preachy problem with veganism, however I think there is a far greater problem on the opposing side of the debate. It's nearly impossible to have a reasonable debate with someone who says "I need my meat like", "I'm a carnivore", "I dinna eat rabbit food" etc uber-manly bullshite. Quite often they're a fat cunt ina, but that's certainly nae exclusive to meat-eaters. Usually the people arguing have a diet of the most bland foods possible; things that don't need to be eaten by humans (fash finggers and oven chips) The ignorance from the meat-eating side of the debate is often galling, and shows a total lack of imagination and willingness to try new things.


I don't believe we can feed everyone in this country sustainably on farmed meat (nevermind the planet, the evidence is overwhelming) and I reckon every steak I eat today is one less for my future grandchildren (cunts). I think it's an immensely wasteful use of land and subsidy. I also don't think humans are meant to eat meat 7 - 14 times a week (dinner + supper), we've nae really evolved to do that. Finally, the wealth of options with veg is immense and I think ye develop a far better palette eating the veg most of the time. Meat can often be a good flavouring ina, I reckon less is better. 


I need my meat like.


Yes, being laughed at by the fish fingers and oven chips brigade must be galling.

Also I have never understood the need to make pretend sausages etc. by the veggie's.


If I wasn't ever allowed to eat meat again I would move to India.

I could be a veggie there and hardly notice.


The wifes a veggie and has been for 20 years. Because of that, I eat very little meat at all, just through ease of cooking and buying shopping etc. I eat Tuna at work, mainly in salads etc and if im in a restaurant I will eat meat, but these days that’s very rare for me to do that. Im certainly no vegetarian, but I think I could become one without thinking too much about it. I just need to broaden my tastes!


Christ, before I met my wife, vegetables consisted of only potatoes, now I’m eating all sorts of veg. I was such a fussy eater and would never try new things. The biggest issue I have with meat is that I love that taste, but cant stand the idea of animals being killed to make it. I do however eat a lot of Quorn and I really do enjoy it. Some folk say it tastes like cardboard and to start with its different, but most of my meals consist of it now. Could I give up meat? Morally I think I should because as I say, I struggle with the dilemma, but I think I will continue to slowly ease myself off of it and start exploring more vegetarian dishes before going full blown. As for being a Vegan? Well I drink very little milk and I hate cheese…. 



Cheers guys. Food for thought, that's for sure. We've (me and my girlfriend) have spoken about reducing the amount of meat we cook and the amount of food wastage. Easier said than done though, probably more out of habit but we're trying.


Will check out those recipes! Hand on heart, a previous girlfriend cooked me bolognese once, and I couldn't tell that it was quorn. On its own it doesn't appeal to me at all but I was impressed that the texture was the same as mince meat. I do have it with chili sometimes.


Veganism is the main cause of B12 vitamin deficiency. Please keep in mind that it is absolutley neccesary to taek B12 supplement, because permament B12 deficiency cause irreversible nervous sustem damage, especially myelin sheath - and this is the first step to multiple sclerosis. So very be careful.


I'm definitely one of the cunts that eats meat far too often. Not many a day will get by without me eating any meat. I definitely have to do something about it.


Although I am slowly learning to eat more vegetables I still wouldn't say I enjoy many of them and choosing a vegetarian dish over a steak in a restaurant doesn't sound like something I'd ever do. If I went vegan I doubt it'd last long. I love soups made from vegetables but I doubt I could live on it. I have never and will never eat a salad. Lettuce, cucumber and all that? No thanks. Honestly I wish I did enjoy that sort of stuff because it would make it much easier to eat a bit more healthily.


I have never learned to even force down foods like lettuce, leeks or onions. Cannot eat them.


Fair play to all you vegans and vegetarians. If you genuinely enjoy it then great. I'd be one of you too if I had to slaughter my own meat. I couldn't do it.


Veji Haggis is cunting fine.  Especially with a liberal dousing of tabasco sauce. 


Nae idea is it's vegan or not though, so just ignore me.


Veggie haggis is surprisingly good.

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