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Draw is probably a fair result, although I did feel the swiss had another gear in them potentially. Our back line is fucking horrendous, i'm not sure what pictures Ralston has of Clarke, but they must be good ones.

Much more heart and desire than the opener though, so that was a massive positive and had that header been a few cm's either side it's either a goal or someone should knock in the rebound. All to play for though and that's the main thing! Thank fuck i'm WFH on Monday 🤣

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Blah game, more heart but we still played with fear much of the time. I think we’re a better team than that but clearly lack confidence. We’re not a back 3 team any more, our three aren’t good enough, plus ralston at wing back a clear weak link. Saying that, thought Hanley had a decent game. Ralston looked terrified much of the night, surely we see McCrorie vs Hungary if we keep a back 3, as he’s a ballsy guy, confident, hard and tough.

Tierney injury is an interesting one, might help his chances of going to Celtic. He’s clearly injury prone that I cannot see anyone paying big money or taking that risk, may result in him being affordable for Celtic.

mcginn was hugely disappointing for most of the game, with tierney gone part of the whole 3 at the back was to play both tierney and Robertson. Wonder if we’ll see a back 4 v Hungary, and a 4-2-3-1. I think that will suit many of our players including mcginn.

while Clarke said you don’t play for a draw, don’t think we played to win the game. 

Edited by OrlandoDon
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Decent, if not spectacular, performance tonight. We can play much better. Stand outs were McTominay, Hanley, Robertson and Gilmour (McGregor decent too in spells). As @OrlandoDon mentioned, we looked terrified at times, but that's understandable given Friday's result. Whilst neither team played for the draw, it was clear that both teams were frightened of the loss, with neither willing to just go for it. Our meaningless injury time subs were a good illustration of that, it was disappointing not to see Shankland and Christie on earlier and McGinn off (seems like we're attempting to play him into form/fitness). Calculated caution from Clarke I guess, and stands a decent chance of paying off. 

I'm guessing that Ralston started tonight due to a combination of factors. One is that Clarke is a defiant character and won't want to be seen to responding to outside pressure (which is why I think Ralston will start on Sunday), the second is that he is a better crosser of the ball than McRorie. It turned out to be a poor decision, as Ralston was terrible. He'd already looked shakey in possession before their goal, it was hot tattie territory. I wouldn't have minded if he'd tried to pick a pass and miscued, but he didn't even look, just panicked and kicked it away. He's a victim (appropriate) of the injuries in the squad, and I don't necessarily think that McRorie has earned a chance, but he should be dropped. We need to win the game, so it wouldn't surprise me to see Forrest or someone play an attacking wing back role. Hopefully Ralston will be dropped before the final. 

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Subject to fitness and availability, there should never be another Scotland game that starts without Billy Gilmour in the team. He's our only "proper" player in terms of composure and ability on the ball and we're a different team with him in it.

Edited by wee toon red
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38 minutes ago, wee toon red said:

Subject to fitness and availability, there should never be another Scotland game that starts without Billy Gilmour in the team. He's our only "proper" player in terms of composure and ability on the ball and we're a different team with him in it.

I'd say that was fairly obvious to everyone before the Germany game, but for some reason Clarke thought McTominay was a holding midfielder.

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48 minutes ago, wee toon red said:

Ryan Christie is a more of a holding midfielder than McTominay these days. You could actually make an argument for him playing alongside Gilmour and McGregor dropping out.

Yep, I actually assumed that Christie would be playing alongside McGregor against Germany when I saw the teams, but Clarke had other ideas. For me, Christie doesn't have the discipline of McGregor yet, but beyond this tournament I can see McGregor retiring and Christie taking on that role. I'd be a bit concerned that he'd be too similar to Gilmour, but it'd be worth trying out. I think Clarke will see Ferguson and Gilmour as the pairing though and Christie will continue to play in a role that he's no longer playing in for his club!

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Thought we were better last night but still felt we were lucky to get the draw. McTomminay Gilmour and Robertson were standouts for me. Clarke is just being obstinate if he continues with Ralston at right back. Clearly out his depth. First visit to the Koln stadium. Amazing ground and acoustics were amazing. 


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56 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

Yep, I actually assumed that Christie would be playing alongside McGregor against Germany when I saw the teams, but Clarke had other ideas. For me, Christie doesn't have the discipline of McGregor yet, but beyond this tournament I can see McGregor retiring and Christie taking on that role. I'd be a bit concerned that he'd be too similar to Gilmour, but it'd be worth trying out. I think Clarke will see Ferguson and Gilmour as the pairing though and Christie will continue to play in a role that he's no longer playing in for his club!

That advanced midfield role should be perfect for Ferguson rather than sitting a bit deeper. For me it's between Ferguson, McGinn and McTominay for the advanced roles and Gilmour, McGregor and Christie for the deeper ones.

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1 hour ago, Jute said:

Thought we were better last night but still felt we were lucky to get the draw. McTomminay Gilmour and Robertson were standouts for me. Clarke is just being obstinate if he continues with Ralston at right back. Clearly out his depth. First visit to the Koln stadium. Amazing ground and acoustics were amazing. 


It certainly came across well on the tv. Atmosphere sounded amazing. Really liked to look of the stadium too. 

Hopefully get the win vs Hungary. 

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4 hours ago, wee toon red said:

That advanced midfield role should be perfect for Ferguson rather than sitting a bit deeper. For me it's between Ferguson, McGinn and McTominay for the advanced roles and Gilmour, McGregor and Christie for the deeper ones.

Yep, I agree.

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I am still not sure Ferguson would have played as Clarke would be loyal to those he is playing. Speaking to Italian fans before the game tonight and they were raving about Ferguson. Said he was unbelievable this season. 

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1 minute ago, Jute said:

I am still not sure Ferguson would have played as Clarke would be loyal to those he is playing. Speaking to Italian fans before the game tonight and they were raving about Ferguson. Said he was unbelievable this season. 

He wouldn't have started. He'd have come on for McGregor probably. Clarke likes to play him deep.

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Really want to see a change of formation tomorrow, due to the tierney injury plus ralston clearly a dear in the headlights this tournament. I just see mccrorie as a much more confident personality. I also think going to a 4-2-3-1 suits the majority of the players better. Don’t think Clarke is brave enough to make change but we’ll see . I’d also be inclined to bring in Forrest, doubt he’ll last 90 mins but he’s creative and can score goals, something we have to do.












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3 hours ago, OrlandoDon said:

Really want to see a change of formation tomorrow, due to the tierney injury plus ralston clearly a dear in the headlights this tournament. I just see mccrorie as a much more confident personality. I also think going to a 4-2-3-1 suits the majority of the players better. Don’t think Clarke is brave enough to make change but we’ll see . I’d also be inclined to bring in Forrest, doubt he’ll last 90 mins but he’s creative and can score goals, something we have to do.






I wouldn't mind a four, but I don't think Clarke will want to fuck about too much, especially after a half decent performance the other night. I'm not convinced that McRorie is better at right back than right wing back either, but I think your suggested team would be better than including likes of Hendry for the sake of it, he's been average at best. Forrest I remain to be convinced by, but we have other options in Armstrong and Morgan that might be worth a try.

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Fully expect Clarke to go 3 at the back, plus not saying mccrorie is better. I just think he has the better temperament, ralston looks terrified.

Clarke is an overly loyal guy. Ralston will play. I went with Forrest because he’s on form and proven at international level. Armstrong was injured/not playing, but my honest preference is Morgan, but he plays on the left normally…..I think, and came from out of the blue to an extent.

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What a disappointing game. Loyalty killed the creativity hence so few shots. Last 15 minutes with the subbing was embarrassing, we were all over the place. Looked like a fucking pup team, players all over the place, kick it long or dribble until lost, fuck knows the positions or formation. Shambolic finish.

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Shite football delivered by a fuckwit of a manager. I've no idea what his game plan was this tournament was, unless it was be the worst team there? Team were so uninspiring today and making the changes so late in the game (again). Muppet. He should be emptied after this (I know he won't). What was it, 4 shots on target all tournament? Embarrassing. 

We deserved to lose tonight. The fans didn't, but that football on show was turgid with no viable outcome. Not convinced it was a pen, Armstrong should have stood up and taken a shot but decided to be weak as piss instead. Clearly looking for a pen.

In summary: Shite.

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That was the worst Scotland performance I've seen in over a week. Absolutely honking. We were always on a hiding to nothing with that depth of squad, and no plan beyond the basic first eleven. Adams hasn't been the answer for some time, and should have been off just after halftime. Armstrong should have been at home watching on the telly, so as not to tempt Clarke to play him. Like half the squad, it's maybe time for Clarke to move on. He's done well for Scotland and if he resigns now, it's better than him being fired halfway through the next qualifying. 

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Complete shite from Clarke. Set us up to fail. How can you only have one touch in the opposition box in 70 miniutes in a game you have to win. Complete farce. Clarke should be gone before plane lands but he won’t.

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Shite is an understatement. We needed to win and did we even have a shot on goal? 
I don’t see Clarke being punted as he’s brought us credibility. However, we’ve stuttered and gone backwards in the last year and we close to if not embarrassed ourselves this tournament. I don’t want to be the pish team who tries hard and has great fans.

Clarke has no plan B and we haven’t been a back 3 team for a while. Throw in some injuries and he couldn’t figure it out. We don’t create the entire tournament and deserve to go home. The shambolic last 15 mins today summed up the last year as far as im concerned, one win in twelve and that was Gibraltar. No clue why Hungary gave us so much respect but, then again, they had a championship/league one player starting in center mid, maybe they aren’t that good??

we have limited talent, and injuries showed just how thin we are, but that means we really need a creative manager with plan B, plan C etc…

mcginn was awful this tournament, gave us nothing. Think mctominnay played three different roles in three games, asking a lot. Plus we cannot rely on tierney to be fit. 
think we have to rethink the approach for World Cup qualifying, plus figure out a role for Lewis Ferguson (eventually). Much like Aberdeen this season with the back 3 and wing backs, a real lack of width and wing play killed the creativity.

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