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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans

Summer Transfer chat


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All widely reported at the time of their signings. Hayes is on ÂŁ6k/week. Of course it could be bullshit but the press can get access to company accounts detailing who gets paid what fairly easily so on this one I trust their info.


I was all for signing Christie earlier in the year till I found out his wages. I stick to my assertation. He won't be joining us anytime soon unless he is prepared to take a big old hit in the pocket. He can get at very least an equivalent paying contract that he is on now at a Barnsley or similar......


Allan is doable. I was certain he was Hivs bound but apparently not.


Everything is strategically placed bullshit by percentage based agents hoping to inflate a players earning capability and thus their cut on any move.


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Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan

Can see Christie signing a new contract then they will punt him to a championship team for a couple of million

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Can see Christie signing a new contract then they will punt him to a championship team for a couple of million


Unless it's a mega pay rise from Celtic for the few months he'd be there it really isn't in his interest to do that. He's unlikely to have any great loyalty towards them so why sign a deal to net them a fee when he could move as a free agent and get a bigger signing on fee for himself?

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I think the name "videocelts" gives the game away.....


Even if it were true £2.5 million plus Christie would be highway robbery. McKenna is on a 5 year deal now. Whilst I think the £10 million valuation is pie in the sky, we shouldn't take less than £5 million from anyone, far less a league rival. Throwing Christie at that level might just sweeten the deal  but as I say.....it's just speculative stuff from a Celtic fan blogger.

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I don't think McKenna will be going anywhere in this window.


I also think that we may have seen the last of our business. The trial of Wright through the middle was telling (in my opinion). I think that's going to be our "like a new signing" moment, and one I have no particular issue with. I think McInnes will have been concerned with Forrester's performances so far in that role and will have wanted cover, but I think he'll struggle to improve on Wright (unless Christie is released by the Tims and he decides to take a punt). With Logan back, if he's unsure about Gleeson then he can just shift Ball into midfield. We've got through the matches with Logan missing so I just can't see us bringing in another defender with McKenna and Hoban back soon.

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I think we lost the following regulars - McLean, Christie, O’Connor, arnason, and that’s it, maybe Stewart. Gleeson Ferguson and forrester replace the midfielders, with Hoban and the impressive Devlin replacing the defenders. Rooney is replaced by Wilson, stockley by cosgrove, Maynard, Chidi storie and storey are replaced by Anderson, Campbell McClellan, and frank Ross. Happy that youth are the fringe players this year. My only disappointment is that we didn’t sign a permanent left back as I think Considine is our weakest link. While I see Hoban as cover for all defenders I think he’ll be our left back when fit again. Pretty much the same sized squad as last year, the only difference being that youth is being given a chance and I think that’s a good thing.

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My only disappointment is that we didn’t sign a permanent left back as I think Considine is our weakest link. While I see Hoban as cover for all defenders I think he’ll be our left back when fit again.


I 100% disagree with this!


The difference between Hoban and Considine in the first and second legs in the Burnley game was night and day, with Considine far superior. He bullied Lennon down there, as well as getting on the end of a couple of crosses and generally providing a far better balance. I'm surprised anyone would suggest playing a right footer ahead of him, and I'm certain McInnes definitely wouldn't. Considine has been consistently good for us for several seasons now and earned his place in the team by being above average every week. His performances in a back four are always good and his work rate and fitness are excellent. I don't get the "weak link" suggestion that's always pointed at him, in my opinion it's just lazy.


Is he a better left back than Shinnie? No. A better defender I'd say, but it's obvious what Shinnie brings to that role that Considine doesn't. If we're sticking Shinnie at left back at every week then drop Considine, no questions asked (other than: "what the fuck is our midfield going to do?"). To suggest that we should drop him for some right-footed loanee from Watford who isn't any quicker than him and worse on the ball would just be crazy (and a little disrespectul). Considine is one of the best left backs in the league and it's obvious that wingers don't like playing against him as he gets right up their airses and is aggressive in the challenge. If we're going to replace him, then it has to be with someone as good as Shinnie or else it just isn't worth it. Considine gives something entirely different, and if you don't replace it with something good then you'll lose a lot. I'm not saying Considine is amazing, I'm saying that he's a hell of a lot better than most people give him credit for and should never be passed off as "the weak link" because he hasn't been that since he was a loon getting sent off against the tims.


However, if we want to change the style of play siginificantly then there are obvious limitations to Considine's game. He's not a wing back in a five, and he's not a player that can play left of the back three. These are easily recognisable weaknesses that - inexplicably - McInnes ignored in several of the "big" games last season. Those two positions play into his weakness, which is speed on the turn. They allow a winger to get the run on him, which doesn't occur in the left of four where he can sit right on them. In a back three, you can simply switch McKenna and Considine with McKenna's additional pace allowing him to easily deal with the winger issue (as he's played for Scotland). If we're going to be playing a lot with a back five then I do think we need to look at the left wing back area or the centre midfield area. To me, the more obvious solution is to get a better centre midfielder than Gleeson or Ball and allow Shinnie to continue at left back, but I realise that type of midfielder doesn't grow on trees (neither that type of left back).

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Absolutely agree that Considine is nowhere near as bad as some on here would have you believe. Yes he has his limitations and at left back will probably be the root cause of us losing 4 or 5 goals per season. However he also chips in with 4 or 5 goals per season at the other end so in effect is cost neutral.


For some reason DM has decided Shinnie is better for us in midfield than he is at left back. Surely to god he must see the need for us then to go out and get a proper left back who can take us on from Considine being cost neutral to having one who can help out GMS in attack and perhaps gain us a few goals per season from that area.


I would love to see us try 3 at the back with 2 wing backs....again have no problem with Consi being one of the 3 centre backs though I suspect DM would probably use Hoban once fit in this type of set up.

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never mind, all this talk of McKenna to either of the cheeks means that Considine can easily fit into a central role alongside Devlin.

Shinnie back to LB and the new midfielders that are supposedly part of the deal can fight it out among themselves for a starting place.


Sooner this window shuts the better.

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Considines oy problem is his lack of pace.  He's a great defender full stop.  When he is at left back though his most underrated skill is his crossing, he can put in a cracking ball from deep or the byline.  Would much prefer shinnie at lb though as he is the complete package though I would concede we miss his midfield influence but Ferguson looks more than capable of filling that void.

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I 100% disagree with this!


The difference between Hoban and Considine in the first and second legs in the Burnley game was night and day, with Considine far superior. He bullied Lennon down there, as well as getting on the end of a couple of crosses and generally providing a far better balance. I'm surprised anyone would suggest playing a right footer ahead of him, and I'm certain McInnes definitely wouldn't. Considine has been consistently good for us for several seasons now and earned his place in the team by being above average every week. His performances in a back four are always good and his work rate and fitness are excellent. I don't get the "weak link" suggestion that's always pointed at him, in my opinion it's just lazy.


Is he a better left back than Shinnie? No. A better defender I'd say, but it's obvious what Shinnie brings to that role that Considine doesn't. If we're sticking Shinnie at left back at every week then drop Considine, no questions asked (other than: "what the fuck is our midfield going to do?"). To suggest that we should drop him for some right-footed loanee from Watford who isn't any quicker than him and worse on the ball would just be crazy (and a little disrespectul). Considine is one of the best left backs in the league and it's obvious that wingers don't like playing against him as he gets right up their airses and is aggressive in the challenge. If we're going to replace him, then it has to be with someone as good as Shinnie or else it just isn't worth it. Considine gives something entirely different, and if you don't replace it with something good then you'll lose a lot. I'm not saying Considine is amazing, I'm saying that he's a hell of a lot better than most people give him credit for and should never be passed off as "the weak link" because he hasn't been that since he was a loon getting sent off against the tims.


However, if we want to change the style of play siginificantly then there are obvious limitations to Considine's game. He's not a wing back in a five, and he's not a player that can play left of the back three. These are easily recognisable weaknesses that - inexplicably - McInnes ignored in several of the "big" games last season. Those two positions play into his weakness, which is speed on the turn. They allow a winger to get the run on him, which doesn't occur in the left of four where he can sit right on them. In a back three, you can simply switch McKenna and Considine with McKenna's additional pace allowing him to easily deal with the winger issue (as he's played for Scotland). If we're going to be playing a lot with a back five then I do think we need to look at the left wing back area or the centre midfield area. To me, the more obvious solution is to get a better centre midfielder than Gleeson or Ball and allow Shinnie to continue at left back, but I realise that type of midfielder doesn't grow on trees (neither that type of left back).


We can agree to disagree. My opinion is that Considine is shite. And from what I saw in the very limited playing time from Hoban is that he is faster and more skilled than Andy. There have been many a right footer at left back, that point means little, although Hoban certainly looked solid with his left.

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We can agree to disagree. My opinion is that Considine is shite.


I can agree to disagree too! He's not shite.


Considine is a gutsy footballer who tries his best (one of the few who does) who has been completely mismanaged.


He's not the quickest, either in feet nor in mind so he is always going to exposed at LB against a competent right flanker. The fact McInnes shoehorns him into LB is covering up the manager's appalling record of recruiting attacking strength, Shinnie being sacrificed away from his best position.


We will never know now but Considine should have been developed as the left half of a Centre Back pairing. He showed his greatest promise whilst as a young loon next to Russell Anderson. He's been a great servant and would have been an even greater one if he had been managed properly.

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The thing that impresses me most about Considine is his sheer determination to be better every season, as someone alluded too above, he's actually got a very good cross and it'd be interesting to see what his assists are. He's physically strong also, but still got the energy & fitness to get up and down the flank. I like him and would be happy to have him here as a squad player, but I have to admit, I would much prefer Shinnie in there, however, if he's still seen as a CM, then Considine at LB it is.

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He's 31 now.


If he manages another 2 years with the Dons (even as a squad player) then I reckon he's done as well as could have been expected with the talent he has.


That's something for the loon to be proud of.


Any other gripes can be laid squarely at the door of the various managers who have picked him for the team.

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