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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Fixtures out already for the 2018/19 season!




Breedon Highland League 2018-19


Saturday 28 July


Brora Rangers v Wick Academy

Buckie Thistle v Inverurie Locos

Cove Rangers v Clachnacuddin

Formartine Utd v Nairn County

Fraserburgh v Strathspey Thistle

Huntly v Turriff Utd

Keith v Forres Mechanics

Lossiemouth v Deveronvale

Rothes v Fort William

also Last cycle of SPFL Cup Fixtures


Wednesday 1 Aug

Reserved for ADFA/NSFA Cups


Saturday 4 Aug


Clachnacuddin v Keith

Cove Rangers v Fraserburgh

Deveronvale v Nairn County

Formartine Utd v Turriff Utd

Forres Mechanics v Brora Rangers

Fort William v Buckie Thistle

Inverurie Locos v Huntly

Strathspey Thistle v Rothes

Wick Academy v Lossiemouth


Wednesday 8 Aug


Brora Rangers v Clachnacuddin

Buckie Thistle v Strathspey Thistle

Deveronvale v Formartine Utd

Huntly v Fort William

Keith v Fraserburgh

Lossiemouth v Forres Mechanics

Nairn County v Wick Academy

Rothes v Cove Rangers

Turriff Utd v Inverurie Locos


Saturday 11 Aug


Clachnacuddin v Lossiemouth

Cove Rangers v Buckie Thistle

Forres Mechanics v Nairn County

Fort William v Turriff Utd

Fraserburgh v Brora Rangers

Inverurie Locos v Formartine Utd

Keith v Rothes

Strathspey Thistle v Huntly

Wick Academy v Deveronvale


Wednesday 15 Aug

SPFL Challenge Cup Round 1


Saturday 18 Aug


Brora Rangers v Rothes

Buckie Thistle v Keith

Deveronvale v Forres Mechanics

Formartine Utd v Wick Academy

Huntly v Cove Rangers

Inverurie Locoss v Fort William

Lossiemouth v Fraserburgh

Nairn County v Clachnacuddin

Turriff Utd v Strathspey Thistle


Wednesday 22 Aug

Reserved for ADFA/NSFA Cups


Saturday 25 Aug


Brora Rangers v Buckie Thistle

Clachnacuddin v Deveronvale

Cove Rangers v Turriff Utd

Forres Mechanics v Wick Academy

Fort William v Formartine Utd

Fraserburgh v Nairn County

Keith v Huntly

Rothes v Lossiemouth

Strathspey Thistle v Inverurie Locos


Wednesday 29 Aug


Deveronvale v Fraserburgh

Formartine Utd v Forres Mechanics

Fort William v Strathspey Thistle

Huntly v Brora Rangers

Inverurie Locos v Cove Rangers

Lossiemouth v Buckie Thistle

Nairn County v Rothes

Turriff Utd v Keith

Wick Academy v Clachnacuddin


Saturday 1 Sept


Brora Rangers v Turriff Utd

Buckie Thistle v Nairn County

Clachnacuddin v Forres Mechanics

Cove Rangers v Fort William

Fraserburgh v Wick Academy

Keith v Inverurie Locos

Lossiemouth v Huntly

Rothes v Deveronvale

Strathspey Thistle v Formartine Utd


Saturday 8 Sept


Deveronvale v Buckie Thistle

Formartine Utd v Clachnacuddin

Forres Mechanics v Fraserburgh

Fort William v Keith

Inverurie Locos v Brora Rangers

Nairn County v Huntly

Strathspey Thistle v Cove Rangers

Turriff Utd v Lossiemouth

Wick Academy v Rothes

also SPFL Challenge Cup Round 2


Wednesday 12 Sept

Reserved for ADFA/NSFA Cups


Saturday 15 Sept


Brora Rangers v Fort William

Buckie Thistle v Wick Academy

Cove Rangers v Formartine Utd

Fraserburgh v Clachnacuddin

Huntly v Deveronvale

Keith v Strathspey Thistle

Lossiemouth v Inverurie Locos

Nairn County v Turriff Utd

Rothes v Forres Mechanics


Saturday 22 Sept

Scottish Cup Round 1


Saturday 29 Sept


Clachnacuddin v Rothes

Cove Rangers v Keith

Deveronvale v Turriff Utd

Formartine Utd v Fraserburgh

Forres Mechanics v Buckie Thistle

Fort William v Lossiemouth

Inverurie Locos v Nairn County

Strathspey Thistle v Brora Rangers

Wick Academy v Huntly


Saturday 6 Oct


Brora Rangers v Cove Rangers

Buckie Thistle v Clachnacuddin

Deveronvale v Inverurie Locos

Huntly v Forres Mechanics

Keith v Formartine Utd

Lossiemouth v Strathspey Thistle

Nairn County v Fort William

Rothes v Fraserburgh

Turriff Utd v Wick Academy

Also ADFA/NSFA Cup Finals


Saturday 13 Oct


Clachnacuddin v Huntly

Cove Rangers v Lossiemouth

Formartine Utd v Rothes

Forres Mechanics v Turriff Utd

Fort William v Deveronvale

Fraserburgh v Buckie Thistle

Keith v Brora Rangers

Strathspey Thistle v Nairn County

Wick Academy v Inverurie Locos

also SPFL Challenge Cup Round 3


Saturday 20 Oct

Scottish Cup Round 2


Saturday 27 Oct


Brora Rangers v Formartine Utd

Buckie Thistle v Rothes

Deveronvale v Strathspey Thistle

Huntly v Fraserburgh

Inverurie Locos v Forres Mechanics

Lossiemouth v Keith

Nairn County v Cove Rangers

Turriff Utd v Clachnacuddin

Wick Academy v Fort William


Wednesday 31 Oct


Brora Rangers v Lossiemouth

Clachnacuddin v Inverurie Locos

Cove Rangers v Deveronvale

Formartine Utd v Buckie Thistle

Forres Mechanics v Fort William

Fraserburgh v Turriff Utd

Keith v Nairn County

Rothes v Huntly

Strathspey Thistle v Wick Academy


Saturday 3 Nov


Deveronvale v Keith

Forres Mechanics v Strathspey Thistle

Fort William v Clachnacuddin

Huntly v Buckie Thistle

Inverurie Locos v Fraserburgh

Lossiemouth v Formartine Utd

Nairn County v Brora Rangers

Turriff Utd v Rothes

Wick Academy v Cove Rangers

also SHFL League Cup Prelim Round


Saturday 10 Nov


Brora Rangers v Deveronvale

Buckie Thistle v Turriff Utd

Clachnacuddin v Strathspey Thistle

Cove Rangers v Forres Mechanics

Formartine Utd v Huntly

Fraserburgh v Fort William

Keith v Wick Academy

Lossiemouth v Nairn County

Rothes v Inverurie Locos


Saturday 17 Nov

SHFL League Cup Round 1


Saturday 24 Nov


Clachnacuddin v Cove Rangers

Deveronvale v Lossiemouth

Forres Mechanics v Keith

Fort William v Rothes

Inverurie Locos v Buckie Thistle

Nairn County v Formartine Utd

Strathspey Thistle v Fraserburgh

Turriff Utd v Huntly

Wick Academy v Brora Rangers

also Scottish Cup Round 3


Saturday 1 Dec


Brora Rangers v Forres Mechanics

Buckie Thistle v Fort William

Fraserburgh v Cove Rangers

Huntly v Inverurie Locos

Keith v Clachnacuddin

Lossiemouth v Wick Academy

Nairn County v Deveronvale

Rothes v Strathspey Thistle

Turriff Utd v Formartine Utd


Saturday 8 Dec

also SHFL League Cup Round 2


Saturday 15 Dec


Clachnacuddin v Brora Rangers

Cove Rangers v Rothes

Formartine Utd v Deveronvale

Forres Mechanics v Lossiemouth

Fort William v Huntly

Fraserburgh v Keith

Inverurie Locos v Turriff Utd

Strathspey Thistle v Buckie Thistle

Wick Academy v Nairn County


Saturday 22 Dec


Brora Rangers v Fraserburgh

Buckie Thistle v Cove Rangers

Deveronvale v Wick Academy

Formartine Utd v Inverurie Locos

Huntly v Strathspey Thistle

Lossiemouth v Clachnacuddin

Nairn County v Forres Mechanics

Rothes v Keith

Turriff Utd v Fort William


Saturday 29 Dec


Clachnacuddin v Nairn County

Cove Rangers v Huntly

Forres Mechanics v Deveronvale

Fort William v Inverurie Locos

Fraserburgh v Lossiemouth

Keith v Buckie Thistle

Rothes v Brora Rangers

Strathspey Thistle v Turriff Utd

Wick Academy v Formartine Utd


Saturday 5 Jan


Buckie Thistle v Brora Rangers

Deveronvale v Clachnacuddin

Formartine United v Fort William

Huntly v Keith

Inverurie Locos v Strathspey Thistle

Lossiemouth v Rothes

Nairn County v Fraserburgh

Turriff Utd v Cove Rangers

Wick Academy v Forres Mechanics


Saturday 12 Jan


Brora Rangers v Huntly

Buckie Thistle v Lossiemouth

Clachnacuddin v Wick Academy

Cove Rangers v Inverurie Locos

Forres Mechanics v Formartine Utd

Fraserburgh v Deveronvale

Keith v Turriff Utd

Rothes v Nairn County

Strathspey Thistle v Fort William


Saturday 19 Jan


Deveronvale v Rothes

Formartine Utd v Strathspey Thistle

Forres Mechanics v Clachnacuddin

Fort William v Cove Rangers

Huntly v Lossiemouth

Inverurie Locos v Keith

Nairn County v Buckie Thistle

Turriff Utd v Brora Rangers

Wick Academy v Fraserburgh


Saturday 26 Jan


Brora Rangers v Inverurie Locos

Buckie Thistle v Deveronvale

Clachnacuddin v Formartine Utd

Cove Rangers v Strathspey Thistle

Fraserburgh v Forres Mechanics

Huntly v Nairn County

Keith v Fort William

Lossiemouth v Turriff Utd

Rothes v Wick Academy


Saturday 2 Feb


Clachnacuddin v Fraserburgh

Deveronvale v Huntly

Formartine Utd v Cove Rangers

Forres Mechanics v Rothes

Fort William v Brora Rangers

Inverurie Locos v Lossiemouth

Strathspey Thistle v Keith

Turriff Utd v Nairn County

Wick Academy v Buckie Thistle


Saturday 9 Feb


Brora Rangers v Strathspey Thistle

Buckie Thistle v Forres Mechanics

Fraserburgh v Formartine Utd

Huntly v Wick Academy

Keith v Cove Rangers

Lossiemouth v Fort William

Nairn County v Inverurie Locos

Rothes v Clachnacuddin

Turriff Utd v Deveronvale


Saturday 16 Feb


Clachnacuddin v Buckie Thistle

Cove Rangers v Brora Rangers

Formartine Utd v Keith

Forres Mechanics v Huntly

Fort William v Nairn County

Fraserburgh v Rothes

Inverurie Locos v Deveronvale

Strathspey Thistle v Lossiemouth

Wick Academy v Turriff Utd


Saturday 23 Feb


Brora Rangers v Keith

Buckie Thistle v Fraserburgh

Deveronvale v Fort William

Huntly v Clachnacuddin

Inverurie Locos v Wick Academy

Lossiemouth v Cove Rangers

Nairn County v Strathspey Thistle

Rothes v Formartine Utd

Turriff Utd v Forres Mechanics


Saturday 2 Mar


Clachnacuddin v Turriff Utd

Cove Rangers v Nairn County

Formartine Utd v Brora Rangers

Forres Mechanics v Inverurie Locos

Fort William v Wick Academy

Fraserburgh v Huntly

Keith v Lossiemouth

Rothes v Buckie Thistle

Strathspey Thistle v Deveronvale


Saturday 9 Mar


Buckie Thistle v Formartine Utd

Deveronvale v Cove Rangers

Fort William v Forres Mechanics

Huntly v Rothes

Inverurie Locos v Clachnacuddin

Lossiemouth v Brora Rangers

Nairn County v Keith

Turriff Utd v Fraserburgh

Wick Academy v Strathspey Thistle


Saturday 16 Mar

SHFL League Cup Semis

Also Reserved for Pick-Up Fixtures


Saturday 23 Mar

Reserved for Pick-Up Fixtures


Saturday 30 Mar


Brora Rangers v Nairn County

Buckie Thistle v Huntly

Clachnacuddin v Fort William

Cove Rangers v Wick Academy

Formartine Utd v Lossiemouth

Fraserburgh v Inverurie Locos

Keith v Deveronvale

Rothes v Turriff Utd

Strathspey Thistle v Forres Mechanics


Saturday 6 Apr

SHFL League Cup Final

Also Reserved for Pick-Up Fixtures


Saturday 13 Apr


Deveronvale v Brora Rangers

Forres Mechanics v Cove Rangers

Fort William v Fraserburgh

Huntly v Formartine Utd

Inverurie Locos v Rothes

Nairn County v Lossiemouth

Strathspey Thistle v Clachnacuddin

Turriff Utd v Buckie Thistle

Wick Academy v Keith


Saturday 20 Apr

Reserved for Pick-Up Fixtures


Saturday 27 April

SHFL/SLFL Play Off 1st Leg


Saturday 4 May

SHFL/SLFL Play Off 2nd Leg


  • 11 months later...

Cove won first leg of play off with Berwick 4-0 today. Looks like City of Aberdeen will have two league teams going forward or at least until the Dons fuck off to Westhill.


Cove won 3-0 today to have a 7-0 aggregate win over the 2 legs. That’s them promoted to league 2 and Berwick Rangers relegated to league 1. Takes the Highland league down to 17 teams. No word on if they will look to go back to 18 teams by inviting applications or if they will run with an odd number of teams.


Doesn't sound like the Lowland League are going to expand to make 18 teams although they do perhaps have the option of a quick post/ pre season tournament between Broxburn Athletic & Penicuik Athletic who missed out on promotion in the original playoffs


Doesn't sound like the Lowland League are going to expand to make 18 teams although they do perhaps have the option of a quick post/ pre season tournament between Broxburn Athletic & Penicuik Athletic who missed out on promotion in the original playoffs


Lowland league runs with 16 teams. With Berwick dropping down they are back up to 16 following demise of Selkirk. Non promotion of Bonnyrigg who had licence rules changed on them after they had submitted application will save Whitehill from relegation. Fact that Whitehill don’t have lights the reason that Bonnyrigg weren’t promoted is farcical.

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