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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Predictably, the original post has brought up a basic incongruity.


On page 1, it had been expressed that there was too much homophobia in evidence. I never saw it. There was no "dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people" being expressed.


On the other hand, there were rigorous attempts to present oneself as being so "modern" and "politically correct", the posters were more concerned at stating their ambivalence of this subject so that they could NOT be considered homophobic.


Where this all goes wrong is that the truth becomes secondary to the labels we don't want to wear. I find bigotry and prejudice towards any "minority" or group of people unacceptable, whether on religious, ethnic or sexual grounds.


That doesn't mean that I don't believe that all religious people are stupid, which I do. But they've not invented a religiophobic label for me yet, or at least not to my knowledge.


I don't trust certain peoples, based on many years of business experience. The two countries in particular that I don't do fuck all with until I see the colour of their money in my bank are not based on ethnicity, being white in one case and arab in the other case. My business policy may therefore be considered "racist" but for the fact that on the contrary, I thank the peoples of these two countries for alerting me to the fact that there are shit people in this world, including in my industry. This allowed me to tighten up my policies and procedures for everyone but when I do go an extra inch or mile, it's not for new prospective clients from certain countries, based on previous experience so yes, I am prejudiced, I make prejudgements based on certain countries.


On sexuality, none of us care what consenting adults get up to and none of us would give a shit if one of our footballers was gay or straight. But that doesn't mean we don't all have our own views of what homosexuals are. You should all see the Germaine Greer documentary on iplayer just now. She's quite a sad old lady with much to offend us with but what I love about her is that she never compromises what she thinks or says just to fit in with the established order of things. The establishment tolerance of certain minorities is pursued more aggressively than for other groups and there are reasons for this. In the meantime, men force themselves on their unwilling wives and domestic abuse increases alarmingly on the days when the neanderthal man's football team gets thrashed.





We have a generation here who are so busy being "good" that they are prepared to completely destroy freedom of speech.

Their obsession with trying to control people's thoughts can only end in disaster as they drive these opinions underground.


It's all gotten worse recently of course as they push the boundaries to include basic impossibilities as facts.


Try to point out that these "facts" are biologically impossible then out come the pitchforks.



Romperoom doobees the lot of them.







Oh, and Rocket min


You Godist bastard


Not so long ago, there were "queer-bashers" and lynch mobs. Imagine the mindsets of the perpetrators? What type of human goes out to physically injure others of a different sexual persuasion or even more insidiously, joins the KKK so that they can kill "niggers"?


These days, we are not even allowed to say these words. Chris Rock is allowed to of course, as are NWA and Dre and Snoop Dog etc. but in their attempts to deal with homophobia and racism, their stupidity in policy has resulted in word and language restrictions, if not outright denial.


It's usually always white trash who are guilty of bigotry and prejudice... in our culture. But elsewhere, the 2,000+ tribes in Africa and the Wahabis and Sunnis and Shias are all guilty of intolerances based on race or ethnicity and probably always will be. Holocaust denial is now a crime in Germany and other countries. It's not just words that have been outlawed, it's ideas that are getting suppressed. Freedom of speech is as mythical in the first amendment of the US constitution as the concept of freedom anywhere in the world. The saddest are those who are brainwashed how to think, including and especially those who go to great lengths to "fit in".


Holocaust denial's a good one.


It's "against the law"


Despite the fact that it's the equivalent of saying that the earth is flat.


The only possible thing that's likely to make me even for one second contemplate that none of it ever happened is making it illegal to say it never happened.


Jews eh?


I work in the optical industry which means I know hundreds of Jews.

I have a flat in Budapest and spend many a great night out in the Jewish quarter.

They know how to party, it's always a good time.


Israel however is another thing altogether.


If one of my kids married a Jew it wouldn't bother me at all.

I bet the other set of in laws would be less than pleased though.


Religion is shite.

They're all as stupid as one another (although catholics min? whats that all about?)




A poof's still a poof, whether it's 1778, 1978 or 2018

Wired up wrong.

Why does other people's opinions ( or just plain facts) nauseate you Ten Catt min?

Does it offend the sense of goodness you carry around with you?


I'm certainly no do gooder, just that firstly I went through primary school with 2 boys who we all knew were gay before they even did (and shamefully I and all the other guys taunted them at the time for being "poofs". We knew no better) Both indeed as adults did turn out to be gay but are both in long term relationships and extremely successful businessmen. I am proud after 40 odd years to still call them friernds.


Secondly, my chosen profession was General Nursing. I started my training in 1985 and in those days it was certainly true that in that branch of nursing many of the males were homosexual (psychiatric nursing conversely had relatively few gay guys in it). Yes there were some who were overtly effeminate but others unless you knew them personally you wouldn't have a clue about their sexuality they were in every respect "normal" blokes who just happened to fancy other blokes. Again I'm proud to call the ones that I knew friends.


I would never deny anyone's right to free speech. If the views you hold contrast against mine that is entirely your right. Won't stop me finding them offensive though. And I really do hope your comments about "fancying wee boys" in a later post were a crude (and unsuccessful) attempt at injecting some humour into the thread......


It is natural to judge someone based on their sexual preference. Everybody does it.


It's not natural i.e. of nature to shove a penis up an arsehole. Doesn't mean they're a bad person. Doesn't make me want to vilify them or even know about them. It's ok that they're out of the closet these days and can marry each other but adopting children? That's taking it way too far. That's sick.




Please try to keep up min.


It'll be THEIR child.


The natural laws of biology are not relevant anymore.




Anyway I wish to retract any previous statement because I woke up this morning to discover I'm now a girl.


I wasn't given the opportunity to choose my gender on my 18th birthday which really wasn't fair.


So I'll be donsdaft on Fridays Saturdays and Sundays and any day there happens to be a game on at Pittodrie


The rest of the time you can call me Beryl


It's my right to do this and anyone trying to deny me this right is commiting a HATE CRIME.











I would like to point out that Beryl is, and will remain, a virgin.







Now, where's my tights?


That's obviously the case.


Unless of course you think God put us on this planet, the planet he took 7 days to make.






Otherwise I'll tend towards Charles Darwin and his version.













Well, donsdaft will, Beryl is too busy watching daytime TV


The Genesis 7 day thing is just a theory. As is Darwin's. I like to think that some things are unknowable but no harm in speculating and putting forward theories. That's great for debate. Humility is absent in most scientists however, unlike this scientist who knows he knows fuck all. Ask Beryl if I can come round and fuck her from behind over the back of the sofa. Get her to take her tights off and she can still watch the telly.


I don't think anyone is denying you your rights Beryl. I just think you're a weirdo.


Wired up wrong was a phrase you used. That's my judgement too.



Would you use the same judgement towards those who are "wired up" to be attracted to geriatrics or kids of the opposite sex?



Would you use the same judgement towards those who are "wired up" to be attracted to geriatrics or kids of the opposite sex?


Not sure I understand your line of questioning.


So I need to guess.


I said that someone who decides to change their sex is wired up wrong.


Is there any doubt that those who prefer exclusively grunnies or children are wired up wrong?


I'd suggest that "wired up wrong" can have any meaning the issuer of the phrase intends.


I was moving a light switch the other day and I couldn't get it to work no matter what I did. I took the front plate off another - working - switch and realised that I had mine wired up wrong. What sort of man does that make me? One who's wired up wrong I'd say.


Don't get sucked into that trap Rocket min.



They can "decide" all they like.


It's not possible to change your gender


Germaine Greer said this specifically in the documentary currently available on BBC iPlayer.


But Matthew Syed wrote about Krieger, the East German shot putter who at 13 was initially fed enormous quantities of Oral-Turinabol followed by other anabolic steroids and shit that turned her masculine. She eventually had a sex change operation and happily married, whilst needing daily testosterone injections to maintain her/his nature-defying conditions.


A freak show's a freak show.


It is indeed but in that specific case, it was predominantly a tragedy. The "coaches" were eventually convicted but received very light sentences, as if fucking with people's lives wasn't that serious when the state decreed that sporting achievements was necessary for the good (self-image) of the nation. Syed is a beautiful writer. That was a story he related in a section of his book discussing cheating in sport and the role of politics.


When two guys kiss and slobber all over each other on the shit soap that my 16 year old daughter watches - not that her age is a decent excuse for my poor parenting that she watches that shit (she at least jacked in Love Island last night, whatever that is) - it turns my stomach.

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