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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Going to try this thread, and see where it takes us, probably nowhere  :rofl: But nonetheless, I was hoping we could all contribute to this thread by posting genuine historical facts or occurrences that you maybe weren't aware of until recently etc...


I'll start us off, had no idea that America's declaration of Independence had so many signatures from individuals from Scotland or Scottish descent! I appreciate it may not interest any of your good selves, but fucking fascinated me.




Dr. John Witherspoon in particular, caught my attention. He became a Minister in Beith, Ayrshire, which is ridiculously close to where I live, and then he even has history in Aberdeen itself!


Dr. John Witherspoon, one of the leaders in the movement for independence and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, was born in the parish of Yester, February 5, 1722. He studied at the University of Edinburgh, and at the age of twenty-one was licensed to preach. He shortly afterwards became minister of Beith in Ayrshire, and held that charge for twelve years. He then accepted a call to Paisley, and remained there until 1768. His position in Scotland was a prominent one and Aberdeen University marked its appreciation of his scholarship by conferring on him the degree of D.D. in 1764.



Good thread, love history as it's absolutely fascinating, obviously varies from which side is telling it but still interests me.


Been learning a lot about Cook at the moment, anniversary year next year in NZ so hope to contribute to this thread  :thumbsup:


At school, I hated history. I thought it a dead subject and always gravitated towards geography. But I was young and stupid then whereas I'm old and stupid now. But less stupid overall I hope. Most schoolteachers are uninspiring human beings. Every history teacher I ever had was a fud. But I have come to learn that history is extremely valuable. It repeats. It creates patterns. It paints pictures and it sources karma and morphic resonances. So yeah, let's have a history thread. I dig this. The cunt on my telly just now has a pink shirt. He's a cricket county chief executive apparently. I wouldn't mind if him and his ilk became history tomorrow but this wearing of pink shirts by "men" shouldn't be permitted.


Here's a historical quirk.


I was introduced to Jenever in Rotterdam this week. It's a type of gin, drunk straight at room temp. Quite nice actually.


If you know your history, about William of Orange and gin and how it took over London etc., you'll know where the phrase "Dutch courage" comes from.


Here's a historical quirk.


I was introduced to Jenever in Rotterdam this week. It's a type of gin, drunk straight at room temp. Quite nice actually.


If you know your history, about William of Orange and gin and how it took over London etc., you'll know where the phrase "Dutch courage" comes from.


Indeed, jenever was the original gin.  When you're in Amsterdam next, check out the jenever bar next door to the old Nicol (near centraal station).


Folk need to remember not to mix it though, more like a whisky in how it's imbibed .


Indeed, jenever was the original gin.  When you're in Amsterdam next, check out the jenever bar next door to the old Nicol (near centraal station).


Folk need to remember not to mix it though, more like a whisky in how it's imbibed .


I'd never heard of Jenever until last week. Was in Schipol yesterday p.m. and had time to visit but wouldn't have been drinking. After the amount I've had these last couple of weeks and inspired by the Adrian Chiles documentary, I'm using a drink tracker App. Thoroughly recommend.


Nice one Gents. Wasn't sure I'd get some responses, so delighted to see I have.


Rocket, I also hated History, and School in general to be honest. But there's just stuff I have learned as I have gotten older that I certainly wasn't taught, for example, my School had nothing on Scottish History, which looking back, annoys me, Scottish History should absolutely be taught at School.


Same with Native American's, growing up, we're told Cowboys were good guys etc.. and Native American's were savage murderers, they maybe so, but they're only doing so protecting themselves from the equally if not more brutal, Americans.


Never got the opportunity to ask my Grandparents about the War/Wars, but I also love hearing stories from other elderly people on the subject, and my Old Man found a Bren Light Machine Gun after the 2nd World War ended, he was a kid obviously, playing in the burn and he found it buried in some stones, just partially sticking out. There is also 2 Plane crash sites very near to where I live, story has it that one of the Pilot's, a German soldier, survived his crash and went into the local town to seek help. Unfortunately people over the years couldn't help themselves and have wrecked and stripped a lot of the planes wreckage's, but there's still some of them there.


Scottish History should absolutely be taught at School.


Same with Native American's, growing up, we're told Cowboys were good guys etc.. and Native American's were savage murderers, they maybe so, but they're only doing so protecting themselves from the equally if not more brutal, Americans.


Scottish History - at least in our day - wasn't taught because the school syllabus was controlled by the Westminster government and they had a vested interest in lying to Scottish people and also in telling us not to use our own words and vernacular as they insisted on the "queen's english".


America, like Australia, were land grabs involving genocide. Like the "british empire", we were not told the truth.

America, like Australia, were land grabs involving genocide. Like the "british empire", we were not told the truth.


Thing is, the genocidal stories are also much more fun to learn too. They also provide a lot of room for interesting debate. The Aborigine population in oz decreased by 80%ish after the Brits turned up, but a lot of it was because of aids or some such (not really, it was small pox and things like that). It leaves the argument open that it wasn't genocide, but just natural population replacement/displacement. Obviously nonsense, but interesting nevertheless. In 1900s Tasmania, they hunted for aborigines like posh people do these days with grouse or lions. It's a massive subject like, well worth a part in the education system. Closest we got to learning about Aboriginals was Walkabout the film, where a bird got her tits out - I don't remember the plot line.


I've always been history daft.

Except when I tried to take it as an o'level subject when a particularity tiresome twat bored me into dropping it.


Specialist subject Rome 100bc - 100ad


People wore different clothes and ate different food but in general they behave now like they behaved then (whenever then was) so using history gives you a tremendous insight into the future.


Teaching us foreign history instead of our own at school was unforgivable and a typical example of English arrogance. (they honestly believe that an Italian antique furniture dealer would describe something as Victorian, it's a shame really)


On the other hand Scottish history can be condensed into two words "how much"

At every turn someone is selling someone else out.




Already the “history” thread contains alternative facts. I grew up in the 70s and 80s and there was plenty Scottish history taught in schools, all the kings & queens, and the “legends”.


Can only speak for myself with this one, I was at School in the 90's & early 2000's & never learned about Scottish History, was just the World Wars & bizarrely a bit about Greek History.


Can only speak for myself with this one, I was at School in the 90's & early 2000's & never learned about Scottish History, was just the World Wars & bizarrely a bit about Greek History.


Must have been devolution that changed it  ;D


We did Scottish history first and second year, William Wallace, Rob Roy, Robert the Bruce James the I & V. Then it was WW's for Standard Grade, although I've a vague recollection of the Highland Clearances too (early 90's). Although we got to choose our "project" topic and I did the fishing industry in North East Scotland. Which surprisingly/unsurprisingly there was fuck all written about. Bulk of the info came from one book. When I started I thought there would be loads in the libraries of Peterheed and the Broch, but no.



O' grade syllabus which i sat in 82 and got a B for was in 3 parts...."Changing Life in Scotland 1760-1820"....all about how Scotland evolved from a 3rd world peasant economy into a thriving industrial nation......was fairly interesting. The Great War 1914-1918....causes eg shooting of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo etc......loved it seemed pretty relevant. Then finally The Russian Revolution......bored the shit outta me.


Wee bit on my current Avatar, John Dillinger. Born in 1903  ;D


Was Public Enemy Number One, escaped prison with a fake Gun carved from wood, robbed several banks, and despite his reputation as a murderer, he killed one Police Officer, who shot at him first.


Dillinger had no luck finding work in the city and joined the town pool shark, Ed Singleton, in his search for easy money. In their first attempt, they tried to rob a Mooresville grocer, but were quickly apprehended. Singleton pleaded not guilty, stood trial, and was sentenced to two years in prison. Dillinger, following his father’s advice, confessed, was convicted of assault and battery with intent to rob and conspiracy to commit a felony, and received joint sentences of two to 14 years and 10 to 20 years in the Indiana State Prison. Stunned by the harsh sentence, Dillinger became a tortured, bitter man in prison.


A rather ridiculous sentence for a failed Attempted Robbery & Assault. Click on the link to the FBI website where they have a detailed account of his very short rein if you're interested. I always felt it was an extremely harsh account, and don't think he deserved to be murdered, but there you go.



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