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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

1 6 02:23:13

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This is where there needs to be a physical divide. You cannot have a trans competing in a straight single sex event. They're not the same, regardless of what they feel emotionally and any operation they've had. Their genetics are completely different to those they are competing against. A separate category has to be created as It's not an even playing field imo


I've never met a transgender person, am not aware of anyone who has and quite frankly, I don't want to meet someone who's so fucked up they try to change their sex.


Interesting that it's almost exclusively men trying to turn themselves into women. Fucking whack jobs.


The transgender lobby will love this. They have a voice (and it never seems to shut up these days) that is vastly disproportional to their tiny, albeit growing, community. And aided and abetted by ridiculous equality laws that always seem to advantage minority groups over the general public.


Strangely enough, you don't find transsexual "men" competing against true men, far less winning in any sport. If I was a woman in that race I'd be screaming "game's a bogey" but no doubt their ruling body will be telling them to keep their subservient mouth's shut so as not to cause offence.


Glad I've only got about 20-25 years left on this planet. World is fucked




You are a slow learner, Winston,' said O'Brien gently.


'How can I help it?' he blubbered. 'How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.'


'Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.'

  On 16/10/2018 at 21:38, donsdaft said:

You are a slow learner, Winston,' said O'Brien gently.


'How can I help it?' he blubbered. 'How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.'


'Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.'




Dod kent his ingins.

  On 16/10/2018 at 20:05, Ten Caat said:

The transgender lobby will love this. They have a voice (and it never seems to shut up these days) that is vastly disproportional to their tiny, albeit growing, community. And aided and abetted by ridiculous equality laws that always seem to advantage minority groups over the general public.


Which laws are they?


Glad I've only got about 20-25 years left on this planet. World is fucked


I reckon you've got about 40. We'll use future technology to keep people like you alive for much longer. Obviously you won't be able to move as you'll be so decrepit. For the final 15 years of your life, ladyboys will bum you daily and wave their lady cocks in your face, brushing your cheek now and then*. It's no exaggeration at all to suggest that's the way things are going. PC gone mad I'd say.


*with their cocks.


Someone imbibed from the alcohol counter last night.


The being so direct, so intolerant, so passionate about righting wrongs and so typically North East was the giveaway. And so apolitical: -


  On 16/10/2018 at 22:26, RicoS321 said:

Which laws are they?


You know fine well he can't answer that with any precision, intelligence nor credibility.


The drunk man never lies and fuelled with courage from William of Orange, becomes a bovine male in a teacup vendor.

  On 16/10/2018 at 22:26, RicoS321 said:

Which laws are they?


I reckon you've got about 40. We'll use future technology to keep people like you alive for much longer. Obviously you won't be able to move as you'll be so decrepit. For the final 15 years of your life, ladyboys will bum you daily and wave their lady cocks in your face, brushing your cheek now and then*. It's no exaggeration at all to suggest that's the way things are going. PC gone mad I'd say.


*with their cocks.


Equality Act 2010 and backed up by the Human Rights Act.


I am an insulin dependent diabetic. At the first sign of dementia, or if/when I start pishin or shittin myself i'll just get my affairs in order then pop a full vial of the rapid acting insulin into my veins......I estimate one or other of these scenarios will occur in my early to mid seventies.....

  On 17/10/2018 at 09:35, Ten Caat said:

Equality Act 2010 and backed up by the Human Rights Act.


You're just naming laws. Which part of the Equality Act 2010 does this: " ridiculous equality laws that always seem to advantage minority groups over the general public" refer to?

  On 17/10/2018 at 10:33, Ten Caat said:

And you are being pedantic. Typically snowflake attitude.


Snowflake is such a cunt-word. When the fuck did that word become a thing? Fucking yanks and their wanker terminology copied by fuckwits.


I'm not being pedantic, I'm asking you which part of the equality act advantages minority groups over the general public? I've read it and none of it does. Your mistaking pedantry with me saying that you're talking shite.


Have to agree with you on Americanisms.


But to use your own terminology


If you're born with a "cunt" you're a girl.

If you're born with a "cock" you're a boy.


Anything else then you're a mutant.

  On 16/10/2018 at 20:05, Ten Caat said:

If I was a woman in that race I'd be screaming "game's a bogey" but no doubt their ruling body will be telling them to keep their subservient mouth's shut so as not to cause offence.

Third place finisher is indeed screaming on Twitter, this after the winning "woman" decided to boast about "her" greatness on twitter.


Winner: https://twitter.com/rachelvmckinnon  Love her byeline: "I'm an internationally recognized expert on the science and ethics of transgender inclusion in sport"


3rd Placer: https://twitter.com/jkwagnermd




It's good to have diversity. There are always going to be majorities and minorities. Outliers are great, they show us where the boundaries might be so that we can explore beyond them.


Fucking with nature however, whether destroying the planet or denying one's biology, that's sick. And I mean sick as in its original sense, which is not good as it refers to mental illness. Unless the criminally insane are going to be next to be normalised? After all, the majority of big business leaders are known psychopaths already. The Westminster government corridors of power are being exposed for bullying presently.


Most of us - which definitely includes me - don't understand transgender people and why they want to "switch". Until they convince me otherwise, I reckon there's some severe mental problems going on there but rather than Cornhill-ing them off, we spend our money encouraging and investing in their madness. Which is mad. Equally, sending single mothers to Cornhill (as they did not too long ago) was utterly insane too and don't get me started on religion and the Catholic church.


It might be that I'm the only sane one left... and I severely doubt my own sanity sometimes, filled with prejudices and prejudgements as I am and as my own daughters like to tell me. But my prejudices are not based on sex, colour nor ethnicity. I just don't like cheating and a male competing against females in a female pursuit is cheating.


They're wanting to make changing your gender a simple case of paying a relatively small fee ( £80 IIRC) and signing a declaration that you are now living in the opposite gender to the one you were previous......I hesitate to say born in because I think you can pay the fee again and switch back and forth ad infinitum if this gets through....


It used to take living in the opposite gender role, backed up by regular monitoring of a consultant psychiatrist, for 2 years before someone could legally change their gender. Back when I was a young newly qualified nurse I came into contact with a few over a period of around 5 years. they were all male to female and all had, or were waiting on, genital reassignment surgery. Nowadays I believe a fair number have no intention of losing their cocks (technically it isn't chopped off in reassignment surgery...the skin is separated from the underlying tissue which is then partially removed and the urethra shortened then the skin is folded in on itself and stitched in place creating a "cunt" in between the bladder and bowel)


Rico it's your opinion I'm speaking shite about the Equality Act and Human Rights Act. I believe they are pervidious pieces of shite and a litigant's paradise. I think you are speaking shite but it's all about opinions.


:laughing: :laughing:



Point and laugh



Doesn't really matter what it used to be because it was never possible in the first place.



I'd have been bloody raging if my daughter had been cheated out of a gold medal by a freak show on a bike.

  On 17/10/2018 at 16:54, Ten Caat said:

Rico it's your opinion I'm speaking shite about the Equality Act and Human Rights Act. I believe they are pervidious pieces of shite and a litigant's paradise. I think you are speaking shite but it's all about opinions.


It's nothing to do with my opinion. I haven't given one. You're either speaking shite or you're not. Given that you've provided zero evidence to back up your claim then you're speaking shite until proven otherwise. You've made the claim that we're instituting "ridiculous equality laws that always seem to advantage minority groups over the general public" so back it up. It's been in place for 8 years, show us the litigant's paradise. I'm very open to evidence.


This is basically the way politics is going in this country. Some fucker makes a strongly voiced argument that sounds like it might be right and the public get behind it without checking the evidence. That to me is far more dangerous than whether or not a handful of transgender folk get treated the same as me or not, that's why I'm annoyed by it. I'm broadly in agreement with the argument being put forward about the transgender athelete is basically cheating, although if we're frightened by the normalisation of transgenderists then setting up a new gender grouping for them would be the quickest way to do it; imagine the BBC when Britain's fastest tranny wins gold in the 2020 Olympic TG 100M race?


I don't think anyone is "frightened about the normalisation" of transgender people. It's quite obviously abnormal to choose to change one's sex. They are human beings, however they arrived at their decision and deserve to be treated as such. All the education in the world isn't going to change how the 99.999% of the people feel about the 0.001% who have crossed the divide however, or whatever the majority/minority calculation actually is.


Would I trust my children to a transgender teacher? Absolutely not. If they're so confused about their own biology, what the fuck else are they confused about? Maybe 20% or 35% or 55% or 99% of the 99.999% are happy with leaving their kids to be taught by a woman-who-used-to-be-a-man but I'm not having it.


Let's not kid ourselves. There is normal and there is abnormal. I feel sorry for the increasing number of women getting beaten by men in various sporting events. That's athletics and now cycling. That ain't right, and it's definitely nae normal.

  On 17/10/2018 at 23:00, rocket_scientist said:

I don't think anyone is "frightened about the normalisation" of transgender people.


Would I trust my children to a transgender teacher? Absolutely not. If they're so confused about their own biology, what the fuck else are they confused about? Maybe 20% or 35% or 55% or 99% of the 99.999% are happy with leaving their kids to be taught by a woman-who-used-to-be-a-man but I'm not having it.


That sounds like fear to me!


Do you think they might teach our daughters how to turn themselves into fine young men? Or d'ye reckon they'd stick to the maths curriculum?


I had a teacher at school with a serious hygene problem (he stank of shite and definitely didn't wash). It was abnormal. He was good at teaching like. Much better at teaching than his cleanly colleague who was clearly thick as fuck. Some abnormal people are good at things that their abnormality has no bearing on.

  On 17/10/2018 at 23:14, RicoS321 said:

That sounds like fear to me!


I was aware of the possible contradiction in my post but decided that honesty would be the best policy.


But is is "fear" that I'm guilty of? I don't think so. Certainly not that the pupil's own sexuality would be affected.


I guess that example was given as a thought provoker. Sometimes right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable comes from a place which defies rational explanation. The instinct lives by its own rules and that will be personal and different for each of us.



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