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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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The shocking news from Christchurch today shows that poison and hate is universal.


We can normally detect a motive in these kind of seemingly random acts but deciding to slaughter people who's only act is to pray to their religion is a sick mind beyond recognition. The shooters in the US who target schools are normally disaffected young men who feel excluded to the point of hopelessness, deciding to make their final mark by hurting society with the sickest and maximum damage that they could. I don't think we ever learned what drove Thomas Hamilton in Dunblane, perhaps because the establishment didn't want us to learn but it appears that these acts today were carried out by neo-nazi far right types, the sort of non-thinking classes that Tommy Robinson attracts, the type of sick cunts expertly illustrated by Spike Lee in his Oscar winning BlacKkKlansmen.


I refuse to believe that we can't fail to anticipate that these type of people are a danger to humanity. Unfortunately the concept of thought crimes introduced by Orwell is too fluid in the modern era, plus it was being used in a totally different purpose but policing globally must examine extremist behaviour prior to acting for relevant correlations, if indeed there are any. With all the debate about Facebook and social media and their responsibilities, that's got to be a route to explore. These sick fucks are almost posting their intentions in advance and there's bound to be neighbours or others around them who saw it building up to this.


Sick sick world.


A Turk in Utrecht shooting people today in another act described as "terrorist".


Is the price we have to pay these days that we might die in a random attack?


Or is there ANY will to try and understand these things?


I would start by finding out what drives these sick fucks. I am certain that correlations can be found. We can't solve any problem without firstly identifying what it is and then secondly acknowledging that it exists.


No one has the guts to come out and say that violent extremism is nowadays pretty much 100% Islamist led ( with a tiny minority, but nevertheless deadly, as witnessed in NZ, anti Islamist reactionary grouping). Political correctness over the past 40 years has caused political leaders to pass laws which at best disincentivise people from stating this fact, far less try to act on it. At worst it actually criminalises them.


There is and has been for the past half century at least, but probably longer, a striking exodus of Muslims from traditionally. Muslim states westward and northward from Asia and Africa into Europe. In particular western Europe. ( There is a similar but less pronounced migration from Eastern Asia towards Australia/NZ). They leave due to conflict in their own lands, but most are economic migrants looking for the off quoted "better life".


Now I've never seen read the Quran and have no intention of doing so. But have heard others state that there are passages within that some radical Muslims interpret as encouraging Muslims to migrate worldwide with the intention of making Islam dominate the world eventually. They do seem on the surface anyway, to breed fairly prodigically compared to the rest of the world's population. And as their population grows in western countries, their voice, even among non-radicals, becomes ever more demanding.


Inevitably during this migration, extremists have taken their chance to blend in with the masses and settle, lying low once in their country of choice and awaiting further orders or if " lone wolves" a perceived grievance that triggers their decision to carry out an atrocity. Europe, and Germany in particular has to take a huge amount of blame for the state of things nowliyqp

Kk. We have encouraged this mass migration, initially by legal means but now completely illegal of migrants heading for the promised lands of the UK, Germany, France and Scandinavia. The vast majority of these migrants are never asked....far less told...to leave once they reach their country of choice. Those using the excuse of fleeing persecution have no interest in claiming asylum in countries like Serbia or Romania....safe havens far closer to the countries they have just left. Even Italy and Spain, ports of entry from those fleeing Africa hold little interest for these migrants despite being vastly more wealthy than the Eastern European countries those fleeing Asia first encounter.


I hope I don't come across as racist in this synopsis. But sadly I fear it is already too late.


No one has the guts to come out and say that violent extremism is nowadays pretty much 100% Islamist led ( with a tiny minority, but nevertheless deadly, as witnessed in NZ, anti Islamist reactionary grouping). Political correctness over the past 40 years has caused political leaders to pass laws which at best disincentivise people from stating this fact, far less try to act on it. At worst it actually criminalises them.


You're mistaking political correctness with ignorance*. Political correctness is a myth perpetuated by fuckwits like Donald Trump to disguise his fucking idiocy and the fact that he's just wrong all the fucking time. It's a way to lie and then accuse folk when your completely wrong. Take your comments above for example. It's just ignorance. I have no problem with you not knowing what the fuck you're talking about, but your presenting it as fact. Not just fact, but fact that people are preventing you/others from publicising and discussing. Read back through your comment and then present us with the evidence for your claims. There's nothing in your paragraph above that suggests that you've even looked at any documented evidence or even attempted to. Furthermore, you're not asking people if you're right or not, you're unapologetically being wrong. It's not political correctness that is your issue, it's incorrectness. You'll then counter with some shite about "not being able to express an opinion". First, you haven't given opinion, you're stating fact. Second, nobody is preventing you, they're (me) just calling you out for it. Those two things are present in just about every accusation of "political correctness gone mad" - the person being apparently "shouted down" is a) completely incorrect in their text/speech presented as fact, b) not being prevented from saying anything, just called out and unable to cope. Most of the time, as in this case, the person is saying something that is contentious, zenophobic or racist and usually targetting a minority. There are some intelligent folks (Jordan Peterson as an easy example, Nicholas Taleb on occasion) who are perfectly able to make very contentious comments in public without issue because they provide evidence for their comments and back up their points. They receive abuse, but they've all got a platform they can talk on and a huge audience. You can disagree with them too. It's yer fucktards like Tommy Robinson who claim "political correctness", because he's evidentially talking shite and usually with a lot of deliberate hate baked in. Basically, the rule of being an adult human being is that if you're going to state something controversial then check yer facts or expect to get abuse.


*over 73% of deaths by extremism in US were right wing: https://www.adl.org/murder-and-extremism-2018


Do your own research.


Spot on Rico.


The whole post read like classic Islamaphobia but born out of ignorance.

There’s nothing, nothing at all, wrong with Muslims. It’s the eejits (of various faiths) who use religion to wage their wars. If it wasn’t for the quiet peace loving folk who find a great deal of comfort in worshipping an imaginary being, I’d just ban all religion!


Right-wing extremism is a huge issue, fuelled by populist clowns who don’t deserve the air time.


1. No one has the guts to come out and say that violent extremism is nowadays pretty much 100% Islamist led.


2. Those using the excuse of fleeing persecution have no interest in claiming asylum in countries like Serbia or Romania....safe havens far closer to the countries they have just left.


3. I hope I don't come across as racist in this synopsis.


1. Nobody is saying it not for any reason involving courage but because it's not true.


2. You should understand what the Serbians did to Muslim people in very recent history to understand why it's very silly to describe that part of the Balkans as a "safe haven".


3. The best guarantee of not coming across as racist is not to be racist.


It's spelt " xenophobic" not "zenophobic".  Sorry but I just don't buy your pseudo intellectual shite Rico. Not for one minute. Yes perhaps Serbia was a bad example. But their next door neighbour Bosnia is a Muslim majority country. The migrants don't want to stop there either despite being culturally a helluva lot more similar than heading to countries further west.



I make no apology for what I said. I'm most certainly not racist but I have a big problem with uncontrolled migration. The vast majority of those doing so are young single men of working age. Instead of heading thousands of miles westward why not stay and make their own countries better?


You should quit while you're behind!


"Stay and make their own countries better" is another give-away that you are no more educated that the millions who read the tabloids.


Take comfort in the fact that your ilk are the majority in the UK and that the views you have are common amongst your class, which, for the sake of clarity, is the non-thinking class, unable to think due to gross ignorance.


But like the example given above, immediately after your staggering first post, you at least have a voice. It's just not one we want to hear, riddled with pathos as it is.


It's spelt " xenophobic" not "zenophobic".  Sorry but I just don't buy your pseudo intellectual shite Rico.


My mistake. I'm not asking you to "buy" anything, I provided you a fact and a link that corroborated that fact. Again, you seem to be mistaking ignorance and evidence. In fact, you probably still think that your "pretty much 100% Islamist led" figure is still correct even though it's in your own head. Maybe you should grow up and take some responsibilty for what you post? Admit you have absolutely no idea what percentage of violent extremism is "Islamist led".


You should quit while you're behind!


"Stay and make their own countries better" is another give-away that you are no more educated that the millions who read the tabloids.


Take comfort in the fact that your ilk are the majority in the UK and that the views you have are common amongst your class, which, for the sake of clarity, is the non-thinking class, unable to think due to gross ignorance.


But like the example given above, immediately after your staggering first post, you at least have a voice. It's just not one we want to hear, riddled with pathos as it is.


I don't give a flying fuck what you want to hear. I think you are a knob....a not uncommon view held by the members here and of other groups you are currently banned from...


But I absolutely acknowledge your right to spout pish that you and others who class themselves as " intellectuals" do every day. Only you and you ilk can possibly be right. The proles are only good for brewing/distilling the alcohol that flows in copious volumes down your oesophagus.


But I do agree with you that McInnes should be replaced asap...




But I absolutely acknowledge your right to spout pish that you and others who class themselves as " intellectuals" do every day. Only you and you ilk can possibly be right. The proles are only good for brewing/distilling the alcohol that flows in copious volumes down your oesophagus.


So what percentage of violent extremism is Islamist led?


A helluva lot more than the ABV of the refreshments that Rocket Scienceknob necks on a daily basis....


Apart form every one of the 31 days in January and the majority of days since, according to my Drink Tracker App.


You're confusing this forum with the hat. Another feature of your bigoted small-minded non-thinking class and how you conduct yourselves on the internet is that you "fabricate, repeat and believe". Just because you say that I have a drink problem doesn't make it true. The fact that you say it immediately after being exposed as a fool won't save you. The onus is upon you to retract what you said or prove that you knew what you were talking about. It's not Rico's fault that you said it. As he correctly predicted, you can't handle the truth and as we have all seen so painfully, you have made a massive spasticus of yourself. At least minijc admitted when he was being a dick and whilst he tried to mitigate it by saying he was "just a baby", to see a grown man like you behaving like a total dick is tragic in the extreme. I think "grow up" was counsel that you continue to ignore.


First, you haven't given opinion, you're stating fact. Second, nobody is preventing you, they're (me) just calling you out for it. Those two things are present in just about every accusation of "political correctness gone mad" - the person being apparently "shouted down" is a) completely incorrect in their text/speech presented as fact, b) not being prevented from saying anything, just called out and unable to cope.


My mistake. I'm not asking you to "buy" anything, I provided you a fact and a link that corroborated that fact. Again, you seem to be mistaking ignorance and evidence. In fact, you probably still think that your "pretty much 100% Islamist led" figure is still correct even though it's in your own head. Maybe you should grow up and take some responsibilty for what you post? Admit you have absolutely no idea what percentage of violent extremism is "Islamist led".


This is not "pseudo-intellectual". It's very simple, written in a vocabulary that even a thick cunt like you can understand.


So redeem yourself TC, or just fuck off and die.


I'm retracting nothing you cockwomble


And I'll be around to see your death notice in the Peenj...




My passing won't be in there. It's only you non-thinkers who use "newspapers". The world moves on and the print media is dying if not already dead.


Whatever your Nostradamus properties might be, mine would guess that I'll learn more, love more and enjoy more life in the next 12 weeks than you can muster in your whole sorry sad-ass life.


As you don't retract your ridiculous Islamaphobic sentiments, we can safely deduce that you stand by them.


As I said, you'll find your kindred idiots on a busier forum. Like that nips an tatties cunt, you've done too much damage to yourself now. Goodbye  :wave:

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