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Season 2019/2020 Rebuilding

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I'd say based on observation Hayes would be as good, if not most likely better, than Wright, McLennan, Gallagher, and McGinn. I like Hedges but the rest are far too inconsistent and even Hedges is somewhat unknown. You could argue Wright and McLennan need to grow but DM doesn't really develop youth so we can't assume he will with these two. If he's affordable why not, plus can play left back too.

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the worst pound for pound signing in recent afc history off to st johnstone, what a waste of money


That was Forrester without a shadow of a doubt. At least every time May took the field he tried his guts out. And despite his personal lack of goals, I still contend that his partnership with Cosgrove worked well. We haven't seen enough of Main to write him off completely as yet but from what we have seen so far, I'd rather we hadn't signed him and persevered with using May when required.

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It might be a good thing, Lampard & Jody Morris going to Chelsea, in terms of Loans. Whilst we'd all prefer permanent signings, the odd loan wouldn't hurt and in fact, has proved to be a success for us ( Ward, Hector, Maddison, Lowe etc... )


McInnes is very close to Morris & Lampard and I've no doubt they'll have been in communication regarding loan players already, Billy Gilmour is the name I have seen bandied about, he's either a CM or a CAM, never seen him but fairly certain that's where he plays.





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Yep it's Gilmour that I've heard too. I suspect he would be vying for a place with either Ferguson or Bryson. You would have to assume that Chelsea would stipulate he has to play a certain percentage of game time as part of the loan agreement so one of our players isn't going to be a happy camper.

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Saw a picture of him coming on standing next to Abraham. Looked like a midget, similar tiny legs as John Spencer had.


Guessing the Chelsea loanee rumours are just that then.


Preparing to be totally underwhelmed tomorrow as the transfer window shuts. Celtic will get a decent left back in Taylor. Sevco will try to get Kent (not saying they'll succeed). We will likely get sweet FA. Although sweet FA is infinitely preferable to the other name linked with us (Ikechi f@ckin Anya  :hammer:)

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Dm already said no more business in his post match presser did he not?


He also said that Cosgrove was missing the Rijeka game!


Probably won't be any more additions the more I think about it though, we had a relatively strong bench today, and McKenna, Taylor & Logan are still to come back, so hard to see who would be dropped from that bench as well as the aforementioned trio.


Was really hoping for another attacking Midfielder in all honesty. But if Bryson gets fit, which looks like he is, we saw it in flashes again today, in where he took some nice touches and looked to get the ball forward as quickly as possible, then perhaps we don't require one.


Perhaps if Anderson & Wright got sent out on loan, with May having left already, we may see another addition.

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Given that the injury happened during his time with us, its certainly the right thing to do to help him in any way we can with his rehabilitation.


Still think it is a bit of a long shot that he will recover to an extent that allows him to play football at the top level again, given that he's now done both knees in but there was no doubt when he played that he was a class act so fingers crossed he does.


Can possibly see him getting a "pay as you play" deal for the second half of the season which would probably suit both sides......but I reiterate. I think it's more likely he will sadly prove to be unable to resume a professional career at the top level again.

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