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Season 2019/2020 Rebuilding

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Wouldn’t say I love McInnes. Just think he’s done a good job for us.


Doubt if you can be shown to be either right or wrong about him when you’ve flip-flopped between gushing praise and bitter criticism


I don't agree that he's done a good job, unlike you, Milne, Kris Boyd and Neil Lennon. And the whole of the wos media.


And if you were a genuine Aberdeen fan who had posted over time, we would know that a) you're a genuine Aberdeen fan, and b) what your opinions were on the bigger issues.


Time will reveal if he's been good or bad for AFC. For me, enough time has already passed to make that conclusion without controversy. Some genuine Aberdeen fans don't agree with that. You come out of left field to support McInnes, as is your right. Welcome to a forum for genuine Aberdeen fans. We look forward to hearing your views in the future.

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Or, as we've seen before and we'll see again, you'll not engage at all.


Perhaps your whole agenda is to discredit dissenters? Who's paying you?


Time's up pal. The new regime won't put up with shit like McInnes.


He'll be gone soon. And cunts like you won't be missed because your raison d'etre has already expired.


That’s some talent you’ve got. An ability to make wild assumptions about a poster on the basis of a few comments. And all of them wrong.



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That’s some talent you’ve got. An ability to make wild assumptions about a poster on the basis of a few comments. And all of them wrong.


Thank you.


I'm sure you'll be able to prove my error in the days ahead, when you engage as AFC fans do, rather than trying to focus on individual character assassination, and failing.


Even if I had changed my opinion on our manager from five or six years ago, which I didn't, it's really not the issue. I've never liked the "Rangers man" (as Stewrat called him) and yet you come on here (being noticed for the first time) to support our soon-to-be-dead manager by trying to selectively quote his biggest critic.


Tell us a bit about yourself A96? Who the fuck are you?

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Apparantly Leeds United had someone in the stand watching Cosgrove on Saturday, and they are added to a list of suitors now, QPR, Derby & Middlesborough.


I think we're going to see a McKenna type stand-off here, clubs will make an offer, but it'll be derisory, although I don't see Cogrove handing in a transgfer request.


There is a strong possibility that we could lose the both of them next Month, if it does come to that, and McInnes is given some of the money back to replace them, he better get it fucking right.

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Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan

Apparantly Leeds United had someone in the stand watching Cosgrove on Saturday, and they are added to a list of suitors now, QPR, Derby & Middlesborough.


I think we're going to see a McKenna type stand-off here, clubs will make an offer, but it'll be derisory, although I don't see Cogrove handing in a transgfer request.


There is a strong possibility that we could lose the both of them next Month, if it does come to that, and McInnes is given some of the money back to replace them, he better get it fucking right.


It would be a real shame if we lost Cosgrove unless the club are offered stupid money by someone.  It has been a long time since I can remember someone that young scoring that amount of goals for a club outwith the ugly two, possibly Derek Riordan at Hibs.  I am not suggesting Cosgrove will turn into a world beater but he is very effective for us.


McKenna for me is well over-rated.  He's a good SPL standard defender but any offer with the word million attached to it would be a good one for him.

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Was about to post the news regarding Leigh & Bryson. What the fuck is happening with our Injuries, is it lazy recruitment, taking a risk on these prone players or is it a calculated risk worth taking? A fully fit Bryson would have been an excellent addition, as would a fully fit Gleeson!  :rofl: ( Last time I defend Gleeson )


But seriously, for fuck sake  >:(

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It would be a real shame if we lost Cosgrove unless the club are offered stupid money by someone.  It has been a long time since I can remember someone that young scoring that amount of goals for a club outwith the ugly two, possibly Derek Riordan at Hibs.  I am not suggesting Cosgrove will turn into a world beater but he is very effective for us.


McKenna for me is well over-rated.  He's a good SPL standard defender but any offer with the word million attached to it would be a good one for him.


If Cosgrove touched up one or two bits of his game as it stands, he'd easily cope with the Championship in England, he reminds of Jordan Rhodes, only not as good, just yet. He's got time on his side and perhaps a move with better facilities and better coaches would be beneficial for him, but obviously I hope he stays.

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Was about to post the news regarding Leigh & Bryson. What the fuck is happening with our Injuries, is it lazy recruitment, taking a risk on these prone players or is it a calculated risk worth taking? A fully fit Bryson would have been an excellent addition, as would a fully fit Gleeson!  :rofl: ( Last time I defend Gleeson )


But seriously, for fuck sake  >:(


Bryson signing is turning into a bust. It was always a gamble to punt on a 30+ plus player coming off an ankle injury like his but suspect to get a player of his quality its the sort of gamble we have to take. If he was not injured at the end of his Derby contract another Championship side would have made a move for him.

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Leigh is just bad luck. No history of long term injuries. Bryson, however.....well signing an injured player who was nearing his 33rd birthday whilst still carrying an injury (and likely paying him wages that place him among our top 5 earners) was always a gamble. By the time we get him back it will likely be into March, maybe even April. It's been a disastrous signing tbh.


Cosgrove still has 30 months left on his contract. So we can afford to turn down any offers from clubs purported to be interested if we think they're chancing their arm. In a team that frankly doesn't create a whole lot of chances, his scoring record is phenomenal. I don't think us asking £5million is unreasonable, given that his league goals tally is the same as that of both Defoe and son of Mattress...who play in a team that create probably 3-4 times the number of chances we do. I'd probably accept £4million reluctantly but certainly no less. And on the basis that we are given £1million of it to spend on a replacement and one other player (ideally a number 10).

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Leigh is just bad luck. No history of long term injuries. Bryson, however.....well signing an injured player who was nearing his 33rd birthday whilst still carrying an injury (and likely paying him wages that place him among our top 5 earners) was always a gamble. By the time we get him back it will likely be into March, maybe even April. It's been a disastrous signing tbh.


You win some, you lose some. Bryson is known for his fitness and work rate, and not really had a injury laden career. Would have been a very good signing I reckon otherwise. I think they fully expected him to be fit in a month or so. If he returns, I think he'll turn into a decent signing.

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Will be an interesting window. While January is not the easiest of windows, new chairman new ambition with a signing or two? We clearly have center mid issues that need addressed. Zach and Greg have been good signings but they aren’t the solution, although I’d certainly still like Leigh signed permanently.  Bryson will be like a new signing if ever fit, but we, yet again, are so reliant on Ferguson. Lazy suggestion but Dylan McGeough is available and proven SPL quality. Anyone else?? Would also like to see Anderson And McLennan put out on loan.

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Speaking of unoriginal, what's dom ball doing these days??  ;D


At QPR. He wasn't getting a game initially but seemed to start getting a game at least coming off the bench by late September. Haven't really continued to monitor his progress recently but wiki says he has 8 appearances in the league for them so I presume he must find himself back out the side again. Possibly injured but I've done enough research lol

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Okay, so some news regarding possible incomings in January. You won't like this one bit  :rofl:


Rumours, and of course that's all they are, circulating from Dundee, not any of us, but Dundee fans, and they're not happy, is that Graham Dorrans is coming here in January  :eek: I'd imagine it's to ease the midfield shortage we seem to have, but I am not overly sure I belive it. I would also imagine that IF there was any truth in it, it would purely be until the end of the season. If this turns out to be true, I'd be pretty annoyed and disappointed.


Second one is Stephen O'Donnell, apparently a pre-contract is almost over the line with him, a snag being that he's reluctant to move his Family to Aberdeen. This one is coming from a couple of our own, in particular one who is usually on the money. Wouldn't be too downhearted with that one, if true, I think he'd be a slight improvement on a regressing Logan.


Also have Alan Nixon saying that Cosgrove and Mckenna could be away in January as there are a few clubs definitely interested in them, but comes down to what they offer and what we deem acceptable of course, he also said we are sniffing around a Centre Back, but didn't name him.


Some food for thought heading into tonight  :rofl:

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The CH  we are interested in is Declan Gallagher. I'd prefer Findlay myself if McKenna gets flogged.


Dorrans would be one of the least inspiring signings ever.....I sincerely hope that the blue joot supporters have overdone the White Lightning and will come to their senses in a couple of days.


O'Donnell would be a marginal upgrade on Logan. He got totally found out at international level. I've seen a number of folk saying that it's a done deal.....we will find out fairly soon I guess.

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The CH  we are interested in is Declan Gallagher. I'd prefer Findlay myself if McKenna gets flogged.


Dorrans would be one of the least inspiring signings ever.....I sincerely hope that the blue joot supporters have overdone the White Lightning and will come to their senses in a couple of days.


O'Donnell would be a marginal upgrade on Logan. He got totally found out at international level. I've seen a number of folk saying that it's a done deal.....we will find out fairly soon I guess.


I have heard that it's Liam Lindsay.


Regarding Dorrans, I'd be very surprised if there was any truth in it, but if there was, I'd much rather we just gave Gleeson a fair crack of the whip!


And I'd probably plump for O'Donnell over Logan these days personally, Logan was easily one of the top RB's in the League for a few seasons, but his regression has been pretty concerning, he's error prone, positionally poor and persists with backing off and failing to close down ( Although, I have a feeling that's maybe being coached these days, as the majority of our Players seem to be doing it )


We shall see.

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I’d be delighted with Liam Lindsay, solid at thistle and I was disappointed we didn’t get him before he went south. However, I’m taking this with a major pinch of salt as he signed for Stoke last summer for a couple of million.


I’d be happy with O’Donnell, solid SPL player.


No clue about Declan Gallagher. Anyone rate him??


Dorrans can GtF. We signed Bryson, don’t see much difference here but this signing would tend to suggest to me that Bryson is done. We need youthful energy to get up and down the park, not another guy on the decline. We also need major creativity, a Christie/Maddison and that isn’t Dorrans.


I’d take the winger Kennedy we’re linked with too. I actually would mind us signing a wide guy and moving McGinn centrally behind the forward.

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