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Season 2019/2020 Rebuilding

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some guy shankland seems to be doing ok...


Indeed he does, but can anyone that actually saw him playing for us truthfully state that they saw he had this in him


Appreciate we can all debate until the cows come home the reasons why it didn't work for him at Pittodrie

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Indeed he does, but can anyone that actually saw him playing for us truthfully state that they saw he had this in him


Appreciate we can all debate until the cows come home the reasons why it didn't work for him at Pittodrie


The player himself has addressed it on numerous occasions, he simply wasn't working hard enough and needed to understand that for himself. He was turned down by numerous teams after leaving us. It happens.


That said, I still don't see a guy who'd score significant goals down south. He doesn't have the physique or pace. Reminds me of a Kris Boyd type. At present, I'd rather have an improving Cosgrove (assuming he continues to improve).

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There's no doubt Shankland has kicked on since leaving us. Has now proved he can score for fun at a lower level and managed to get himself capped albeit more due to a lack of credible other options for a variety of reasons.


I actually disagree up to a point with Rico.....the loon certainly isn't lacking physique and I think if the right club came along he would do a reasonable job. For instance he could go to either of the arse cheeks....obviously as at best 2nd choice at best  (although the current 2nd choices there do tend to get a reasonable amount of game time anyway through frequent injuries and/or suspensions to the first choices)…….and he would thrive on the service that those clubs provide their strikers. He can definitely finish a chance.


Down south, I also think if he was careful about what club he chose, he could prove a decent addition to a squad.


In either case, a fee in between £2-3 million is relative peanuts to the arse cheeks and virtually every Championship club. Possibly even Ipswich and Sunderland too from EFL1 who both must do everything they can to get themselves back up this season. It would be in some cases a bit of a punt.....although I don't see it as a gamble at all for the cheeks as they have such a gap to the rest that I actually think they could put Fat Sally or Charlie Nicholas into their current sides and they both get at least 10 goals a season provided they didn't peg out first.




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Can I ask a stupid question?  Did we put in a sell on clause for Kenny McLean I believe West Ham United are looking to secure his service for £10 million.


I think it his highly unlikely given he was lent straight back to us, but it would be a welcome bonus if we did.

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I find it bizarre that we clearly haven't put some sort of clause in. Thought it was too good to be true to get him back for the season. Another reason to dislike those mustard cunts.


Still, not as bad as fraser screwing us over.


Wilson. Wasn't the right fit. He's a footballer that wasn't allowed to play and put in a team that don't play it. Given mcinnes didn't play him until the end last season, his deal in the summer made no sense. Even less sense given the amount of game time he's had since. Another cluster fuck of mcinnes signing. Costing us a fortune.

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I'm guessing that we maybe got the choice of 6 month loan or a clause perhaps. We'd have been a lot shitter that season had McLean not stayed. To be fair to the dons, they seem to be a lot better at these types of deal in recent times, but there is always a no-win situation when a player wants to leave and doesn't have much left on a contract.


Wilson is a disgraceful signing. A charlatan. He was given lots of time last season and proved he couldn't hack it. I disagree that he's a footballer that wasn't allowed to play, he was another goodwillie who has lost all match playing ability he may once have had and will have to go down several levels to try and get it back. But that was obvious from day one. As most of us were saying in the summer, the money for main and Wilson (and May) should have been pooled to get one striker instead. Awful signings.


Greg Leigh has been the only decent signing this season (and I don't actually think he's that good). Taylor hasn't been bad maybe. That's another atrocious return.

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On McLean, or Mc Clean as the illiterate inarticulate disgrace of a human Merse would say, I was surprised that Norwich wanted him but I was then shocked how good he played in his last five months with AFC. There was a good footballer in there all along. We saw glimpses of it in his first few games but due to shocking management, he was allowed to underperform consistently for well over a year.


Wilson should've been binned at the first opportunity. I'll always remember his goal v. Hamilton in a midweek game we won 3-0. It was a thing of beauty at the Merkland end and the first and only time I'd been in that end in the last 5/10 years. But he wasn't ever going to be capable of producing over 90 minutes. His head wasn't in it for reasons unknown. It may have been the millions Man U paid him. It may have been the cruciate injury. Whatever the fuck, he was obviously spent. He didn't have any hunger nor desire and talent isn't enough to succeed in this game.

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Do any of you remember the thrashing of Hibs the month before Kenny signed for Norwich?


It was a December Saturday and GMS got a hat trick. However, the first goal was the best because it started with the best pass I've seen at Pittodrie this century (2007 and 2019 excluded). McLean launched this long ball cross field towards the left edge of the box where GMS raced in (and had to cover a lot of ground), met it on the volley, cut it back and Shinnie battered it home. It's rare that we see a height of vision so good that we couldn't have anticipated the possibility, even after it's been executed but I was completely blind to that move. It was sheer genius.

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I think we took a look at Watt a while back and rejected him like John West rejects sub-standard fish. There are fairly tenuous rumours that Hibs might be interested in him but I think that's only if the Kamberi to sevco loan goes through and Hibs subsequently fail to land McNulty as a replacement.

He'll end up somewhere like Dunfermline which is pretty much his level.


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