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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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I'm currently in Mallorca visiting my youngest daughter, her husband and my grandkids.

She is due her 4th child any day, so i took the family out for a meal in a pleasant square restaurant setting.

The problems started when two couples sat at the table next to ours.

One couple, clearly wedgies, the guy in a hun shirt, the "woman" in leggings and tight top with tattoos.

The younger couple were Manchester sounding folks but seemed to be pals with the weegies.


Unfortunately, they began speaking loudly about religion and through sheer damned ignorance, the mancs asked the weegies why there were only 2 teams in Scotland and why Scots were either "proddies or Catholics" and supported one of the arse cheeks or the other.


My daughter seeing my discomfort asked me to move to her side of the table, as far away as I could be. I could feel her discomfort too at the colourful language being used.

As 3 of my grandkids were at the table, I was more or less forced to bite my tongue distracting the kids as the endless shite was spouted by this 2 couples.

"It's alright, they are Spanish and don't understand us" said the Hun shirted knuckle dragger as my daughter gave them a dirty look.


I bit my tongue further when the mancs laughed after a "sheep shagging jocks" comment.

Unfortunately, that was enough for my daughter to kick off and I had visions of the baby being born there and then as she verbally laid into the table of loudmouths.

I took my grandkids away and inside for ice-cream as her husband calmed her down.


I guess the point is, should I have said something earlier when I had the chance, or was biting my tongue the best option given what transpired?

I went out and had a word or two with these people, letting them know in no uncertain terms what I thought about their bigoted, ignorant views, pointing out that my grandchildren had been present and had a good understanding of the English language.


Are any of you tempted to butt in on overheard conversations in social situations, when its clearly ignorant shite that's being spoken?


Baby still hasn't arrived as yet.


I'dve started loudly discussing the merits of Huns and Tims being neutered at birth for the benefit of the human race to prevent them reproducing.

Then extolling the virtues of Liverpudlians who are millions of light years ahead of Mancunians in evolutionary terms.


With the obvious intent of provoking a square go with either Mr Hun or Mr Manc. Ideally both.



I'dve started loudly discussing the merits of Huns and Tims being neutered at birth for the benefit of the human race to prevent them reproducing.

Then extolling the virtues of Liverpudlians who are millions of light years ahead of Mancunians in evolutionary terms.


With the obvious intent of provoking a square go with either Mr Hun or Mr Manc. Ideally both.


Not so easy to do when you have 3 impressionable youngsters, a heavily pregnant daughter and a son in law who doesn't know what was going on due to his"Spanishness".


That and the fact that I'm an old dude, who probably wouldn't be able to have a square go with these idiots anyway.


Then extolling the virtues of Liverpudlians who are millions of light years ahead of Mancunians in evolutionary terms.


It depends on which Liverpudlians you're talking about.


From our balcony, we can see Anfield and Goodson Park (plus the whole of the city, being in New Brighton on the Wirral). We just arrived this afternoon and drove past Stanley Park and all the scum that live there. We've never been here, the other side of the Mersey but the vibe and the people are magic, despite sharing the same "Brookside" or "Hollyoaks" accents.


There are good and bad people everywhere. Those of gypsy oirish cunt heritage however (whether they went to Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow or London), there's a lot of bad tink blood there.


Racist? Moi?


I'd echo what rocket said, its never good to bite your tongue unless your own or those you are with's safety is at risk. There are times when I call people out, primarily because I think not saying anything is what is getting us to where we are today. Casual racism is returning and it needs to knocked on the head like every one of those racist cunts. The less people respond, the more acceptable they think it is. I don't care if I upset folk, that's their problem for having shit views.


You should have just got stuck in.


The grandkids would have always remembered the day their SuperGranda laid out a whole heap of tossers using his super powers.


In reality, I have the same trouble with English wankers in Budapest.

These folk have no sense of how to behave as a guest in another country.


Mind you the weegies are just as bad if I ever go to the local Scottish Pub.


Poor barmaid (Audrey) gets a hard time.


Audrey, Audrey, come back to Scotland we me, Scotland's beautiful Audrey. (Castlemilk?)

I'm wantin chips Audrey, div you ken whit chips are Audrey?



I could go on, but I'm sure you've all seen it before.


Thanks to all for your input.


In younger days, I would never bite my tongue in situations like this.

I put my family first at all times.

The the truth is, I didn't know how"mental" these guys were, and starting a fight with these jokers was never an option in front of the kids.

Looking back on it now, I believe i made the correct call.

My daughter, son in law and grandkids all have to live here and bear the consequences of my actions or inactions in this case.

The "chat" I subsequently had with the "people" was probably enough. I saw the two huns last night in the town square looking very "sheepish" ( pardon the pun), when I sat down for a dram.

For me it was enough that they drank up and were gone within 5 minutes. Maybe I do look "mental" enough to have intimidated them? Who knows?


Still waiting on the baby to make its entrance.

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