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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans

St. Johnstone at home, 3pm Saturday Sept 14


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Given we’re not anywhere near consistent, surely we start a buzzing and full of confidence McLennan. While I’m not a fan, seems a smart choice








Obviously I expect Bryson to start with McGinn wide, and Connor comes on in the 87th minute, but I’m not a fan of Ojo Bryson and Ferguson all playing together, all huff and puff and not enough creativity in my opinion, but my opinion is certainly regularly the opposite of DM.


3-1, Cosgrove 2 (1 pen), McGinn.

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Agree with McLennan starting but for me it's Ferguson who should start this one on the bench rather than Bryson. Vyner did ok in the last game and despite McInnes' optimism of Logan being fit, I suspect discretion will be the better part of valour and he won't be risked to start.


For no obvious reason, St Johnstone regularly cause us problems that the gulf in finances really ought to mean they shouldn't so I'll be happy just to get past this one with a scrappy 1-0 win. However the Stevie May factor will also play a part in this game, he'll be desperate to get on the scoresheet and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he does.



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Logan Devlin Considine Leigh


McLennan Bryson Hedges




Need to ditch this 2 sitting midfielders at home, although he won't. Bryson slowly but surely getting back to full fitness will hugely benefit us, and would like to see him further forward as opposed to being box to box, he's a goalscoring midfielder, who has the ability to unlock defences with a smart/clever pass etc... let Ojo protect the back 4 with the wide players also covering/helping. St Johnstone have been very, very poor, but they have a habit of putting in a strong performance against us and I expect more of the same.


Aberdeen 2 vs 1 St Johnstone ( Hedges, Cosgrove )

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Logan Devlin Considine Leigh


McLennan Bryson Hedges




Need to ditch this 2 sitting midfielders at home, although he won't. Bryson slowly but surely getting back to full fitness will hugely benefit us, and would like to see him further forward as opposed to being box to box, he's a goalscoring midfielder, who has the ability to unlock defences with a smart/clever pass etc... let Ojo protect the back 4 with the wide players also covering/helping. St Johnstone have been very, very poor, but they have a habit of putting in a strong performance against us and I expect more of the same.


Aberdeen 2 vs 1 St Johnstone ( Hedges, Cosgrove )


100% agree on the two holding mids but it ain’t happening with this manager.

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I suppose you could argue that Ferguson does appear to get forward as often as allows, therefore would class him as a free role midfielder, but the majority of the time, he's beside Ojo, previously Shinnie/Ball etc... there's just no need for it, it's asking an awful lot of him. I think Ojo's position is a key one and I would play him ahead of Ferguson to be honest, and I'd also play Bryson ahead of Ferguson in the more advanced role, meaning we could play Main or Wilson beside or just off, Cosgrove, it would help the big man out a lot.

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Bryson is a box-to-box midfielder. He's basically Shinnie's replacement. He'll sit alongside Ojo, providing the legs and coverage. Ferguson could play the advanced role, but in my opinion should be unrequired for a lot of bottom 6 home games and I'd give others a chance. At the very least, give others (Wright, Wilson) a good 30-40 minutes if we're winning games like happened against County (although, typically under McInnes, moving Wright 38 times in 35 minutes from left to right to centre and back again). Ferguson could easily interchange for Bryson or Ojo and vice versa (I don't think Ojo could play advanced) to give more flexibility and keep all three happy if required. I think that the three of them should play together for the harder games as I think that they're our best midfielders, but I think the 4-2-3-1 offers large scope for a behind-the-striker midfielder who doesn't really worry about defending.

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Firstly McGinn and Hedges have to start. Would not be risking Logan unless fully fit so would go with Vyner at right back despite not be convinced by him. Really should not need to be playing 3 holding midfielders at home to St Johnstone so would drop one from Ojo Bryson and Ferguson for an extra forward player. Saints fan in the work saying he is slight more optimistic about their prospects for the season following signings in last week of the window and return of players from injury. Think this might be a harder game than it would have been a few weeks ago.





Train back to capital

2-1 McGinn and Hedges

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The first half hadn't been the worst watch as far as St J games go.Thought we were comfortable until they scored a goal which I'd thought Lewis was in the process of saving :( 


  Second half we just seemed to run out of ideas.Too predictable and obvious.Needed something more imaginative,eg angled runs into the box like Ojo? or  Vyner? did in the first half(but never tried again),or someone pacy to run at their defence when it was clear doing the same thing over and over wasn't working.

    Too many players were anonymous when we needed more.

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Absolutely comfortable and well worth out lead until our esteemed captain chucked in yet another goal. He seems to enjoy god like status with many of our fans but in reality he has made similar fuck ups 3 to 4 times each season he has been with us yet escapes severe scrutiny. When Consi  or McGinn produce such howlers they get weeks of grief.  about it.


Once they had scored, there was only one team in it and it certainly wasn't us. Long ball shit in a howling gale? It's just criminal. Hedges was totally anonymous in the second half. Anonymous still was a better showing than Gallagher produced when he inexplicably came on to replace Bryson. And giving Wilson his customary 10 minutes? Cosgrove was rank and he should have been the first one subbed off after an hour.


McInnes this really isn't good enough. With the size and length of your contract you are far safer than the performances you are getting from the team warrant. 3 away games coming on the trot now and if we play like we did today I can see us coming out of them with nul points and a cup exit.....even allowing for the jambos' utter shyteness.

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Well that was pish. A miserable day today and not helped much by what I saw at Pittodrie this afternoon. We were comfortable on the whole until they equalised and come the second half we were utter shyte. I would say a draw was fair, but the Saints will have went don the road knowing they should have had the three points.


Good to see the ref speaking to the linesman and changing his mind about the penalty he awarded them, it wasn't a pen, but we were lucky minutes before  though when Ferguson pushed over one of their players just inside the box, he does far too much of that sleekit shite for my liking and for me has been the weak link in our midfield for a while now. I really cannot believe how much game time the loon gets when we have other players who don't get a sniff of action.


The subs were not great, Gallagher didn't improve anything when he came on and McLennan was just McLennan, never a wide player, then Wilson appears for his end of game cameo out on the wing.


Cosgrove just isn't good enough at this level, yes I know his goal record looks good, but I find his all round play is shocking, strange that we haven't seen Main yet, although when doing his half time warm up he looked to be carrying a bit of timber on him.


Lewis is least of our concerns, yes he will make howlers like any goalie will during the course of a season, but he saves us more points than he loses us over a season, don't think I would have him as captain, but then I don't really think there is anyone else capable of it either, I suspect he is keeping the armband warm for Shinnie heading back up the road in January. from the Merkland end it looked as though it bobbled over him.


Apparently Bryson is out injured again and we also lost Ojo with a knock, so all in all a shit day.



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