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Hearts - Dons - League Cup 1/4

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Well, I'm not even remotely surprised to be honest. We have turned into a really abysmal team.  30 seconds into the match and Hearts are hitting the Crossbar.


We find ourselves in a winning position twice and concede a 92nd minute equaliser with a makeshift Striker, who is a Centre Back, despite us having 5 at the back at that stage, game management at its finest.


He then brings on free scoring Bruce Anderson ( albeit in the reserves ) with a minute to go, which was clearly for Penalty duty, instead of trying to win the game in Extra Time, the poor lad subsequently misses the Penalty and that'll be his confidence shot to fuck no doubt.


How anyone can still want this utter cunt in our dugout is seriously beyond me. He never used to be a cunt, but he's fair turned into one. A dinosaur who is ridiculously stubborn.


I am extremely angry, will be accused of overreacting, but he's seriously fucking annoying me. Eye-bleeding pish, playing for corners/free kicks and penalties, we look completely inept in open play and our players look like they're also regressing, instead of improving or even maintaining some sort of performance level.


But the injuries, the rebuilding every year etc... etc...  he has the 3rd biggest budget in the League and has us playing like we've just been promoted from the fucking Championship and struggling to cope with the demands of the Premier League.


The Huns at the weekend will be fun, then again, he's probably jammy enough to scrape a draw or even sneak a win and all will be forgiven yet again.  :hammer:

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We were better than Saturday but that was not hard. We created very little and other than the penalties I can think of only one other shot at goal in the 90 minutes despite having most of the ball. It’s simply not good enough. Worst of all we have been knocked out by a shite Hearts side. Why we tried to see the game out by going to 5 at the back is beyond  me.

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Yet another turgid performance, certainly better than we were at Livi but that wouldn't have been difficult. I thought we were comfortable in the second half but Campbell having to be replaced due to cramp and going to a back 5 just totally changed the game and allowed Hearts to build up late pressure that they were struggling to do earlier in the second half....Campbell and Ferguson were by far our best performers on the night and though I still think that Campbell is a year off being ready to be a first choice player, the signs were that him and Ferguson could anchor that midfield for the future.


Leigh should have finished them off in extra time, seemed more difficult to miss. However once we hit penalties I had a sense of impending doom. We've done well in shoot-outs in recent times and were due a bad result in one. Still never expected Cosgrove to be one of the sinners. I think his effort finally landed in the penguin enclosure at Edinburgh zoo.


On to Ibrox. With utter dread. Wilson looked to be struggling when he went off and doubt he will be available. A threadbare squad playing with no great confidence (or ability tbh)….it could get embarrassing. Right now I'd snap your hand off for a 2-0 defeat and walk out with our dignity intact but of course on the day I'll be back full of confidence we can pump the Huns gloriously.

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I missed the first 10 minutes as apparently redtv won't work if you are watching it through chrome on an iPad. Has to be safari. So I missed the shot off the bar and the save from the Japanese lad.


Despite leading through two penalties and not open play (conceding through an horrific error by Devlin), we were by far the better side. Wilson and Hedges link up was causing Hearts all sorts of problems. Once Ferguson and Campbell settled in, it didn't appear we were missing Ojo. The boy Smith couldn't cope with the directness of McLennan and most of the Hearts players Halkett, in particular, had no idea how to handle Cosgrove.


As soon as Wilson went off for Gallagher, we looked devoid of ideas going forward. When McGinn replaced McLennan, it became even worse slowing the game down in the final third. McGinn quite clearly holds Gallagher in contempt and knows he can’t be trusted with the ball. Surely Ethan Ross is a better option than this guy?


Got to wonder what's up with all the injuries, Taylor, Ojo, Bryson, McKenna, Wright, Gleeson then Wilson (must be something wrong with him) & Campbell (maybe cramp, but still).


Have the physio's, sports science folk changed? Maybe even psychologists? Certainly, appears to be a lack of belief and concentration.


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I actually thought Campbell came on to a decent game after a dodgy first 10 minutes. And of all our home grown talent I think he is the one likeliest to make a decent career for himself. McLennan was rank though. And injured yet again. Bit concerning that a loon his age is having problems so often.

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