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watched a very uptight young man on sportscene yesterday, basically he is offski in january


That isn't his decision to make

He doesn't call the shots in this.

Requires a willing seller, a willing purchaser and dare I say lastly  willing player.

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well he certainly indicated that he is looking to move


It's hardly news though. He made his intentions very clear in August, but as Al has pointed out.....for it to happen needs the agreement of 3 parties and right now the club holds all the cards. The only problem the club has is knowing his "true" value now that he has made it clear he doesn't want to be there. We know that £3million from QPR was turned down. We also know that Villa offered £6.5million a year ago (albeit they wanted him essentially on a free 6 month trial initially and we don't know how they were intending to structure the payment(s).


Since then he has missed fair chunks of playing time through injury and suspension, his form could be described as variable in this period so despite making himself Scotland's first choice centre back (when fit), it's unlikely we will receive an offer as good as (potentially) Villa's was again. Personally I'd be telling him that he won't be transferred in January unless we receive an outrageous offer (not beyond the realms of possibility with teams in the Championship looking to bolster their squads for a promotion push or EPL teams near the bottom trying to stave off relegation). However I'd be telling him to inform his agent we would be willing to review things in summer on condition that bidding clubs meet our minimum valuation ( maybe offers over £4.5 million??) AND that they submit their offers early enough to allow us in turn to use some of that cash to bring in an adequate replacement before the window closes.


He says that he will give 100% commitment to the club while he is with us and I don't doubt he will. But he wants to be elsewhere. I'd prefer someone who wants to be with us for the journey.

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It's hardly news though. He made his intentions very clear in August, but as Al has pointed out.....for it to happen needs the agreement of 3 parties and right now the club holds all the cards. The only problem the club has is knowing his "true" value now that he has made it clear he doesn't want to be there. We know that £3million from QPR was turned down. We also know that Villa offered £6.5million a year ago (albeit they wanted him essentially on a free 6 month trial initially and we don't know how they were intending to structure the payment(s).


Since then he has missed fair chunks of playing time through injury and suspension, his form could be described as variable in this period so despite making himself Scotland's first choice centre back (when fit), it's unlikely we will receive an offer as good as (potentially) Villa's was again. Personally I'd be telling him that he won't be transferred in January unless we receive an outrageous offer (not beyond the realms of possibility with teams in the Championship looking to bolster their squads for a promotion push or EPL teams near the bottom trying to stave off relegation). However I'd be telling him to inform his agent we would be willing to review things in summer on condition that bidding clubs meet our minimum valuation ( maybe offers over £4.5 million??) AND that they submit their offers early enough to allow us in turn to use some of that cash to bring in an adequate replacement before the window closes.


He says that he will give 100% commitment to the club while he is with us and I don't doubt he will. But he wants to be elsewhere. I'd prefer someone who wants to be with us for the journey.


The last bit is especially true.  But I guess, no-one at the club really knows what that journey is at the moment as they all seem pretty clueless.  Regardless, your point is correct, we need players who want to play for us. I hope his heart is in it until he' sold.


Personally, I think he's been shite to indifferent for a while now, even prior to his injury. Another one we should have shipped off in the summer whilst his stock was high.

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Tough one to predict. I think we'd be inclined to accept around 3 million or more for him, but January is a sellers market and there will be desperate buyers out there. He's been average at best for a while now and doesn't want to be here. Easy to say now, but we missed the opportunity to sell him for more.

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I believe something happened between Scott and the club/McInnes that made him seek a move away and the manner in which it come about. I reckon it was seeing Curtis Main on the training pitch and realising the club are never going to progress with a signing of that standard.


If we get offered a few million for him we should bite the buyers hand off, but ensure a sell on clause in the deal also. No point having someone at the club if they don't want to be here.

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