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Looking more up for it the second half, At least we are fighting and winning the ball now. Still not a single shot though...


Seriously??? You are praising us now when 4-0 down? Means fuck all when you are getting pumped, it needed to happen when it meant something and, yet again, we play shit scared against Celtic.

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I'm not saying its good. Its just an observation that we were starting to get stuck in at the start of the second half. Anyway we dropped off again towards the end and if Celtic had been more clinical they could have added more. Really poor performance. Bryson looked OK when he came on is the only positive.

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Nonsense Dan, we were as fucking turgid in the 2nd Half as we were the in the 1st. The only difference was Celtic taking their foot off the gas, dropping from 2nd Gear into 1st.


Another completely unacceptable performance and more bullshit from McInnes leading up to the game. Need to get in their faces, they need to know they're in a game etc... etc....


Leigh & Vyner were excellent last week, no escaping that, but today showed the reality, they should stick to defending. Considine exposed yet again up against Forrest, shouldn't be happening because we've seen the effects of that for years now, Cosgrove was honking, aided by the fact we never played it in or around him, McGinn, not cupping your ears at the supporters this week are you, you prick? McKenna & Devlin? Pair of fucking shitebags, allowing players to stroll passed them without making an effort to win the ball, Gallagher, again, worked last week and he was good, today he was worse than Amateur level, disgraceful effort. I could go on, but the bottom line is, they are carrying out what they've been instructed all week in training by that absolute fraud McCowardice. His relatively decent spell here is ending extremely sour and he even had the fucking audacity to look annoyed at being booed off the pitch at HT, watch his smug face when he's making his way to the Tunnel.


Yet again, I find myself fucking apoplectic because of that coward. Perhaps I shouldn't give a fuck, and not let it ruin my day  ::)

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Nonsense Dan, we were as fucking turgid in the 2nd Half as we were the in the 1st. The only difference was Celtic taking their foot off the gas, dropping from 2nd Gear into 1st.


Not disagreeing with you really, We were horrible to watch. I made the comment 10 mins into the second half when I thought we at least showed signs of picking it up. But like I said the application levels dropped off again.

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Just back from the horrow show, have we ever played so poorly against any team?  That was as bad a performance as anything witnessed during our real barren years.


Not anything positive to take away from today whatsoever, Celtic deserved their points and the second half was just a training game exercise for them and if they wanted could have raised the tempo at any point and knocked in a few more. For a team that were marginally ahead of us under Delia they are now light years ahead of us, I know they have money to spend on players and can pay more in wages, but fuck after nealy 7 years in the job McInnes  isn't going to leave us with any sort of footballing legacy, the squad of players is average at best with few exceptions and our youth development isn't really bringing through anyone of real quality who can come in to the first team and make a difference, that said signing shite like Gallagher on loan isn't really going to help any of our young loons prospects, coupled with  manager whose tactical nous is always to know best and never learning from his many mistakes, I mean does he really think Considine at left back will do anything other than fuck up when playing Celtic and he didn't have to play him there today.


Also, though no bearing on the result in any way, Beaton the ref was really shocking today.

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Wow, that was way worse than I feared. Take it there's no point in watching the highlights...


There were no highlights, none, zero, zilch. A horror show from start to finish best staying well clear of.  The only thing I took from the game was the comedic value of watching our players try and play football.


8 hours after the final whistle and I am still seething at what I witnessed today. I even apologised to my two sons for bringing them up as Aberdeen supporters.  :frown:

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