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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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The Black Eyed Peas song of that name is a favourite of mine. It provokes some big contemplation. If I were ever to get a tattoo - which I know I won't despite thinking about it for 25+ years - then the questionmark logo from that song would be on the front of the forearm with the peace sign O of Prince's Sign O the Times being on the inside.


We all know that love is the answer and love is the solution but is there room for hate?


Spike Lee's "hate k.o.-ed by love" was a brilliant interpretation of the old knuckles tatts but can there ever be circumstances where it's ok to hate?


The Christians tell us to turn the other cheek and whilst there are great truths within all religions, the whole packages that comes with them discredit their value and import.


Greater tolerance would reduce the capacity to hate but I can't tolerate those in power lying to the people they're supposed to be looking out for. Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were executed for their evil corruption and then they banned capital punishment thereafter (I believe) which seems bizarre to me.


The likes of Tony Blair, David Cameron, George Bush, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump need to face their days of reckoning, plus scores of others like Mugabe (posthumously, obvs) and Duterte, but I can't see anything wrong in despising those who do unto others what should not be done.


My hate for mankind extends way beyond thieves, fraudsters and charlatans. I can't stand the narcissistic fools who are in denial about their intellectual subnormality and given that half the world is intellectually sub-average, that's a hell of a lot of potential targets for my wrath.


I don't think it's misanthropic to hate. Many people deserve condemnation. It would be mentally unhealthy not to hate them. And yet (it is my theory) that every human has the capacity for both good and evil. It's just that too many choose the wrong paths, thoughts, motivations and actions. Whilst people like this exist, I can't give them love and yet their only hope might come from love? I favour execution personally. Still working on the criteria.


Hate takes a lot of fucking effort from the hater. I don't know how folk can be arsed.


Not my experience. It's easy to hate when the injustice or sickness is so obvious.


On the other hand, it takes a lot of effort to love. How many people regret not showing love to loved ones who have since died and now it's too late? Family and Social are two of the six key areas to successful living and all too often, family and friends are taken for granted.


The most common excuse is "the busy world that we live in". Bollocks. These cunts are so self-obssessd that they don't make time to show love. It's way harder to be nice than nasty. This is possibly why so many thickos are entrenched in take take take and don't think twice about the consequences to others, whether common thieving from them or stamping all over them on the way to their perceived "top". Giving takes effort. Any cunt can take.




I can honestly say that I have a hell of a lot of hate.


I don't like people nowadays, I think they're all selfish, egotistical wankers, people desperate for attention and approval that they portray themselves as someone they're not on Social Media etc... just for the " Likes "


Everyone seems to have adopted a smug attitude and you notice it on the roads, Shopping Centres etc...


Took my old man to do his weekly shopping, drove into the car park, looking for a space, then somecunt walks out in the middle of the car park with a trolley and carries on walking up the middle whilst we're in disbelief at a snails pace, I eventually peeped the horn and the scowl he gave us was incredible, imagine a car being on the road eh  :-\


It's a truly horrible place to be these days, I struggle on a daily basis.


( I didn't read the entirety of your initial post, so if I have skewed from then point, then I apol.....fuck off )  :rofl:




I understand KFP. I dig your twig. I get your Montgomery (Clift > drift).


There was a thing on the news yesterday about how much abuse retail assistants get. The wifie in the petrol station gets insults and unpleasantness daily and the physical attacks on them, the public services - doctors, nurses, fire and police etc. - are increasing exponentially.


What the fuck is going on in our society? Where is the love?


The Bloods and the Crips and the KKK are the symptoms. The CIA and our governments are the drivers.


I understand KFP. I dig your twig. I get your Montgomery (Clift > drift).


There was a thing on the news yesterday about how much abuse retail assistants get. The wifie in the petrol station gets insults and unpleasantness daily and the physical attacks on them, the public services - doctors, nurses, fire and police etc. - are increasing exponentially.


What the fuck is going on in our society? Where is the love?


The Bloods and the Crips and the KKK are the symptoms. The CIA and our governments are the drivers.


I understand KFP. I dig your twig. I get your Montgomery (Clift > drift).


There was a thing on the news yesterday about how much abuse retail assistants get. The wifie in the petrol station gets insults and unpleasantness daily and the physical attacks on them, the public services - doctors, nurses, fire and police etc. - are increasing exponentially.


What the fuck is going on in our society? Where is the love?


The Bloods and the Crips and the KKK are the symptoms. The CIA and our governments are the drivers.



We're raising our kids with delusions of grandeur. They become over-grown kids who don't have the emotional stability to deal with any situations that doesn't go their way. They weren't smacked enough when they misbehaved. Probably sheltered too much. Maybe religious. It's all contributing to the horrible place that humans are turning the world into. I agree with KFP on that. It's horrible out there. Personally I have to focus on the (still plentiful) positives to stop myself from wanting to follow Ket Kyle over the ledge. What hurts the most is that we're finally at the stage where we're aware of widespread and top level (Government) corruption being rampant all over the Western and "developing" world and not only are we setting the precedent that it's OK but we'll actually fucking vote for it legitimately. Leads me to think of a quote from the musician/poet Scroobius Pip from the song "Get Better":

"Society seems unfazed that this is how it is while I'm constantly amazed that this is how it is!"

Admittedly he's not talking about corruption but another aspect of broken society but it's apt. We've all become apathetic to corruption and we're getting really good at doing what we're told and nothing more. It's a disgrace and I have real respect for anyone who is motivated enough to get off their arse and protest about issues that are important to them. The people getting battered by authorities in the streets of Catalonia and Hong Kong (and now Bolivia amongst other places I'm sure) as well as Greta Thunberg who gets a disgraceful amount of abuse from people who should fucking know better. Her crime? Waking people up to the greedy cunts selling out the environment that we all need to survive. Cunts cannot handle hearing it from a young female. Piers Morgan is one example. A man who'd I'd thoroughly enjoy booting the fuck out of despite being a lover rather than a hater myself generally.


I'm still waiting for Chaplin's speech from The Dictator to come true.  ::)


Great post Tyrant.


You spoke about apathy and I totally agree. Here's a perfect example: -


Hate takes a lot of fucking effort from the hater. I don't know how folk can be arsed.


Folk don't give a fuck about others. They live only to feed themselves. It is indeed a disgrace as you say.


I similarly have great respect for those who still care and who get off their arse. It's the self-centred cunts who let others do the heavy lifting that are parasitic and as cancerous to society as the few who abuse real power.


Divide and conquer was ever thus. It's just too obvious now.




You mentioned Hong Kong. I lived there for six years and my eldest daughter is there just now. On her first visit a few weeks ago, she tasted tear gas. I hope we are seeing more of the conflict action on the TV than she is in person.


The guy getting set alight was horrifying. What human can do that to another? Fortunately he wasn't seriously hurt but where the protesters (or indeed anyone) can think it's "part of the fight" to carry inflammables and do that to someone, it's all gone arse about face.


Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World warned of the danger of totalitarianism. In order to get there, the elite will be loving the hate on the streets. The only love allowed is the artificially-induced soma or football, gambling and beer.


Great post Tyrant.


You spoke about apathy and I totally agree. Here's a perfect example: -


Folk don't give a fuck about others. They live only to feed themselves. It is indeed a disgrace as you say.


You've mistaken my "not being arsed enough to hate" with apathy. I don't need to hate individuals to understand the problems of society. I don't need to individualise them. It's a distraction. Hating Tony Blair? Why? Wanting him to go to prison? Why? To satiate my hate? I don't get it. He's part of a system. He acted as part of that system. I'm more interested in finding out if there is a better system. One day, the truth can come out about his actions and he can live with that. He can persecute himself, he doesn't need me to do it for him.


Similarly lauding Greta Thunberg. Stop pedestalling the girl FFS. Take what she says and analyse it and understand it just as you would any other. We're being tricked into deifying this girl so that when she makes a mistake - like all humans - they can rip up everything she's ever advocated and tell us it can't be true or trusted. I appreciate her message, but she could be anybody. We need to stop thinking we need individuals to lead us rather than ideas. Individuals are fallable and can be hated and blamed.


I similarly have great respect for those who still care and who get off their arse. It's the self-centred cunts who let others do the heavy lifting that are parasitic and as cancerous to society as the few who abuse real power.


Is it self-centred or ignorant? Or time-constrained? Or not knowing where to begin? Or not seeing an alternative to grasp onto? It's difficult to exctricate yourself from a system that is all-consuming. Most of the time it takes money and freedom from work. Hence yer Extinction Rebellion folks being middle class and often retired (neither is a criticism; listen to their message). Again, it concentrates on the individual and hides any clear message of an alternative.


Divide and conquer was ever thus. It's just too obvious now.


Exactly. You need hate to divide and conquer. You need hate of individuals. 


Hate is powerful but it can be used constructively.


Tony Blair. You don't hate him. You say he's just part of the system. I hate him.


The Chilcott report nailed him. If it can further be proved that he ordered the execution of a man who's only offence was telling the truth - and it CAN be proved beyond reasonable doubt, it just needs the complicit parties to be given amnesty for their confessions - then the new world order (Rocket's new world order) can get to work.


Capital punishment has now been reintroduced and it shall be used for maximum effect. The head of Blair is secured within a metal hold with full frontal exposure (so we can televise his face as he gets executed). The metal frame is fixed to the back wall and his head is fixed within it so that when his lifeless legs give way, his dead head is still in position for the camera to enjoy.


We will see the terror in his face and this will also act as a deterrent for any others who think they're above the law. Two stainless steel knitting needles will be machine-driven into his temples at a very slow pace, making his execution gradual and his terror great. Then, once he's expiring, the computer will switch to driving the needles deeply and forcefully into his skull, repeatedly like pistons but with calm authority and machine-like precision, perhaps at the rate of a full stab and withdrawal every three seconds.


It just takes imagination how to use hate. Hopefully the yanks will adopt the severity of our capital executions and similarly broadcast the expiry of Trump, Clinton and Bush. I would dig up the corpse of Nixon and give his head the treatment too personally.


With paedos and other nut jobs, a bullet in the back of the head will do. As long as the people see what happens to the really bad men, that will discourage them. Hanging was ok, the lethal injection is too woose but televised fear and efficient temple stabbing, that's where it's at. Use the technological capabilities now available. After due process of course and crimes proved beyond all reasonable doubt.


Edit: we can set the stabbing to music at the end, or have a random sequence left and right, making it fun and jovial. Or perhaps a crowd giving it whoahhhhh and the first full skull impact coming at the crescendo, like when the football crowds try to put off the executioner of the opposition's goal kicks. There's tons we could do in precision-execution.




We will see the terror in his face and this will also act as a deterrent for any others who think they're above the law.


With paedos and other nut jobs, a bullet in the back of the head will do. As long as the people see what happens to the really bad men, that will discourage them. Hanging was ok, the lethal injection is too woose but televised fear and efficient temple stabbing, that's where it's at. Use the technological capabilities now available. After due process of course and crimes proved beyond all reasonable doubt.


Much as I enjoyed the tone of your response, I don't believe deterrent's have ever worked nor ever will. Even down to the level of Tyrant's "they weren't smacked enough when they misbehaved" nonsense. Let's beat the paedo out of the paedo? That's about as stupid as curing gay. I'd prefer if the state was not involved in that. If individuals see no other option than to deal with it/them then so be it.


The Chilcott report nailed him. If it can further be proved that he ordered the execution of a man who's only offence was telling the truth - and it CAN be proved beyond reasonable doubt, it just needs the complicit parties to be given amnesty for their confessions - then the new world order (Rocket's new world order) can get to work.


So Chilcott did (as far as it could) its job. If the media did its job then we'd be a step closer. For some reason the man is not a pariah. He's still trusted. He's still allowed his opinion. Without apologising. I think most of our problems in this instance would be solved by transparency. That's a system change that would prevent Tony Blairs. Sending Tony Blair to jail will not prevent future Tony Blairs.


I don't believe deterrent's have ever worked nor ever will.


That's cos you've never seen a deterrent like mine. I agree that Tyrant's corporal punishment argument was ridiculous.


I don't want to deter paedos. I want them dead so we don't disagree on that either. They can't be cured and even if they could, too late, fuck em. They did the crime, the rules are they die and the state is VERY efficient at executing them. They might think twice about acting on their sick impulses. At least the Catholic Church will be severely diminished. Not picking on them, all religions will be tolerated at individual level but fucked if they're getting near the state.


Totally with RS on this. Capital punishment works and live executions on TV most certainly would deter others. And absolutely concur on making the process as painful as possible.


Paedos should have their balls and knobs cut off with a rusty knife. And then their hands and feet. Female paedos should have a red hot metal rod inserted up them.


Fantastic prime time TV for all


Totally with RS on this. Capital punishment works and live executions on TV most certainly would deter others. And absolutely concur on making the process as painful as possible.


Paedos should have their balls and knobs cut off with a rusty knife. And then their hands and feet. Female paedos should have a red hot metal rod inserted up them.


Fantastic prime time TV for all


If capital punishment worked then there'd be no need for capital punishment.


It 100% stops repeat offenders


Your argument falls down because prison/fines/community punishments quite obviously don't work either as they haven't stopped other crimes.


I absolutely guarantee barbarically executing murderers and paedos and letting the country see the deed happening would cut rates of those offences within a very short timescale.


It 100% stops repeat offenders


Your argument falls down because prison/fines/community punishments quite obviously don't work either as they haven't stopped other crimes.


I absolutely guarantee barbarically executing murderers and paedos and letting the country see the deed happening would cut rates of those offences within a very short timescale.


My argument doesn't fall down anywhere, it is correct. Unless you live in an alternate universe. If capital punishment worked then there would be no need for capital punishment. That's basic logic. Yet you're suggesting that it "100% stops repeat offenders"? Go slowly back through my statement and yours and work out why yours isn't true and mine - by definition - must be true.


You've mistaken my "not being arsed enough to hate" with apathy. I don't need to hate individuals to understand the problems of society. I don't need to individualise them. It's a distraction. Hating Tony Blair? Why? Wanting him to go to prison? Why? To satiate my hate? I don't get it. He's part of a system. He acted as part of that system. I'm more interested in finding out if there is a better system. One day, the truth can come out about his actions and he can live with that. He can persecute himself, he doesn't need me to do it for him.


Similarly lauding Greta Thunberg. Stop pedestalling the girl FFS. Take what she says and analyse it and understand it just as you would any other. We're being tricked into deifying this girl so that when she makes a mistake - like all humans - they can rip up everything she's ever advocated and tell us it can't be true or trusted. I appreciate her message, but she could be anybody. We need to stop thinking we need individuals to lead us rather than ideas. Individuals are fallable and can be hated and blamed.


Is it self-centred or ignorant? Or time-constrained? Or not knowing where to begin? Or not seeing an alternative to grasp onto? It's difficult to exctricate yourself from a system that is all-consuming. Most of the time it takes money and freedom from work. Hence yer Extinction Rebellion folks being middle class and often retired (neither is a criticism; listen to their message). Again, it concentrates on the individual and hides any clear message of an alternative.


Exactly. You need hate to divide and conquer. You need hate of individuals.


The only people pedestalling her are the nuts foaming at the mouth desperate to discredit her and point-score. She's a child but she's speaking facts and backed up by some of the smartest people in the world. I don't believe any mistakes that she'll maybe or maybe not make at any point throughout her life will necessarily take away from her work highlighting the grave danger our environment is in. I don't think her very public speech (at the UN building a couple of months back? ???) was a particularly good idea nor did I think it was particularly good but that doesn't make her wrong and that's what's important. She's not telling me (and millions of others) anything that we didn't already know about how greed is fucking the environment but she's helping shine a light on it and because of the high number of aresholes on the planet we're in the unfortunate position where we really need that. I don't think there's anything wrong with appreciating that. In a way she's chosen martyrdom which she's bound to regret eventually (IMO) but that's a different issue.


I don't remember discussing corporal punishment in my post so when I read it back I could only deduce that that was in reference to what I said about kids not being smacked when they misbehaved. That's a fucking far cry from chopping off a thief's right hand or flogging an adulterer which are more synonymous with the term "corporal punishment". Kids don't get enough discipline and that very often turns them into shitty adults. Discipline doesn't have to be physical of course but it's needed in one form or another.


Rocket have you seen the movie "Official Secrets"? Out at the cinema in the last week or two and it revolves heavily around Tony Blair and his abhorrent lies. I'm not in favour of (proper) corporal or capitol punishment myself but I understand the temptation when it comes to cunts like him.

  • 6 months later...

Lot of hate for the killing of George Floyd. America's burning.


This is the culmination of years of bigotry, racism and injustice.


Only way out of this is tearing down the system. But white America doesn't want the system that protects them being torn down. Which leads to an impasse of irreconcilable interests.


If white America was to believe that justice and the rule of law was its own foundation, then it would have to uphold it for the first time in its history. Only then would the "American dream" not be empty rhetoric.


Too many unjust killings for too long. #BlackLivesMatter too.


I'd like to say I was surprised to hear of it, but the sad thing is, I don't expect anything less from the USA. It's tragic. They were supposed to be a beacon of democracy and the free world. It's only free if you're white. Id love to see a serious revolution there, but it won't happen. Too many people happy with their lot.


It's ridiculous how many offences that prick had prior to being caught with this latest murder.  Thank fuck it was filmed. Although what I don't get is, why the other three involved weren't arrested and tried either. Of course I know the answer, but i'm amazed the photo hasn't be more widely circulated. At least two of the others are equally as culpable.


Black lives matter may have started with good intentions,but have become a toxic organisation.Nobody can argue the policeman should be tried for murder,and the other officers for choosing to do nothing. But the stats on police killings show a different picture to the one that Groups like BLM and  SJWs would like to portray



Black lives matter have become a toxic organisation.Nobody can argue the policeman should be tried for murder,and the other officers for choosing to do nothing. But the stats show a different picture.Groups like BLMand other SJWs are exploiting situations like this to fuel the fires



The problem was the welfare state and children born out of wedlock? What the fuck? I'm guessing he's a church attendee. Mr shouty conservative gets the upper hand on an unprepared fuckwit. It's hardly a massive coup. Some cherry picked stats - delivered to an imbecile - with an exceptionally ropey conclusion. But he might be right. I remember seeing a YouTube video of a similar chap destroying some college students in the US with his evidence of creationism. He was direct, aggressive and convincing and owned the science kids and their evolution nonsense. Try arguing against a scientologist, it's a similar thing (they're trained in it). That the interviewer got nervous, flustered and unable to think is not a sign that his interviewee was correct.


I don't get the blanket, and thoughtless, tag of "social justice warrior" for everyone that campaigns or fights for a cause, it's lazy. Was Pankhurst a social justice warrior? Or Martin Luther King? Or a climate change protestor? It's just an easy way of attacking the person rather than the argument. What's wrong with the central argument of black lives matter?


By SJWs Im talking about those shouty chubby green haired middle class kids looking for a cause,or Antifa with their face scarves etc.If they've got a point,they do it in an off putting way.I'd bet most of the public are concerned about climate change,but most wouldn't want to be associated with groups like them.Pankhurst had a good cause.Was it her movement in general that created the change,or the violent aspect of it?.Did it change because the time was right anyway.? If your argument is sound, like MLK,you shouldn't need to use violence.

  What is the central argument of BLM nowadays? Like I said,they may have started off with good intentions but they're too antagonistic/alienating now to gain support from the wider public.Everyones shocked by how that black guy died,but If Elders statistics are incorrect(Ive nae idea,I took him at his word),feel free to counter them,I'm happy to be proven wrong.You seem to be more annoyed that he might be right,than giving the other side.


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