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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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By SJWs Im talking about those shouty chubby green haired middle class kids looking for a cause,or Antifa with their face scarves etc.If they've got a point,they do it in an off putting way.I'd bet most of the public are concerned about climate change,but most wouldn't want to be associated with groups like them.Pankhurst had a good cause.Was it her movement in general that created the change,or the violent aspect of it?.Did it change because the time was right anyway.? If your argument is sound, like MLK,you shouldn't need to use violence.

  What is the central argument of BLM nowadays? Like I said,they may have started off with good intentions but they're too antagonistic/alienating now to gain support from the wider public.Everyones shocked by how that black guy died,but If Elders statistics are incorrect(Ive nae idea,I took him at his word),feel free to counter them,I'm happy to be proven wrong.You seem to be more annoyed that he might be right,than giving the other side


Not at all, I don't think he is right because his conclusion was that single mothers were the issue. It's clearly nonsense. The only annoying thing was the weak, ill prepared, interviewer that made him look knowledgeable. A little like the time Tommy Robinson threw cherry picked stats at thon wifie on newsnight, completely overwhelming her to come to an illogical conclusion. Do you believe that single mothers are the reason that black people are shot by police?


Black lives matter are an organisation setup because of killings of black people by police. That white people also are killed by police is neither here nor there (black and Hispanic were killed by police more often). Just as you wouldn't say that saving polar bears wasn't a good cause just because rhinos also needed saving. Are they social justice warriors? Do you think that there isn't an issue with police killing black people in the US (or stop and search in the UK)?


I understand your point about the green haired shouty person, but how often can you say that their cause isn't just? Because that's the only thing that matters. Most of the public are concerned by climate change but the overwhelming majority of citizens in the UK (me included) are actively making it worse. The reason that I/we don't like the green haired shouty fucks is because they're right.


Dyou not think a 75%(25% with whites) fatherless home rate is OTT?.Not to take anything away from the tough job single mums have,but it was incentivised(and taken advantage of) back in the 60s/70s for political gain in the US(the black vote,so I believe).Studies do show that children fare better from a stable 2 parent household.If you look at the background of those commiting crime,absentee fatherism is a common feature



I hear what youre saying about SJW uncomfortable comments,they spout truths even if theyr a pain in the arse.As long as it remains verbal,good luck to them. Violence on the other hand,nah!!  Weve got high profile figures in the US saying they stand with the protesters.Will a young loon listening to that,and watching the looting too,not think that's all he has to do to get him what he wants. Its a slippery slope

    If Elders statistics are correct,and 13 % of the population are the source of 50%of the crime,then there are going to be a disproportionate amount of black arrests.So youd think therefore there would also be around a 50% death rate at police hands as a result,but the stats say otherwise https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/

    So is one problem that black deaths may be being highlighted more by the media,or whoever? for whatever reason?  I don't know.Am sure there are Hispanics and Asians criminals who have suffered similar fates,but without,or less outrage




Black lives matter may have started with good intentions,but have become a toxic organisation.Nobody can argue the policeman should be tried for murder,and the other officers for choosing to do nothing. But the stats on police killings show a different picture to the one that Groups like BLM and  SJWs would like to portray



Good interviewee. Terrible interviewer.


We are aware of this view from a small number of educated black men (and it's always men, never women) towards their "brothers". Chris Rock alludes to it often, the distinction between black people and "niggas"  and in relation to childcare - "it's what you're supposed to do".


I don't see the correlation between speaking the truth about a lack of social conscious and a divestment of personal responsibility in some/many people (of whatever colour) and the central debate regarding systemic, institutionalised racism. The interviewee is convinced that it doesn't exist, an opinion possibly formed in the most part from his personal experience in that he was smart, worked hard and provides well for his family and has white faces amongst his friends and colleagues. His view is supported by the facts that black people have held (and still do) high positions of office, including POTUS last time. But this doesn't negate the fact that white supremacy movements exist in the country today and that people with the same sentiments and attitudes have been allowed to kill black people and get away with it. The KKK openly did it without fear of consequence. MLK lost his life because he represented a danger to the established order of things. JFK was also seen as a threat and dispensed with by the white elite.


I've no doubt that the BLM movement may well have been jumped on by lazy-assed people looking for excuses for whatever ails them in their pathetic lives but the original grievance of the movement exists just as much today as it ever did.



Dyou not think a 75%(25% with whites) fatherless home rate is OTT?.Not to take anything away from the tough job single mums have,but it was incentivised(and taken advantage of) back in the 60s/70s for political gain in the US(the black vote,so I believe).


I haven't found anything that backs that up. I'm guessing he's either incorrect, or being selective of his stats. What he suggests is that women in otherwise stable family homes removed themselves and their children from those homes for money. I think that is utter horse shit. Complete fucking nonsense in fact. I could see mothers colluding with fathers in order to pretend that they had separated in order to get the money, but actually still living as a family. I could see an instance where an abusive relationship is ended because the welfare state has afforded the mother and children to leave the abusive father (in which case, you would replace the likelihood of crime stat for children growing up without a father to children growing up in a home where domestic abuse occurs). The most important point though is that what the guy suggests is entirely compatible with systemic racism. Unless he's saying that by virtue of being black alone you are more likely to be unable to form stable families? Is he suggesting that there is a genetic disposition in black people that makes them split up?


I hear what youre saying about SJW uncomfortable comments,they spout truths even if theyr a pain in the arse.As long as it remains verbal,good luck to them. Violence on the other hand,nah!!  Weve got high profile figures in the US saying they stand with the protesters.Will a young loon listening to that,and watching the looting too,not think that's all he has to do to get him what he wants. Its a slippery slope


Then they're not social justice warriors then, surely? It's nae the bird with the green hair fucking da police. For every social justice warrior exaggerating the scale of the problem there's a right wing newspaper exaggerating the violence and rioting. They even themselves out I expect. I quite like the spectacle and I quite like the rage. I think that you're along the right lines to an extent with the social justice warriors in that there are a whole host of people who are "morally outraged" without actually feeling proper rage and that's obviously exacerbated by celebrity.


If Elders statistics are correct,and 13 % of the population are the source of 50%of the crime,then there are going to be a disproportionate amount of black arrests.So youd think therefore there would also be around a 50% death rate at police hands as a result,but the stats say otherwise https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/

    So is one problem that black deaths may be being highlighted more by the media,or whoever? for whatever reason?  I don't know.Am sure there are Hispanics and Asians criminals who have suffered similar fates,but without,or less outrage


I think Hispanics are usually homogenised into the people of colour group for the purposes of argument. Why would you take proportion of arrests rather than population? Unless you think black people are genetically predisposed to commit crime? Taking 2019 figures by population you would expect white people to account for ~750 rather than 370 shootings and black people ~140 rather than 235. Again, the likelihood of black people committing crime, divorcing, having children, living in poverty etc. should be the same otherwise there's either a systemic problem or a genetic issue. The interviewer fails to pose that simple argument.


The question for me is as Military trucks roll into washington DC (and perhaps other cities) will this be the point where the personal moral codes of soldiers result in the next american revolution?


Its one thing to fire on enemy soldiers/ terrorist groups but to fire on your own citizens on the orders of someone who 6 years ago was essentially a tv personality is one of the things their great grandfathers, grandfathers & fathers were sent around the world to supposedly stop the likes of Hitler & Hussein and generations were raised to despise Stalin and the communist regimes. If the soldiers refuse to shoot the civilians and indeed the army generals say 'enough is enough' then they can look to the declaration of independence


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness


But then again thanks to the right wing and their ancient constitution some of those civilians they could be ordered to shoot at may have similar if not more powerful weapons then the soldiers. There are also the many 'militia groups' - which I reckon in any other western country would have been arrested as terrorists- who may side with Trump or even have their own agendas as a further factor.


The closests the UK government has ever come to ordering military action on UK citizens was January 1919 in Glasgow. Should Trump (or whoever is actually in charge) choose to do what the Brits didn't then the morale high ground they proclaim over China, North Korea, Hussein's Iraq, The Taliban, Stalin's Russia, Hitler's German, Pol Potts Cambodia and so on is gone and will never return.

Would Europe & Asia with the support of Mexico & Canada chose to invade the USA to intervene?





The military were thrown into LA after Rodney king under Bush. Whilst trump is a tinpot, there is previous for military intervention in similar circumstances. It'd be interesting to see the reaction, but I think they'd just be a disorganised rabble getting in the way.


The closests the UK government has ever come to ordering military action on UK citizens was January 1919 in Glasgow.


'It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!".'

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