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Dons - huns - Wed

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Just read the last two pages. Don’t know why some of you fuckers bother with it at all.


Well deserved, hard fought point against (as Derek McInnes rightly said) a VERY good hun team. Fans who bothered to go along responded brilliantly once the lads got back into the game and showed their character. Bonus point.


Roll on Saturday lunchtime so the negative rhetoric and DMC bashing can start all over again once he names his team.  ::)

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I'm very glad I didn't leave when their second went in. Great turn around. Credit to McInnes, he made the changes in midfield that got us back in to that. Shite line-up in the first place, but it's difficult to say if the change in itself was enough to throw them as they offered very little beyond Morelos diving all over the shop after that point. Gallagher was excellent after he moved central. It does make you wonder what game McInnes was watching at the weekend. He's not good at fitba, but by fuck he puts in a shift in the advanced area and his movement makes so much space for others, as well as putting their defenders under pressure and preventing the easy pass from the keeper. Keep him the fuck away from the wings.


The back four had an excellent 60 minutes once we sorted out the midfield. McKenna much more aggressive, as was Taylor and Logan upped his concentration and put in some fantastic challenges. Considine outstanding for the entire time he was on the pitch. As was Ferguson, but especially when we changed shape.


Pleasing to see us get right in their faces for a good proportion of the match, pressuring their back line and not letting them have their way. Obviously your not going to do that for 90 minutes, so it was good we kept it tight when we weren't pressing high, to the extent that we had by far the best chance of the game to win it, which Cosgrove made an airse of (he was poorer than normal, but did a lot of running).


Edit: forgot to add, for the avoidance of doubt, Wilson was horse-shite again.

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That's my take anyway. I'm making the trip up for it - can see it being 2-2.





Had a bet on it but shat it and cashed out with 20 to go as couldn't see us holding on.


Draw a decent point all things considered, but a few alarming performances tonight - McKenna in particular.






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Haha KFP, CtS is a classic DT'er so I wouldn't worry  ;D


I'll admit, i'd written the match off (hardly surprising after that first 35min), but kept listening / watching as the goal by Gallagher changed everything.  Pittodrie sounded great during periods of that second half.


Huns are absolutely seething, it's great.


I really hope that this proves to be a turning point in our season and proves to the team they have nothing to fear.  We were unlucky not to win that.

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Took the dog out for a walk when they scored their second....got back in at half time expecting to be watching the Apprentice for the rest of my evening's entertainment to be (almost) pleasantly surprised to find we had pulled a goal back. So watched the second half more in hope than expectation. I certainly didn't think that line up we sent out had one goal in them never mind two but whaddya know? We actually started to get in their faces and in the words of Corporal Jones...." they do not like it up 'em"


Still can't fathom how Cosgrove contrived to put that header wide, and although sevco were denied a stonewall penalty, we were well worth a share of the points at full time. Gallagher got m.o.m. Whilst there was no doubt his second half display was night and day compared to his first 40 minutes, it was Ferguson who provided the impetus for our revival and to me was streets ahead of everyone else.


I got my wish for Taylor to return! And he has done his prospects no harm of keeping his place for the time being, at least till Ojo returns and Leigh gets put back to left back. Or will we sign Leigh permanently and find him the second LB that MvInnes permanently turns into a midfielder? Vyner however must never play in midfield again. He's a decent defender but just looks lost further forward.


As ever after dropped points....sevco media is a hoot to tune into. GIRFUY ya mutant pondlife! And the Edinburgh clubs continue to provide comedy on a weekly basis ana. See you at the weekend Hobos!


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I don’t frequent DT as much as I used to, or as much as I’d like to - I honestly find the constant negativity towards the manager, and the club in general, draining and boring. Maybe it’s because I’m old. Donstalk used to be THE place for well informed, balanced afc debate. And it’s nice to see some of my old favourites are still here, Kow, Big Al, Manc, to name a few.....but the build up to this match and even the posts during the first half are like torture for an upbeat, optimistic, (and handsome) dandy like me. Posters on here are criticising the manager for talking up the opposition, but I find the berating of our own players and staff in this thread far more damaging and insulting.


I’m definitely not gloating.


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I don’t frequent DT as much as I used to, or as much as I’d like to - I honestly find the constant negativity towards the manager, and the club in general, draining and boring. Maybe it’s because I’m old. Donstalk used to be THE place for well informed, balanced afc debate. And it’s nice to see some of my old favourites are still here, Kow, Big Al, Manc, to name a few.....but the build up to this match and even the posts during the first half are like torture for an upbeat, optimistic, (and handsome) dandy like me. Posters on here are criticising the manager for talking up the opposition, but I find the berating of our own players and staff in this thread far more damaging and insulting.


I’m definitely not gloating.


Our tactics against the Glasgow teams in recent years have been awful, and with minimum return. Last year the exception against the hun obviously. But I don’t see how you can have a go at the fans after that first half, and two terrible goals. Delighted we got something from the game, but patches over the obvious cracks yet again in my opinion. I don’t see myself as a negative cunt, just realistic having watch us in decline over the last 2-3 years.

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Well we snatched a draw from the jaws of defeat, but we were awul for the first 30 minutes.


It's amazing how the team plays better when we have a go at teams.


Rangers are a decent enough team who are well organised and have players who play in their correct positions, which usually makes a difference, but we showed last night they are far from unbeatable. Menatality plays a huge part in getting anything of the Glasgow two, but we didn't show the right menatality until we were two down.


I hope we can sign a decent midielder in the window as our midfield is a huge problem for us with neither Ojo or Bryson fit and Gleeson clearly out of the picture and Campbell just doesn't seem ready at the moment and would benefit from a loan spell in the Championship.


Ever since he was out due to suspension I think Ferguson has looked very good for us and was one of our better performers again last night.

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DM isnt in the lodge probably, thats why no apology.


Re the comments about negativity no fkn wonder. Was pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that the formation wasnt working why this wasnt apparent to DM prior to kick off is beyond me.


The first 35 minutes were horrendous and criticism rightly given as it has been for a lot of this season due to bewildering tactics and formations.


He still shoe horns players into positions they are not comfortable with Leigh was far better when he was shunted to looked like LWB (will be even better at LB) and nullified Tavernier/Kent and Vyner was horrible in CM , assume he really doesnt rate Campbell.  Wilson was anonyomous. So thats 2 players down.


On the subject of Gallagher he is/was excellent at being a nuisance thats about it very limited technically and not sure he can get any better nor does he appear to have an actual optimal position, I wondered if he could play RB but after getting destroyed in the first half down his side I have my doubts.


The real positive for me is they at times looked very ordinary, Morelos is a poacher thats it he has nothing else in his locker and Taylor was very good against him as he couldnt roll him due to his physique, he didnt have a sniff.


Kent was picking the ball up in his own half and with his back to goal and going nowhere ..  if this performance is a platform for us not to shit it v them and Celtic then great , lets see how we do v Hibs and if he plays people in their best positions



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Been a big critic of Taylor, but thought he was superb (in the main) lasst night.

Unfortunately still appears t be prone to the odd bomb scare and not sure thats something we'll ever knock out of him to be honest.


Would have taken the result pre kick off.

After 35 minutes or so would have bet big money on a 4 or 5 nil for them so very pleasantly surprised.

Lets hope the lesson is learnt from the first third of the game

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I don’t frequent DT as much as I used to, or as much as I’d like to - I honestly find the constant negativity towards the manager, and the club in general, draining and boring. Maybe it’s because I’m old. Donstalk used to be THE place for well informed, balanced afc debate. And it’s nice to see some of my old favourites are still here, Kow, Big Al, Manc, to name a few.....but the build up to this match and even the posts during the first half are like torture for an upbeat, optimistic, (and handsome) dandy like me. Posters on here are criticising the manager for talking up the opposition, but I find the berating of our own players and staff in this thread far more damaging and insulting.


I’m definitely not gloating.


Fit like CtS ?

Good to see you on the board.

You and your razor sharp wit are a loss when you're not posting.

A' the best mate

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Aye, the ref should be apologising for giving a free-kick, because it was a fucking dive after minimal contact. Beaton is a hun (former season ticket holder?) and has a blatant chummy bias toward them to an unhealthy level. It's not so much his decision making for individual free-kicks, but his knowledge of their team and players resembles a fan dealing with his heroes. Witness Taylor getting a word in his ear after Morelos tried to get him sent off. That shouldn't be happening. It was clear he was of the: "you know what wee Freddo is like, just don't wind him up too much". The similarities between Beaton's approach and McInnes' "Jacko and Stevie" are clear.


Re the comments about negativity no fkn wonder. Was pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that the formation wasnt working why this wasnt apparent to DM prior to kick off is beyond me.


I agree, although I do wonder if the change in approach during the game also took them by surprise and they had no answer to it. By luck for us, more than design of course.


He still shoe horns players into positions they are not comfortable with Leigh was far better when he was shunted to looked like LWB (will be even better at LB) and nullified Tavernier/Kent and Vyner was horrible in CM , assume he really doesnt rate Campbell.  Wilson was anonyomous. So thats 2 players down.


The problem was that we were always going to have to shoe-horn at least one player into midfield that wasn't going to be comfortable there. Leigh proved last night to me that he isn't a central midfielder. I thought he was very weak positionally and didn't know when to stay or go. Vyner was clearly tasked with a particular role, which - in hindsight - he probably did okay. It would have been difficult to see on the telly, but when we moved to a 4-1-4-1, Vyner was clearly asked to permanently sit in the gap between their midfield and Morelos, meaning that he was a lot less of the ball as the pass wasn't on. Given Vyner's lack of mobility, it wasn't the worst idea and with Ferguson and Gallagher more than holding their own in the second half. Overall, when Ojo or Bryson return, then you simply don't have to have Vyner in there. He's basically this season's Dom Ball so I think we should cut him a little slack as he'll be asked to play a lot of different roles.


On the subject of Gallagher he is/was excellent at being a nuisance thats about it very limited technically and not sure he can get any better nor does he appear to have an actual optimal position, I wondered if he could play RB but after getting destroyed in the first half down his side I have my doubts.


His optimal position is clearly the most forward central midfielder in a three. It was obvious in the St Mirren game and obvious in every other game he's played. Why the fuck McInnes thought he could play out wide is beyond me. It's not just the fact that he is a nuisance, he also makes very good runs that make space for the rest of the midfield or provide an outball for a defence under pressure. A number of times he out-paced their centre half to take the ball out wide, and generally did something with it too. He won us a lot of throw-ins and corners high up the park taking a significant amount of pressure of us. The imporant thing is to not expect him to be the creative genius or the tricky winger. Play him to his strengths, make sure he knows those strengths and thus amplifies them or don't have him on the pitch at all. The good thing about Gallagher is that we can see what he does and what he can't do. Compare that to Wilson who seems to have zero redeeming features at all that would work in an AFC team and hence he should never have been signed.

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Well that was the strangest of games, a thoroughly bizarre draw.


For the first half hour, it was jaw-droppingly good football from them. They were slick and fast, precision-passing and great ball control. I knew their results had been good all season including in Europe but I didn't realise how good they actually were. Their only non performer was the son of a mattress. He was cumbersome when put through twice and never looked like scoring a couple of golden chances.


Then we got a goal, out of nothing really. And it all changed. I didn't see the tactical switch from the telly that some of you at the game are telling us. Neither did the commentators. In fact, Andy Walker was taking great delight, perversely, in lamenting Aberdeen's gutless uselessness but I didn't even see it like that. I saw a gulf in class that was so wide between the two sets of players that 2-0 after half an hour was a fair reflection and there was nothing we could do about it. That was the best half hour of football I'd seen from any SPFL team this decade.


In the second half, Rangers were strangely pedestrian. Their energy wasn't half as intense and it was like they were trying to manage out a win without working for it, like what they showed earlier in the game was going to convert another 3 points at some point. We need to thank Gerrard for persisting with Freddo because Dafoe should've been let loose to expose our limitations. His experience would've got him into the right positions but even then the service might not have come to him. As good as they were in the first half, they were utterly ineffective in the second and it was a self inflicted two points lost.


Other than Lewis Ferguson, I see no assets in that AFC last night. If Stoke want to offer £2m for Cosgrove, take the money. McKenna's not worth that much, he's just a big unit with limited football intelligence and a liability at times with stupid mistakes, both positionally and of heavy touch. I can see why we struggled against shit teams recently. I can see why we shipped five at Ibrox. I can't see how we would have managed to get a point against them last night other than we deserved it because they stopped playing. The gulf between the rest of us and the Glasgow bigots will grow wider as the season unfolds.



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Well we snatched a draw from the jaws of defeat, but we were awul for the first 30 minutes.


It's amazing how the team plays better when we have a go at teams.


Rangers are a decent enough team who are well organised and have players who play in their correct positions, which usually makes a difference, but we showed last night they are far from unbeatable. Menatality plays a huge part in getting anything of the Glasgow two, but we didn't show the right menatality until we were two down.


I hope we can sign a decent midielder in the window as our midfield is a huge problem for us with neither Ojo or Bryson fit and Gleeson clearly out of the picture and Campbell just doesn't seem ready at the moment and would benefit from a loan spell in the Championship.


Ever since he was out due to suspension I think Ferguson has looked very good for us and was one of our better performers again last night.


I recall a Month or two ago, when we were kind of struggling for results, McInnes kept saying in the Press that we were missing key players, and he mentioned Gleeson several times. the guys been back for weeks now and hasn't even made the bench. I still maintain that when he's played he's done nothing to merit being so far out of the picture, he has influenced a couple of games ( Last Season ) and I really had high hopes for him, but he will be released at the end of his contract, zero doubt about that.

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Well that was the strangest of games, a thoroughly bizarre draw.


For the first half hour, it was jaw-droppingly good football from them. They were slick and fast, precision-passing and great ball control. I knew their results had been good all season including in Europe but I didn't realise how good they actually were. Their only non performer was the son of a mattress. He was cumbersome when put through twice and never looked like scoring a couple of golden chances.


They played some nice stuff indeed. However a lot of that was due to the midfield duo of Leigh and Vyner not understanding where they were supposed to be or what to do. Similarly Gallagher. We made so much room for their midfield it was unreal. It was a nightmare for Ferguson who was trying his best to influence the game from high up the pitch. The only surprise for me was how dominant they were without creating far more clear cut chances. They were happy to play the intricate passing in front and around us but seemed to forget to move that into the box, which seems to be the big difference between them and the Tims who would have slaughtered us in the opening period. The Tims under Rogers blew a much better dons team off the park up here and were significantly better than this hun team.


Then we got a goal, out of nothing really. And it all changed. I didn't see the tactical switch from the telly that some of you at the game are telling us. Neither did the commentators. In fact, Andy Walker was taking great delight, perversely, in lamenting Aberdeen's gutless uselessness but I didn't even see it like that. I saw a gulf in class that was so wide between the two sets of players that 2-0 after half an hour was a fair reflection and there was nothing we could do about it. That was the best half hour of football I'd seen from any SPFL team this decade.


That's typical of commentary in yer Sky and BTs. They're not there to discuss the dons tactics. If they didn't spot, or mention, the tactical changes then they're clearly not good enough at their jobs (from memory, Walker is a clueless fuck there for the "controversy"). It was clear as day. Gallagher started out wide with Leigh sitting deep alongside Vyner with Ferguson getting up to support Cosgrove and Considine playing very narrow. That changed immediately after the second goal with Gallagher supporting Cosgrove, Ferguson dropping deeper and Leigh moving wide in front of Considine, who then started to overlap on occasion and got into the box for our second. It was like two entirely different teams.


In the second half, Rangers were strangely pedestrian. Their energy wasn't half as intense and it was like they were trying to manage out a win without working for it, like what they showed earlier in the game was going to convert another 3 points at some point. We need to thank Gerrard for persisting with Freddo because Dafoe should've been let loose to expose our limitations. His experience would've got him into the right positions but even then the service might not have come to him. As good as they were in the first half, they were utterly ineffective in the second and it was a self inflicted two points lost.


Rangers were pedestrian because we got in their faces (like we should have done from the start). The main difference being Gallagher pressing their defenders and McGregor having to kick long for almost the entire second half. Ferguson was able to put his foot on the ball and take some possession back from their midfield rather than us standing and watching.


Other than Lewis Ferguson, I see no assets in that AFC last night. If Stoke want to offer £2m for Cosgrove, take the money. McKenna's not worth that much, he's just a big unit with limited football intelligence and a liability at times with stupid mistakes, both positionally and of heavy touch. I can see why we struggled against shit teams recently. I can see why we shipped five at Ibrox. I can't see how we would have managed to get a point against them last night other than we deserved it because they stopped playing. The gulf between the rest of us and the Glasgow bigots will grow wider as the season unfolds.


McKenna had a decent second half, his first was one of his worst performances in a dons shirt. He was very aggressive in the second and he needs to maintain that level if he's going to get a move. There are guys like Hanley playing at a higher level who are much worse than McKenna. I don't think he's amazing, but he's definitely a sellable asset. Cosgrove looked knackered last night. He's been excellent this season but seemed to get frustrated very early in the game and let it get to him. Still relatively young and he has some attributes that'll take him to a decent level down South. Significantly better than Stockley for example. He's on course to score 20 goals before christmas, which is phenomenal in this dons side.


Agree that the gulf continues to widen (as does the spending on wages, coincidentally). Although last night showed that there are ways to play against them that it make it difficult for them to beat us and also for us to get goals. Hopefully McInnes understands what went right and takes it forward to the next few games against them. I'm not sure he gets it.

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Rico, I think you're forgetting that Morelos was put through twice for golden chances that every top class striker would've converted, twice. There are no top class strikers in Scotland of course but they had done enough to be at least 3 up in the first third of the game, Joe Lewis shipping one of course.


Your opinion is that Rangers were pedestrian because of what AFC did. Mine is that they were pedestrian because they were managing out the game, having had such a fruitful start and been shocked by a goal out of nothing. Had they gone at us with the same hunger and intensity, that was a comfortable away win and we would've been powerless to prevent it, such is the gulf in class. It's depressing to know that there are going to be two teams in May who will post bigger points gaps over us that at any time in recent years. Celtic haven't even got better under Lennon. The rest of us are shit football teams who won't win fuck all against their duopoly.

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Gleeson is nowhere as bad a footballer as a lot of our support make out. In fact he may well possess the best footballing brain of anyone at the club.


However right now he also possesses the largest gut of anyone at the club. He had  a similar problem when he first joined and though he lost a good bit of it by last Christmas, his most recent injury lay-off has allowed it to return with interest.


I don't think he is a total write off for this season as he should be fitter by the time we return from the January break and will no doubt play a role as further injuries/suspensions start to hit in the second half of the season. But overall he has been a wasted wage and will definitely be released in the summer.

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Rico, I think you're forgetting that Morelos was put through twice for golden chances that every top class striker would've converted, twice. There are no top class strikers in Scotland of course but they had done enough to be at least 3 up in the first third of the game, Joe Lewis shipping one of course.


I remember one (the second being the goal), but I haven't watched back. You'd have seen the replays, so you'll be right. I guess I'm saying I'd have expected 5-6 good chances with the amount of space we'd given them and at least three goals. That's where I think the Tims would have been more clinical and ruthlessly direct.


Your opinion is that Rangers were pedestrian because of what AFC did. Mine is that they were pedestrian because they were managing out the game, having had such a fruitful start and been shocked by a goal out of nothing. Had they gone at us with the same hunger and intensity, that was a comfortable away win and we would've been powerless to prevent it, such is the gulf in class.


Well only one team made tactical changes and that was AFC. If you'd been at the game, I think you'd have been able to appreciate the massive difference it made and how blatantly obvious it was (and should have been before the game). They were taken by surprise by our goal and by our start to the second half. There's no way they came back out after half time to manage that game, we just played with a lot of intensity until we scored. That's not to say the huns weren't fairly formidable in the opening 30 minutes, they were, but that was hugely aided by our setup and the significant level of space they were given and that hun team can't maintain that level of performance for long spells of the game either. 


It's depressing to know that there are going to be two teams in May who will post bigger points gaps over us that at any time in recent years. Celtic haven't even got better under Lennon. The rest of us are shit football teams who won't win fuck all against their duopoly.


It's depressing that AFC have allowed it. The huns are now spending 4 times our wages, with the Tims 6 times. We'll be back to the same points difference (between them and the rest) as had the last time the wage differential was at that level. There's a very obvious correlation. Not to say it's not impossible to overcome, just very very difficult. The question is, should the points gap between us and those behind us be bigger given our budget gap? I don't think it's enough of a gap to have the same impact at our level, but we should always be finishing third.

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