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Dons - livi - boxing day

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Hard to see how this will go. They don't travel too well, and if mcinnes allows the team to play to their strengths, then this should be relatively straight forward. That said, not sure where our goals are going to come from.


Hopefully see a decent crowd as they're not a bad footbling side. Need 3 points to keep up the pressure on Motherwell.






2-1 dons. McGinn and Ferguson.

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Game against them down there saw us play some the worst football I have ever witnessed from a Dons side despite us winning 2-0. I don't think we passed the ball forward on the ground once. Really hope Thursday is not a repeat. Injury to Leigh means we now have to go with Considine at left back for the next while. They will sit in so think we will need to have an extra creative player in the staring 11 so maybe drop Vyner for Hedges and move Wilson in from the wing to play behind Cosgrove assuming we appeal the red card.






2-0 McGinn and Wilson 


ETA Cosgrove appeal rejected. Would assume McInnes will go with Main. Can see it being as much of a shitfest as last time now.

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Game against them down there saw us play some the worst football I have ever witnessed from a Dons side despite us winning 2-0. I don't think we passed the ball forward on the ground once. Really hope Thursday is not a repeat. Injury to Leigh means we now have to go with Considine at left back for the next while. They will sit in so think we will need to have an extra creative player in the staring 11 so maybe drop Vyner for Hedges and move Wilson in from the wing to play behind Cosgrove assuming we appeal the red card.






2-0 McGinn and Wilson 


ETA Cosgrove appeal rejected. Would assume McInnes will go with Main. Can see it being as much of a shitfest as last time now.


I'd actually forgotten about main. Christ, that's gonna be an absolute shit fest.

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Going along, but not looking forward to it. Livi are a decent enough side and battle for everything so will be tough.


Expecting a terrible game, but an Aberdeen win. Boxing day games are usually shyte, even more so if we manage a large crowd.


4-3 - A Wilson hat trick and a Main effort to seal the points.




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Wasn't as bad a game as I initially feared, but nothing to write home about either.


Two decent goals won us the games and that was about it. Logan at LB and Vyner at RB, Logan played OK, but stuggled initially. Taylor made some horror passes out from defence today and it was like he had never left us watching him.


McLennan always looks as though his brain is 5 seconds behind his feet, but he took his goal well, buy young Anderson served us up a Brucie bonus with a superbly taken goal and we should either be giving the loon a chance or getting him out on loan to get some game time as I think he is worth a gamble, but he would stuggle playing the way DM would want him to play as he is all about scoring goals.


McGinn stuggled for the 90 minutes and was sloppy in possession as the game went on, but I reckon he only stayed on as Ojo went off injured, possibly just a precaution to ensure no further lengthy absence.


You can see why Livi do so well, they battle hard for 90 minutes and despite a lack of quality in the final third they did OK. If we were to sell Sam for good money I would happily take a chance on the boy Dykes to take on Sams role and I also liked their number 33 on the wing, showed a great deal of skill.


Another 3 points and two goals scored by home grown players, but we weren't great by any means.

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Valuable 3 points but poor game of football. Anderson one of few bright spots and took his goal well. He has to start against Hearts as his pace and movement will give their back 4 problems. Main on the other hand was piss poor again. Cannot believe we gave him a 3 year deal. Special mention to Ash Taylor who’s lunge on Livingston player was so mistimed that he not only missed the ball but the player as well. Had to be seen to be believed.

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Valuable 3 points but poor game of football. Anderson one of few bright spots and took his goal well. He has to start against Hearts as his pace and movement will give their back 4 problems. Main on the other hand was piss poor again. Cannot believe we gave him a 3 year deal. Special mention to Ash Taylor who’s lunge on Livingston player was so mistimed that he not only missed the ball but the player as well. Had to be seen to be believed.


I genuinely still cannot understand why this happened.


Only bothered with the goals, but as others have said here and elsewhere, Anderson's goal was a gooden. Very composed finish.  Always something special about knocking it in off the post.


I really hope we take our game to farts, but can see the classic DM of trying to avoid defeat and game management striking right from the get go. If Main is the answer, we're asking all the wrong questions.

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A win is a win. I was surprised we subbed out hedges so early, involved in the first goal and one of the very few who gives us creativity. I thought today would have been a good day - but we’ll never see it - to have McGinn and hedges wide and give Wilson a run through the middle. Main offered so little and Anderson scored a well taken goal. Would really like to see Anderson through the middle this weekend, supported by Wilson at #10 with McGinn and hedges wide. We were at our best 2-3 years ago when we had Hayes-Christie-McGinn behind Rooney. Not that different in terms of attributes. Main isn’t needed.

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Sadly our leader likes a big guy with muscle to run about the final third so we will be stuck with Main for this season at least and hope we don't lose Sam.



It would be good to see Anderson and Wilson get a run out together up front, but our manager doesn't really like change in the final third and however bad our games are to watch we are mainly picking up points so entertainment doesn't come into it.


We are a poor footballing side.



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Valuable 3 points but poor game of football. Anderson one of few bright spots and took his goal well. He has to start against Hearts as his pace and movement will give their back 4 problems. Main on the other hand was piss poor again. Cannot believe we gave him a 3 year deal. Special mention to Ash Taylor who’s lunge on Livingston player was so mistimed that he not only missed the ball but the player as well. Had to be seen to be believed.


He had a few brain farts yesterday, but that one you mentioned had to be seen to be believed.  He earned a booking for that one.



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He had a few brain farts yesterday, but that one you mentioned had to be seen to be believed.  He earned a booking for that one.


Don’t think he got booked for that one where he dived in and missed both man and ball.  Was his booking not for the foul when he wrapped his arms around an opponent on the half way line to stop him getting away ? Which I thought was pretty needless as we had other defenders covering at that point.


For the most part , though , I thought Taylor and McKenna were OK

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Don’t think he got booked for that one where he dived in and missed both man and ball.  Was his booking not for the foul when he wrapped his arms around an opponent on the half way line to stop him getting away ? Which I thought was pretty needless as we had other defenders covering at that point.


For the most part , though , I thought Taylor and McKenna were OK


Aye, you're right. The ref couldn't even book him for his two footed lunge, because he didn't even endanger the ball, never mind the man. It was hilarious. He's been decent since returning to the team though, and McKenna seems happy alongside him too. His passing was a bit ropey at times yesterday, but mostly because the movement in front of him was poor.

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Thought our better players yesterday were defenders, & i couldnt help thinking the lokes Of McLennan & Hedges have to do a hell of a lot more.

    Livi probably deserved their goal, but it was a really poor game in front of a decent enough crowd.

  Thought Main had a bit of a shocker, although no lack of effort.  Our 2nd goal was taken very well by Anderson, wonder if he will feature on Sunday?    They are a pretty tough team to beat so any kind of win yesterday has to be good, eye bleeding stuff though, we badly need a playmaker as we have no creativity.

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