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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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This does ask the question as kow remarked on. What would you do if the Aberdeen FC went to the wall? Would you support "The Aberdeen FC" or would you just give up in fitbaw?



I'd want to stick by them of course but if I see the root of the problem still being involved with the club I'd have a difficult decision on my hands.


That said it does appear that the years of frustrating cut backs whilst other clubs went mental appear to be paying dividends and Stewarty seems to be running a tight ship. A skint one but a tight one.



I'd want to stick by them of course but if I see the root of the problem still being involved with the club I'd have a difficult decision on my hands.


That said it does appear that the years of frustrating cut backs whilst other clubs went mental appear to be paying dividends and Stewarty seems to be running a tight ship. A skint one but a tight one.


Years of frustrating cutbacks due to years of mis-management at the very top - going back to Donald Jnr.  Could even say his father was short sighted in knocking back sponsorship when we were at our peak.


Jambos are being allowed to sign Danny Wilson despite having a registration ban in place according to this mornings Metro.


He has accepted a 50% wage cut on his deal  :rofl:

Hearts miss target

Hearts may miss the target of 3000 season ticket sales set by administrator BDO by tomorrow.

The club is thought to have sold over 2000 so far, but Hearts chiefs are hoping for a late surge in order for the club to stay afloat until the new season


Poor hearts  :(

America-based company Club 9 Sports have submitted a bid to buy Hearts, BBC Scotland has learned.The bid, submitted to administrators BDO ahead of a 12 July deadline for offers, is in the region of £5m.

BBC Scotland has also learned that the company's plans include a move away from Tynecastle to a purpose-built stadium on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

Club 9 Sports have been involved in failed bids for clubs including Rangers and Sheffield Wednesday.

The Foundation of Hearts, a consortium of fans' groups, are the only group who have made their intentions to buy the club public so far.

A consortium led by former Scottish Rugby chief executive Gordon McKie had proposed an alliance with the Foundation of Hearts , which was rejected.

Club 9 Sports have also set up a new company called HMFC limited with Borders-based business Bob Jamieson, who has been working alongside the company, as their sole director.

The company are based in Chicago and have also instructed an Edinburgh legal firm to act on their behalf.


Failed bids for 2 clubs who were financially fucked. One saved, the other burned

Has a website which tells you next to fuck all about them but does have lots of pretty pictures of various stadiums around the world


Bids 5million to buy a club with 25 millions of pounds of debt and say they will build a new stadium?


Either another non story or the potential for another 5 years of fun



Failed bids for 2 clubs who were financially fucked. One saved, the other burned

Has a website which tells you next to fuck all about them but does have lots of pretty pictures of various stadiums around the world


Bids 5million to buy a club with 25 millions of pounds of debt and say they will build a new stadium?


Either another non story or the potential for another 5 years of fun



That's just a fucking migraine Tam. My eyes are bleeding after reading that little lot!!


Ha ha. Break out the popcorn.




Hearts: Angelo Massone involved in bid for club 


Former Livingston owner Angelo Massone is involved in one of the three groups bidding for control of Hearts, BBC Scotland has learned.

    Administrator BDO announced after Friday's deadline that three parties had lodged formal offers.

    Fans' group the Foundation of Hearts, HMFC Ltd, who are financed by American investors, and Five Stars Football Ltd are believed to be bidding.

    And Italian Massone is listed as a director of Five Stars Football Ltd.

    BDO will now assess the bids in detail before making a final decision on who should be the preferred bidder, probably within four to six weeks.

    During that time, offers can be amended after due diligence is completed and only then will preferred bidder status be announced.

    Five Stars Football Ltd has made the largest cash offer for the club but it is unclear how much working capital it has at its disposal.

    Massone left Livingston in July 2009 with the club having been placed in administration.

    The 42-year-old attempted to buy Hearts last year from Vladimir Romanov, but the offer was turned down immediately.

    Hearts went into administration with debts of £25m - owed to companies formerly owned by Romanov, who first invested in the club in 2005.

  • 3 weeks later...
HEARTS administrators BDO have revealed that the club owe £28.5 million after sending a ­detailed report of the club’s debts to all 200 creditors.


The full extent of Hearts’ ­financial predicament has been laid bare in a 45-page document compiled by the troubleshooter.


It was previously thought that the Tynecastle club’s arrears stood at about £25m following years of financial mismanagement under departed owner Vladimir Romanov.


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ADTFireand Securityplc £1,033


AyrUnited FC £1,750


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AlanDick £50


Alasdair Fraser £528


ArdoeHouse Hotel £180


Allstar Business Solutions £100


AlexanderSzatamari £9,100


AB Ukio Bankas £15,488,290


Baltic Clipper £497


Bank of Scotland (merchant services) £100


Bank of Scotland (equipment finance) £970


BeswickSportsLtd £3,000


BOC Gases £490


BritishRed Cross £76


BritishTelecommunications £3,024


BT Global Services £67


BritishGas Business £589


BigHearts CommunityTust £34,048


BruceRae Property Management £442


Business Line JAB(Vilnius) £204,143


Cable&WirelessCommunication £2,198


Mr JamesCalder £1,411


CameronPresentations Ltd £5,406


CampbellMedical Supplies £100


JanetteCampbell £100


CardiacServices £152


Charlie Irons CoachesLtd £100


Chamic £100


Childcare Vouchers Ltd £100


Il Ciocco (Italy) £11,468


CitreonUKLtd £5,232


Clearwater TechnologyLtd £5,156


Clouds £6,870


CoerverCoaching Scotland £948


ConceptGroup Ltd £841


Copymade Ltd £100


Corona Energy Retail 2 Ltd £29,720


The InsolvencyService £0


DJ Alexander £6,323


David Cameron (Edinburgh) £110


Amal Daher £120


Datatserve UK £160


DC Lighting Services £651


DJBFire&SafetyTraining £48


DuffieldHarrison LLP £1,816


Daisy Communications £1,474


Ensco 165 Ltd £509,464


Eamonn Collins £5,000


EdinburghChamber of Commerce £674


EdinburghCouncil (Chesser House) £90,715


EdinburghCouncil (For Flats) £2,631


EliteMedicale £229


Errington Associates £100


Egidijus Valiauga £860


Fife ImagingAssociates £900


FountainCourtApartments £100


Football Safety Officers Ass. £200


GF Capital Solutions £307


John Gibson £2,520


GlenhamProperty £100


GraemeRankin Sports Management Ltd £12,000


GreenStarMedia Ltd £77


Greentech (Sportsturf) Ltd £1,056


G4SSecureSolutions (UK) Ltd £12,087


GroupCall Limited £210


HMRevenue&Customs-VAT £0


HMRevenue&Customs £1,881,065


Hamilton&Brydie £144


Hectic Life £62


HBJGateley Wareing £100


Heriot Watt Sports Village Ltd £145,663


HighlanderKilt Hire Ltd £430


Hitachi Capital (MI Finance) £7


Holiday Inn AberdeenWest £55


HomespringLtd £499


Sven Houston £40


Heart ofMidlothianShareholderAssoc. £5,000


ImpactSigns £6,469


InterluxLtd £254


InterfaceEnvironment £100


JamesArmstrong&CoLtd £1,500


JohnstonCarmichael £100


Jane Lofthouse Johnston £410


JamesSandison £650


JThomson Colour Printers £100


Kauno Futbolo £13,431


KeySportsManagement Ltd £23,049


Korelita £52,610


KPMGTanacsadoKft. £1,190


LadyHaig’s PoppyFactory £185


Lietuvos Rytas £37


LivingstonFootball Club £282


Liverpool Football Club £46,625


LloydsTSB (Equiniti) £17,165


LexAutoleaseLtd £1,159


LochgreenHouse Hotel £510


Lyco Direct Limited £1,822


Milson Capital Corp £1,223,989


Ian Maclennan £335


McCrae’s BattalionTrust £100


Dr Carrie McCrea £760


Tony McGill £19,625


Dr ScottMcKie £700


McRaeofGorgie £560


Meriden Hospital £790


Dr AndrewMurray £250


Musselburgh AthleticFC £5,790


Michael Page International £100


NHSLothian £75.70


NHSFife £739


NorthLanarkshireCouncil £100


NorthgateVehicle Hire Ltd £1,661


Norwood Hall Hotel £100


NuffieldHealth £4,645


OGLawFirmLtd £5,000


Orange £5,896


PHSGroup plc £1,100


Pulsant (Scotland) Ltd £240


Paton Plant Limited £3,290


Pendrich Height Services Ltd £6,552


PerformingRight SocietyLtd £13,995


Pitch Inrernational LLP £4,746


PPL Sport&LeisureLtd £1,325


PPL £4,133


Premier Sports Management £4,836


ProKit UK Ltd £100


ProAmicaLtd £34,899


ProfessorErnestSchilders £2,410


RapideCommunications Ltd £176


Respublikos Investicija £62


RunosVertimai £43


RWNOrthopaedics Ltd £100


RydenLettings £100


RigbyTaylorLtd £1,564


Robert GraemeWilson £150


Spie MatthewHall Ltd £2,436


SpireHealthcare/BUPA £3,118


Scottish Water £100


Steve Hutchison £3,430


Scottish PoliceAuthority £18,585


Savills £20,602


ScottishAmbulanceService £2,464


Scomac CateringEquipment Ltd £100


Scottish Power (Stadium) £9,544


Scottish Power (Ticket Office) £5,467


Scottish Power (Admin Block) £1,254


Scottish GasBusiness £247


Scrubbers Laundry £162


SDMS £411


Securavent SecuritySer £12,309


Scottish Football Association £5,611


ShanksWaste Management Ltd £1,211


Scottish HydroElectric £139


JordanShearer £90


Shred-it (East of Scotland) £457


SkyBusiness £100


Slaters £100


SNS Group £1,281


Spectator Seating £13,005


SpeedyPowerLtd £100


Sportsmasters UK Ltd £1,848


Sporting ID £100


Sports MedicineUmeaAB £2,700


SRMHearts Ltd £19,853


Scottish Power £100


St AndrewsFirst Aid £364


Stenhousemuir FC £12,000


Stellar Football Ltd £5,750


Streamline PrintMgmt £418


Superturas (Kaunas) £26,636


Scottish YouthFootball Association £1,750


TG Baker (Sound) Ltd £2,856


ThyssenKrupp Elevator UK Ltd £3,378


TheEdinburgh Clinic £557


TheNewspaper LicensingAgency £1,428


Talk Talk £5,548


TheRangers Football Club £1,410


Ticketmaster SystemsLtd £33,112


TNT UK Ltd £8


TNTPostScotlandLtd £56


Trichem(Scotland) Ltd £1,380


TechnologyServicesgroup £1,967


Turnstile Systems2000 Ltd £810


UABLitcargus £1,166


UK Football Academy £228


Unum £2,300


UABUkio Bankas InvesticineGrupe £8,157,497


VeecomSystems £3,525


ViolaFCLtd £290


Vodafone Connect Ltd £343


Wallace Brown/Langstane £956


WalkerWoodstockEdinburgh £1,874


Weatherseal £41


WesternSaab £352


Dr David Whitaker £500


ScottWilson £1,000


YorkshireClinic £2,562


Lol :D  Hibs must be relieved, if they play anything like they did against Malmo, i'd say they'd be a shoe in for relegation this season.


I would laugh at the hibs result, but it screams so loudly of Aberdeen vs Sigma Olomuc. I ain't throwing any stones in our glass house quite yet. We've got a lot of promise for this season ... but am nervous about getting too excited!

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