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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans

Huns - Dons - Sat


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Can't say i'm looking forward to this, especially given I'll actually be up for it (watching the rugby though).  Still, at least it'll be live disappointment rather than first waking reality.


Defoe going off is possibly a blessing, but I daresay they have enough to pump us at the moment.  Really depends on how DM decides to set the team up.  Hopefully we see a bit more of what McGeouch and Kennedy can do. If we can keep Cosgrove on the pitch, we've got a chance.  Not convinced the team is playing for him anymore, but it's hard to tell if it's just their attitude or the way they're set up.






3-0, no dons scorer

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I've a rare Saturday off and live in Glasgow so suppose I should put myself through this.


Not expecting much, but I live in hope we'll come out fighting.


I was at the reserves on Monday - Aberdeen beating Kilmarnock 4-3. Bruce Anderson missed a few chances (one of which was one on one) but was always in the right place, great turn of pace, was just a constant handful for Killie and did eventually get his hat-trick. Would start him at Ibrox. McInnes needs to shake up the line-up a bit and certainly needs to be bolder in his team selection. We haven't scored from open play since Anderson's goal against Livingston. We may aswell play the on-form player.

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McInnes has a knack of getting results when least expected so I have a strange feeling we may well come away with something against the odds.


I don't think we will see Anderson unless chasing a goal in the last 15-20 minutes and probably the same line up we started with on Sunday and Sam feeding off scraps which will mean him going to the deck quite often when the ball goes near him, even more than he normally does.


2-1 us Sam to put us in front and Kennedy to nick it at the end for us.

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Cannot see us getting a win playing the way we are at the moment. We need to play the way we did in second half at Pittodrie against them to have any chance but we have not played with that intensity since.




Local game probably Edinburgh Uni v Spartans


3-0 no dons scorer


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Met a new client for the first time yesterday. As he is wos I said to him "forgot to ask, Rangers or Celtic?" He said "I'm a BIG Rangers fan. You?" I said "I used to support a team but after six decades, gave up on them. Haven't been back since December 2018 and won't go back until they get rid of the manager. Put it this way, you're going to thrash them on Saturday!"


He agreed that they dodged a bullet, thanks to our cunt of an ex-chairman throwing the chequebook at the midget bearded fuck.


He was also proof that there are exceptions to every rule, a rare hun of great intelligence and one of the few that support that team who I really liked as a person. Being less than half my age, I hope that he will come to love them less in the coming years. There's nothing more undignified than men my age caring too much about their own team that they would be willing to fight over it in various pubs up and down the country. Been there, done that. Then I grew up. Misdirected passion is ugly.

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The fact we beat them 3 times in Glasgow last season was a karmic consequence of Gerrard's disrespectful comments after his first ever SPFL game in charge at Pittodrie. That has now been spent and this season is more about ability and true worth. 8/11 for the home win at HT and FT is massive value. Can't see them not winning and evens for winning to nil is tempting too.

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Head says a comfortable win for the tribute act. Heart says that we can somehow hold out for a horrendous 0-0 draw and further damage the newco myth of "going for 55". As TDD says.....we do have a knack of pulling off utterly unexpected results when we least expect it.


Losing this one won't affect the managerial situation unless we ship 6 or 7 (4 or 5 won't go down well and the fans will show their displeasure). It's the following 2 games where wins are absolutely necessary or the pressure will start to grow....even then, the one trump card DM has is his bizarrely awarded new contract which has, at present, over 2 million shiny gold coloured disc shaped reasons why Cormack won't bullet him until the direst of circumstances are reached. 

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Have very little confidence that we'll end the game with 11 men.


True, odds on Ferguson or Cosgrove losing the head, or McKenna or Cosgrove a red and penalty??


I just don't see how we score. We created so little throughout the month of January against much lesser teams. Add to that we are an average defensive team and opponents didn't punish us defensively in January. I expect DM to sit back and try to absorb pressure, it won't work, and we'll get done 3-0.

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Should be 2 up really. Cosgrove has arsed up 2 great chances. Morelos seems to be playing wide right so he’s against Considine, rather than more central against McKenna. Tbf seems like Taylor is covering McKenna when the frog does come more central. Only really a 10/15 minute spell where we were sat back absorbing hun pressure. Better than expected.

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Started well enough but have fallen out of it the last 15 mins and its almost all Rangers. More of this in the second and rangers will eventually score. Two very good saves from Lewis, and while plenty of long aimless balls Cosgrove could have scored two.


Usual complaint, 3 center mids doing the job of two, all three not very involved. Missing a 10 yet again for an attacking outlet, hence the long aimless punt up the park all too often which results in another rangers attack.


We need to be better, rangers are average and I'd love us to be brave and put Hedges in at 10 for Ojo or McGeouch.

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Not a bad game so far. Cosgrove will be kicking himself with that one on one, he did so well to get on to it. We just need to be a little bit better in pressing, as their defenders aren't great. Their midfield is decent. The pitch is a fucking disaster. Huns spent all their groundsmen funds. Hopefully get a goal in the second half. Kennedy and McGinn playing well.



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Not a bad result in the end. We did quite well in stages. Defence was fairly solid. Cosgrove breathing out his airse for the last 20, it's a shame we don't have anyone we can bring on for him in these types of games (Anderson not really going to hold the ball up). Didn't really look like sneaking one in the second half, but they didn't cause us too many problems either.


Edit, to add: Lewis was fantastic. Brilliant at one-on-ones.

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