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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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If you dont like what Ive posted...block me you boring irritating little cunt.


I don't like or dislike what you post. I'm just pointing out that you speak shite. On everything.


The reason you do is that you are uneducated. It takes a certain intellect and discipline to learn things, qualities you don't have. It eats you up - that you're unqualified in everything - but your attempts to present yourself as knowledgeable don't wash, as my daughter proved right now.


You showed great geopolitical nous with your racist rant re the Muslims in the Balkans. You show medical fuckwittery right now but most of all, it's your educational subnormality resulting in your craving to present yourself as better than you are that is as tragic as it is comic. Thae Greeks were clever cunts  :thumbsup:


One of the biggest handicaps facing the UK is the Health Minister. Hancock makes Hunt look good and amongst the doctors, Hunt was the least popular in living memory.


The problem with Hancock is that he's an exceptionally stupid man. He has today on the Marr show just ripped up what the chief government scientists have been saying as he has denied the herd immunity strategy.


Even though one poster on this thread seeks to absolve our equally stupid PM of any responsibility whatsoever, it was Boris who appointed Hancock. The South Korean Health Minister (interviewed by Marr by satellite) was an articulate clear thinker. Our government still don't know what they're doing and the contrast between her and Hancock could not have been more stark.


START TESTING PEOPLE FOR FUCK SAKE. It's beyond belief that we are this shambolic and incapable of coherence, both in strategy and communications.


How long before the UK government roll back their strategy and replace with one that every other country is doing, whilst pretending that was their idea all along? They've already consigned 1000s to die by not acting quick enough as part of their herd strategy which wasn't really their strategy at all it was just something Boris made sound like a strategy by saying it was a plan. The worrying thing for me is that the Scottish government seem to be following suit. There are enough experts saying that is a bucket of absolute horse shite that there should be more dissent from SNP ministers. If Jeremy Fuckstain Cunt can criticise his own government, we surely should be hearing more from our own ministers. Sturgeon will have a lot to answer for too at this rate, I don't think you can hide behind Westminster on something this important.


When the SFA know more than the government, you know we're in trouble!


They probably just followed other football authorities but in Nicola's case, I agree she should have broken rank. If you and I smelt shite, about something we had never heard of a week ago, in a field where we have no knowledge and expertise whatsoever, then every paid politician - who's job it is to protect us - should also have been questioning. The World Health Organisation were directly addressing the UK, other countries were halting the exponential nature of the natural growth curve and we had thousands of our own experts screaming No. Even a non-clinician was ranting on QT last week (although he at least had experience of office in public health).


Critical thinking path for sane people; Allow people to get sick, many turn up at hospitals, NHS can't cope, gross deaths.


As Fontaines D.C. would say, is it too real for ya?


A further tragic indictment of the government's absolute incompetence thus far was their plea for our manufacturing industry to make respirators. A sane government would fund the extra capacity requirements of existing respirator manufacturers and would know that car makers and others, who have never produced highly specialised medical equipment are incapable of getting up to speed in the required time. One of the biggest acts of gross stupidity in political history.


Edit: NHS Grampian talk today; the one case in the Shell office in Aberdeen did not infect any colleague, nor did any of his family get it.


This virus can be contained if we don't cough on one another and exercise strict hygiene... but it would help if we know if we have it or not. There is no sensible reason not to test and failing to lock down is negligent beyond belief.


Fuck this. I'm going out in the community to spend money with people who won't have any income after this week. I don't know if we should all be self-isolating but it's not my job to know. The biggest worry for me is that our government don't know either and given that many of us don't trust them, it's a terrible situation to be in. My biggest concern right now is that the NHS gets overwhelmed pretty immediately. This doesn't appear to be the biggest concern for our "leaders", who are acting on advice that makes zero sense to a lay person like me. Spread love people. That's all we can do. Apart from to panic buyers. They're shit. Peace.


Just back at work today after self-isolating/working from home last week.


Was out Friday all-day trains, restaurants, pubs etc then out Saturday same. Got home Saturday night my throat felt raw, really suddenly. Not one for pain killers, but had no choice wasn't sleeping without. Bit of a cough and sore throat next day, thought I've overdone it. Sunday evening shivery feverish, same all-day Monday. Bit wiped out Tuesday so phoned 111 on the basis, of what I do, should probably know for sure. 40 odd minutes of hold before ran off symptoms, got asked if I’d had various other symptoms a lot of which seemed irrelevant like, “have you lost a significant amount of weight recently?”?? got told I probably had a bug as symptoms for covid-19 were XXX which I had just told them I had. Son off school with similar sore throat, fever bit of a cough Thursday Friday. 


Don’t care if I had it or just a similar cold. Odd that they were quite clearly fobbing me off and given what I do I would have expected an interest in testing me. I had had direct contact with X frontline health and social care workers in the previous 10 days who themselves probably went on and had direct contact with X colleagues and X service users.



Odd that they were quite clearly fobbing me off


It's not odd at all. NHS 24 were trained and encouraged to fob people off. Our culture is to act only on the most extreme cases. It would have resulted in our eldest quine dying of a burst appendix if she wasn't so lucky to be home that week where her mother took control. It's another symptom of our government's priorities which does not include the welfare of the people.


Boris told us "loved ones will die". Hancock said "no number is too big". Not only are they headless chickening right now, they're not even careful with the language they use, spreading further panic and alarm.




It's all bollocks, and when people find out it's all bollocks they are going to


1/ be fuckin annoyed.


2/ be grateful to the politicians who saved them.


Expect all propaganda to be aimed at achieving number 2


If it's all bollocks, the last hour and a half has shed some darkness.


The WHO Director General said "test test test".


Boris and his two arselicking sidekicks live just now are trying to make a TOTAL U-TURN from last Thursday and yet they STILL don't have the balls to go beyond "recommendations".


It's still a massive shitshow, both of policy and in communications. "Sir Patrick" is a fucking arse and right now, is failing to answer the (brilliant) question (re Herd Immunity and the reinfection case in Japan) BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW and it's IMPOSSIBLE to know. His bluffing his way through this, as Boris is doing throughout, is going to be slated on social media soon (and yet the BBC will be spinning strongly in half an hour). Only Channel 4 will get close to the truth and even they are handicapped by severe legally-advised restraints.


And by not enforcing the cancellation of mass gatherings, businesses won't be able to claim on their insurances (I think???)? Thus another fuck up. All because they don't want to do a u-turn. Instead they'll do an 83 point turn over the next few weeks and pretend that was the plan all along.


No mass gatherings (recommended, unsupported) and yet schools stay open.


The most hideous example of how stupid Boris and his sidekicks are.


Which was EXACTLY what Jon Snow opened with and the first question Kathy Newman just asked this health minister bitch.


Edit: Kathy is NAILING this Helen bitch. We have "ramped up" testing from 5,000 to 6,000 apparently (still less than 0.0001% of the population) but she couldn't answer HOW we are testing in the community, coming back with more Tory bullshit and bluster.


Well do we feel more confident after hearing the three wise men speak this afternoon.


Bojo looked rattled, he knows he has screwed up and having to backtrack on previous advice given.


Just not good enough and when you see idiotic MPs on the news make arses of themselves like the lass on C4 news  just now it doesn't leave you with any confidence.


This should be about medical people and scientists with government clowns and spin doctors kept well away from anything


And by not enforcing the cancellation of mass gatherings, businesses won't be able to claim on their insurances (I think???)? Thus another fuck up. All because they don't want to do a u-turn. Instead they'll do an 83 point turn over the next few weeks and pretend that was the plan all along.


It won't be over "the next few weeks". I predict they'll close the schools within 72 hours. They have to. It's incongruous not to given the social distancing they're asking for. It will make them look like fools but nobody (apart from one former poster on here) is under any illusion that they're NOT fools.


Is there one non-fool in the whole cabinet? I can't think of one.


It won't be over "the next few weeks". I predict they'll close the schools within 72 hours. They have to. It's incongruous not to given the social distancing they're asking for. It will make them look like fools but nobody (apart from one former poster on here) is under any illusion that they're NOT fools.


Is there one non-fool in the whole cabinet? I can't think of one.


Yes, schools will likely close by next week at the latest. I suspect head teachers and parents will overtake the government by removing kids etc, just like businesses were already getting people to work from home.


What I mean is the overall admission will take a few weeks. They'll slowly unwind everything done to date. I expect testing to increase and increase to get up to (or close to) the levels that should have occurred weeks ago, without admitting that should always have been the case. Similarly, testing on NHS workers. Also, I expect that advice will change from "people shouldn't go to theatres etc" to "theatres are now closed". This will occur after the point at which a significant portion of those establishments, and pubs and so on, will have already gone bust. Thus saving the lobbying insurance companies a fortune in bailout payments that would have been due if the government had done the correct thing from day one.


But, again, I could be talking shite. To me, everything just now points to economic decisions being made at every single point, over human decisions. Why would a government be so vague and non-binding about gatherings etc? This isn't incompetence, it's deliberate.


To me, everything just now points to economic decisions being made at every single point, over human decisions. Why would a government be so vague and non-binding about gatherings etc? This isn't incompetence, it's deliberate.


That hadn't occurred to me (tonight, over the mass gatherings) but I fear you're right.


I wouldn't rule out incompetence too however. The urging of U.K. manufacturers to turn their production lines to building respirators was desperate stupidity and the "no number is too high" was a line that no businessman (or indeed anyone with a mild understanding of economics) would ever utter. I don't think he's got the brain to think through what he was saying. He may have been trying to peddle the lie that saving the people is their number one priority but it was an invitation to rape for any entrepreneur with a sniff of opportunism in his nostrils.


Edit: The west end already announced they were shutting all the theatres "based on government advice". They know who their market is and where their bread is buttered. Arselicking luvvies. My poor London-based daughter will miss out this week though but the show they were going to this week was probably one she'd seen already as she's always going.




Lad who play on my U15’s folks are both teachers. He said yesterday they thought Wednesday or Thursday at the latest.

Two teachers at my kids school off self-isolating, two of my sons mates are being kept home, one is of Chinese heritage whose parents own one of the local takeaways.  ;D ;D ;D

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