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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Well do we feel more confident after hearing the three wise men speak this afternoon.


Bojo looked rattled, he knows he has screwed up and having to backtrack on previous advice given.


Just not good enough and when you see idiotic MPs on the news make arses of themselves like the lass on C4 news  just now it doesn't leave you with any confidence.


This should be about medical people and scientists with government clowns and spin doctors kept well away from anything


Personally I reckon the rattled look is more to do with him suddenly realising what being the leader (supposedly) of a country actually means.

Nothing like this has happened in my lifetime and the closest thing in living memory will have been the 2nd world war as that resulted in pain and suffering of UK citizens not just the soldiers in a far off land.


A simple movie quote that comes to mind is the scene between the Janitor and the Teacher in the Breakfast club

'Aw bullshit, man. Come on Vern, the kids haven't changed, you have! You took a teaching position, 'cause you thought it'd be fun, right? Thought you could have summer vacations off and then you found out it was actually work and that really bummed you out.


This prick like so many others who have gone into politics in my lifetime did it for the powergrab and the fact he didnt actually have to do anything as long as he played the character. No matter what he did he would be OK as he was 'in the club'

Now suddenly the hundreds of civil servants who have looked after him (and Cameron, and Blair) and made sure the place didnt go to shit havent got the answers, the 'club' is at serious risk of vanishing in an economic meltdown, and now its up to him and his immediate cronies to stand up and lead and protect the voters.


And when the shit hits the fan the person with the big personality and no substance gets fucked

The boring ones who have the guts and intelligence to actually make difficult decisions quickly whether they are popular or not are what you need but for so long this country (and so many others) have voted for the prick who shouts loudest and has the best soundbites.

I wonder what Gordon Brown, or John Major would do if they were in Johnson's position?


I'd like to think this will be a wake up call for everyone in the way our society has gone but I doubt it.


It's already too late to stop this becoming a pandemic. What's more...it's a bloody godsend to the world.


Covid-19 could prove the answer to a headache that successive governments have failed to address.


You're on your own with that one you sick fuck.


The longer it lasts, more and more businesses will go bust. It will actually be quite "entertaining" watching holiday companies and airline go tits up fairly rapidly because of this.


Yeah really entertaining. Fucking hilarious. Faisal Islam just now reporting on the bail outs the airlines are going to need. Tory icon Branson has already got his begging bowl out, aye for £35bn. That's £35,000,000,000.00 of our taxpayers money he's asking for. Brilliant.


That hadn't occurred to me (tonight, over the mass gatherings) but I fear you're right.


I wouldn't rule out incompetence too however. The urging of U.K. manufacturers to turn their production lines to building respirators was desperate stupidity and the "no number is too high" was a line that no businessman (or indeed anyone with a mild understanding of economics) would ever utter. I don't think he's got the brain to think through what he was saying. He may have been trying to peddle the lie that saving the people is their number one priority but it was an invitation to rape for any entrepreneur with a sniff of opportunism in his nostrils.


Again, a deliberate call to arms for some of the Brexit supporting businesses, getting their payments for their support. It'll be a big manuacturer of some sort (not of health equipment), or along the lines of thon company they got to run the Brexit ferries.


Again, a deliberate call to arms for some of the Brexit supporting businesses, getting their payments for their support. It'll be a big manuacturer of some sort (not of health equipment), or along the lines of thon company they got to run the Brexit ferries.


Aye the yet to be formed Grayling Gas Pumps will get the contract.


English FA put a stop to all grassroots fitba.


I had hoped to go to Culter on Saturday but that fixture had been pulled. Desperate to fill my love of "live soccer", and with the Cove game at Cowdenbeath having suffered the cull, that's where I was planning to go. Of course I fucked up last Tuesday when planning to go to Stirling to see my first Cove away game by being too pussy based on a weather forecast and missed them scoring SEVEN but shit happens. It's not like the forecast was that bad, and improving during the day and compared to the first two visits to Balmoral Park, NOTHING could've been worse, the coldest bastard days I've watched fitba. Only the home v Hamilton in the Scottish Cup one January at Pittodrie compares (6,000 crowd only, 1-0 win, Josh P pulling the strings), a colder day than the new year game v St J when all the lights went out in the city.


So it's ALL fitba that has been sent to the grave :(


I recommend watching Contagion: The BBC Four Pandemic hosted by the wonderful Dr Hannah Fry. You'll get it on iPlayer. It was first aired two years ago, in March 2018.


It illustrates to me that we have some great minds in the U.K. but I'm not so sure that this present government and the titled chief of science and chief medical officer are amongst these great minds.


Scarily, it predicts that this pandemic was always going to come.


Edit: forgot to say and even more spookily, they predicted from whence it would come, Wuhan indeed being in "S.E. Asia", assuming that was ground zero and not the more colourful theories being bandied about.




Craig Brown (the GWT) and his bit of stuff came into the restaurant we were in tonight. So much for social distancing for the elderly but honestly, unless they're spraying the food with Covid-19 (or the staff are infected) the chances of catching it at present in a mostly empty restaurant are very remote at present. Fucking shame for the catering trade. Shame for everyone really. The wife got her re-deployment papers today (effective immediately) so we know shit's about to get real when the managers and senior personnel in most departments are being drafted to the front line, or Covid Central as it's become known.


While the politicians fanny about,as much of this will depend on our own decisions and common sense.

Some better news below ; 


? China has closed down its last coronavirus hospital. Not enough new cases to support them.


? Doctors in India have been successful in treating Coronavirus. Combination of drugs used: Lopinavir, Retonovir, Oseltamivir along with Chlorphenamine. They are going to suggest same medicine, globally.


? Researchers of the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have found an antibody against coronavirus.


? A 103-year-old Chinese grandmother has made a full recovery from COVID-19 after being treated for 6 days in Wuhan, China.


? Apple reopens all 42 china stores.


? Cleveland Clinic developed a COVID-19 test that gives results in hours, not days.


? Good news from South Korea, where the number of new cases is declining.


? Italy is hit hard, experts say, only because they have the oldest population in Europe.


? Scientists in Israel likely to announce the development of a coronavirus vaccine.


? 3 Maryland coronavirus patients fully recovered; able to return to everyday life.


? A network of Canadian scientists are making excellent progress in Covid-19 research.


? A San Diego biotech company is developing a Covid-19 vaccine in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore.


? Tulsa County's first positive COVID-19 case has recovered. This individual has had two negative tests, which is the indicator of recovery.


? All 7 patients who were getting treated for at Safdarjung hospital in New Delhi have recovered.


? Plasma from newly recovered patients from Covid -19 can treat others infected by Covid-19.




The article published in Lancet plus the infected consultant's description that the UK's insane policy is one of surrender has nailed what many of us suspected. This ship is being run by fools.






Up to 55 today, more than 2.5 times more in 2 days... but only a 57% increase from yesterday so no doubt Dominic Cummings can spin that as a positive.


72 yesterday, 104 today.


But today's not finished yet.


ARI is eerily quiet, with no elective surgery scheduled and no virus rush yet.


You couldn't make better satire up than these afternoon press conferences from the three wise folk of Government.


Not exactly inspiring confidence amongst us proles.


Bojo is a fucking clown.




Schools closed for everyone other than certain kids (of delivery drivers, NHS staff etc., with special needs) and exams cancelled (but "we will ensure they get the qualifications they deserve".) No definitions nor detail. They are making this up on the hoof and getting it spectacularly wrong. We all said 48 hours ago that the schools would have to close and that recommendations rather than directions that pubs etc. would need to close was absurd management.


PMQ's today was embarrassing. For us, that we live in this circus and this is our elected government.


Rosena Allin-Khan asked a tremendous question - which will undoubtedly be shown on Channel 4 and definitely ignored by the BBC - and once again, our PM blustered, waffled and bullshitted (as he did to EVERY question). I couldn't agree more. You can't make up leadership this bad. The constant reiterations of this being "unprecedented" isn't new to us. That they keep on repeating that they are "acting on the science" has been done to death and we don't believe their excuses (for their u-turns) when they go on about the crucial "timing" of their interventions. It's STILL an utter shitshow.


72 yesterday, 104 today.


But today's not finished yet.


At this rate, we will exceed 1,000 deaths before next weekend. One of the reasons that I'm confident about the maths is that we have tested so few people, we must have so many more spreaders than we know of. The amount of infected must be staggeringly underreported in the U.K. and without locking down early enough, there's been too much damage already done.


The pictures of tanks being relocated to London and the army at Clapham Junction today is being interpreted as the imminent London lockdown resulting in inevitable looting. The genie is out of the bottle and shit's about to get real.


The London HQ of the British Army is at Clapham Junction


And for all we know, it could have been a photoshopped pic or an old pic and the tanks might not have been today. When the people don't trust the leaders and fear and alarm is raging, all sorts of shit is going to be put out there and it catches fire when stupid people start regurgitating. The only thing I'm sure of is that shit's going to get real.


I missed the BJ performance today but I caught a bit of Trump.


His reiteration of the "Chinese" virus was obstinance following the excellent challenge he faced yesterday from that brave young lassie but his attempts to pronounce the scientists and vaccines today was utterly tragic. Everybody's doing a great job and they're going to fix this real soon apparently. In the old days, leaders were not intellectually subnormal. In the very old days, the leaders were the best fighters and minds. This cunt, like Boris, have no expertise in anything other than bullshit and bluster. And given the dumbed down populaces they front, they get off with it.


Watching Boris is like watching a character in an old Ealing film.


As a leader of one of the supposedly biggest nations of the World, he isn't really coming across well and to the actual policy on dealing with the virus is far from instilling confidence in the nation, you finish watching less clued up than before .


We stay indoors, but we close down nothing which seems to be the most successful way of containing the virus. He is telling business to back their staff and not make job losses, but doesn't advise how they keep paying people when their revenues have dropped through the floor and what about people in general who have possibly lost  jobs and have bills to pay such as rent no real crumbs of comfort given to them.


We then have the clusterfuck which is the NHS, the fact they still cannot get the required equipment needed to protect front end staff should make them hang their heads in shame.


Everyday just seems to add another level of contradiction to their plans.


Just not good enough and I hope folk who voted for the clown including many in this part of the world are realising how big a cunt the man and his government poodles actually are and to think most of these folk will get titles and peerages for presiding over this mess.




Just not good enough and I hope folk who voted for the clown including many in this part of the world are realising how big a cunt the man and his government poodles actually are and to think most of these folk will get titles and peerages for presiding over this mess.


I was speaking to a guy at work today who thinks Boris is doing a great job (his actual words). The polls suggest the British public are broadly happy with, and trusting in, his performance.


I don't get it. I'll just have to start reading the Telegraph I suppose and wait to die.


I was speaking to a guy at work today who thinks Boris is doing a great job (his actual words). The polls suggest the British public are broadly happy with, and trusting in, his performance.


I don't get it. I'll just have to start reading the Telegraph I suppose and wait to die.


Aye, I ken a few Bojo supporters as well who if you ask them what he has done that is so good the stock answer is that he is not Corbyn.


I'll never get my head around anyone voting for that clown or the party he leads.

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