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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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I try not to use the word 'hate' as along with 'love' it gets banded about so much that their true meanings have been lost but if I had to say I hate something it is the genetic coding in certain peoples brains that makes them want to rent or own a mobile caravan/ campervan for the purposes of a holiday.


I used to love camping as a youngster. We never had a caravan, but stayed at a few caravan parks, and they were great places. I'd love a caravan for going away now and again in Scotland (or England). Although a tent would do the business. Never, ever get my wife to come though, she's of the same opinion as you.


You're right about the current state of play though, however it's close to the easter holidays when plenty of folk head up that way for a break (was intending to myself, but cancelled - too many English!). Could just be thoughtlessly going up a week or so early. It all stems from the vagueness of the approach taken by the government in my opinion. It's barely a fortnight since herd mentality was all the rage.


The report in the Sunday Times that Dominic Cummings said the strategy was: “herd immunity, protect the economy & if that means some pensioners die, too bad” may or may not be 100% accurate but the actions taken by the government suggests that it was. BJ himself was trying to explain Herd Immunity to Schofield and Holly not so long ago.


As the virologists and epidemiologists were arguing, that concept could only work when the nature of the virus was understood, which it still isn't. The fact that it was published today means that their sources are spot on, that they were there, heard it and recounted it. The lawyers would NEVER have allowed it to go to print otherwise. Downing Street have denied it obviously but they must NOW come out on the telly and must immediately raise an action v. The Times if it's been the worst fake news story in recent history. Otherwise, at least one citizen, Cummings is in severe danger of his life and with many thousands of citizens soon to be bereaved, it won't be long before it gets real ugly.


The timing of it is interesting following the documentary on Cummings this week.


At this rate, we will exceed 1,000 deaths before next weekend.


At 233, we are the exact same number that Italy had 14 days ago. The ghoulish path of death rates between Italy and the UK are almost an exact mirror thus far. 28 days ago, they had their first, 14 days ago, we had ours.


There is no reason why our death rate will be less than theirs. Given that they have 2.5 x more ITU beds than us and much greater resources, there's an argument that ours will be worse. At least all their front line staff have PPE.


So the maths are as good as certain that we will exceed 1,000 deaths before next weekend, by Thursday if we follow the Italian parallel. The numbers and the pace of escalation between 1,000 and 2,000 and then 4,000 etc. are frightening.


Government handling of this has been appalling rocket.  Only thinking about business, indeed I'm sure they would be delighted if a whole bunch of high cost pensioners were soon not on their books anymore.


Government handling of this has been appalling rocket.  Only thinking about business, indeed I'm sure they would be delighted if a whole bunch of high cost pensioners were soon not on their books anymore.


Perhaps but given that many elderly (and dare I say it senile) people vote Tory I’m not sure killing them off early is good for the party.


I was speaking to a guy at work today who thinks Boris is doing a great job (his actual words). The polls suggest the British public are broadly happy with, and trusting in, his performance.


I don't get it. I'll just have to start reading the Telegraph I suppose and wait to die.


My linkedin feed is full if people either posting or liking posts with pictures of Johnson and Sunak along the lines of 'these men are working tirelessly to save the country and we thank them for it'


I'm giving Sunak a bit of a break at the moment (not too much because his brain wiring is still set to Tory) but as for Johnson.....


Thankfully there are plenty of responses about how long it has taken them to get their act together, and how they still have done fuck all to help the self employed but what I havent see is a response along the lines of






My linkedin feed is full if people either posting or liking posts with pictures of Johnson and Sunak along the lines of 'these men are working tirelessly to save the country and we thank them for it'


I'm giving Sunak a bit of a break at the moment (not too much because his brain wiring is still set to Tory) but as for Johnson.....


Thankfully there are plenty of responses about how long it has taken them to get their act together, and how they still have done fuck all to help the self employed but what I havent see is a response along the lines of




The goodwill towards Johnson is frightening, as initially they were not going down the path we are currently on and chose the survival of the fittest option, which I found very scary. Then after finally following what all other countries were doing, including countries who have been through it and appear to be over the worst, we follow suit and he is some sort of hero for implementing what he should have done earlier.


The 80% wages was a good thing, but I bet you many in the party fought against, but I still believe the economic impact of the virus is still going to do much more damage than the virus itself, if they didn't come up with the supported wages plan I dread to think what would have happened.  Once over the worst of it they will implement tougher austerity measures to recoup what they have lost with the virus.


Sadly, he will be the PM who saw us through the virus and will be hailed a hero, which will no doubt mean winning another term in government, despite his inaction at the start possibly costing a few more people their lives.


People thinking BJ is a good PM shows how fucked up this island really is.


We're into the blame phase now. Expect to see lots more government officials highlighting the general public flouting the rules as if it were unexpected. They'll go to town on it for the next couple of days and that'll be the lasting image when hospitals hit their limits and become overwhelmed. Herd mentality never happened, we tested the entire population, but those who went to the pub for two additional days ruined it for everyone.


If ever there was proof that the mainstream news media are complicit in supporting this inept government and the likes of Laura K and Peston and Sky are actually contributing to the farcical situation that is needlessly going to cost tens of thousands and possibly hundreds of thousands of lives, it's the fact that Piers Morgan of all people was today the first "journalist" to attempt to hold the government to account.


His "interview" with Hancock was cringeworthy often, and could've been handled so much better but at least someone finally highlighted the shite that pours out of their mouths. His constant interruptions were born from his panicky style and his massive ego, and he proved that he's not a very good interviewer at all but at least he tried - and to a limited degree succeeded - in showing the folly and the absolute incompetence of our whole government. He missed the opportunity to totally nail and crucify them however, a case of the man in the right not knowing how to use the power of being right to expose the ignorance and stupidity of the man (and the government that he represents) who is in the wrong.


When the government order a full lock down tonight (or possibly tomorrow at the latest), at least two weeks later than they should have done, this is further proof that there is no concrete strategy, let alone an alternative one they have been acting on. Just like we all predicted they would do a U-turn on the schools, this gives a firm impression that they're acting more on public opinion more than "the science" that they claim they're doing. This is a government that reacts rather than leads and even then their reactions are way too late.


There can be no good science to allow the population to keep on spreading the virus. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to anticipate what would happen, which is now exactly what is happening. This government is weak and the PM has proved to be the complete buffoon we all knew he was. Maybe he was acting for the benefit of his daddy, that horrible fuck having the arrogance to tell Schofield and Holly last week that he will exercise his right to go to the pub. Who elected Boris's father? Why did he think that the UK public would be interested in ANYTHING he has to say? As revealed by his daughter yesterday, he's applied for French citizenship. What does this say about his faith in his son? That Boris's sister was "yay, maybe I can get French citizenship too" is similarly stupid.


Matt Hancock is everything wrong with the government of this country and has been for far too long. People who are just poodles after a career in the top positions of government, but offer nothing in the role bar a willing ness to nod their heads when required and to agree 100% with policy and come times like these are found out big time.




Matt Hancock is everything wrong with the government of this country and has been for far too long. People who are just poodles after a career in the top positions of government, but offer nothing in the role bar a willing ness to nod their heads when required and to agree 100% with policy and come times like these are found out big time.


Gary Gibbon nailed him on Channel 4 News. It was beautiful and so overdue.


And it was so tragic at the same time. How a useless cunt like that got the job.


Gary Gibbon nailed him on Channel 4 News. It was beautiful and so overdue.


And it was so tragic at the same time. How a useless cunt like that got the job.


It was the C4 interview I saw him on and boy was he bad. Clueless didn't quite cover it and he cannot even cover up his shortcomings with personality, as he hasn't got one.


I expect him to either leave the cabinet in the next few weeks, be surprised if he doe survive.


Laura Kuntsberg and the BBC haven't once questioned the timing of this lockdown. They are fawning sycophants for the government. It's unbelievable how some people are thinking that we are in good hands under Boris.


Channel 4 showed a doctor and a paramedic who had to have their identities covered up, because they were afraid that speaking the truth would cost them their jobs. They both spoke of the unforgivable situation of having to work without PPE.



The full interview today has been removed by YouTube already. This is the sinister deep state that we live in.


This government propaganda was released today : -




Within 15 minutes of an article appearing (by a renowned credible source) to analyse the implications of it and to criticise the future implications, which concluded with the passing of control and huge resources (cash) to big pharma, it suddenly disappeared from FaceBook.


Not only is an interview that was actually aired (showing the weakness of a key minister) not allowed to be seen now, direct criticism is being vetted and made to disappear.


Laura Kuntsberg and the BBC haven't once questioned the timing of this lockdown. They are fawning sycophants for the government. It's unbelievable how some people are thinking that we are in good hands under Boris.


She's an absolute cunt of a "journalist". Nothing but a pawn in the tory machine.


Hancock's Q & A just now is incredible. Kuntsberg got given the first question, unsurprisingly but they didn't answer it. The second question asked what happens if the parent of a 2 year old child gets ill. Again, a totally inept attempt to answer it which didn't, ending up being classified as an exceptional circumstance. The third question asked about boyfriend's and girlfriend's. Hancock's response was once again a reiteration of the same old shit that we already know and the deputy medical officer totally ignored the question of whether they're allowed to be affectionate with one another. Question four was very specific about construction work and Hancock's doing it AGAIN, running off at tangents and speaking total shite. Ok, he's now saying 2 metres apart but that's not possible in that industry, as we heard from industry representatives today. I give up. This is a shambles beyond any imagination.


Edit: the fifth and final question concerns testing. Hancock just said that where the antibody tests show that a person has had it, it means that they are now immune "apart from in exceptional circumstances" and can get back to work. That's a lie. We don't know this yet. My virologist daughter will be having a fit if she's seeing this. We don't know yet whether Covid-19 once contracted provides immunity. This isn't fucking measles.


Sickeningly, Hancock thinks they're doing great in this. He's going "great" and effusing positives (and relief) after each question, incapable of understanding that anyone watching this with half a brain is appalled at what we are witnessing. He's signing off now totally proud of himself that the first e-briefing worked so well.


Edit: spoke to my daughter who didn't see it. She corrected me that it wasn't a "lie" as such in that somebody with antibodies has had the virus and is immune from it AT PRESENT, at the time of the test. The total unknown is how long the immunity lasts with Covid-19.


So NZ are going into full lock down as of tonight. I have to say, i've been thoroughly impressed with how the government has acted throughout the process and keeping the public informed, once shit got real. They've introduced a four level system, of which we will be reaching level 4 of tonight. "unprecedented" which appears to be the word du jour, as nothing like this has ever been introduced in NZ before.  The PM has been very honest and reassuring, but not mincing about the facts. We all know that it's going to get worse, there could be deaths (please be some of the nats if it's necessary). Emphasising staying at home and self isolating.


They also have countless adds on TV / and used their mobile alert system to keep folk aware. You can't really miss it unless you try.


We were at level 2 on the weekend, which encouraged working from home, where possible and then social distancing. That changed as of Monday when we got our first community transitioned cases.


Supermarkets and pharmacies are open.  Pubs, bars , take aways, restaurants etc all closed. Parks all closed, no domestic travel unless necessary. Walks / exercise are all good, but keep your two metres. We've got four weeks of this, it's gonna be long and fuck knows what happens after this.


So the tests go into the shops next week then and that could be it for a lot of folks? Back to normal? Will we see a rush of folk trying to get the virus to get it over and done with? I survived the Corona Virus t-shirts ready for shipping?

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