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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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You know that Boris fucked up when Trump called the herd immunity "concept" as "catastrophic" and pointing out the BIG U-turn that the Westminster government took.


The WHO were screaming at us for weeks and other countries were in touch to warn us but when Trump is scoring political points at our expense, we know we have the wrong leadership.


The NY Times were bang on about Boris. They nailed it: -




"The problem is that he has been preparing for the wrong part. The man came to power playing Falstaff, a double-dealing, comically entertaining, shameless rogue; now he is suddenly onstage as Henry V, the wartime king whose solemn judgment, intense focus, charisma and conviction must lead his nation in a time of crisis. Mr. Johnson does not know how to play that part, and it shows. This is not a rehearsal. His careless, inexcusable reluctance to track and halt the virus earlier will have cost lives".


If the "alternative views" that have been championed prove to be sound, Trump may well have been right when he said "the cure can not be more damaging that the disease" (not that he's got the intellect to think anything through by any average standard of semi-intelligent critical thinking).


Given the unemployment figures that are due in the US and also the UK and the (currently) immeasurable damage to the economy resulting in the exchequer being starved of collectible taxes, and already borrowing trillions to fight the virus, the fraudulent "austerity" they imposed on us for YEARS will be a picnic in comparison.



Michael Osterholm was interviewed by Don Lemon on CNN just now. He said that the projections of death rates are based on a model that may well be completely wrong. He also pointed out that the healthcare system in the US is considerably worse today than it was in 2005 when he published that they were hopelessly unprepared for the next pandemic which was inevitably coming.


Given the Tory mismanagement of the NHS for ten years - mostly by design rather than simple incompetence - there are obvious parallels between the US and the UK. Osterholm said that the ONLY way out of this crisis is for the government to have a plan, something he was adamant that the US federal government did NOT have. There's another mutual failing between the blond buffoons.


Peston on Twitter exposed Gove's lies yesterday about the reason for the pathetic testing rate.


In terms of the botched lockdown, we saw pictures of tube travellers yesterday but this was a shock: -




The passengers on the many flights still coming in aren't being screened. Well, it wouldn't really be a shock given this government but it is beyond belief that any competent country would fail to do anything with incoming people. This government STILL aren't taking it seriously enough.


The Netherlands became the 8th country to trip 1,000 dead yesterday and Germany and Belgium will make it 10 before the weekend. I said 5,000 dead in April but I didn't anticipate it would be the first week in April which it will be given that we have closed March with almost half that.


The "top 10" are all over 2,000 now but there's so much stuff out there on the internet, it's difficult for any open mind to swallow much of it. I don't know what to believe in so many respects. I know not to trust the UK and US governments however.


Todays figures are not really a shock given the initial response from our government, but still don't make good reading.


The thing I find most disturbing is the lack of testing for our NHS staff, that should be unforgivable to anyone with an ounce of decency in their bones and would expect it to be remembered come the next election, which would be far more a thank you to the NHS staff than any amount of hand clapping of an evening.


I was reading how much people the Germans are testing and it only highlights how bad the overall infrastructure of our country really is.




Todays figures are not really a shock given the initial response from our government, but still don't make good reading.


The thing I find most disturbing is the lack of testing for our NHS staff, that should be unforgivable to anyone with an ounce of decency in their bones and would expect it to be remembered come the next election, which would be far more a thank you to the NHS staff than any amount of hand clapping of an evening.


I was reading how much people the Germans are testing and it only highlights how bad the overall infrastructure of our country really is.


An example today (and I'm hearing many shocking individual examples EVERY day) was a district nurse instructed to look after one elderly patient in his home (North East) who had tested positive. In other words, they have decided not to admit him to hospital and have already decided that he should die. The nurse was crying when she consulted my wife because she has an asthmatic son and is NOT being provided with ANY PPE whatsoever. She doesn't want to go home obviously and so they have arranged accommodation for her in Aberdeen. The old man and his wife live on a farm and have been isolated for two weeks and with their son dropping off essential shopping at the door, it is almost certain that it took 14 days before he was sick enough to be diagnosed.


It's the same the UK over. Elderly Parkinsons and neurological patients are going to be very lucky to see a hospital, let alone a ventilator and my wife's patients are already dying with Covid-19 in Grampian and the North.


My daughter volunteered to staff the testing labs in response to a cry for help e-mail that the government and the NHS put out to qualified medical students and staff more than six weeks ago. She has yet to hear back, like every one of her peers who she knows similarly put their hands up.


It's a shitshow now, just as it always has been under these cunts in charge. It was only 9 days ago that Blow Job jolly jested about Operation Last Gasp. The number of NHS staff who have been tested is an embarrassingly minute percentage of the total front line staff and our government have been lying to us EVERY SINGLE DAY. Hancock said that he had the military distributing that weekend and led us to believe that the country had swung into action. The NHS staff are telling us that they haven't been tested and they're not in receipt of the basic tools they need to do their jobs.


Massive change of tone today in the questions at the daily briefings. Even Laura Kuntsberg had a dig, making an excellent three-pronged attack which of course, like EVERY tough question they ever get, is met with a three-pronged defence in that they either lie, deflect against or downright ignore.


Laura is a slut. She kept her fucking weird sideways mouth shut the whole time and only now that social media and Piers Morgan and more and more articles are highlighting the shitness of the government, she's coming over. Investigative journalists are supposed to lead, not follow.


This secretary of state cunt is a slimeball, just like every single one of them. Jenrick got slaughtered again today, on Sky and by Piers. That cunt gets battered every time he appears, the Lancet editor guy disembowelling him last week on QT.




Was reading on twitter that some student nurses have been threatened and forced in to doing the job they aren't yet qualified for.  They've been told that if they don't opt in to work they face having the course withdrawn along with their bursary,


And yet the Chief Scientific Advisor Patrick Vallance has said much the same thing.

What’s wrong with a bit of positivity? We don’t appear to be matching the trend of Italy anymore.


What's "wrong" is that they are lying to us and given the millions of sources for information available to us all, it's only the gullible, lazy or stupid who can't see through the spin.


Fuck me, weird just got weirder: -




For clarity, I'm not saying I agree with it. Not qualified to know but sounds absurd to me.



Edit: Daughter watched it and reckons he's a whack job, for being anti vaccines, for extrapolating a lot from nothing and for making a wild correlation that fails to understand the basics about biology and radiation.


Edit: She's shared that video with her scientist mates and they're all laughing at the idiocy of the guy. One made a good point just now i.e. how do we even know he was ex-CEO of anything!



The Netherlands became the 8th country to trip 1,000 dead yesterday and Germany and Belgium will make it 10 before the weekend.


Correction. Before Friday.


These are horrible numbers globally. I hope these governments are capable of learning and will be better prepared in the future. I can't see that our country, being run by a failed journalist as we are can possibly do anything with competence and intelligence.


Hancock just lied on QT. The university labs have NOT been involved. They were asked to but the government (via the various bodies) never came back to them.


Particularly galling when he's bigging up the private sector, spending money and ignoring free volunteers.


Hancock just lied on QT. The university labs have NOT been involved. They were asked to but the government (via the various bodies) never came back to them.


Particularly galling when he's bigging up the private sector, spending money and ignoring free volunteers.

See this is what annoys me with the government here and especially with Trump, he's created the fake news narrative and continues to peddle it.  The Tories have done it on a much smaller scale but both love to put out their own lies which go unchallenged and those that support them are too thick so just believe it, the BBC the other day congratulating Boris for "calling on more testing" was shameful, hold the sleekit cunt accountable for the pish he spouts.


Read this earlier https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-congratulates-businesses-for-helping-fight-coronavirus-but-his-own-company-has-been-absent


This whole Coronavirus issue stinks. Ok, it's been hard to believe anything the government and the globalist agenda tells us and there is always the crying wolf thing to be aware of but what's really happening here?


I've gone back to what my instinct was telling me the first time.


I have NO idea what's going on but something ain't ringing true for me.


For the record I can't believe it's related to 5G.

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