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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Suspect we’re not getting the full story about BoJo. He’s running the country but Raab hasn’t spoken to him since Saturday!  ???


That fucking little arse-licker Jenrick showed how unfit for purpose these cunts are and shows how presidential and pathetic our political system has become. The notion that we need one man to run the nation normally is fucking ridiculous. Certainly with the current situation and when it's that permanently MIA fucktard. A proper competent human being would have said: "the PM's primary focus is on getting better. He 'hand-picked' this cabinet as he trusts etc etc. we are more than capable of holding the fort in his absence and so on". Why the fuck would the British public want some ill fucker making live decisions that require real thought, focus and understanding?


Furthermore, there aren't billions of pounds being lost and wealth is not being thrown down the drain, it's simply being re-distributed. If the government wants to affect that re-distribution then it already has the power to do so. If you're losing GBP then somebody else is gaining it.


The cost of this lockdown is undoubtedly causing billions to be lost, £2,400,000,000 per day in the UK alone according to a study today.


If we are not making things or providing services that can be sold, that's a heck of an income reduction for everyone, including the exchequer who are already borrowing/printing money to stay afloat. The economic effects of this are expected (by many qualified people who know this shit) to be the worst in all of our lifetimes.


The cost of this lockdown is undoubtedly causing billions to be lost, £2,400,000,000 per day in the UK alone according to a study today.


If we are not making things or providing services that can be sold, that's a heck of an income reduction for everyone, including the exchequer who are already borrowing/printing money to stay afloat. The economic effects of this are expected (by many qualified people who know this shit) to be the worst in all of our lifetimes.


Lost to who though? The economic effects of this will be whatever the government chooses it to be. They could start a new green deal akin to the labour proposal in the last election (as an example) tomorrow if they chose to. They could invest, print, borrow as much or as little as they want. A depression is a choice, and who it afflicts is a choice. The qualified people talking about it are only - and only ever - talking about it within the narrow confines of the existing system and refusing to contemplate amending even slightly. Most of them are cultist fuds who talk about the markets like they're a living being. It's sudo-religious bollocks that doesn't stand up to basic scrutiny. We have a sovereign currency, and we can and should use it. Stop issuing money as debt for a start (see positive money). Use printed money to bail out the public rather than banks. Make money lose value over time (like every other source of energy) as a function of its total (the more you have the faster the rate of loss - a half life if you like) rather than gain, to force people to spend it. Recycle it back into the bottom of the system. There are so many ways to change things for the better if economists would take their heads out Adam Smith's airse for a second and understand that what they pray to is a man-made set of beliefs that can be changed whenever we like.


A massive caveat, of course: you're right, because we'll never depart from the existing, no matter how glaringly obvious it would be as a solution. Those who you talk about as qualified are not the issue, the issue is the qualification itself and when you're part of that you don't bother to look beyond it (so actually, they are the problem!). Economics is not a science despite what they'd have you believe. Have a look at Kate Raworth, Steve Keen, positive money, MMT, guy standing, the nef, dambisa moyo, even Charles Eisenstein and so on for a broader perspective of what's possible (I don't agree with all/most of them). I'd give you some of my books if I was allowed oot the hoose (fuckers).


One helluva story this.

Makes a complete joke of their press conference.


Wasn’t he out on the streets shaking hands with the public a couple of weeks ago?


He was positively boasting about shaking hands in a Covid hospital and talking about "taking it on the chin" when advocating the herd immunity strategy (which Hardon Handcock denied was a thing). This was all in the last month. For underestimating the virus, he's being punished heavily.


Operation Last Gasp, uttered by him 14 days ago may be his last joke and the sickest of them all. The picaninnies will be posting their condolences in the letter boxes.


Let me tell you a story. Inspired (or more properly, reminded) by the interview on CNN just now which once again repeats that the states (and the federal government) are all outbidding each other for the same products and the suppliers are making a killing.


In the late 80's, I worked for a multinational, a US company which was one of the biggest companies in the world. Still is but a lot less bigger than they were back then, for the precise reasons I got the fuck out. They at least spent money on training and had a fabulous company supplying inspirational management training, probably at huge cost. One of the training courses was all about the art of negotiation. The exercise was that the break out group were divided into three. We were all African tribes (or some shit) and one group owned a water buffalo. We other two groups were briefed separately and our group needed to buy the water buffalo because we wanted its heart for some major religious shit but the other group needed the animal for its blood, a staple for its witch doctors and the principle ingredient in its medicine for the community.


So they let us loose to "negotiate". Predictably (in hindsight), the two of us were outbidding each other like fuck and the water buffalo owners were rubbing their hands. It was a shit fest. The wonderful lesson we all learned was the need to communicate with your enemies, not just your friends. If we had collaborated, we would've got the buffalo for the lowest price that the owners would've been tempted to sell it for, before cutting out the heart for us and giving all the blood to them. Simple stuff but a message sold so well, I remember it to this day.


In America, the supposed king of sales, marketing and negotiation, they've forgotten the basic rules. Or they're not that thick and that a further dynamic is at play there. A president who is a bullshit opportunist is fucking the dynamic. He's a total cunt.




World-leading disease data analysts have projected that the UK will become the country worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic in Europe, accounting for more than 40% of total deaths across the continent.


The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle predicts 66,000 UK deaths from Covid-19 by August, with a peak of nearly 3,000 a day, based on a steep climb in daily deaths early in the outbreak.


Not sure how reliable the source but pretty brutal reading for UK....


USA - just over 388k confirmed cases, 12,370 dead


UK - just over 55k confirmed cases, 6159 dead


Italy - 135k, 17127 dead


Spain - 150k, 13897 dead


Number of cases stats are almost entirely meaningless unless testing is open to everyone. For all we know, 50m people in the UK could have it, making the number of deaths miniscule. Even the death stats themselves aren't hugely accurate.


So a quick update on what I'm doing.


My temporary registration came through on the 28th March but I've been waiting on my Disclosure Scotland check coming through which it did yesterday. I've chosen to take a placement in a local nursing home, initial 3 month contract, extendable to 6 if necessary. This has freed up a young staff nurse only qualified a year to go and get some acute experience in the front line...she's off to the Nightingale in London. Helps her to progress her career and I don't have to travel so it suits us both. Starting on Monday.






They're telling us that the social distancing measures ARE having an effect. This statement needs examining.


Assuming we are talking about having an effect on the transmission of the virus, I don't think it's disputable that reducing social interactions is going to reduce the possibility of spread and would obviously reduce the incidence of new infections. So as the statement is merely stating the obvious, the question is why this needs to be said?


Herd immunity went out the window because of public hysteria and the government's U-turn was explained by a change in "the science". Do they know enough about this virus yet? Have they been studying it properly? Do they have good enough data samples to rely on? They certainly don't appear to have conducted sufficient tests. They certainly haven't bothered (or are unable) to test the overwhelming majority of the heath care front line.


Either they don't know what they're doing or they are following a script and if the latter, a democracy would demand that we know what the script is. Openness and transparency they said. Sinister and/or depressing times.




So a quick update on what I'm doing.


My temporary registration came through on the 28th March but I've been waiting on my Disclosure Scotland check coming through which it did yesterday. I've chosen to take a placement in a local nursing home, initial 3 month contract, extendable to 6 if necessary. This has freed up a young staff nurse only qualified a year to go and get some acute experience in the front line...she's off to the Nightingale in London. Helps her to progress her career and I don't have to travel so it suits us both. Starting on Monday.



3 months?


The auld buggers will never last that long.


You’re either a saint or completely aff your heid.

They were just waiting to die anyway.

Harsh but true.


No way would I risk my life for a lost cause.


Well done to you and all that but bloody hell min.


These fucking idiots in charge are absurd. The twice they've spoken of "green shoots" have been on Mondays, following the weekend figures which I've proved are exactly that, weekend figures.


Following two days of record deaths, the exponential curve is not showing any signs of slowing and whilst we know from other countries that we will start to approach a plateau at some point, probably later this month, their rhetoric bears no relation to the actual data.



Brilliant. So refreshing to hear experts putting forward intelligent points of view and a savage indictment of our government, who's daily briefings (by a whole host of various smarmy arseholes) never once convince us. Interesting how the modellers are ruling the roost (rather than experts in the field) and how centralised (rather than devolved, local and regional) power is the main reason for the fuck ups. Plus the lies of course, covering up their own ineptitude.


Been a long time since I have been on, Hope your all well and staying safe.


Mods, I hope ye tested this cunt before you allowed him back?


Don't get complacent. 80% or so are asymptomatic and much as we appreciate how vigilant you've been in protecting us - and your strategies have been adopted and implemented by the NZ government - it's important not to let up now.

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