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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Good article minijc. I'm getting slightly confused, as I wasn't under any illusions that the government's strategy was anything but that highlighted by shute in the article. Everyone gets it, but over a longer period. I didn't realise they'd adopted an alternative approach. The article suggests otherwise. I've probably just been casting my assumptions [of what this government would do] onto the government rather than listening to what they were saying.


Good article minijc. I'm getting slightly confused, as I wasn't under any illusions that the government's strategy was anything but that highlighted by shute in the article. Everyone gets it, but over a longer period. I didn't realise they'd adopted an alternative approach. The article suggests otherwise. I've probably just been casting my assumptions [of what this government would do] onto the government rather than listening to what they were saying.

I think and please remember I'm a moron with an over active brain that has went in at the deep end here but when they originally mentioned Herd Immunity they backtracked quickly after people worked out it would cause so many deaths then it was damage control from them, even just last week Hancock was questioned on it and he said it was never mentioned, despite the BBC having a clip of the science fud Valance mentioning it.  Some did say that even after they rejigged their strategy they were simply just dressing it up another way, it's now clear as day that they want everyone to get it despite them telling us to stay in and stick to social distancing, thing is there's no definitive proof that you can gain immunity from this virus, that from what I've read, I realise rocket/his daughter are better placed to comment but from what I've read it's just a gamble.

I'm not better placed than those experts in the excellent video you put up yesterday but as my daughter has been saying from day one, as they were saying in the Covid Report you put up, it's not possible to know whether infected but recovered people are immune. The Spanish flu came in three waves apparently 100 years ago.


Andrew Cuomo is speaking great sense right now. Again. We have had zero sense from the UK under this Niall Fergusting and Sir Fud Unvaliant led coalition of "scientists".


Shocking picture still progressing.




I don't care that new daily deaths are "only" one eighth (rather than a fifth or a quarter) of the previous day's total, it's a significantly increasing total every day and almost ONE THOUSAND PER DAY right now, and that's just in hospitals.


We were all divided by Leave v. Remain. England has always been divided by Labour v. Tory. The biggest division right now is those who think the government are doing a good job "in the circumstances" and those of us who see the utter and evil incompetence of this administration.


For all the talk about ensuring social distancing etc is maintained and emphasising that Easter is not an excuse to fuck about, my local tesco metro seems to have relaxed its policies.


The tape on the floors and screens at the tills remain but a couple of weeks ago they had lines on the pavement marking queing positions, a 1 way entry/ exit system, staff inside and out to restrict the number of folk in the store.


Today all of the external proceedures have gone out the window. Inside the shop the rush for easter eggs also seems to take priority over the 2m rule.


Meanwhile across the Atlantic the Donald just keeps on giving. ::)




Meanwhile across the Atlantic the Donald just keeps on giving. ::)


His shows have been unreal. I think the fact he's been getting daily exposure without getting in golf during the weeks is the killer. He can't hide. His madness, ego and narcissism is there for all to see. The fact he has an approval rating above zero is rather disturbing however.


We all understand why the intellectuals were despised and vilified by the masses over the centuries. They were uncomfortable mirrors, prominent reminders of the limitations and the mental incapacity of the less-enlightened. In this pandemic age, where the intellectually semi-competent and the average intelligences can see the utter stupidity of the governments in both the UK and US, I wonder what "faith" the masses cling on to? Would it be an admission of defeat to come out against the administration that they voted in? Or is it too painful to wake up to the truth that "our leaders" aren't fit to lead? Either way, the weak and stupid majority are giving licence to the weak and stupid governments to keep on keeping on, fucking up everything, failing to test, denying the front line the protection they need and most of all, lying to us each and every single day.


We all understand why the intellectuals were despised and vilified by the masses over the centuries. They were uncomfortable mirrors, prominent reminders of the limitations and the mental incapacity of the less-enlightened. In this pandemic age, where the intellectually semi-competent and the average intelligences can see the utter stupidity of the governments in both the UK and US, I wonder what "faith" the masses cling on to? Would it be an admission of defeat to come out against the administration that they voted in? Or is it too painful to wake up to the truth that "our leaders" aren't fit to lead? Either way, the weak and stupid majority are giving licence to the weak and stupid governments to keep on keeping on, fucking up everything, failing to test, denying the front line the protection they need and most of all, lying to us each and every single day.


The problem is, speaking in terms of the US, there is no glaring alternative. The democrats came up with two old grandpas, and that party is so snowflake right now that I don’t want them in power. While Trump is a total nut job, I’d take him over the snowflake party right now. They are more lunatic than him. Many republicans don’t like a Trump but do you dump him for a candidate who may lose to the Democrats?


I understand the dilemma LA but it's not a reasonable excuse. Biden creeps me out but like the UK, it's the complete lack of credible politicians that is the systematic cultural issue. If Cuomo hadn't ruled himself out, he could've walked into office. People will vote for a humble, intelligent human being. They can come out of nowhere overnight. The system is the problem but returning cunts like Blow Job Johnson and The Donald, these are stains on decency and a savage reflection on us all.


Ha. I just noticed that the hotel we stayed in in NYC last year are one of three hotels being offered to health care workers. Fucking brilliant. It wasn't an exceptional hotel but it was staffed with really great people. Will support this chain for ever now.


If you add up the total UK deaths for the first quarter of the year from respiratory diseases, the figure so far for 2020 (150,057) is less than those for 2015 (160,471) 2017 (153,759) and 2018 (164,625). What's really going on here?


I’ve asked the same question many times. I want to know how many flu deaths we are having. Pretty certain it’s more than corona...


This is beautiful.



Never been into religion but always had faith in humanity to produce beautiful things and always knew the cloistered choirs were capable of doing so.


Finding this, plus reaching out to a friend last night and hearing his great optimism for the post-virus world, I'm starting to feel a sense of great change coming, for the better. Love and peace.


Matt Hancock didnt quite get off scott free on his radio 4 interview this morning but as much as I don't like the guy I don't like the way the BBC are reporting what he said.


Full quote:

'I don't want to impugn blame on people who have used more PPE than the guidelines suggest because I understand the difficulties in the circumstances. What I would say it is very important to use the right PPE and not overuse it.'

I personally interpret that as 'Home-made PPE isnt safe, and as we are short of the proper stuff, be careful not to waste what you have'


BBC Tagline

'Do not overuse PPE, says UK health secretary'

If I hadn't heard the interview, or wasnt prepared to read the full transcript I'd say that could be interpreted as:

'PPE is expensive so stop being such pussies and get back to work' akin to a Charles Dickens workhouse owner.


What they should be reporting is his 'excuse' for the UK having more daily deaths than Italy & Spain ever did is that the UK has a Higher population. The interviewer then stopped him in his tracks by pointing out Germany has a higher population than the UK.


Facts are useful. He didn't know yesterday how many NHS had died. He did know this morning.


In shirt sleeve order three weeks ago, Hancock lifted the lightest box ever into the back of a van. This was right after he said we had plenty of PPE, it was a logistical issue getting it distributed and he had got the military in to do it. Fast forward and we still have doctors, nurses and care workers (not to mention the other essential workers at high risk) without adequate protection.


He meant to say 25,000 tests per day, tripped over himself and mistakenly committed to 100,000 per day by the end of April. That's not going to happen and was therefore a deliberate lie or (in my opinion) more likely to be a bungling incompetent at work.


He denied that the UK hadn't had a herd immunity strategy, firstly on Marr and again since. The broadcasts by his boss the PM and by Sir Patrick show clearly that he was lying.


For incompetence and dishonesty, the man needs throwing under a bus, poetically being driven by a recovered patient. That the BBC would be doing the throwing, I severely doubt.


I don't know if it's legal but fucked if I care. The four of us took the dogs to the beach. We walked there, it's a beach that 99.9% of Aberdeenshire people don't know exists but we did see one family there, which we didn't get within 40 or 50 metres of, let alone 2. We passed no people on the walk to or from, only a couple of cars. Sunbathing in the garden now. If any pig in uniform had confronted me then, or decides to confront me now, they can fuck right off. The restrictions are there for a reason. We haven't been nor are we putting that reason in jeopardy. I know we are luckier than most to not be living in a city at a time like this but that's just the way it goes. I think the one hour max rule is ridiculous and as long as folk are not gathering in groups and are keeping at least 2m apart in the parks etc., that's all that is required.


It's more than disingenuous to say that the UK is "in line with other countries" in the daily briefings when they put up the global death chart. The facts are that there are five countries who are clear leaders in the worst stat of all and tomorrow, the UK will join the other four in suffering more than 10,000 dead.


This assumes that the counting is being done properly and whilst it's alarming to hear that those dying in the community have yet to be included, Covid-19 hasn't always been the primary cause of death in UK hospitals including here in Scotland.


A report this week predicted that we would have the worst fatalities in Europe and if this does turn out to be true, it's not necessarily surprising at all if we end up getting the silver medal behind the runaway leaders the USA, who will trip 20,000 today. We must have the worst governments on the planet, which this pandemic is proving in the most tragic possible way.


It's more than disingenuous to say that the UK is "in line with other countries" in the daily briefings when they put up the global death chart. The facts are that there are five countries who are clear leaders in the worst stat of all and tomorrow, the UK will join the other four in suffering more than 10,000 dead.


This assumes that the counting is being done properly and whilst it's alarming to hear that those dying in the community have yet to be included, Covid-19 hasn't always been the primary cause of death in UK hospitals including here in Scotland.


A report this week predicted that we would have the worst fatalities in Europe and if this does turn out to be true, it's not necessarily surprising at all if we end up getting the silver medal behind the runaway leaders the USA, who will trip 20,000 today. We must have the worst governments on the planet, which this pandemic is proving in the most tragic possible way.


Couldn't agree more. I think we will easily be top of the pile for deaths in Europe come the end of it all due to the inaction of our government  from the outset and still it continues. The rainbows in the windows and the clapping our NHS workers don't really do it for me when the poor folk have to do their best with not enough PPE to protect themselves. I always laugh at the daily briefings when they stand behind the podiums with Protect the NHS on them, when the bastards standing behind them having done little to protect the NHS, I hope the irony is not lost on others.


Protect the NHS, don't vote Tory.





Priti Patel has a cold cruelty about her that's very disturbed.


Her arse being the size of a small country wouldn't help her confidence and self image but there's some severe shit going on in her head. Another human misfit in a cabinet filled with nothing but.

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