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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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PMQ's today confirms that I'm all Tory-ed out. Just can't listen to Raab and Hancock any more. They're fucking disgusting specimens. I understand why some US news channels are no longer broadcasting Trump's daily briefings. There's a limit to how much bullshit one can take. I've watched my last Downing Street briefing now. Will get any "highlights" from Twitter anyway.


Starmer unimpressive for me. This was the perfect opportunity to stick the knife in and demand change and action and he wasn't up to the task. Another total wanker.


And yet the Chief Scientific Advisor Patrick Vallance has said much the same thing.

What’s wrong with a bit of positivity? We don’t appear to be matching the trend of Italy anymore.


What's wrong "with a bit of positivity" is that when it is baseless spin, it is a lie. Over 92% of the reported deaths have occurred since then and given the horror that we will eventually get out of their impending admission re deaths in the community and the care homes, it's going to be a whole lot worse.




When they were speaking about green shoots of recovery, as they have at least twice, they were hoping they were going to be right. When Hancock promised 100,000 tests per day, he was hoping he was going to be right. When Jenrick said that a plane would arrive from Turkey on Sunday, he was hoping to be right.


You either smell shite or you don't. We are going to be WAY worse than Italy by next month, if we aren't already given their "creative accounting" and their inhumane counting incompetence.




My wife is diabetic.

I’m going to see if she’ll let me have one of her syringes, I know we have bleach somewhere.

Sorted, what’s the fuss been all about?

That was quite something else last night, the side cam showing the female doctors reaction as the oaf just spouted that is like watching someone watch a car crash unfold.

Hydroxychloroquine was bad enough but last night was stunning. As I said, the man is clinically insane. His narcissism leads him to believe that he knows better than the doctors. He's the ultimate Dunning-Kruger in a country full of them. Politics can't get worse than this and the rest of the world (Boris excluded) are going to rape him. Joe Biden isn't electable either, another horrible old thick fuck with inappropriate touchy feely shit going on.


Surely there must be someone in America and I mean it in legal terms, that can shut up Trump?


Even being President, there must be something in place to stop him spouting the pure pish that he spouts, especially when people could be in real danger if they follow his advice.











the worrying thing is, half of his supporters are the red-neck thick fuckers that will believe him and drink and take this shite.


It's really not worrying at all. I agree that his unintended consequence will be death to some (mostly his supporters) just like the guy in Arizona who unintentionally killed himself the day after Trump went big on Hydroxychloroquine. But it's really not a worry. Anyone who unilaterally acts on his advice and dies, that is a really great thing for humanity. The world could do with less terminally stupid fucks.


As today will represent a grim milestone of 200,000 dead, it's a strange set of figures. The UK will become the fifth country to join the 20,000 club - and undoubtedly is already in an unassailable silver medal position once the inept government admit the true extent and include the care home and community deaths - and yet sixth in the table isn't close to 10,000, with Belgium odds on favourites to hit that number first, possibly some time in May.


Given that we can't trust the figures coming out of China (and possibly other countries), I find it odd that the fatalities per country rates are so all over the place. Pretty sure the virus has the same effect on humans irrespective of nationalities.


obesity could be a factor, both here and the USA have high rates of obese people, then you've got a couple of places that have a very old population, like Italy for example.  Do feel that we were 3 weeks behind and acted so slow, originally they wanted it spread far and wide that's why Cheltenham never got binned, easiest way to spread the virus.


What I don't understand is why we weren't all involved in this shite for years? Given pandemics are predictable (in that we know that they'll happen, but not when) why were the public not trusted to discuss, understand and plan for this in advance? Like a massive fire drill or nuclear strike preparedness exercise. The lockdown was a known possibility from pandemic exercises and certainly from looking at lessons learned after SARS, so why has it been such a surprise? Why didn't we know what to do (any of us)? It seems we've been lucky it wasn't a big killer like the plague or one of the bird or swine flu (can't remember which) up at 30% fatality.


I'm just finishing the precipice by Tony Orr just now. A very good read, and timely release. It compares humanity to an adolescent, unable to discuss the big items that face us and the future. It's very prescient. I think that's it too. A handful of "important" folk in a room making plans without needing the input, discussion and assistance of the plebs. Or could it be that we might question the resilience of our needs at the local level?


What I don't understand is why we weren't all involved in this shite for years? Given pandemics are predictable (in that we know that they'll happen, but not when) why were the public not trusted to discuss, understand and plan for this in advance? Like a massive fire drill or nuclear strike preparedness exercise. The lockdown was a known possibility from pandemic exercises and certainly from looking at lessons learned after SARS, so why has it been such a surprise? Why didn't we know what to do (any of us)? It seems we've been lucky it wasn't a big killer like the plague or one of the bird or swine flu (can't remember which) up at 30% fatality.


I'm just finishing the precipice by Tony Orr just now. A very good read, and timely release. It compares humanity to an adolescent, unable to discuss the big items that face us and the future. It's very prescient. I think that's it too. A handful of "important" folk in a room making plans without needing the input, discussion and assistance of the plebs. Or could it be that we might question the resilience of our needs at the local level?


Thing that springs to mind immediately is 'short termism'

The curse of what seems to be all current political thinking around the world is 'Only do/ work on things which can be achieved in the 4-5 years we definetly have power. Anything long term which will be good but causes a bit of stress to the public without a seemingly quick positive return will be used by the opposition against us and will probably be cancelled if we lose control.


A very simplistic form of this is the test some scientists/ pychologists did on kids which involved sitting them at a table and placing one sweet in front of them.

The kids were told that if they didn't touch the sweet for 15mins they would get another sweet and could then eat both. I understand the majority if not all of the kids in the tests ate the single sweet immediately. The instant return was seen as better than the better long term gain.


Another example is the hundreds of fad diets and exercise equipment that will supposedly make you lose 3 stone or have you looking like an olympic swimmer in a week.


Alternatively there is the logic of governments that the more the people know the less likely they are to vote for you so keep them as dumb/ in the dark as possible.

10 years ago the UK was shut down due to heavy snow and then we discovered most of the snowplows etc had been sold off as there hadn't been any heavy snow for years and the chances of it happening were supposedly small therefore it was seen as an easy 'saving' / boost to the coffers.


We also live in a world where everyone wants everything but resents the fact we have to pay for it.

Tell the UK population an additional 1p on the pound tax was being introduced to make sure the country was prepared for a pandemic which may or may not happen and come election day that government would be kicked out in a landslide.

Suggesting raising taxes is seen as political suicide but even if a government was voted in on a socialist high tax model (like scandinavia) I wouldnt be surprised if the fuckwits who go into politics now would find a way to waste/ lose the extra funding.

If by some miracle the extra money was wisely spent it would take decades for the real changes to be seen and all the while the opposition parties would be accusing the government of picking the pocket of 'hard working families'. After all why should you pay for stuff you dont actively use all the time when you could be spending your money on a new TV or Sofa every year etc etc?  :hammer:







Looks like I'm 10 times more likely to die of the virus here than I would have been in Hungary.


If they'd warned me that I was going to have to close the shop then I would have stayed.


It will be considerably more than 10 times once the UK government stop ignoring the true extent.


What I'm finding is a rage towards Tory voters. We already knew what BlowJob was like. He was sacked twice for dishonesty and fired from the foreign office for incompetence, the worst incumbent of that office ever. The picaninnies would not have been queuing up at the letterboxes to send their condolences if he had kicked the bucket. Neither would his children, estranged to the point of zero contact. The fact that he procured public money for his whore Arcuri seems to have been forgotten about but we all knew what he was like.


It's therefore no surprise that his cabinet is full of similar incompetents and that his party is also bursting with similar arselicking sycophants. What is unforgivable is that Raab (in the headlights) and Atkins today had no knowledge of Cygnus. What is also unforgivable is what Panorama exposed last night, not that it wasn't already news to any keen observer. John Ashton was marginalised and vilified on Question Time six weeks ago and yet he has been speaking the truth for THREE MONTHS and is still speaking it.




Nothing is not-knowable when it comes to the daily response from the regimes in the US and UK. The only thing that may be able to be disputed is whether their actions have been good, bad or incompetent. In my view, there's zero debate to be had about that either.


My granny died of the virus on Sunday morning.


Just heard the arrangements for the funeral are that she will be put straight into a closed casket in the hospital gown she died in. Then driven straight to the crematorium with one car allowed to follow, and that's it. Won't be buried until the government says it's all okay.


Pretty brutal but I understand that it's better for the bigger picture.


In terms of mortality the UK is now the second worst in the world based on reported stats


1 in 6 people who have reportedly caught the virus have died.

Spain and Italy may have higher number of cases but their mortality rates are  1 in 10, and 1 in 7 respectively.


Only country which is worse is Belgium but that is only fractionally and will probably have changed by tomorrow.





In terms of mortality the UK is now the second worst in the world based on reported stats


1 in 6 people who have reportedly caught the virus have died.

Spain and Italy may have higher number of cases but their mortality rates are  1 in 10, and 1 in 7 respectively.


Only country which is worse is Belgium but that is only fractionally and will probably have changed by tomorrow.


You're looking at deaths as a proportion of reported cases.


The mortality you quote is a proportion of those who have tested positive.


In that stat, the number of cases drives the mortality rate rather than the population.


The number of tests determines the number to have been found positive.


The UK are behind many other countries in terms of testing.


We are fourth worst in the world in terms of real mortality currently, and this assumes all countries are reporting the same way, which we're not. Even here, England are VASTLY underreporting the deaths in care homes and the community so fuck knows what the true position is. The only certainty is that it's bad and that the "apparent success" that BlowJob spoke about on Monday was spin and bollocks.


100,000 tests a day.


They're not even bothering to try to make their lies believable now.


If Scotland doesn't dump England now, they never will.


Aye it's incredible, literally. 42,000 test kits were posted out yesterday to get included in that figure. Weasels. They are a bunch of weaseley arse-bandits, having been interfered with during puberty at their public schools*.


* Can't find the data for that een. Must've misplaced or lost it. Call it a hunch then.

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