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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Edit: it must be calculated though? To get the British public to properly ignore the lockdown and begin pursuing the herd immunity once again. Then blame them for the inevitable second waves. Expect a big attack on teachers in the coming days too when they fail to return on 1st June in engurland.


Yes I think that's a possibility, but with Durham police now involved BoJo is going to come under huge pressure.

I think this could end very badly for BoJo.  I suspect Cummings is very capable of taking him down and knows where all the bodies are buried (e.g. Russian report and god knows what else) - and that could be what BoJo was threatened with.  What a ridiculous situation to put one man before the rest of the country.


It would be funny if this wasn't about a pandemic.  Absolutely shocking performance last night from somebody who is supposed to be leading the country through this.


Apparently he is. This is great karma in action. He was despised before he broke the rules and it was always going to be the case that he would get his comeuppance. Much as he thought he was special and that he could walk on water, it's not so much that he's making the same mistake as so many others have previously but the fact that his advocates are so rotten to the core that he's been allowed to run unchecked for so long. He's a one-trick pony and his sloganeering trick has evaporated. Underestimate the intelligence of the British public at your peril. They're stupid as fuck for sure but they're not that stupid. #CumGate will result in his expulsion and whilst it should be immediately, I suspect that BlowJob's hand will be forced later in the week, yet another U-turn in a period of so many of them.


Well, he made a reasonable job of that.


Yeah he did. The double standard is that others have had to resign for less, less because they weren't symptomatic and therefore a much reduced risk of spreading by travelling.


I don't think any of them should lose their jobs personally but in his case, he made the rules that he broke and if the courts have fined people for breaking rules, he needs to be fined too. But he's right, there are exceptions to rules and extreme circumstances so everybody getting their knickers in a twist need to calm down. He's a wank and he'll get his one day soon.


Really? He just blatantly lied to the public and nobody questioned him properly. Fucking testing yer eyes? He doesn't even bother to hide his contempt for the public with that load of absolute horseshite. Why the fuck did the press not tear his fucking head off if his eyes were an issue? That's up there with Boris' bus hobby shite, just trotting out lies with zero fucks given, as if you're trying to see how ridiculous a story you can come up with. Hope somebody is waiting outside his house to hoof him in the nads to really make him frightened of being in lockdown in London. Every day for a month. Fucker.


I've been paying increasing attention to Craig Murray the past wee while, very switched on guy.  2 things about that article I would like to know buwlt we never will. I would love to know how much gsk made from the NHS by bribing other companies not to produce their out of patent drugs and also how much they paid in bribes altogether.  37.6 mill is a hefty fine to most eyes but they could have made billions extra from the nhs and given no-one ever went to jail from it it reeks of slap on the wrist.


I have facts about how the NHS get exploited by big pharma. Or should I say, two of my family do. That is a disgrace of itself but the bigger tragedy is how the mainstream media aren't interested and how doctors and consultants can't speak out for fear of the inevitable consequences of doing so. GSK are an evil organisation.


Bringing forward the test and trace whilst telling people to move on is a fairly transparent game. Rushed out to deflect attention, can't imagine what could go wrong. It'll be a fucking shit show. To the extent that it might actually keep Cummings out of the press until his next fuck up.


R number still too high across the country, over 8000 new cases a day aswell and now a lot of people up here and especially in England more or less taken the slight relaxing of the rules to mean that we are back to normal, this is going to be horrible, stay safe folks.


Hope folk are staying safe. We've only got one active case in NZ, but certainly have the fear that there are the unknowns around here. Talk of opening borders to the convicts too. Not sure I'm overly keen just yet, should be the pacific islands first where they've actually covid clear.




7 day Rolling average of deaths (official figures, not the real numbers) over the last month: -


6th 568

7th 549

8th 533

9th 494

10th 487

11th 476

12th 466

13th 444

14th 428

15th 394

16th 411

17th 397

18th 390

19th 378

20th 360

21st 347

22nd 342

23rd 316

24th 308

25th 303

26th 244

27th 251

28th 256

29th 253

30th 243

31st 242

1st 304

2nd 332

3rd 324

4th 295

5th 300


The average daily number of deaths in June are 354.4 (556 on the 1st).


For the last week of May, it was 242.3.


For the last 2 weeks of May it was 287.4.


THAT, without doubt, is a spike.


It WAS reducing. It's going up again. And given the protests and the easing of lockdown, it can only be a spike in deaths that WILL be sustained... in the UK.


Only ONE new confirmed case of new infection in Grampian today.


Edit: Have a graph. Easier to see...





Reports in media suggesting R number for infections in some regions of England (South West and North West) is back up above 1. Interestingly these figures are 7 days behind so don’t include the easing of lockdown when half England went to these regions last weekend.


This R number seems to always nudge up a bit during the first couple of weeks of lockdown easing.


Not that I’m saying that the English won’t completely bugger it up, I’m sure they will.


Once they find a way to guarantee that only poor people die then it will be full steam ahead.

  • 2 weeks later...

We lost our covid free streak this week after two UK based kiwis were granted compassionate exemption from quarantine after a local Tory no had been pushing it. They’ve subsequently lied about their journey from Auckland to Wellington and caught up with a friend on the way and god knows what else.


Regardless, there was clearly a failure at the quarantine centre and procedures, potentially a huge own goal for the govt that might let the Tories in. Election in sept. Cannot afford this govt to fuck up. Just hope it doesn’t turn out to become a second wave


In 2008 there was a film called Doomsday in which I believe a deadly virus is released and Scotland is used as a quarantine zone for the infected Mad Max style.


Given the leaked report from Health England and the scenes on the beaches of Dorset today (and yesterday apparently) fuck building the bridge to Northern Ireland I think a wall from Gretna across to Berwick Upon Tweed similar to that used in the film, might be in order.




The disunited queendom of grating britain has made another big error. By posting notice of further lockdown restrictions, following the easedom of some already, this is a bigger own goal than Citeh fucking up at the shitey bridge tonight.


Failing to eliminate the reptilian Cummings was as good as saying it doesn't really matter, the same shite that Jenrick got up to. The "common sense" of the people doesn't exist, which BlowJob would've known if he was fit for purpose.


The infection rate and the R numbers are going to spike bigly in July. I suspect it's already rising. Incompetence and corruption are indisputable and proven now. It only took a serious spanner or two to show the degradation of the mettle.



They've given up, haven't they? The Cummings thing just ended any pretence. They'll have their herd immunity, or die trying. The argument will now move to whether we should have had a lockdown in the first place, making sure we don't lockdown again. A few things learned: our economy can't cope with a pandemic, it lacks any resilience whatsoever. We're now a domesticated pet, completely unable to subsist other than on a hyper complex global system and any disruption to that will see most of us starve. This pandemic should have been a test case for future crisis, and we've utterly failed; we'll never be able to cope when a worse pandemic hits or the worst effects of climate change begin to bite. We've not set course for something better; nothing has changed.

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