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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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2 hours ago, donsdaft said:

I had just booked to come back to Aberdeen, leaving Budapest next week.

Had to put that off by 2 weeks due to Nicola.

Bastard eh?

Fucking tough gig DD

Suppose someone has to do it though ?

3 hours ago, donsdaft said:

I had just booked to come back to Aberdeen, leaving Budapest next week.

Had to put that off by 2 weeks due to Nicola.

Bastard eh?

Fucking Nicola. Down the Hawthorn, then queuing outside Soul. Don't know what she was expecting.


That's us in NZ going up a level. Auckland ruining it for everyone (unsurprisingly).  Someone (and not the govt) isn't telling the truth. A family of four tested positive for the virus and didn't have any links to border staff or travel. They have to have known someone working at one of the quarantine facilities or indeed one of the selfish pricks that had gone to visit people at them. Auckland in a 3 day (likely longer) lockdown, with the rest of the country at level 2 and to practice social distancing again. Unsurprisingly, the tory opposition are up in arms.  They've taken a hammering over the course of this as they've been shown to be economically driven and heartless.

1 hour ago, manc_don said:

That's us in NZ going up a level. Auckland ruining it for everyone (unsurprisingly).  Someone (and not the govt) isn't telling the truth. A family of four tested positive for the virus and didn't have any links to border staff or travel. They have to have known someone working at one of the quarantine facilities or indeed one of the selfish pricks that had gone to visit people at them. Auckland in a 3 day (likely longer) lockdown, with the rest of the country at level 2 and to practice social distancing again. Unsurprisingly, the tory opposition are up in arms.  They've taken a hammering over the course of this as they've been shown to be economically driven and heartless.

There seems to be a fair witch hunt every time someone gets struck down in NZ, or am I just imagining that? No wonder folk are frightened to tell the truth.


Not sure witch hunt is a fair description. Managing the situation involves testing, identifying, isolating and contact tracing, exactly as was required 100 years ago with the Spanish flu, the same as that doctor famously followed up on from the outbreak emanating from a London water pump. It's logical common sense management. NZ understand the need to be vigilant on this simple premise. The UK don't, despite the lies about world-best system and see the opportunity for further corruption, stealing more and more from the public purse e.g. Truss mate masks, Cummings' mate brother NHSX, Serco etc. 

5 minutes ago, rocket_scientist said:

Not sure witch hunt is a fair description. Managing the situation involves testing, identifying, isolating and contact tracing, exactly as was required 100 years ago with the Spanish flu, the same as that doctor famously followed up on from the outbreak emanating from a London water pump. It's logical common sense management. NZ understand the need to be vigilant on this simple premise. The UK don't, despite the lies about world-best system and see the opportunity for further corruption, stealing more and more from the public purse e.g. Truss mate masks, Cummings' mate brother NHSX, Serco etc. 

I wasn't suggesting their system wasn't fantastic, it clearly is. Just that the reaction to when the inevitable infections occur seems to be a bit vociferous. Perhaps it's just because of the opposition party, but when even mild mannered manc (as he's known) is calling them selfish pricks and saying that Auckland ruined it for everyone without much evidence yet, it does seem to be rubbing off. I have very little evidence, other than manc and a couple of reactions I read online of course! Someone has to find fault with their system. What about looking after all those old folk they've saved from dying? Who's going to pay for that, New Zealand?


Being "vociferous" and vigilant in enforcing the system of pandemic management is a good thing... as long as the system itself is a good thing.

When the NZ outbreak got reported this week, my wife wondered whether a further lockdown was going to be counterproductive, as a whole, to the country. As someone newly-retired after 40 years of healthcare and deployed to the Covid front line during March and April, she's been seeing the national panic and trying to balance it with the medical reality.

I've no doubt that the opposition in NZ will be seeing opportunities for political mud-slinging over this but the issue now is whether the tools with which the management of the virus was managed at the height of the outbreak 4 and 5 months ago are still the same tools we need now. Given that zero hospital admissions in Grampian have happened following the Hawthorn Soul situation, perhaps the strain of this virus has changed. She argues that further lockdowns the same as the one we all suffered won't necessarily do much good and will continue to wreck the country with more devastating consequences. 


Apologies, Rico.  It was probably more tongue in cheek from me re: Aucklanders. I don't particularly like their attitudes nor their city, but them being the biggest population centre, it's not really surprising. Regardless, the opposition, who have been in complete turmoil (on their third leader who is famous for leaking info and dirty politics) and haven't a clue what they're talking about. If they actually STFU, they'd be more helpful to the cause.

Really hoping that the govt are able to find the cause of this and we keep the lockdown to Auckland only. We've seen how inaction (a la Melbourne) so i'm glad they're acted swiftly. Our economy will bounce back, as it did. Definitely better to go all out than a softly approach imo.

53 minutes ago, manc_don said:

Apologies, Rico.  It was probably more tongue in cheek from me re: Aucklanders. I don't particularly like their attitudes nor their city, but them being the biggest population centre, it's not really surprising. Regardless, the opposition, who have been in complete turmoil (on their third leader who is famous for leaking info and dirty politics) and haven't a clue what they're talking about. If they actually STFU, they'd be more helpful to the cause.

Really hoping that the govt are able to find the cause of this and we keep the lockdown to Auckland only. We've seen how inaction (a la Melbourne) so i'm glad they're acted swiftly. Our economy will bounce back, as it did. Definitely better to go all out than a softly approach imo.

Ah, so Aucklanders are like Weegies? Fair enough. As I read it, 4 people have tested positive, but they don't know who the four people are, is that right? The system is anonymous I'm guessing? Or is it just the press that don't know who they are? Either way, it sounds like they're belting out the tests in Auckland just to be sure.

18 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

Ah, so Aucklanders are like Weegies? Fair enough. As I read it, 4 people have tested positive, but they don't know who the four people are, is that right? The system is anonymous I'm guessing? Or is it just the press that don't know who they are? Either way, it sounds like they're belting out the tests in Auckland just to be sure.

Thankfully the opposition don't (thank god as they'd have leaked it to the press). But the govt are trying to trace the source.  Latest theory is from some frozen fish that the husband may have handled at the cold storage place ?  And aye, they're like weegies ? I've often compared Auckland / Wellington to Glasgow / Edinburgh mentality. Although slightly less arsehole behaviour from Wellingtonians. 

1 hour ago, rocket_scientist said:

Being "vociferous" and vigilant in enforcing the system of pandemic management is a good thing... as long as the system itself is a good thing. 

I'm not talking about system enforcement, I was talking about public reaction.

1 hour ago, rocket_scientist said:

When the NZ outbreak got reported this week, my wife wondered whether a further lockdown was going to be counterproductive, as a whole, to the country. As someone newly-retired after 40 years of healthcare and deployed to the Covid front line during March and April, she's been seeing the national panic and trying to balance it with the medical reality.

I've no doubt that the opposition in NZ will be seeing opportunities for political mud-slinging over this but the issue now is whether the tools with which the management of the virus was managed at the height of the outbreak 4 and 5 months ago are still the same tools we need now. Given that zero hospital admissions in Grampian have happened following the Hawthorn Soul situation, perhaps the strain of this virus has changed. She argues that further lockdowns the same as the one we all suffered won't necessarily do much good and will continue to wreck the country with more devastating consequences. 

Interesting, not sure I'd agree. I think the NZ approach makes perfect sense in their position. They've pretty much eradicated it, and they can quickly and efficiently deal with local fallout, with minimal disruption (which I assume will get even better over time). I would expect most companies to be able to handle the short term disruptions of a few days here and there, with restaurants and cafes and so on likely fairing better than they are here.

How it applies to the UK/Scotland is a bit of a minefield. We've not tried to eradicate it in the UK, so each outbreak is going to be a complete new experience. Given testing here is also fairly pish it seems, we'll likely see a lot more disruption all because we didn't do what the WHO said to from the start. Is there any evidence that the strain of the virus has changed? That certainly hasn't been mentioned. I'm guessing the age demographic of the Hawthorn visitors was trending towards the least affected groups too and it's not spread too far either it seems. I'd rather see us trying do exactly as NZ are. Eradicate the disease and deal with small clusters. Quarantine for all foreigners until a vaccine arrives. There is nothing in that approach that would ruin an economy, whilst doing a lot to stabilise it, and allow normality to resume in country.




1 minute ago, manc_don said:

Thankfully the opposition don't (thank god as they'd have leaked it to the press). But the govt are trying to trace the source.  Latest theory is from some frozen fish that the husband may have handled at the cold storage place ?  And aye, they're like weegies ? I've often compared Auckland / Wellington to Glasgow / Edinburgh mentality. Although slightly less arsehole behaviour from Wellingtonians. 

Fash? Fucking hell. That'll decimate Peterhead if true.

4 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

1. I'm not talking about system enforcement, I was talking about public reaction.

2. We've not tried to eradicate it in the UK, so each outbreak is going to be a complete new experience.

3. Is there any evidence that the strain of the virus has changed? That certainly hasn't been mentioned.

1. I can read. I know what you were talking about and in what context you used the word. I just borrowed the word you used to make a point. You don't have to seek dispute and conflict ALL the time.

2. Agreed and further proof of the incompetence of the Westminster government.

3. You might not have seen it mentioned but you are like each and every one of us. We don't know everything. Many virologists and epidemiologists are working flat out on precisely this question and I can assure you that it's not just being "mentioned", it's being examined, studied, discussed and debated in the appropriate circles. Their findings will be used by SAGE and presented to the government at the appropriate time, whether or not they get listened to.

The latter point reminds me of something I heard yesterday. The "great" British public are more concerned with the English channel invasion right now than they are about government corruption as they rely exclusively on the mainstream media, who make choices of what they want the people to think.


I should've put "invasion" in context. It's not an invasion at all. It's what they want us to believe, to appeal to the Farage-ness in middle England, the overt racists who gave UKIP 5m votes, the Great British exceptionalism that says we are better than others, that drove Brexit, the imperialist delusions and lies that they foster in a population so stupid it relies on newspapers for their world views. 

15 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

In what way?

On the previous page, you asked it what it meant about its claim of having "superior sexuality". It ran away like a little girl then so I wouldn't expect a response on this either. You or I and indeed any normally-functioning mind might expect  somebody to be able to understand what they post but this is not a normal situation. With the vast majority of its posts showing a clear obsession with me in the short time it's been here, I thought it might've taken the hint with my ignoring it. Then when it made a massive cunt of it on Sunday night - where after I put on a bet, it stuck a "pony" on a golfer with longer odds and never got close to getting a run for the money despite being so dumb it was bragging about how it would spend the winnings - I was sure it would finally fuck off.

This creep is not capable of adult discussion. I'm surprised he hadn't been binned after his first post about my wife. He's just a sad fuck who drinks in a sad bar. Best ignored. 

  • 2 weeks later...
On 04/03/2020 at 11:57, rocket_scientist said:

This whole Coronavirus issue stinks. Ok, it's been hard to believe anything the government and the globalist agenda tells us and there is always the crying wolf thing to be aware of but what's really happening here? I don't trust the media either but the same pattern of spreading fear is again in operation and we know what happens when austerity is imposed and economic slowdown is given as the reason. The gap has been getting wider but when will the majority revolt, assuming they're still able to, if their processed foods, their obesity and their engineered divisions haven't disqualified them from doing anything at all?

Well that was a depressing start to the day. Just back from toon and the city is dying before our eyes. The few who were out all wearing masks to guard against a virus that has Aberdeen in lockdown, a virus that has hospitalised nobody for weeks, far less killed anyone, a virus that has been given as the reason for death in so many cases where it was not and where the excess death rate is not significantly worse than every other year and may even be less, even counting the oldies who were going to be dying anyway but had to do it alone, even their immediate families being excluded.

Long-established retailers have gone from our high streets and other majors are on the brink. Given the lack of footfall right now, it won't be long before they're tipped over. Where is everyone? Is the campaign of fear keeping them from shopping or is it the local lockdown? Are they all indoors because they're skint and living on the breadline already? It's fucking depressing and it can't continue like this, much serious damage having already been incurred. This is an act of national self-sabotage and something isn't sitting right.

On 22/08/2020 at 11:30, rocket_scientist said:

Well that was a depressing start to the day. Just back from toon and the city is dying before our eyes. The few who were out all wearing masks to guard against a virus that has Aberdeen in lockdown, a virus that has hospitalised nobody for weeks, far less killed anyone, a virus that has been given as the reason for death in so many cases where it was not and where the excess death rate is not significantly worse than every other year and may even be less, even counting the oldies who were going to be dying anyway but had to do it alone, even their immediate families being excluded.

Long-established retailers have gone from our high streets and other majors are on the brink. Given the lack of footfall right now, it won't be long before they're tipped over. Where is everyone? Is the campaign of fear keeping them from shopping or is it the local lockdown? Are they all indoors because they're skint and living on the breadline already? It's fucking depressing and it can't continue like this, much serious damage having already been incurred. This is an act of national self-sabotage and something isn't sitting right.

The city centre was dying on its airse well before any lockdown. Online shopping has seen to most of it, alongside the large shopping centres. Maybe we need to look for something different from a "high street", rather than just a shrine to shopping (or betting!). Hopefully it'll see reduced rates and some changes in ownership and use. I doubt it though, there's probably a few more charity shops that can be milked for the rent. But, aye, it's going to look a lot worse in this temporary lockdown period.

The excess death rate was significantly worse than every other year up until lockdown reduced the rate of infection. If you continued without lockdown, we'd have seen a significantly higher death rate continued, instead we've seen a lower death rate. If a short lockdown period in Aberdeen can reduce the rate of infection to below that which would see an exponential rise, that would seem to make sense. Again, the purpose is to keep the spread under control.

Whether it is an act of national self-sabotage is entirely down to the government. They can choose where to direct the effects of the pandemic, and so far they have chosen to award their mates hefty contracts without experience. There is nothing New Zealand or Germany have done that were not available options to the UK.



Aberdeen city centre dying on its arse before the lockdown won't be uncommon. It's the sheer ghostliness of almost deserted streets and shopping centres on a Saturday mid-morning and staff standing outside the shops that was so unusual and eerie. I'm sure they were there to ensure that everyone entering were wearing masks rather than trying to tout or entice custom but I've never seen anything so shocking, an air of depression, acceptance and joylessness so thick it was almost tangible. This isn't just economic, the effects of online shopping battering the high street, it is something deeply sinister and some commentators saw it coming. 

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