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Saturday 19th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Celtic v Aberdeen



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21 hours ago, LA-Don said:

Anyone anti-vax here? It's my understanding it takes on average 10 years to fully develop a vaccine and steps are being skipped with a covid vaccine. There have also been billions paid in vaccine lawsuits in the US for the damage vaccines have caused. It's also my understanding that flu shots are based on 4 types of flu and that this years flu may well be different, and as stated on the CDC (center for disease control in the US) website, "this season's flu vaccines were updated to better match viruses expected to be circulating in the United States." It's a prediction. Is the covid vaccine a prediction since there are many coronaviruses?

Why would a vaccine be the solution, it's being rushed in as an estimate when we still don't fully understand (the long term effects of) the virus? The sceptics believe the health industry in the US is a cash cow first and there are plenty of financial winners if a vaccine is released.

I don't need a vaccine as I'm not ill and never have been. However it looks as if we will all be forced to take one anyway.

Public places will then operate a traffic light system so anyone who has refused the vaccine will be barred from entering, only those who have had the vaccine will get the green light.

These are weird times and I do believe most of the statistics we are being bombarded with are made up. For what purpose is not yet clear.





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2 hours ago, manc_don said:

We (NZ) seem to be under attack by right wing nut jobs on twitter.  Seem to be trying to portray NZ as a fascist state ? honestly, comparing us to Nazi Germany. WTF is wrong with RW yanks? Are they seriously that thick? 

They voted for Trump......

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Looks like another U-turn by the fuckwits down south. Bugs me how BBC news seem to keep saying 'full UK lockdown' then at the end of their reports mention the devolved nations are doing things differently. 

Might be being clouded by my increasing dislike of englandshire but I seem to recall the devolved nations being criticised and then mocked for not following the clusterfuck half asses approach and basically letting their citizens do what they like. Not a fan of schadenfreude outside of the world of sports but I am finding it creeping in with how the respective government approaches.
The footage from Nottingham the other day added more evidence to my ever increasing belief the majority of the humans are thick as fuck. Sad part is the thick ones are now in charge. 
Remember when evil bastards used to at least have a bit of IQ about them?

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So what's the deal with the vaccine's.  I've sort of stopped following the news as it was getting me down a fair bit (weather was horrific, even by Wellington standards in November). I presume it'll be a phased roll out? Not been much press coverage here about what happens when the vaccine becomes available and whether our borders will open it to those who have had it.  I'm guessing you'd still be a potential carrier of the virus?

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Phased roll out to Care Home staff, over 80s and then NHS staff in first batch. One of the unknowns of the vaccine is if you can still be a carrier after inoculation. The biggest issue with this vaccine is the need to be stored -70 so shipping to enough locations for mass vaccinations will be difficult. Do get the feeling Boris has signed us up to be the Worlds guinea pigs on this.

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4 hours ago, Jute said:

Phased roll out to Care Home staff, over 80s and then NHS staff in first batch. One of the unknowns of the vaccine is if you can still be a carrier after inoculation. The biggest issue with this vaccine is the need to be stored -70 so shipping to enough locations for mass vaccinations will be difficult. Do get the feeling Boris has signed us up to be the Worlds guinea pigs on this.

Much as I hate Johnson, I think the real reason we're ramming this through is just another form of English exceptionalist behaviour. We'll only be a few days before other countries, so I doubt we'll be guinea pigs as such. It's all about being able to say we were first. Childish, populist shite that you'd expect fae the yanks.

I don't like the idea of a mandatory vaccine, but I understand it. Thing is, if I've already had covid (I haven't) do I still need to get it? If I were given the chance of getting the vaccine, or being infected with covid and two weeks isolation I'd take the latter given my age and health. I have no doubt that the vaccine will be safe, but I'd rather have my body work past it itself. I understand the logic in not doing that of course.

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