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Dons vs Huns - New season!

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I think Mcinnes will sub Bryson. Ojo to get red carded.

Their midfield are making ours look pedestrian, only positive is that we are still only one down. Not sure where we are going to get a goal from but we cant just sit back and let them come at us this half. We aren't good enough defensively to do that without risking them adding to their total. Just wish for once Mcinnes would tell the team to go out and get right in these cunts faces

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10 mins left. While not as bad as the first half, still bad. So little energy and enthusiasm, absolutely nothing being created. Don’t think we’ve had a shot at goal In the second half. Very disappointing. Pretty easy game for rangers.

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The tactics we have employed made picking Anderson a pointless exercise. I get that Edmondson will probably take a couple of weeks before he is ready to start but lumping high balls up to the vicinity of where Anderson was standing was bizarre. We would have been as well going with Levein's genius 4-6-0 formation

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Well I guess the second half was marginally better. In the same way that being served a deep fried dog's penis in batter for your dinner is a marginally preferable option to a deep fried shite in batter

I suppose next week will provide a better indication of how our season might pan out

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52 minutes ago, Slim said:

That was Craig Brown-era levels of insipidity. Considine couldn't even manage to snap that saluting prick properly.


Insipid is exactly the word I’d use to describe many of our performances against the Huns and Celtic in recent times. Unfortunately it’s becoming all too predictable.

that was our home game and we never really threatened them - this is a very average Hun team too!  A predictably depressing start to the season.

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What little positives there were - Hernandez might not be as unpromising as he showed last season.Edmondson looks more than a physical specimen,could be useful.Like to see him with Anderson or (preferably)mcGinn alongside.

   Other than that,we'll need to do more than repeat the same old,same old if we want to entice myself and others to want to get to Pittodrie regularly

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Games are won and lost in central midfield and our middle 3 were all awful. They ran us off the park there and so dominated the game. Ojo looked the worst but that’s because he was most involved, at least he got on the ball. Ferguson was non existent, no clue why he was given 90 minutes. Bryson looked fit in the sense he could run around, but offered very little.

Agree with the other post, rangers looked fitter and sharper. Our team were slow, lacked intensity, and almost played like it was still preseason.

Yet again it’s the fearful defensive tactics that get us nothing.



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40 minutes ago, Madbadteacher said:

2 questions.

1. The difference between having preseason games and just faffing about like a load of fannies?

2. Why was Considine red carded, I can see no deteails?

Studs up challenge. Won the ball cleanly and even 5 years ago wasn't considered even a yellow but the snowflake rules of today sadly persist and he had to go.

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4 hours ago, Jute said:

Midfield has been poor but Ojo worst of the three by a long way. Yellow card should see him subbed at half time.

It's simple. You have defenders, you have goal scorers and you have something in between. 

The in between is rather important. Without a midfield, it's impossible to turn defence into attack.

AFC don't have anyone in the middle of the park who can make things happen. This is because the manager is a clueless bearded hun fuck. 

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1 hour ago, Madbadteacher said:

2 questions.

1. The difference between having preseason games and just faffing about like a load of fannies?

2. Why was Considine red carded, I can see no deteails?

Having more competitive preseason games should only come into effect in the last 20 mins or so not the first 20 and then the next 20 etc. 

Have to admit that the watching it live thought it was a red card but after seeing the replay the other guys attempt to win the ball was two-footed and off the ground but we can't appeal on the basis that both should have been sent off!

Thought Anderson, as someone else has posted, was hung out to dry today...if you are forced to play a small striker then keep the ball on the ground and get the midfield players close to him, but then our midfield would have to get the ball in the first place and, even when we did, we looked shell-shocked and didn't know what to do with it...pass it back to McKenna or, in Ojo's case just pass it to anyone else.  The only plus, I thought, was Hernandez, who looked a decent footballer and used his body well on a couple of occasions.

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17 minutes ago, rocket_scientist said:

It's simple. You have defenders, you have goal scorers and you have something in between. 

The in between is rather important. Without a midfield, it's impossible to turn defence into attack.

AFC don't have anyone in the middle of the park who can make things happen. This is because the manager is a clueless bearded hun fuck. 

Totally agree...our idea of turning defence into attack is to pass it back to Joe and have him punt it up field to 5' 8" Anderson and wonder why he doesn't win the ball.  Our only footballing midfielder is McGinn and he's hardly ever played there.

Edited by dons8321
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More insipid pish from this fraud .. he has one game plan lumps to a target, which in itself is horrible but his limitations as a 'coach' were exposed today. Team looked yards of it scared of the ball and having no idea what to do with the ball other than lump it fwd. Ojo was horrendous, Kennedy miserable.  This certainly doesnt fit with the footballing strategy.

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Completely unsurprising performance.  We resorted to long balls up to Anderson, who was up against two 6ft ( Plus ) Center backs, fucking hell. 


Don't recall a single effort on target, middle 3 were abysmal as plenty have alluded too, Hernandez was decent at best, square head though, most of his headers went out for throw ins for fuck sake. Thought Ash Taylor was actually decent overall, Hedges looked lively when he came on, Hayes bust a gut all match without any end product and Edmondson did more than Anderson, but up against those Center Backs, no blame will be laid at the feet of Bruce, he's just not that type of Striker, he needs a Partner. 


Anyway, fucking dung and more delusional pish from the Manager after the game. He won't last this season, not basing that from today obviously, basing it on the regression for the last 3 years, and this year, we actually have a pretty decent squad on paper, but we will still regress, even more so, and he'll get the dunt. 

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10 minutes ago, KennyFuckinPowers said:

Completely unsurprising performance.  We resorted to long balls up to Anderson, who was up against two 6ft ( Plus ) Center backs, fucking hell. 


Don't recall a single effort on target, middle 3 were abysmal as plenty have alluded too, Hernandez was decent at best, square head though, most of his headers went out for throw ins for fuck sake. Thought Ash Taylor was actually decent overall, Hedges looked lively when he came on, Hayes bust a gut all match without any end product and Edmondson did more than Anderson, but up against those Center Backs, no blame will be laid at the feet of Bruce, he's just not that type of Striker, he needs a Partner. 


Anyway, fucking dung and more delusional pish from the Manager after the game. He won't last this season, not basing that from today obviously, basing it on the regression for the last 3 years, and this year, we actually have a pretty decent squad on paper, but we will still regress, even more so, and he'll get the dunt. 

McKenna's back-heeler in the "stramash in the box" probably qualifies as a effort on target!  

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1 hour ago, KennyFuckinPowers said:

Completely unsurprising performance.  We resorted to long balls up to Anderson, who was up against two 6ft ( Plus ) Center backs, fucking hell. 


Don't recall a single effort on target, middle 3 were abysmal as plenty have alluded too, Hernandez was decent at best, square head though, most of his headers went out for throw ins for fuck sake. Thought Ash Taylor was actually decent overall, Hedges looked lively when he came on, Hayes bust a gut all match without any end product and Edmondson did more than Anderson, but up against those Center Backs, no blame will be laid at the feet of Bruce, he's just not that type of Striker, he needs a Partner. 


Anyway, fucking dung and more delusional pish from the Manager after the game. He won't last this season, not basing that from today obviously, basing it on the regression for the last 3 years, and this year, we actually have a pretty decent squad on paper, but we will still regress, even more so, and he'll get the dunt. 

I agree with 95% of that.... except for the bit about the sack.

COVID-19 has saved him.

We can’t afford to sack him & the management team & maybe pay for a new one. 
I think he’ll see out his two years. 

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